522 -
Hi everybody,
Question as thread title.
I have studied the hard figures and read the Wiki stuff, but given that these three temp powers (Chemical, Biological and Nuclear) do take a fair bit of effort to get (did the recent PvP changes make it harder), I want to maximise their use.
Any tips/tactics and methods for getting the best out of them? (Teamed and/or Solo)
Can I break an AV soloing with them?
Have changes to ingame play reduced their efficacy?
When do you use them?
Should I use them when Hami/Mothership raiding et cetera?
What are your recent practical experiences of using them?
Thanks for all responses
Cheers -
I just purchased the Martial Arts pack from the NcSoft store and after it accepted payment I had to go to the "Activate(maybe it was "Apply") Serial Code" page accessed through my main NcSoft account.
When I got there, the serial code was already input (it was a series of xxx-xxx and four numbers on the end).
I just ticked the box (assume there can be more than one dependant on how many things you purchase?) and applied it.
At no time did I get an e-mail or other form of notice of my serial number.
Go and have a look at your account as it is probably there already waiting to be applied.
Edit: Oh and welcome to the game, have a blast
Cheers -
Originally Posted by Tonality
Now the real question is how are breakfrees going to be 5% more effective?
Their duration, I would assume.
Originally Posted by Sin_Stalker
Nice. Although I feel a little slighted on the 69 month badge.
"Fixed that for ya. Pet peave of mine."
"Fixed that for you. Pet peeve of mine."
Fixed that for you. -
welcome to the game
You have to be at level 10 or above before you get debt after being killed.
This is specific to each toon so if you have a level 50 and a level 6, the level 6 will not get debt till it hits level 10.
The amount of debt per death increases as your level increases but as your xp earnings is higher as well it sort of evens out. If you get defeated a number of times in a row the total amount of debt is also limited by what level you are at.
it is a normal part of the game so do not sweat over itThere are even badges for earning debt!
Have fun and in any case it helps you find the hospitals easier after a while
Cheers -
yes very low but still random so possible at anytime. I was working on my Longbow Warden 2 gladiator badge last month which requires getting to a PvP rep of 400 ie 400 defeats of a zero rep rated foe.
I had defeated just 38 and been at it for about 50 minutes when ding, I dropped a Shield Wall 3% resistance recipe which then sold at Ww's for 1.38 billion inf.
I then dropped three other PvP recipes at kills number 63 - 216 and 345 for a total of 285 million inf.
I also got 10 salvage pieces and 1 insp!
I was fortunate but there is no reason why you should not be also
Go for it, the reward is worth the effort and I got my badge and subsequently all my Healing badges as well.
Cheers -
well done Spatch, now about those redside badges............
Grats -
and then what about the 28 day February?
I get my badge on the 1st of the month every three months irrespective of the total number of days passed.
I always assumed (oh dear that word again!) that it was based on anniversary dates.
I like getting my badge on 1st January, as it is a lovely start to my first play session of the year and then I have a chuckle when it arrives on 1st April, somehow appropriate for my playstyle (usually foolish).
Cheers -
Hello everybody,
thank you all for the great responses.
You know, somehow I completely missed the new lvl 50 "Double Inf - No XP" thing, must have been on Planet Zorg as usual! Big TY's for that info
It would appear that, as I suspected, the only way to achieve the badges is to get out and grab them. This is what I hoped would be the case.
My main badger toon (and also still my favourite) is a lvl 50 Scrapper that has not been doing this for a while. I have been keeping it logged off to aquire the day Job stuff and also when logged in have been farming the other achiement badges ( PvP/Mentoring/Healing(Empathy yesterday)/Gladiator et cetera) in fact everything but playing.
All this stuff is now out of the way albeit that it was very interesting going through the processes of achieving them. So now I can go out and let him go bonkers again just having fun in the ways only a scrappie knows how to
See you ingame, I'll be the one in scrapper lock!
PS. I am only 20 million from Popular so no sweat there and then onwards to Leader
Edit to include: So with "No XP - Double Inf", does a Double XP weekend now mean in effect a quadruple Inf weekend, hope this makes sense ie 4 x Inf for a normal non 2xp weekend defeat? -
Hello everybody,
am now off on my journey for the above badges and just wanted to be real clear about the objectives.
Popular - earn 250 million Inf
Leader - earn 500 million Inf
Am I correct in thinking that only Inf earned by defeating Foes count for those totals?
Confirmation or corrections will be appreciated as will all suggestions as to how to maximise earnings/minimise pain
Thanks so much.
Cheers -
Quote:Oh dear, not a lot of joined up thinking here then!I'd rather have them push downtime (with a schedule) NOW, while not a lot of people are on, than have it CRASH for an indeterminate amount of time in the middle of my gameplay (possibly boning a TF or timed mission).
No. But it's naive to think that they can fix KNOWN SERVER CRASH ISSUES without maintenance downtime.
Then why start a thread whining about it? Seriously!
This is ignorance talking. Sorry if that offends you, but you don't know what you're talking about.
If you have known crash issues in a running product, and you have a fix for it, you don't sit back and wait to apply the fix until it's convenient for you. You patch NOW. The customers will be unhappy that there's downtime right now, but they'll be even MORE ticked off if the product crashes and nobody's at the helm over a holiday.
And if that "extended downtime" was a server crash tonight or tomorrow when nobody's here to bring the machines back up? Whoopsie!
Why not just start a thread entitled "0MFG! 73H G@M3Z IZ D131NG!!!1111" and be done with it already?
Quite rightly, they took down the servers yesterday to fix whatever they had to, but what they also should have done was bring forward the routine downtime for today, so doing two jobs in one period! And if that meant a slightly extended downtime to do so then fair enough.
That would have been joined up thinking and given them an extra 24 hours of live time to confirm that all was well before the holiday started.
No need to shut up shop twice when once will do makes commercial sense.
Have a Happy Holiday. -
so we had a down period yesterday for server maintenance and now again today!
Is it being naive to expect a bit of joined up thinking and planning from those guys in suits that are responsible for having the game up and online?
I have no problems with the offline times due to technical failures/routine maintenance or even bad programming that subsequently requires patching!
But two long down times in 24 hours is not the way a commercial company should operate.
Even if it meant one extended downtime that would be better than two disrupted days.
The game seems very quiet recently and any new player might just think why bother. -
Hi Guys,
thank you so much for your invaluable responses. Never even considered the Epic pool for Power Buildup, duh
I now understand the rational behind the comments in the guide and can plan my build with some confidence.
As I have levelled this toon I have come to understand (in a very naive manner) the power of the Buff/DeBuff effects on a team and really enjoy keeping my teamates healthy as opposed to getting them healthy.
I am starting to be more confident about my abilities and am getting a lot more "game satisfaction" during my play time.
Thanks again, see you at 50 in PI
Cheers -
Hello everybody,
my first post in our Defender Forum, so apologies if I am asking about the "Bleeding Obvious".
I ran an Emp/Mental manipulation toon to 50 and really wanted to get away from the "Healer" stuff and to try the Buff/DeBuff stuff.
I decided on a Cold/Ice theme and have been using Turbo_ski's excellent guide to Cold Domination.
His sections of that guide "Important Power Combo's" and "Pool Powers - Highly Recommended" highlight the importance of taking Power Buildup to use with Benumb and Infrigidate in a combo.
However my secondary, Ice, only has "Aim" so I cannot get Build Up.
So the question is, should I take Aim because it will take the place/equal of BU, or at least be a similiar substitute power, or should I skip it altogether and take another power pick?
What are the practical differences between Aim and BU?
Thanks for any advise/corrections or even smacks on the head for being stupid
My toon is at lvl 25 now and I am really enjoying it albeit still feeling scary about not having any heal capacity when teaming!
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
Virtue and others just dropped
Correct, I did not have 401 points of rep, I actually had 401.5 points when I left Bloody Bay.
However we are both right, with the only difference being that I can prove your statement. I took screenshots of my totals at 401.5 but.... continued later!
As is obvious from my queries in another thread on this badge quest, I have never done this activity before and with one main Badger it was always going to be one of those tedious tasks that I would not be repeating.
Because of this I like to keep detailed records and screenies of significant events ie the fallen body of my first soloed GM or the first team I ran with on the STF. That is why I know precisely what salvage I got and on what defeat it arrived.
Immediately after the award of Disrupter and Longbow Warden 2 badges I was showing a rep of 400.5 points.
I wanted to take screenies back in the Shards ( so I could get a decent composure) where I was going to park up for the day job. I also wanted to defeat this toon with one of the lowbies just to see what rep it got for defeating a high rep foe.
So in order to ensure I would have at least a 400 rep to photo, I defeated one more foe and had a visual rep of 401.5. I then took a quick screenie of the corpse with the rep showing (/screenshotui 1).
Off to the Shards via the hospital and onto the photo shoot. When I opened the gui I had 400 rep that immediately dropped to 399.9. I was confused and annoyed but had to log off so could not mess about trying to sort out what had happened.
The next morning I went to check my screenies in the Screenshot folder of my CoX root directory only to find it did not exist and I had no screenies at all of the last few days activities.
I upgraded this machine from Vista to Win 7 five days ago and I can only assume that the new system of "Libraries" it uses has messed up the print Screen system or how it saves them. I now can only get a screenie if I hit printscreen and go directly to "Paint", then paste and save as! This sucks and I am asking about it in the Tech Forum.
After your post as quoted I returned to Bloddy with a rep of 396.2 and ran a few more defeats. This time I hit 400 dead and it would not increase further. I also got the message "You received 0 rep" when I went from 399.2 to 400. Presumably because I earned less than 1?
So I can only assume that the first running of rep to 400 does not trigger the cutoff until you either leave the zone or the decay drops you below 400 for the first time. A bit like getting the time in zone badge awarded when you first leave the zone after qualifying for it.
So my experience will always be just anecdotal and I will never have the screenie I actually wanted but at least I discovered the problem I have with taking them.
I now wonder just how high I could have got the rep counter up to if I had kept defeating at the first run! I have no interest in repeating it all just to find out
Cheers -
I just completed the rep badges for gaining 400 rep points yesterday.
I was using a lvl 50 to defeat the level 15's, all at level 25 in Bloody Bay.
The loser gets no rep and the winner gets one point if the loser has no rep points.
At the end and out of curiosity, I then defeated the toon with 401 rep points using one of the level 15's that had no rep points.
The lvl 15 was awarded one rep point for the victory and a further 5 rep points as a bonus for defeating a "400 Rep" foe ie 6 points total.
I assumed ( oh dear that word again!) that there must be a scale for awarding the bonus points but how it does it I do not know.
Edited to add this: I took two long days to get to 400 and actually had to defeat 406 foes due to the decay rate. I needed one extra because I was on 399.8 and so needed the odd 0.2 of a defeat. (By that time I did not care as brain was comatose with boredom)
Hi Guys,
yes, add me to the "Four to Go" club, and fingers crossed we do not get any new ones for a while at least!
We should have a party in the "D" between Christmas and Valentines -
Hello everybody,
well it is now 2.5 hours later and I am the proud owner of the first healing badge "Medic"
So an update as promised:
1. yes, it is as easy as you all said
Now a few points for those who, like I was, are Arena virgins,
1. you can access the arena from anywhere in the game using the Menu - Arena option! I was travelling from the shards back to PI Arena everytime till I remembered.
2. I used two accounts running on one machine.
3. You have to set up your Gladiator team choices from the first popup screen and then these are remembered for future sessions.
4. The correct Longbow Warden choice is the most expensive one at 500 things each. It is not labelled Longbow Warden 2. (Why not Dev's?)
5. I used the following settings,
Match - Gladiator
Type - Last man standing
Players - 2
Map - Office (2-20)
6. I then set up my second account Toon's gladiator choices as at 3 above.
7 Then using the first account I listed the event and using the second account selected and joined it.
8. When we were ready I started the event and watched it all happen. I was getting 165 points of healing from each Warden healer in turn.
9. The end
Wise heads, please dive in and clarify/amend/correct any errors or stupid things you spot wrong or missing from the above
So all that is left now, is the time spent in earning the next five badges and my thanks to all who got me to this point.
Cheers and a Happy festive season to you all(Now about that new Winter event badge!)
Hi everybody,
thank you so much for all your responses
I am a Virtue player and am usually on my own, so this info is really invaluable. I understand the process now and am just off to set it all up. (Fingers crossed)
I will post a progress after my first badge drops.
Again, thank you all. -
have just completed the 400 rep requirements for Disruptor/Longbow Warden 2 this morning.
I dual boxed it on my Hero defeating Villians in Bloody Bay. It took two long days and with the decay rate I needed 406 defeats to register the 400 for the badges.
I received the following rewards:
defeat number 38 - recipe Shield wall +3% (teleport) +3%(all) lvl 50 - sold 1.4 billion inf ( heheh an early christmas prezzie!)
defeat number 63 - recipe Gladiators armour rech/res lvl 50 - sold 70 million inf
defeat number 216 - Panacea end/rech lvl 50 - sold 200 million inf
defeat number 345 - Shield wall end/rech - sold 53 million inf
rare salvage - chronal skip x 1 - used to craft a ragnarok
other salvage - yellow and white x 9
inspiration - small sturdy x 1 (had other slots open so only one dropped)
So add in the badges and it was a very lucrative exercise and I had no problems with drop rate.
Hero lvl 50 and all villians lvl 15 all at lvl 25 in the zone.
I know the exact figures only because I was keeping a tally of the toons to ensure I was rotating them properly to avoid the timer issues.
Cheers -
usual disclaimer "As far as I am aware", you should be able to get the SG badges but try one in Atlas or some other easy zone first.
Not sure about the "badge count" bit, I know Badge-Hunters site have a section for the SG badges but they do not count towards your personal totals.
I have them on my main badger but they are not counted in the total both ingame and on the above site.
Cheers -
Hello everybody,
have just got my shiny new "Longbow 2" gladiator badge and now want to start on the healing badges using it and the Arena.
I have seen a very comprehensive guide to this method on the Forum but now cannot relocate it. (On the old Forum maybe?) It talked in depth about team makeup and enemy positioning et cetera.
Can anybody help with a link to that post or if not, because it has vanished, a method for achieving the healing badges in the Arena using two accounts and dual boxing. I would prefer to go it alone because of other commitments.
As detailed as you can please because I need all the guidance I can get
Thank you all. -
yes, my error by not using my memory!
Issue 16 did indeed remove the limits for entry to accomodate the new sidekick system.
I apologise and wish any solo lowbie now venturing in there the very best of luck
Thank you. -
and just in case the sewer one is the missing plaque, please note it is in the Abandoned sewer system with access only available at lvl 35 and above.
Hope you pick it up soon.