Arena Healing process please?
Its real easy.
Set yourself with 3 LB Wardens and as much filler as you can (usually 3 100's and a 200).
Other side doesnt matter.
Load arena match.
Leave computer running.
Get healing.
Thats it. No real magic to it.
You can try to work it a little using a Single shivan attacking one the Wardens, but it doesnt really gain much.
Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion
"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."
I have seen a very comprehensive guide to this method on the Forum but now cannot relocate it. (On the old Forum maybe?) It talked in depth about team makeup and enemy positioning et cetera.
A hero can get a maximum of 4 fillers on the team after getting 3 Wardens (yes, you want 3). A villain can get 5 fillers due to having access to cheaper gladiators.
You need someone on the opposing team in order to have an arena match. They must have at least 1 gladiator on their team or the match instantly ends.
To increase rate of progress: get more players with their own gladiators on your team. Twice as many gladiators = twice as much healing. Are you by any chance on Infinity? I do this on a regular basis to earn the healing badges for SG's that can't get them on their own. I've earned the badges for 24 SG's so far. (If anyone has an SG on Infinity in that situation, PM me.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
It's been over a year since I did my farming, but NetMinder is more or less correct. With nothing else to do, a Longbow Warden 2 will spam her healing aura, and you earn about 1/8 of the total amount she heals (even to undamaged mobs) as healing badge credit.
If you get several people interested (at least 4 people on the healing team) and want to try for slightly higher healing output, you can, as he mentioned, have the opposing team attack your group from a distance with Shivans. Their ranged attack is an AOE.
For best setup when running a Shivan farm, have an enemy player--the player, not the pets--jump in the middle of the heal spam. Target this player and type "/petcom_all PASSIVE ATTACK" which will keep them from changing their focus when being damaged. You generally don't want to use more than 1 Shivan for every 2 people on the heal team.
The reasoning behind the Shivan farm is that Longbow Warden 2 pets actually have two healing powers: the AOE they spam, and a single target heal which only gets used when one of their friends is damaged. The AOE spam takes a few seconds in between shots... just enough time to throw off a single target heal as well, giving you appx. 1/8 of the credit for that heal as well.
More heals = more credit = faster badges.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
It's been over a year since I did my farming, but NetMinder is more or less correct. With nothing else to do, a Longbow Warden 2 will spam her healing aura, and you earn about 1/8 of the total amount she heals (even to undamaged mobs) as healing badge credit.
If you get several people interested (at least 4 people on the healing team) and want to try for slightly higher healing output, you can, as he mentioned, have the opposing team attack your group from a distance with Shivans. Their ranged attack is an AOE. For best setup when running a Shivan farm, have an enemy player--the player, not the pets--jump in the middle of the heal spam. Target this player and type "/petcom_all PASSIVE ATTACK" which will keep them from changing their focus when being damaged. You generally don't want to use more than 1 Shivan for every 2 people on the heal team. The reasoning behind the Shivan farm is that Longbow Warden 2 pets actually have two healing powers: the AOE they spam, and a single target heal which only gets used when one of their friends is damaged. The AOE spam takes a few seconds in between shots... just enough time to throw off a single target heal as well, giving you appx. 1/8 of the credit for that heal as well. More heals = more credit = faster badges. ![]() |
Best bet is to just AFK it with the enemy out of sight. With the lowered requirement on Empath, it doesn't take more than a couple nights to get it done anyway.. especially with a team of fillers (a character not even going for healing badge with 13 low-value gladiators out). There is no need to try pulling out every point for the minute anymore.

Empath in 3 days.
If you get several people interested (at least 4 people on the healing team) and want to try for slightly higher healing output, you can, as he mentioned, have the opposing team attack your group from a distance with Shivans. Their ranged attack is an AOE.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Hi everybody,
thank you so much for all your responses
I am a Virtue player and am usually on my own, so this info is really invaluable. I understand the process now and am just off to set it all up. (Fingers crossed)
I will post a progress after my first badge drops.
Again, thank you all.
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
Hello everybody,
well it is now 2.5 hours later and I am the proud owner of the first healing badge "Medic"
So an update as promised:
1. yes, it is as easy as you all said
Now a few points for those who, like I was, are Arena virgins,
1. you can access the arena from anywhere in the game using the Menu - Arena option! I was travelling from the shards back to PI Arena everytime till I remembered.
2. I used two accounts running on one machine.
3. You have to set up your Gladiator team choices from the first popup screen and then these are remembered for future sessions.
4. The correct Longbow Warden choice is the most expensive one at 500 things each. It is not labelled Longbow Warden 2. (Why not Dev's?)
5. I used the following settings,
Match - Gladiator
Type - Last man standing
Players - 2
Map - Office (2-20)
6. I then set up my second account Toon's gladiator choices as at 3 above.
7 Then using the first account I listed the event and using the second account selected and joined it.
8. When we were ready I started the event and watched it all happen. I was getting 165 points of healing from each Warden healer in turn.
9. The end
Wise heads, please dive in and clarify/amend/correct any errors or stupid things you spot wrong or missing from the above
So all that is left now, is the time spent in earning the next five badges and my thanks to all who got me to this point.
Cheers and a Happy festive season to you all (Now about that new Winter event badge!)
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
Hello everybody,
well it is now 2.5 hours later and I am the proud owner of the first healing badge "Medic" ![]() So all that is left now, is the time spent in earning the next five badges and my thanks to all who got me to this point. Cheers and a Happy festive season to you all ![]() |
As for running a second account, even for those who don't have one of their own, it doesn't take much to send yourself a Refer-a-friend code and have access to some free time on another account. You should be finished with Empath before it expires anyway.
Good luck!
Another thing I forgot to mention, especially when running 2 (or more) accounts on a single machine: all that overnight farming overheated and destroyed my last video card.
To get around this issue, type the following slash command in every instance of CoH: /maxinactivefps 1
This limits the amount of processing power required for any instance of CoH that isn't the active display, and yet the active display will render appropriately. This reduces the amount of work for both the processor and graphics card, so your system won't be nearly as stressed.
Once everything was set up, I would usually open a browser window at this point and leave it as the active window overnight, with my badge bar open showing my healing credit so I could check on it easily.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Another thing I forgot to mention, especially when running 2 (or more) accounts on a single machine: all that overnight farming overheated and destroyed my last video card.
More importantly, for power conservation reasons, you should have your system set to blank the screen after a period of inactivity. After 20 minutes of no keyboard or mouse activity, my computer stops sending a video signal. The video card stops doing anything. When the monitor stops receiving a video signal, it goes to stand-by mode. (Assuming it was still on - I actually turn it off.)
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
If your PC can handle it then you could use a couple of trial accounts to pad out your team with a few more gladiators. I think I used 3 x Cobra, 3 x Juicer Chief and 3 x Mook which are all available from villain explore badges (there's a littile running around so make a stalker so you can do it in safety).
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
To get around this issue, type the following slash command in every instance of CoH: /maxinactivefps 1
However, every time I alt-tab out of the game, and return, the game screen freezes, and I have to alt-tab a second game to get the game moving again. I suspect it's because of the command above. Is there any way to remove that command so that my game will function like it did before? I tried /maxinactivefps 0 but that didn't seem to work.
Play my MA arcs!
Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788
I did that when running two accounts on my PC to get Empath on my villain badger. He now has it.
However, every time I alt-tab out of the game, and return, the game screen freezes, and I have to alt-tab a second game to get the game moving again. I suspect it's because of the command above. Is there any way to remove that command so that my game will function like it did before? I tried /maxinactivefps 0 but that didn't seem to work. |
If you don't have that command added to your startup shortcut and you're still getting the screen freezes, I don't know what would be causing it. Or maybe try /maxinactivefps 60, assuming that you have a typical LCD monitor.
Blondeshell (1381 badges) - My other badge hunters
VidiotMaps Master Cartographer
MArc #87989 - Enter, The Conglomerate
Invention Salvage Distribution Charts
I tried /maxinactivefps 60 and that seems to have worked. *shrug*
Play my MA arcs!
Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788
Hello everybody,

have just got my shiny new "Longbow 2" gladiator badge and now want to start on the healing badges using it and the Arena.
I have seen a very comprehensive guide to this method on the Forum but now cannot relocate it. (On the old Forum maybe?) It talked in depth about team makeup and enemy positioning et cetera.
Can anybody help with a link to that post or if not, because it has vanished, a method for achieving the healing badges in the Arena using two accounts and dual boxing. I would prefer to go it alone because of other commitments.
As detailed as you can please because I need all the guidance I can get
Thank you all.
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!