SG Badges?
SG badges are for the entire SG and don't count towards your "official" badge total. They remain with the SG no matter what.
Technically, because your SG has already gotten the badges, so have you.
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usual disclaimer "As far as I am aware", you should be able to get the SG badges but try one in Atlas or some other easy zone first.
Not sure about the "badge count" bit, I know Badge-Hunters site have a section for the SG badges but they do not count towards your personal totals.
I have them on my main badger but they are not counted in the total both ingame and on the above site.
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
No, once the SG has earned the badge to only way to "earn" it with a character is to start a new SG. However since they don't count for your personal badge total there is very little point beyond personal satisfaction.
Pretty conclusive answers guys thanks

Thelonious Monk
Not only that, but once you leave your SG, you wont have them anymore because they are the property of the SG, not your character.
Yup -- which is exactly the reason they can't reasonably count as a toon's personal badges.
Not only that, but once you leave your SG, you wont have them anymore because they are the property of the SG, not your character.

Something that hasn't been mentioned yet, for anyone not aware, is that you can view your SG badges (assuming your SG has any) by clicking the appropriate link at the bottom of the "Badge" dropdown list.
Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
My SG has all the Teleporters and all the SG badges but my main toon who heads the SG didn't have a hand in getting them.
Can she get the SG badges? They seem to be part of the count for badges, and if so how?
Thelonious Monk