Cold/Ice advise please.
That is the power referred to in Turbo Ski's guide. It is indeed a great power to use before Benumb or Veng. It's nice to use before Infridge, but with the long-ish timer on PBU, I'd never use it just for Infridge, but use PBU>Sleet>Infridge>Benumb. That ensquishifies the hardest targets in the game.
For my Cold/Ice, I don't have Aim in my level 50 post respec (final) build, but I did for leveling up. It is not the equal of PBU, they do different things, though PBU does buff to-hit.
Here are the stats for Aim, so you can see for yourself the differences between the two powers:
Lastly, do NOT feel scary about not having a heal for teaming. Not to get into a "Who's the better Defender" debate, so I'll simply say a Cold does a LOT to not only provide team safety through shields, knockdown and slows, but enables team killing via resistance debuffs and endurance buffs. I find my Cold/Ice extremely satisfying to play and I'm sure you will too.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
If confronted about no heals in the ice shields, remind the questioner that ice needs refreshing every 4 minutes; empaths may burn out of end far quicker and more frequently than the shields. On a Kahn/Reichsman or Lady Grey TF I find bubblers, icers, thermal shields, and sonic ringers to be invaluable for their 4 minute timer mitigation powers.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Hi Guys,
thank you so much for your invaluable responses. Never even considered the Epic pool for Power Buildup, duh
I now understand the rational behind the comments in the guide and can plan my build with some confidence.
As I have levelled this toon I have come to understand (in a very naive manner) the power of the Buff/DeBuff effects on a team and really enjoy keeping my teamates healthy as opposed to getting them healthy.
I am starting to be more confident about my abilities and am getting a lot more "game satisfaction" during my play time.
Thanks again, see you at 50 in PI
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
Check my sig for another cold guide if you want some more information. Its written from the perspective of a cold corr but you might still find it helpful.
The more colds the better
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Hello everybody,

my first post in our Defender Forum, so apologies if I am asking about the "Bleeding Obvious".
I ran an Emp/Mental manipulation toon to 50 and really wanted to get away from the "Healer" stuff and to try the Buff/DeBuff stuff.
I decided on a Cold/Ice theme and have been using Turbo_ski's excellent guide to Cold Domination.
His sections of that guide "Important Power Combo's" and "Pool Powers - Highly Recommended" highlight the importance of taking Power Buildup to use with Benumb and Infrigidate in a combo.
However my secondary, Ice, only has "Aim" so I cannot get Build Up.
So the question is, should I take Aim because it will take the place/equal of BU, or at least be a similiar substitute power, or should I skip it altogether and take another power pick?
What are the practical differences between Aim and BU?
Thanks for any advise/corrections or even smacks on the head for being stupid
My toon is at lvl 25 now and I am really enjoying it albeit still feeling scary about not having any heal capacity when teaming!
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!