PvP Rep / Badge Questions
If someone has 100 rep and gets killed, how much rep (if any) do they lose?.
If someone kills a person that has 100 rep, how much rep do they gain?
It's cumulative. But you lose reputaion at a rate of 2 points per day.
I just completed the rep badges for gaining 400 rep points yesterday.
I was using a lvl 50 to defeat the level 15's, all at level 25 in Bloody Bay.
The loser gets no rep and the winner gets one point if the loser has no rep points.
At the end and out of curiosity, I then defeated the toon with 401 rep points using one of the level 15's that had no rep points.
The lvl 15 was awarded one rep point for the victory and a further 5 rep points as a bonus for defeating a "400 Rep" foe ie 6 points total.
I assumed ( oh dear that word again!) that there must be a scale for awarding the bonus points but how it does it I do not know.
Edited to add this: I took two long days to get to 400 and actually had to defeat 406 foes due to the decay rate. I needed one extra because I was on 399.8 and so needed the odd 0.2 of a defeat. (By that time I did not care as brain was comatose with boredom)
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
I just completed the rep badges for gaining 400 rep points yesterday. I was using a lvl 50 to defeat the level 15's, all at level 25 in Bloody Bay. The loser gets no rep and the winner gets one point if the loser has no rep points. At the end and out of curiosity, I then defeated the toon with 401 rep points using one of the level 15's that had no rep points. The lvl 15 was awarded one rep point for the victory and a further 5 rep points as a bonus for defeating a "400 Rep" foe ie 6 points total. I assumed ( oh dear that word again!) that there must be a scale for awarding the bonus points but how it does it I do not know. Cheers |
I saw your post regarding dual boxing for these badges, and it inspired me

Thanks to you both for the info. I've been at this for hours, and still have a few more to go. Why it's set at 400 is beyond me

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
If someone has 20 or more rep points than you and you defeat them, you get the standard 1 rep + 5 bonus rep, for 6 rep per defeat.
I made use of that fact when I was farming rep a couple years back in Warburg using my (now ex-)girlfriend's account. Since I had more characters able to get into the zone, I'd let her get to 20 points more than me before I took a turn.
It's cumulative. But you lose reputaion at a rate of 2 points per day.
You do lose rep every day, whether you log in to the game or not though.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
If someone has 100 rep and gets killed, how much rep (if any) do they lose?
If someone kills a person that has 100 rep, how much rep do they gain? |
For the Disruptor badge (400 rep)... is that all at once, or cumulative throughout your career? |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
At the end and out of curiosity, I then defeated the toon with 401 rep points using one of the level 15's that had no rep points.
The lvl 15 was awarded one rep point for the victory and a further 5 rep points as a bonus for defeating a "400 Rep" foe ie 6 points total. I assumed ( oh dear that word again!) that there must be a scale for awarding the bonus points but how it does it I do not know. |
There is not a 'scale' for rep award. You either get 1 or 6. In your case, the killer had zero. If they killed someone with a rep of 20 - 400, they would get the 6 pts.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
um, neither, sort of. Rep 'deteriorates'. You lose 1/10 point per hour, maximum of 2 points per day. So while the total is cumulative, the total is constantly declining.
4 more means I need 400 "at one time".
2 more means I need 400 "over the course of my career". Which is it?
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Doesn't really make sense and unless I'm mistaken, doesn't answer the question. So, pretend I earn 398 rep in one day and then log in the next day (I will have lost two so my total is now 396). Do I need 4 more or 2 more to get the badge?
4 more means I need 400 "at one time". 2 more means I need 400 "over the course of my career". Which is it? |
As mentioned, the badge isn't really for earning 400 rep, but for reaching the cap of 400, which includes re-earning points that you have lost due to the decay.
Doesn't really make sense and unless I'm mistaken, doesn't answer the question. So, pretend I earn 398 rep in one day and then log in the next day (I will have lost two so my total is now 396). Do I need 4 more or 2 more to get the badge?
4 more means I need 400 "at one time". 2 more means I need 400 "over the course of my career". Which is it? |
At any rate, the badge is for hitting a rep of 400 at that moment. Open the rep window and whatever number it displays is the number it's using - get that to hit 400 and you're done. So time is an issue. If you only work on it one day a week, you'll be down 14 when you get back to it the following week and have to earn 14 just to get back to where you were.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Correct, I did not have 401 points of rep, I actually had 401.5 points when I left Bloody Bay.
However we are both right, with the only difference being that I can prove your statement. I took screenshots of my totals at 401.5 but.... continued later!
As is obvious from my queries in another thread on this badge quest, I have never done this activity before and with one main Badger it was always going to be one of those tedious tasks that I would not be repeating.
Because of this I like to keep detailed records and screenies of significant events ie the fallen body of my first soloed GM or the first team I ran with on the STF. That is why I know precisely what salvage I got and on what defeat it arrived.
Immediately after the award of Disrupter and Longbow Warden 2 badges I was showing a rep of 400.5 points.
I wanted to take screenies back in the Shards ( so I could get a decent composure) where I was going to park up for the day job. I also wanted to defeat this toon with one of the lowbies just to see what rep it got for defeating a high rep foe.
So in order to ensure I would have at least a 400 rep to photo, I defeated one more foe and had a visual rep of 401.5. I then took a quick screenie of the corpse with the rep showing (/screenshotui 1).
Off to the Shards via the hospital and onto the photo shoot. When I opened the gui I had 400 rep that immediately dropped to 399.9. I was confused and annoyed but had to log off so could not mess about trying to sort out what had happened.
The next morning I went to check my screenies in the Screenshot folder of my CoX root directory only to find it did not exist and I had no screenies at all of the last few days activities.
I upgraded this machine from Vista to Win 7 five days ago and I can only assume that the new system of "Libraries" it uses has messed up the print Screen system or how it saves them. I now can only get a screenie if I hit printscreen and go directly to "Paint", then paste and save as! This sucks and I am asking about it in the Tech Forum.
After your post as quoted I returned to Bloddy with a rep of 396.2 and ran a few more defeats. This time I hit 400 dead and it would not increase further. I also got the message "You received 0 rep" when I went from 399.2 to 400. Presumably because I earned less than 1?
So I can only assume that the first running of rep to 400 does not trigger the cutoff until you either leave the zone or the decay drops you below 400 for the first time. A bit like getting the time in zone badge awarded when you first leave the zone after qualifying for it.
So my experience will always be just anecdotal and I will never have the screenie I actually wanted but at least I discovered the problem I have with taking them.
I now wonder just how high I could have got the rep counter up to if I had kept defeating at the first run! I have no interest in repeating it all just to find out

So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
Correct, I did not have 401 points of rep, I actually had 401.5 points when I left Bloody Bay.
Off to the Shards via the hospital and onto the photo shoot. When I opened the gui I had 400 rep that immediately dropped to 399.9. |
I also got the message "You received 0 rep" when I went from 399.2 to 400. Presumably because I earned less than 1? |
In my experience, the counter would never go above 400. I guess the game 'remembered' that when you zoned.
Also, it has given messages for rep as low as .1 so I don't know what it was thinking when you got .8 and it said 0.
Anyway, congratulations on getting the badge. I'm glad that whatever wonkiness was going on didn't interfere with the badge awarding.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
In any case, congrats on the 400 PvP rep badges, jacktar!

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server)
http://legionofvalor.guildportal.com / http://fallenlegion.guildportal.com
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
Got it!
Took many, many hours of monotonous killing and relogging, but I finally got it. Started the arena healing session, too.
Thanks again for your help everyone.
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server)
http://legionofvalor.guildportal.com / http://fallenlegion.guildportal.com
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
Took many, many hours of monotonous killing and relogging, but I finally got it. Started the arena healing session, too.
1) For arena healing, heroes and villains can be on the same team.
2) More people on the team = more healing credit.
3) I do this 4-5 nights per week.
4) We're both on Infinity.
I am currently working on the healing badges for SG #25. If anyone has an SG on Infinity that you fear will never be able to have the Auto Doc or Robo Surgery, drop me a line.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
For my SG healing badges on new SGs I create, I single-target auto-heal my vet power Buff Pet. It's silly how fast that goes.
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
I searched paragonwiki for information about PvP rep, but it didn't have the answers I'm looking for.
If someone has 100 rep and gets killed, how much rep (if any) do they lose?
If someone kills a person that has 100 rep, how much rep do they gain?
For the Disruptor badge (400 rep)... is that all at once, or cumulative throughout your career?
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]