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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talesin View Post
    Why is it that when people compare powersets in the game and judge their relative effectiveness that they always use sets that are the outliers and not the averages to compare?
    Because people are comparing their options. The outlier is an option. Why not compare to the outlier?

    If I offered you a choice of jobs paying $29k, $30k, $30k, $31k, and $100k would you decide a $30k job was fine because most of the others were around that range? Or would you think it was stupid not to choose the $100k job?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    If your goal is to make inf, don't list them at 1.
    List them for 1 more than the market hoover is paying, in this case 55,556.
    Chances are you'll get 100k instead of 30 or 50.

    The thing I do with Inner Inspiration on my low level guys is pop it off whenever it recharges, list the "good" ones with an eye toward making a few hundred K each, and save the crummy ones for combining into purples which reliably bring in 3-500k.
    I list Purples and Greens for 300k
    the others for 100k

    if I notice that the price is down low and want to bother I buy up the others for 30k, combine them and make a purple or green to list for 300k

    my one level 50 has a billion influence but few set IO's and those are the cheap ones (a few million each)

    but I don't like to give money to my alts, so they make theirs selling inner inspiration droppings
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    I cannot express more clearly that the "Thanks for this! Do it better!" screams to me ungrateful entitlement.
    You are absolutely right.

    But have the honesty to admit that you created a strawman and are arguing against it. Because your quote is not what the OP said. It is what you invented to rail against because you have a personal ax to grind.

    "Thanks for all the stuff, can you do it better?" is no doubt much harder to rail against since it is a question not a command.

    I cannot express more clearly than "I am going to make up something, pretend you said it, and then get mad at you for saying it" screams to me of misdirected anger.
  4. valkyrie skirt is feathery
    or use scales pattern for a smoothed down feather look
  5. "It's 4:30 and this is due at 5:00"

    defeat all clockwork in the warehouse


    defeat all clockwork in the warehouse


    defeat all clockwork in the warehouse

    "cool, I'm done"

    "You can't turn this in, it's got too many warehouses"

    "Oh, okay"

    <hastily scribbles out warehouse, adds 'station' in the middle two>

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    It drives me nuts. As does this post. It's ungrateful, short-sighted, and completely absurd. That's like telling your girlfriend "well, the sex was great and all, but here's a comprehensive list of things I'd like you to do better, and please pay particular attention to numbers six and twelve, which involve Japanese twins and a plunger covered in peanut butter. Thanks."
    So you are saying to not compliment people and instead just ask them to make things better? That seems foolish.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post

    actually, I made a Widow with claws and build up
    it's nice to have options
  8. I know what you mean.

    I want to use claws - but I want aim or build up - not follow up
    I want to use dual blades - but I don't like the combos and never get high enough (or IO'd enough) to spam the other attacks
    Then there is the breathing fire out of your mouth sometimes and swinging a fire sword other times

    Nothing is exactly what you want - but I bet there are others that love it just as it is. Or would make the reverse change.
  9. all of us psionics already new about it
  10. I will be camping

    but I don't like double xp anyway. The faster I get to high levels the sooner I delete the character and start over.
  11. dugfromthearth

    Busy, busy, busy

    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Just to let everyone know....

    I'm going to be a bit quiet on the boards for the next few weeks while I work on some projects. So don't worry if you don't see me posting as much, I'm just busy .
    So where are you interviewing?
  12. nice video to see the look
  13. to emphasize - those change Arcanaville mentioned are on the test server, not the live server
  14. Cybernaut you don't understand - the issue is never power creep - it is uneven power creep

    A character with just SO's needs to be able to solo the content that players with purple IO's also solos.

    double everyone's damage and it doesn't matter - just give the enemies twice as many hit points.

    but double some people's damage and either everything is too easy, or you double the hit points and everything is too hard for the people who didn't get their damage doubled

    the devs worked around this with the +4/x8 difficulty, but even that is too easy for some and impossible for others.
  15. I think sarcasm will continue to work just as well

    or were you not talking about the forums?
  16. I assume the issue with absorb is that it can go up to 100

    defense soft caps so they have a 5% chance to hit you
    resistance caps at 90% for tankers and brutes

    but if you have 90% resistance and absorb takes up the remaining 10% you take no damage.

    And resistance and absorb are constant. Characters with absorb will be able to stand in certain groups of enemies and take 0 effective damage.
  17. how many times did you do the Vahz AV for the badge? In my experience it is very rare that someone does not take out a cadaver.

    and are you starting your own or just joining others?
  18. I don't understand the KR changes

    Q: With the new revamp content, are they in addition to or is older content being removed?
    A: In addition to. Try not to remove existing content (unless its terrible)

    Q: Is King's Row getting a design overhaul?
    A: Full spawn revamp and content revamp. Also in brickstown.

    I assume this means the layout and look is not being redone.

    The existing KR content consists of radio missions, standard contacts (which give out duplicate missions of what is given out elsewhere), and Paladin construction.

    I assume radio missions stay.
    Do the standard contacts stay with their old missions, or being moved elsewhere or eliminated (since the missions can be gotten elsewhere)?
    Is the Paladin event being redone?
    Then we get a zone arc like Atlas?

    Please tell me that the King's Row Hero Corps contact will remain so we can be sent to talk to him with each new character.
  19. I suspect that slotting for resistance in teams is better

    teams give a lot of defense bonuses, few resistance bonuses.

    I also suspect that people will ignore this, slot for defense, and then complain that FF is useless.
  20. failed ATs

    Superman is the basis for Sergeant. He often fights with weaker heroes such as batman who become amazingly tough when they fight with him. Batman often has trouble with normal people, but with Superman he can take out Apocalypse demons with one punch.

    But my sergeant cannot one shot enemies like superman can, nor is he invulnerable.

    until sergeants are as strong and tough as superman is, no one will play a sergeant
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Honestly I don't think we have enough information to say for sure yet. A lot of it depends on what the values for the new set bonuses are going to actually be and whether this will change the IO meta-game enough to make it worth slotting for.

    That being said if the meta-game DOES shift then here are a few sets that I do think are worth keeping an eye on:
    Devastation: a Huge Hold Res bonus, if this gets changed to a useful damage type (say S/L) then this may be useful.
    Sovereign Right: FOUR different mez resistance bonuses and a Melee Defense, hard to use but potentially a good choice for Tankerminds.
    Detonation: 1 status resistance, two damage resistance and debt protection. Could be a viable alternative to Positron's Blast
    Titanium Coating: Three mez resistance bonuses and a Melee Defense, I can see this being popular for some melee characters.
    Celerity: A mez resist in the second slot and you can always slot it in sprint, depending on the type this may be good
    Titanium Coating may end up being great. If it really gives 4 bonuses to all resists, even at 1% each that is +4%. Every defense set I think could slot 2 of these, plus a set in tough. I imagine +12% to all resistances could change a lot for tankers and brutes.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    An hour long personal story involving 57 minutes of waiting for a group of incarnates to arrive and three minutes of confusing them seems impractical.
    give an IO that turns kb into kd and people will line up to play it
  23. Suppose there were a change made to worthless IO sets that gave out XP debt reduction and specific mesmerization/mental control resistances and instead give them useful benefits.

    hypothetically speaking, what IO sets would be the good ones. The ones that forward thinking players might stock up on now while prices are low?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Warrant View Post
    So, Arcanaville - you don't remember that we put this in I 22?

    [4. The solo incarnate path needs to be fixed by adding a hallucinogenic cut scene at the end of every story arc that causes the player to be put into a fugue state whereupon they forget having played it.]

    I'll have to look for that. I haven't played any of the DA story arcs yet.
  25. my daughter will be excited that we get to team with the Shining Stars again

    overall it looks like a good caretaker issue, and I don't mean that as an insult. lots of good, solid fixes and some content that people may not be thrilled about but will still be enjoying for years.