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  1. Fire/Shield is a great combo, as is Fire/Fire. Heck, I've seen people who loved Fire/WP and Fire/SR as well. I suppose that Fire is great with anything then. :P
  2. fire...

    I struggle to get into other blast sets because of this. :P
  3. I really like this combo. I teamed with someone on a Moonfire that had it, and knew I had to make one of my own. I have not been disappointed one bit. Its just a great combo for teams and large mobs alike.
  4. Yea, that's what I figured. What is odd though is that on one computer, I get bumped off every so often, while on the other one, I get bumped off constantly. I use Google Chrome on both as well.
  5. dougnukem

    Dark questions

    I've been having the same issues with my Dark dom. Although, its been intermittent actually. I use the super speed with a stealth proc in sprint for my stealth, and watch for my stealth radius to jump back up before I tested this out. Sometimes the enemies would get a shot off, sometimes they wouldn't. Very odd.
  6. Just curious if anyone else is still getting logged off the forums around here? This is still happening to me, and I looked around and didn't see anything talking about a fix or a work around. Any helpful input would be most appreciated.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Chalking up differing experience to elitism is failing to acknowledge just how widely disparate individual experiences can be.
    This hits the nail on the head, right here.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    Why not go to Triumph and compete for players then?
    Yes, please do.
  9. I can't think of much else scrappers could use really. Maybe take the crit inherent and give it a scaling effect as teammates fall. The chance for crits increase when teammates go down, in order to be what most scrappers think they are, the team's savior.
  10. I'm gonna go ahead and blame this one on the artist....I've noticed a downward trend in art quality overall, lately. Artists used to take time to pay attention to details, like backgrounds of panels. Now, you look at the background and see blobs of characters. Perhaps they can't meet deadlines, due to overwork? I don't know, but I just notice this trend of lack of quality.
  11. Being another player on Triumph, I can definitely understand where Snow is coming from. Every server's situation is different, and this difference calls for unique ways of doing things. I'd also like to point out that there is a very select few that offer to form Trials on our server. People don't mind running them, but not many folks step up and volunteer to even form them. I had computer issues up until recently, so I'm just getting caught up on how to run them.
  12. I recently rolled a Plant/Dark, that has been pretty awesome so far. Dark Affinity really plays a bit different than Dark Miasma with the power alterations. Give it a shot.
  13. Howling Twilight also offers some nice -regen.
  14. After seeing the numbers and watching a couple in action, I decided to give the new Beast Mastery set a shot with Sonic. Despite it's shortcomings (which I feel will be looked at), Beast offers some nice synergy, albeit not the *very* best.
  15. dougnukem

    Side Effects

    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    I hope it goes a bit higher. But I am using my converters I am getting as drops so I still have my Reward Merits to use for other purposes.
    After testing them out a few times, this is what I've been doing since then.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost_Heroine View Post
    But Farming KoA +4 x8 is what I want. To farm them in da missions for incarnate xp.
    What toon would you use?
    My SS/Fire has no issues running them at 4/8.
  17. Just an added update: I just got 3 of these as drops in a lvl 50 missions with lvl 52 mobs, set at 2/8. Obviously, not something to base it all on, but a small starting point.
  18. Seems fair enough to me...Reward Merits are still easy enough to get....or are people no longer running TFs, SSA arcs, heck even regular story arcs anymore? Sure you can get a decent amount from Super Packs, but there are numerous ways to get them in game easily too.
  19. Had a holiday party and took my kids to the zoo...was way too nice outside to pass up.
  20. Who needs perfect form when you still hit your target?

    Besides, what exactly *is* a professional archer? A circus show act?

    Lastly, the whole premise of comparing reality to fiction is a moot point to begin with. Hell, one of the comparisons is a cartoon.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Random_McEric View Post
    NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I was in the middle of a Citadel! Where will I ever find Council soldiers and brown cave maps now!?!?!?!?!?
    They might still be there when we return :P
  22. But but but, how do I know if they know I can't get in??? Not everyone can post on here!!
    *runs around screaming in panic*
  23. Damn Twitter gets first dibs on news! *shoots the Twitter bird* :P
  24. Its has a nice ranged/energy/neg energy def bonus at least. Adding catalysts can put it up to 5% ranged def....not bad at all.
  25. There is a reason why people have always raved about Dark Miasma's Fearsome Stare....its just that great.