Dark questions
Is Fearsome Stare and Dark Grasp supposed to let enemies get a shot off before you hit them with anything else?
A very long time ago I played with a dark defender and I don't recall hitting enemies with Fearsome and have tons of incoming fire come at me as a result. |
Very odd
What I mean is, if I run up to a group outside of their perception range and use Fearsome Stare as an opener, most of them can fire at me before trembling.
This is on a dominator with permadom, unlike your character.
I notice too that if I use Dark Grasp they sometimes can fire at me before the hold freezes them.
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It shouldn't be happening. Fearsome Stare should be applying it's terrorize immediately (Unlike Terrify, which delays it because of the damage). They shouldn't be able to retaliate.
I haven't noticed this myself on my Dark/Dark, but I don't have perma-dom either (only level 33). I don't see why that should matter though, it isn't supposed to add any sort of delay.
Dark Grasp, likewise, shouldn't allow them to retaliate if you get the drop on them.
I'd definitely bug it.

Is your ping particularly high or frame rate particularly low when this is happening?
It's possible you're just not stealthing quite as well as you think. Even if you get into perception range and fire off Fearsome Stare 0.1 seconds after the enemies notice you, they'll get to do their entire attack animation and hit you, because they already started it.
I actually have Stealth running all the time on my Dominator, plus Super Speed sometimes, and that substantially improves my chances of locking down a group before I know I'm there.
Also, if you've got Umbra Beast out, he'll often cone-howl at the group around the same time you're doing Fearsome Stare, triggering return fire with his damage.
Yeah I run Stealth all the time on mine also.
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You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Hew in drag baby
It should be the other way around, fear should hit first and it has a higher amount of -tohit, then either follow up with immob or stun.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Is Fearsome Stare and Dark Grasp supposed to let enemies get a shot off before you hit them with anything else?
A very long time ago I played with a dark defender and I don't recall hitting enemies with Fearsome and have tons of incoming fire come at me as a result. |
That's the only thing that I can think of as well.

I have noticed that too on my Dark controller. Some mobs get a shot back after drak grasp or fearsome stare.
Glad it isn't just me, and no, no procs.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

I have noticed this as well when i used dark Grasp. I run shadow fall and the celerity stealth IO all the time so i shouldn't be shot at when i use those powers.
Have anyone mentioned this issue in the dark control feedback thread?
Well I'll be darned...I tested out on my dom today and I got the same result...hrmm

My opinion, which I randomly got out of the air (no proof whatsoever :P ) is that sometimes the tohit debuff is applied before the control effect (hold/fear) so the mob has a chance to retaliate
i have rarely for them to get any hits on me with the fear only if it misses a mob and i am too close otherwise i have no issue with any of the above even if your far enough i have used dark grasp on a mob without the others even noticing anything is going on if the mob dies then they all come at me.
I can confirm with dark powers that the fear and immobolize and hold effects are slow in actualy happening.
I can prove this by citing the usage of a specic crotoa mission...stop 30 firbolg from escaping....I found the firbolg generaly kept going fairly a good distance when I used my powers...as in many times they actualy made it to the exit before the hold, fear or immobolize kicked in....and anyone who knows this mission....that means they will be held or in fear or immobolized....right before the exit...but still counted as escaped.
So if nothing else that is a great proof on the delay.
Its like the nuke damage attacks from blasters...where you defeat a big group of enemies...but they all get a retaliation attack on you anywise.
I've been having the same issues with my Dark dom. Although, its been intermittent actually. I use the super speed with a stealth proc in sprint for my stealth, and watch for my stealth radius to jump back up before I tested this out. Sometimes the enemies would get a shot off, sometimes they wouldn't. Very odd.
Don't I know you???
Is Fearsome Stare and Dark Grasp supposed to let enemies get a shot off before you hit them with anything else?
A very long time ago I played with a dark defender and I don't recall hitting enemies with Fearsome and have tons of incoming fire come at me as a result.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom