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  1. I thought it was stated somewhere that the introductory Oro arc was being revamped as well.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Malin0001 View Post
    I'm no talking about the LFG option in the chat window. I'm talking about if your in a team and the lead starts the trial that everyone gets a confirmation then.
    It's exactly the same thing. The league leader uses the LFG option to start the trial. That is the only way to start a trial. Everyone in his league is treated exactly as if they had hit that option on their own. There is no alternate system for pre-formed groups.
  3. Well, we are the smartest socks that I've ever seen.

  4. I thought the reason for the confirmation was obvious. The devs intended people to use the lfg system to find their trials. Since they would be doing other things while waiting for enough people to form, the green button thing is there to remind them and give them a chance to finish stuff up. Most folks have given up on the lfg system though. Those who do get in, have minimum size trials because not too many people use the system, but the devs don't seem to get this and tried to fix it by adding the 5 minutes timer, which only will discourage people further from using the system. Whatever, I'm fine with pre-forming in Pocket D, maxing out the leagues and leaving it open to still get the extra goodies with all the benefits of being closed.
  5. Before this when forming leagues, I would always leave a spot or two opened for those poor folks waiting in line. It worked well. Most of the time, the slots would be filled, the folks waiting would get their trial and all would be well. Now if I want to do this, I get punished by having to wait 5 minutes. So guess what? I'm not going to do that any more. I'll fill out all my spots first, or close to league if I have to. I just feel sorry for the players now stuck waiting forever.
  6. As I just stated in another thread, BAF is easy to understand, and straightforward to complete. It doesn't rely much on gimmicks that you must work around and doesn't require specific ATs or any real setup and planning. You can pick it up quickly, run a trial and move on to other things. You just play the game, basically.
  7. Another thing about all the trials is that they tend to be confusing, chaotic affair when they are new. Once people know them, a common strategy develops and everyone knows what to do without being told. This in turn makes things confusing for anyone who hasn't done them, since leaders often don't bother with giving directions. If you do a Lambda or BAF, therefore, be sure to let your team mates know you are new and need to be told what to do.
  8. These trial, especially this one, are frantic, fast paced affairs. The reason why no one stopped to help you is that they can't. It's a nature of this trial especially. Stop and you die. Must keep moving, fighting, trying to survive. It is frantic and confusing the first run. I also find it incredibly exciting and fun. Obviously, you prefer a more slow and deliberate style. If you run these trials a few more times, you eventually learn their flow pretty well. Whether that is at all worth the trouble for you is entirely your choice. It sounds like the fast paced nature of this thing makes it likely that it woudln't be, but that's up to you.

    EDIT: also, in my case, I thrive on pressure. The greatest thing for me is to come very close to losing a trial only to pull it off in the end.
  9. I tried to do this last night and came up with an "unknown command" error.
  10. As for choosing your component, leave the window open and go to the incarnate crafting tab. Then you can look over the possible things to craft, decide which one you would like to get in the future, mouse over the one that corresponds to the rarity of your drop and chose a salvage that you will need to craft it. You can open the tab any time, so it's best to plan ahead exactly which ones you mean to craft so you know which components to shop for.
  11. As it turns out, I was the only one who showed up anyways, which is fine, because I wanted to run the new trial anyway.
  12. Yes the current search system limited searches to 50 people. It doesn't matter how many are actually on. You can find the rest, it just takes a bit of work.
  13. Also keep in mind that, if are comparing this to the early days of the game, the game world is several times larger. People are just spread out. A lot. This makes it less likely to see them running about, especially in certain zones.
  14. Effective how? The devs have been very good at responding to, and in some cases, anticipating various concern. They aren't going to cancel their plans, if that's what you're getting at. The last major p2p to f2p conversions doubled revenue, vastly increased subscribers, and triple players. This is major win for the company. It's like printing money, practically. Any players they lose will be more than replaced.
  15. There are tons of people everywhere. You're obviously looking in the wrong places. Join any major channel and there will be hundreds on that one channel at once. Pocket D in Freedom has dozens of players at once most nights. Yeah, they're there. Depending on server, you may not see them running around in the zones, but as has been said before, they're in missions, so you won't see them.
  16. The main things I'd like:

    Shirken/throwing knives/boomerang set, similar to above. Single weapon, but animations customizable to make it look like either of the three. Less of a range then other blast sets, making it a good blapper set.

    Bombs/Grenades/Potions--like the previous poster, only with customization to make it look like any of those. AoE heavy. Powerful, but risks attracting more than usual agro. Perhaps somekind of pacifaction power to help with that.

    Munitions Control--I've seen it suggested elsewhere. A gun user that uses riot type weaponry.

    Martial Assault--not a new set really, but a combination of shirken powers with marial arts powers to make a purely natural dom secondary.

    Tactics--For defenders, a tactical based set that would let you play a field leader type. Great for natural Masterminds especially.

    I also like most of the suggestions given here, especially the MM ones.
  17. I have a GTX 460 and can vouch for it, if you want something not too expensive that can handle full ultramode.
  18. Aggelakis, you seemed to have missed that the second question was about respecs, not character slots.

    And yes, the devs said you keep all vet rewards under the free system, which would include all your respecs.
  19. I have a KM toon up to 22 and enjoy him so far. You'll definitely want Power Siphon, though. The set is pretty powerful with it and a bit weak without.

    I also have an Ele Control at 20 and it is very much a blast to play. That sleep patch in particular may not sound great, but it's actually a fantastic power. It's usually my first one into a mob. Put it down in a strategic location, sleep most of the mob. If a second mob is agroed, I usually have it placed so they have to go through to patch to get to us--which puts them to sleep too. If they get attacked and woken up, just wake a second and they'll be back to sleep again. It also recharged rather quickly, so by the time the first patch is gone, I have another ready. You also have a chain knockdown that is fun to use, particularly with the sleep patch, and you have your standard holds and immobs. Plus, most of these powers drain end, which is never a bad thing.
  20. catwhowalksbyhimself

    Morality issue

    I'm guessing that the OP wasn't aware that it counted as a regular Hero tip mission. So, yes, it takes up a fame slot, but it also counts toward your 10 required Hero tips, so it is no different than running a regular hero tip.
  21. As someone who's first MMO was this game, and who only started playing a year and a half ago, I also found it easy enough to learn the basics, although I did know some people within the game that I could ask questions of.
  22. catwhowalksbyhimself

    LAMDA bites

    I have played Lambda ONLY on squishies. Granted, both were level shifted, so that may be part of it, but neither had a problem. In fact, it was the one not IO'd that had it easier, since he has invisibility, which made the whole container search part a cinch. Seriously, I wasn't spotted even once, and I was able to call for assist with the containers and drop into stealth once a few people arrived. I didn't die until the Marauder battle and even then only once.
  23. Besides, the devs have often stated that the game was not released the way it was for reasons, in fact, they have always wanted more features than actually existed. If anything, the game in it's current state is probably closer to its original vision than the original release was.

    I hope the devs keep adding ways of making our characters even more unique and if that keeps players like you from snooping on me in the hopes that I might do something that they don't like, even better. Sheesh, it's a game, relax a little why don't you?
  24. Um, no, the rest of us aren't going to give up on making our characters look like we want to just so you can recognize our powers more easily. You can still tell, it's not that hard, and if you don't like it, tough, you can do what you want with your characters and we'll do what we want with ours.

    Now, the Incarnate coloring demonstrates that the technology to do this now exists. The problem is that they devs would have to redo ALL of the special effects for these powers in order to add colorable versions. While I would guess that they will be getting to it sooner or later, it's fairly low on their list of priorities for right now.
  25. You know what the guys meant. CoH renames all kinds of standard fantasy rpg stuff into comic book equivalents. Is that a reason to harass a new player trying to learn a new game? And no, that doesn't mean he's from WoW, those are standard rpg terms used in many games, online and off.

    So be nice and friendly, answer his questions, and be polite enough to let him use the fantasy terms if he wants to.