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  1. My only real experience with DnD is through computer games. Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, etc. I couldn't ever really get into playing with other people.

    One of the best Characters I made in NWN2 was a Bard1/Fighter16/Paladin3/Red Dragon Disciple 10. I could have taken Sorcerer instead, but Bard's get way more skill points their first level. As such, I had to play his alignment around so that I could fit in Paladin for the immunities they would get.

    He wound up with 22STR/25DEX/400ish HP, with his saves all being above 22, with Fortitude at 25. His AC was around 31+ thanks to Tumble, Class Feats, Dual Weapon Fighting feats, and stupidly high Dexterity.

    His BAB was around 26 before weapons. He had Epic Weapon Specialization/Focus in Scythes, and Monkey Grip so that he could hold a two handed weapon in one hand, and Perfect Two Weapon fighting so that his offhand was only sporting a -2 BAB from it being a large weapon. He had increased Critical Hit Modifiers and Threat ranges so that the Scythes just obliterated everything in his path. Something like x8/16-20 with a Keen weapon, I can't remember. He also had Blind-Fight from Dragon Disciple, in case he missed somehow.

    He was immune to Charm, Fear, Paralysis, Sleep, and Fire Damage, though with relatively high saves it didn't really matter.

    He took Able Learner, which effectively meant that all Cross-Class skills were main skills. Since he took bard, that meant more or less everything. He was able to keep Diplomacy, Use Magic Device, Spell Craft, and Tumble every level, with Listen and Lore also winding up fairly high. With maxed out UMD and the Bard Class, he was capable of using every scroll and equipping every item he found, including Monk Robes, which allowed him to take his already absurd AC to even higher levels.

    All of this was before equipment.

    He wound up as this untouchable, undebuffable, unstoppable killing machine. You couldn't even sneak up on him because of how high is listen skill was, and fights lasted all of a few seconds due to the absurdity that Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting+Monkey Grip+Scythe offers.

    I have no doubt that he could have obliterated the crap out of a few Super Heroes.
  2. Yes, change rest to what EG said.
  3. The 'Daily" Quests in most games usually consist of some arbitrary reason to go "kill 100 boars and bring me back their spleen for my bizarre fetish we're never going to talk about."

    CoH "Daily" quests are fun. Probably nirvana by comparison.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Please read the proc.

    If it says "Target" then it's whoever is targeted by the proc (so everyone under the effect of your Tactics). If "Caster" then it's just you.
    The Gaussian's Chance for Build Up IO is not going to cast Build Up on everyone within range of your Tactics. Only the Caster of Tactics, and not very often at that. The target for Tactics is the Caster.


    If you are using Gaussian's, you typically want the entirety of the set for the defense bonus, though the endurance recovery and damage buff aren't shabby.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    Nice to know that you are so fantastic at controlling that nobody on your teams ever takes any damage or gets mezzed . . . including that crazy blaster you picked up who keeps running into melee before the tank gets there.

    Me, I'm not quite so perfect all the time. O2 Boost is a wimpy heal . . . but it is enough to keep your pet alive at times. It is enough to heal your pet or your teammates between missions when you would otherwise be standing around looking at his red healthbar. It is enough to take away the stun a teammate has after using a wakie. (In fact, I have used O2 Boost for a teammate who uses a wakie near some foes . . . timed properly, it is faster than popping a Wakie and then a Break Free.) It is enough to add a little bit of Endurance Drain resistance to a teammate when dealing with Carnies.

    Sorry for the sarcastic tone, but the "you shouldn't need it" tone is a little bit irritating. O2 Boost has several uses other than its wimpy heal. I find times that it comes in handy, even if I don't need it most of the time.

    And Snow Storm? Since my Ice/Storm relies upon Arctic Air most of the time, I don't use it that much. It becomes my way of handling a group bothering the rest of the team when I'm up with the melee guys -- especially if I just used Ice Slick. But on the ITF, I use Snow Storm a ton on those EBs and AVs . . . who resist most controls but not slows.
    Look, either be a **** or don't, but don't throw disingenuous comments like, "sorry for the sarcastic tone" when you clearly aren't. I don't care so much that you misinterpreted my post, but it confuses me to no end why people are apologizing to me for their behavior, demonstrating that they know they're being a ****, yet go right on ahead doing it anyway. It's like knowing that fire is hot, and burny ,and painful, yet jumping right on in anyway.

    I gave my opinion. It wasn't "Look how great I am, I'm so much better than you" it was that I find AOE controls are a preferable mitigation to your single target heal, and in most/all situations I did not find the single target heal the better choice in comparison to something else. I get very little use out of it as a result, and I thought I'd share that opinion. I don't mind that you found some use for it, but that doesn't automatically make my experience wrong either.

    Why does everyone feel the need to save the crazy blaster? You're just reinforcing their bad behavior.
  6. I don't actually use either on my Controller. Snow Storm was useful in earlier levels before I had more reliable controls, and 02 boost has just never been useful to me. If I'm doing my job right, they won't need to be healed. I would almost say 02 Boost is detrimental in that if you are trying to focus on keeping someone afloat with your subpar heal, you aren't able to reliable control the spawn, which is causing far more damage then you are preventing.

    You need Snow Storm even less because of your primary, but if I was going to pick one or the other it would be Snow Storm. You'd probably be better off just picking something else entirely, though.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    I've often thought that it would be somewhat cool if, while flying, your Crab legs fired rocket trails out of their ends. If you've ever used Flying with the backpack, the legs kind of stick down underneath you and "wriggle".

    They don't appear to have any purpose but as mount points for either lasers or machine guns, though. And they are apparently sharp enough to use as slashing weapons. But I would guess they can't be used to pick up anything.

    Recluse is different though, as his arms are "real". It's not a backpack, he has real spider arms growing out of his back. He might be able to pick up things and grasp with them.

    Also, it's likely that the Tarantulas are an extension of the technology, with the person "inside" lying prone, and using the legs (with his arms as the front two legs) to walk around. Of course, some are robots, but the Mistresses obviously aren't.
    Take a closer look at the test tubes when you're in an Arachnos facility. Many of them are sporting just as real legs as Lord Recluse.
  8. The last thing Kheldians need is MORE power options. What would you even give to them? They already have nearly everything.
  9. They would need some tweaks of course (A blaster with parry would be lawlzly), but otherwise I've liked this idea for awhile. I'd very much like to make a Dual Pistols/Katana Blaster.

    I don't know about the scrapper-blaster part, though.
  10. Nicely done, and right as I was in a Sinatra fix. It's like you KNEW.
  11. So, you aren't going to play half of the content that was released under the false assumption that it can't hold anything of meaningful importance because it isn't aimed at the level you wish to play. Then, you are going to declare the expansion lacks content.

    Yeah, okay, that's a perfectly reasonable argument.
  12. Do the little exclamation point help message thingies state that "Zowies" appear on the map under blah blah setting? Perhaps some kind Developer should add that bit if they have not already. I always play with my map up, so I never had a problem locating them, but given how prevalent this complaint is I imagine some more clear instructions could help.
  13. You can't just lob a fireball in there and be done with it?

    That's how I usually handle that trick in other games.
  14. You don't want to call it strictly "money" because that would break some role playing concepts which depend upon their character being rich enough to afford whatever technologies they are utilizing.
  15. He was wrong about a few things, but he's just so damn charming. I lol'd quite a bit.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post

    And then I got conductive aura and the lightbulb went off.
    I see what you did there.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Turning them off would allow us to have a proper night look to the city, without the blue-ish green-ish glow everywhere.
    Which is really more of what I want. I don't mind if the physical walls remain, I just really hate City of Neon Curtain(tm)
  18. In the lower levels, I tend to save it until I need to refill my endurance. After that, I pretty much just use it whenever it is up, which is usually the second it is done recharging.

    I also like to have a separate "dominating" costume I toss on when I enter into Domination. It improves the experience by at least 100%.
  19. Peacemoon reminded me of something else I forgot to mention but is probably useful to be aware of.

    Controller powers are much less consistent on their accuracy multipliers than most AT's. Make sure you aren't putting a lot of acc into a power which is already fairly accurate, and aren't neglecting powers that are inaccurate. Dominate, for example, is extremely accurate and can easily get away with just one Accuracy Enhancement, while something like Total Domination will probably feel gimped without at least two.
  20. I don't see them tearing the wall down exactly (Those things probably don't just go down by having a few heroes go super nova and explode into it), but I wouldn't mind if they just... Turned them off. They're so utterly garish.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
    My keyboard is a logitech G15 gamer keyboard. It has programmable macro keys. However those macro keys rarely get used due to being awkward to reach with my control setup. And there's only six of them...
    Really? My G15 Logitech keyboard has like, 18 "bonus" keys...

    I have my F1-F8 keys set to target specific team members though, just because that's... What I do, I guess.

    I also have it set up so that my movement is controlled by the numpad, which allows the +, enter, and 0 buttons to all function for targetting enemies.

    0 Targets the nearest enemy, with + targetting the next enemy, and enter targeting the last enemy.

    I put my "ally" abilities in row 3 of my macros, so that I need to hit ctrl to access them. I have it set up so that if I hit ctrl and any of my "target" keys, it cycles between allies instead. This allows me to hold down ctrl and cycle through my allies, and then hit the associated number key to use the alley buff ability.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caeruleum View Post
    I don't get the reference.
    Just nod and laugh politely. That will get you through most of life's problems.
  23. Why don't you just not play stone?
  24. Calvin Scott is Nemesis.

    It's official now.