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  1. Warkupo


    It's a neat idea, I just don't see that going over well when the Devs announce that they've been working on making the NPC's live more fulfilling lives rather than doing "X" for whatever period of time.
  2. Y= 1, when X= 1
    Y= 2, when X= 1
    X= -1, when X= 1

    And that's how dimensions work.
  3. Warkupo

    Alpha Slot

    Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
    There is no such thing as "Ranged Incarnate Enhancements" and you don't slot them into anything other than Incarnate slots.
    What would you prefer I call it? Equipping? Placing? Roses?

    That link that was posted said there was enhancements that increased ranged and I think endurance. Which probably doesn't mean crap right now because the whole system was pulled, but that's why my statement was merely wishful thinking~
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Did you just make a funny at your own expense?

  5. Your failure is now mine
  6. Warkupo

    Alpha Slot

    I wounder if the Ranged Incarnate Enhancements would affect melee powers. I would totally slot those to sword-fight people from 20 feet away if only for the lulz.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
    There's just as much reason to think that it has those alternates as to think it doesn't, the lore hasn't said whether CoH multiverse has finite or infinite variations.
    Well, of course. I don't think the GAME even knows if the dimensions are finite or infinite. I imagine that's one of the things Portal Corps is interested in figuring out.

    Still, given that Praetoria Earth and Primal Earth had nearly the same history until very recently I'd say the probability that there are multiple "versions" of Infernal Earth is more than unlikely.
  8. There is no reason Infernal Earth, the Dimension where Infernal, or K'Varr D'Shall, hails from does not have dimensions that are very similiar to it in the same fashion as Primal and Praetoria were until very recently.

    It is entirely likely that the "Praetorian" version of Infernal came from a similiar, yet entirely separate, Dimension and then traveled to Praetoria. "Praetorian" Infernal may have even called HIS home Dimension Infernal Earth, unaware that "Primal" Infernal was also calling HIS home Dimension by the same name.

    Essentially what I'm saying is there are two Infernal Earth's, both similiar but not the same, which both had a K'Varr D'Shall who is then transported to either Primal Earth or Praetorian Earth.

    The other, more FUN, idea stems off the concept that the multiverse is created whenever an individual has the option of doing something even slightly different than what they actually do. The multiverse would therefor be larger than the scope of human understanding. It doesn't just duplicate itself, it multicates, which isn't even a word (in this dimension.)

    When a person travels through dimensions, the "what-if" factor of the multiverse would then send him to every single OTHER dimension than the one he actually wanted to GO too. This would account for the "How did we get here, weren't we going to X?" Yes, one of you got to X, but an infinite number of you also went everywhere else as well. This would make it possible for the Infernal in Primal Earth and the Infernal in Praetorian Earth to actually be the same person.

    Throw in Time Travel and it just gets more hazy.
  9. I'm so sick of watching people trickle in after every redname post to... and moan because they think they have a higher chance of being heard no matter what the current discussion was supposed to be about. It utterly ruins whatever chance at conversation the thread was intended for from happening, and gives the impression that the person whining is so full of themselves that they've decided their current feelings are more important than what anyone else was trying to discuss.

    It's as if I walked into a random conversation and started... about my love-life, fully expecting console from everyone I've projected myself upon. It's rude, it's self-centered, and yet an unfathomable number of you feels completely okay with doing it. I'm not sure if you're just socially inept or mentally handicapped, but it needs to stop.

    If you want to... about AE, go make YET ANOTHER topic about it, and post in it instead of here so I can ignore you like I'm usually able to do, and not have to get irritated with seeing your whining in a thread that wasn't supposed to be about you. Stop trying to justify your complaints by claiming to have some nameless other you are representing. If they want to... about AE, they can go do it with you in a topic you make that is specifically about that.

    Stop hi-jacking every single thread you touch with your incessant feelings.
  10. Wow, it took exactly two posts for this to turn into another whiney **** thread.

    So much for fun ideas.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
    All that's been said is that the fitness pool will be inherited at lvl 2, same as ninja run at lvl 4, mission TP at lvl 3, etc. No detail other than that.
    I'm getting tired of quoting this, so help spread the word and such. This is castle in response to the Fitness changes announced at the PAX convention.

    Originally Posted by Castle
    Yes, they are enhanceable and you can add up to 5 additional slots to them, just like the current versions. The powers are all available either at level 1 or 2 (I forget at the moment) -- no waiting 'til 20 for Stamina.
    Aaaand, link to post: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...54#post3178754
  12. I talk in local all the time. Occasionally to NPC's. Sometimes even to other actual people.

    Mostly to myself though.
  13. So far all of my builds have become quite a bit more powerful thanks to not having to take the Fitness Pool. It's weird the difference three powers can make.

    At the same time, I'm not sure how big a deal this is when people are already capable of soloing AV's, and even some GM's.
  14. I love Soul Mastery. Gloom is one of the best ST DPS attack in the game for Brutes, and Darkest Night makes the entire Fighting pool seem redundant (and more awesome if you can manage both).
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
    I'd like to see the Power Pools revamped as well, and made customizable.

    A couple changes I would like (but I realize many wouldn't) is to buff the Leadership Pool, but make it Ally-only, and make the Fighting Pool available to non-Melee ATs only. Melee ATs would have access to a new Pool that would have ranged and maybe support abilties.
    I would vehemently detest all of these ideas. Pool powers shouldn't have to favor specific AT's past the natural modifiers inherent within an AT. That's what Epic Pools are for, and why they are so specialized towards the AT utilizing them.
  16. I don't have caltrops on my /Nin stalker, why would I want it for all the rest of them?
  17. Warkupo


    Something to take into account; The Devs have recently announced that the Fitness pool is going to become inherent sometime in the near future. This means that all powers in the Fitness pool will be available to you at level 1 or 2 without you actually having to pick them. You could three-slot stamina at level 3, if you so chose.

    This means about three new powers that you could shove into your build, which you may be able to use to fix your defenses without diluting other aspects of your character as much.
  18. Warkupo

    Rant about Caves

    I don't mind dead ends so much, I just hate the clutter. A lot of the time the dead ends seem like they are supposed to be there, regardless of whether or not there's something to KILL there. The office building is the best example of this I can think of. It's an office building. There's offices. No, badguys aren't in every single room, but I'd be a bit perplexed to never run into little rooms where the hapless citizens might play pong when they aren't being held hostage by Skullz.

    Maybe make the clutter in maps less... Rigid. I feel infinitely silly as a SUPER HERO when I'm stuck on a small rock or a desk and not incinerating it with my mind like I should be.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    That's not really cottage rule violation. Cottage rule only applies to changing the basic functionality of the power. The power would still be providing a defense buff to the team and not to yourself, so the Cottage Rule isn't invoked.
    You sure? I gave a similiar rendition for Speed Boost and I was told this type of change would be a cottage rule violation because it was turning the power from a single target to an AoE, regardless of the fact that it's still providing the same basic function.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SenseiBlur View Post
    What of having the endurance of the casting greatly increased, say.... half your endurance unslotted, and instead of longer bubble life, a "team buff" That applies to everyone like a pet upgrade applies to pets. To prevent people from abusing the "Door glitch" bump up the recharge rate to something like a minute.

    Probably a silly idea and the actual figures can be diddled with but just a random thought.
    That would invoke the cottage rule, and thus such a change is highly unlikely.
  21. Warkupo

    Rant about Caves

    I hate the blue cave especially. Despite having memorized all the "parts" that make up the map, and generally knowing where I should and shouldn't go, I simply can't get down the twitch button reaction that is needed to move at more than 15mph in those narrow hallways without getting stuck on a small pebble.

    At least with the other maps I can generally blaze through them once I got their general construction figured out. But no. Not the caves. They need to be all damn SPECIAL.

    Special mention goes to the "Lab" map. There's this random part where the stairway you need to go is in some dark, purple hallway that's like, in the damn wall and I can almost never find it until the map is on FIRE and you have 2 minutes to gtfo.
  22. I have two SoA, a Huntsmen (pew pew) and a Night Widow. The Huntsmen is actually an old special ops AR/Dev blaster I used to play who was undercover in Arachnos to... Well, destroy Arachnos. City of Villains doesn't have me hurting innocents very often so he has actually been fairly easy to role play with. He will likely be going Rogue so that he can complete assignments in Paragon City while still completing his current assignment within Arachnos.

    My other character, Lana Fiore, is a Night Widow who is basically sticking to the script supplied in the Epic Storyline. As such, I don't really know where she is going to wind up.
  23. The Chance for Build-Up isn't really why you would take the Gaussin's set, though it is a nice bonus. You can "expect" the build up to occur after about 190 seconds typically, but that's not a guarantee either. It might go off back to back, it might ignore you for over 300 seconds. It might not even go off while you are fighting something.

    Still, having the entire Gaussin's set offers you a very nice defense buff which is very useful when trying to soft-cap a position/element to increase your survivability. The other set bonuses aren't too bad either. Those taking the leadership pool will usually stack a six slotted Tactics with Maneuvers for this purpose.

    Even without Gaussin's, Tactics is still a favorable toggle. You can get away with slotting less accuracy, your damage will increase from missing less, and enemies which cheaply boost their defense will be less of a hassle to you and your team.

    Assault in comparison is a 10.5% Damage Buff, which, while still nice, isn't as versatile in it's application as Tactics. I've never been playing and felt like assault was the key to victory, where as Tactics often winds up being paramount to my success against particular enemies for the simple fact that you can't hurt what you can't hit.

    Assault is the better option, however, if you can't find slots to devote to Tactics, you already have excess To-Hit and Defense, or if you play on a low enough difficulty where you wouldn't need larger amounts of accuracy to overcome your enemies.

    *Edit* Tactics is also slightly less useful if everyone on the team is using it in comparison to Assault/Maneuvers because it's far easier to have excess To-Hit than it is to have excess damage/defense. If you are planning on playing with someone else who has Tactics, you might consider picking up Assault instead.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Given that the buffs are effectively permanent for an entire team right out of the box, as it were, any increase to their duration is essentially a QoL improvement rather than a performance boost. It would be daft to balance such a QoL improvement with a performance decrease.

    That said, as single target click buffs go, I think the duration on the various "bubbles" is fine. For me they are currently riding a fine line between being short enough on duration that the re-application annoys me and being so long in duration that I forget to reapply them.
    The argument could be made that the buffer in question now uses less endurance per second than intended because his buffs all suddenly had their duration greatly increased, in which case the devs might see it fit to do something like increase the endurance cost of the power. This is usually the point when people speculate that they will not be able to handle such a large amount of endurance lost all at once every 10 minutes (or whatever is being proposed), and deny wanting the change because it might ruin their build somehow.
  25. /unsigned because I'd rather have Global Unlocks than this. (Essentially, unlocking a costume piece on one character unlocks the costume piece for all of them.)