Soul Mastery or Pyre Mastery?




Rolled a DM/FA Brute in Praetoria to play Blueside. I am planning out the build now, and am looking for suggestions as to which Epic pool would be more beneficial, Soul Mastery or Pyre Mastery?

My highest Red toon is 40, so I have zero experience with the Patron pools. Soul Mastery looks attractive mainly for Darkest Night, which seems like it would help survivability. This is big for me as I'm a little worried that my toon might be a bit squishy. Tentacles should help keep the mobs together in the debuff, and also in range of Burn and Blazing Aura.

I have Pyre Mastery on a level 50 Fire/SS Tank, which is fun, but I don't know how big a factor things like AT damage modifiers, perma-Rage vs. Soul Drain, and Fury will play into performance.



Gloom is awesome on brutes and DN is pretty great too, so without any experience with pyre mastery I am gonna vote Soul.



Since they changed the way FE works, I have to say Soul Mastery. Two aoe powers, a good de buff power, and Gloom! Pyre mastery has fireball.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



Thanks for the replies. I was leaning towards Soul Mastery for defensive/survival purposes, and think I'll go that route.



I'm swapping both of my lvl 50 tanks from Pyre to Soul. Mostly because Soul gives me everything Pyre does and more.

Gloom > Fire Blast (Gloom does better damage and has a useful secondary effect)
Fire Ball ~ Dark Obliteration (Fire Ball does more damage, but Dark Oblit has a useful secondary effect)
Darkest Night >>>> Char/RoF (-15% ToHit and -20% Damage is great for ANY powersets)

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Soul and get Darkest Night. My friend invites me to the Monster Island north of Grandville and we fight the mushroom monster (Stratopea or something... can't remember...) I activate Darkest night and we spam attacks like crazy. Then I get a cell call so while I talk, my brute just stands there while the monster is stomping like crazy. My corr friend is getting tossed around due to knockback. My combat log shows something like: xxx has 6% chance to hit, rolls 81. MISSES! (rinse, repeat, while I talk.) However, DN is an endurance hog. Make sure to slot for end redux.



My Widow has soul mastery, and I recommend you to get it.
Gloom: Awesome damage DoT
Dark obliteration: Nice AoE
Darkest night: Great debuff for AVs, tough bosses and large groups.
I love those 3 powers. Tentacles, well, I always hated that power since early days with eidolon lol



I love Soul Mastery. Gloom is one of the best ST DPS attack in the game for Brutes, and Darkest Night makes the entire Fighting pool seem redundant (and more awesome if you can manage both).



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I love Soul Mastery. Gloom is one of the best ST DPS attack in the game for Brutes, and Darkest Night makes the entire Fighting pool seem redundant (and more awesome if you can manage both).
I actually made a thread last week concerning this. I always get people asking me why I skipped the Fighting pool on my Dark/Dark/Soul Brute, and none of them seem to understand that A) I don't need it, and B) Darkest Night is way better (at least for my playstyle).

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."