How many Rogue/Hero/Vigilante Arachnos Soldiers?




I imagine this thread have been around before, i have not find it and i will like to see. I am planing to take my Crab Spider once i get her to level 50 to Rogue, Hero then Vigilante. It is the perfect concept for my crab spider character's background.

How many of you have take your own way and leave Arachnos to search fame and fortune? How many of you wanted to leave all the hostile life behind and became a real role model? or How many of you wanted to represent true justice taking the blood of the criminal scum in your own hands?

For me this will be very interesting and as for now, i never imagine myself to be so happy using epic archetypes in which i love the Kheldian shape-shifting but i must say that i preferred the Soldier of Arachnos.



I have two SoA, a Huntsmen (pew pew) and a Night Widow. The Huntsmen is actually an old special ops AR/Dev blaster I used to play who was undercover in Arachnos to... Well, destroy Arachnos. City of Villains doesn't have me hurting innocents very often so he has actually been fairly easy to role play with. He will likely be going Rogue so that he can complete assignments in Paragon City while still completing his current assignment within Arachnos.

My other character, Lana Fiore, is a Night Widow who is basically sticking to the script supplied in the Epic Storyline. As such, I don't really know where she is going to wind up.



I went Rogue with both my Widow and Soldier.

The Widow (Who I play primarily as a Fortunata) was born in the isles but left for Paragon City as an adolescent. Though she's been influenced by the city's higher morality she loves the Rogue Isles for what they are, a place where the ambitious and resourceful can make their way without all the restrictions of a more ordered society. But she's always disagreed with Lord Recluse. In her eyes his megalomania and total unscrupulousness is destroying the Isles. So she's gone Rogue and is now leading a loose confederation of resistance groups.

My Soldier (A Bane Spider) joined Arachnos because she wanted to bring some order to the isles after her wealthy parents were killed in a botched robbery (The similarity with Batman's origin is purely coincidental ). When she was assigned to be my Widow's personal bodyguard things changed. Unwilling to accept a mental slave, my Widow freed her from the Bane's network and recruited her as second in command of an elite counterintelligence unit. She's served dutifully ever since, even becoming a rogue and fighting against Lord Recluse.

Originally Posted by Yunalesca View Post
For me this will be very interesting and as for now, i never imagine myself to be so happy using epic archetypes in which i love the Kheldian shape-shifting but i must say that i preferred the Soldier of Arachnos.
On that point I must say to each their own. I enjoy both sides' Epic ATs a lot. I'd definitely say they're my favorite of all the ATs. But if I had to choose I'd take my Kheldians any day of the week

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I have a husband & wife duo (he is a spider, she is a widow). Right now, my Widow has left Arachnos and become a hero. She is working in Paragon City, waiting for her husband to find his opportunity to break free as well.

Their story....

My Widow (Alexandra, aka Mistress Marquez) was recruited to join Arachnos while she was in college at Cambridge University. Since Arachnos' presence in Europe is slim-to-none, she knew nothing of them. She bought in to the hype and the lies, believing them to be a benevolent, albeit slightly Vigilante, organization who simply wanted a better world. While in training, she met Victor (the spider, aka Operative Marquez). The two were married, and have been working for Arachnos as loyal operatives.

However, recently the two began to peel back the layers of the organization, finding out exactly what lies beneath. Seeking an opportunity to break free and make a better name for herself, Alexandra broke off her ties with the Rogue Isles and Arachnos, making her way to Paragon City. Unfortunately, her husband was in a bit deeper and she must wait for him to have his own opportunity to do the same. She helps when she can, guiding him toward contacts that can help him escape, but she must keep a safe distance in order to avoid drawing suspicion upon her husband and risking his life.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
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I like all the character stories and backgrounds you have for your Arachnos Soldiers which became Rogue and Heroes. One of the things that Going Rogue has make me happy is the ability to do unique things like this come true.

Thank you all for sharing your the stories of your SoA in this post.

Long live SoA!!!



My crab has been a hero since the opportunity first came around on the live servers.

At level 46, she participated in a Statesman's Task Force while wearing her initial costume, the crab/bane uniform. After taking down the fourth tower and the beatdown on Recluse began in earnest, her first comment upon launching a Venom Grenade at him?

"Lord Recluse, consider this my resignation!"

I now have her wearing the Peerless badge constantly, and I can't help but wonder how much of a steamroll an all-VEAT STF would be...



My young Widow is too low-level to shift alignment just yet, but being the daughter of a pirate and a ninja, she knows that it's more important to follow the money than running around beating up people for teh evulz.



As a matter of interest has any Widow / SoA stayed LOYAL to Arachnos?

My Fort is an older character whom I decided was training the potential Widows of the future. But she got sick of Lord Nutcase throwing away her hard work and training by letting those Destined Ones stomp all over her girls that she decided enough was enough and is currently a Rogue.



My crab went full-on hero first chance he got. I just played through the tips to see where he would end up and it was pretty fast. He's even got a few alignment merits stored up, so he's where he should be.

My widow, on the other hand, is happily villainous and devilishly loyal to Arachnos. Not going to change.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I've gone Villain > Rogue > Hero > Vigilante > Villain > Rogue with my Crab Spider. She is my badger so I wanted access to Hero time travel for the instanced door mission badges but now she is back where I want her to be. She has kicked Lord R's butt and established herself as her own boss so Rogue is perfect for her. She can be bad when it suits her and do good deeds whenever she feels like it.

Oh BTW I agree with you 100% I enjoy the VEATs much more than the HEATs ... much better power options (IMO) and no dang Void Stalkers/Cyrstal Shards lurking in any mission my Warshade is involved in.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Yunalesca View Post
I imagine this thread have been around before, i have not find it and i will like to see. I am planing to take my Crab Spider once i get her to level 50 to Rogue, Hero then Vigilante. It is the perfect concept for my crab spider character's background.

How many of you have take your own way and leave Arachnos to search fame and fortune? How many of you wanted to leave all the hostile life behind and became a real role model? or How many of you wanted to represent true justice taking the blood of the criminal scum in your own hands?

For me this will be very interesting and as for now, i never imagine myself to be so happy using epic archetypes in which i love the Kheldian shape-shifting but i must say that i preferred the Soldier of Arachnos.
Arbiter Raiche got the hell out of town while the getting was good. Hes a vigilante in Paragon City giving the scum what fer as a gun totting badass.



Originally Posted by Lady_of_Ysgard View Post
I now have her wearing the Peerless badge constantly, and I can't help but wonder how much of a steamroll an all-VEAT STF would be...
Massive defense, but if your hit, you're gonna need some green inspirations.

As for me, I'm not an RPer, but my Widow is a hero now, and my Bane/Crab is still a villain. If I had to make a story for my Widow though, it would be related to how my Widow wants to learn from the best of both worlds (It ties in with how I slot my Widow for Perma-Elude and Acc/Damage).



The only VEAT I've managed to sideswitch so far is Operative Rachel, who has gone Rogue. She's the evil counterpart of a Claws Scrapper in my SG on that server, so I'm not going to switch her, but I wanted to show her to the folks in my SG since she's a variation on the character they know.

The fun part about her is that she's not at all loyal to Arachnos, she's an AI from the 26th century, brought here by a hacker, who is my Bots/Traps MM. She's one of his robots. I wrote as her backstory that an Arachnos Widow stumbled onto this MM and was killed by him. Being a bit of a sadistic kind of villain, he implanted her dead body with mind control chips, and downloaded Rachel's AI into her. He then sent her back into Arachnos to sabotage it. She's totally loyal to her boss, and both will be staying as Rogues.

I have another Huntsman who is my vigilante hero gone undercover. I haven't gotten him to 20 yet (I rushed Rachel there so I could switch her the moment the game came out) but once I do I'm taking him to Hero, and then Vigilante. He will have a Longbow uniform he can use when going undercover in that organization, but he also has his own costume as well. He's really neither a hero nor a villain, he distrusts both.

That leaves Arachnophelia, who is my main VEAT, a Crab Spider. I'm working on going Rogue with her, but I will probably stop there. I have another lower level version of her on the same server as Rachel, though, so I may decide to go hero with her as a balance. I'll have Huntsman Raynard as the hero and Arachnophelia as the villain on one server, and Arachnophelia as the hero and Rachel as the villain on the other.



One thing worth keeping in mind is that VEATs do not currently have access to APPs, meaning that if you do not do a patron arc as a level 40+ villain or rogue, you're SOL when it comes to getting a new power pool at 41+. My SoA is currently a rogue, and will probably stay there until he does a patron arc and gets his mace mastery. After that, he might go hero.



Originally Posted by dmcfarland907 View Post
Arbiter Raiche got the hell out of town while the getting was good. Hes a vigilante in Paragon City giving the scum what fer as a gun totting badass.
Very very nice i like it. I think that he will get along with Sylph very good. Sylph main targets are from Thugs to Super Power Villains and any Hero that stands in her way, will be a target too. Congratulations on your VEAT.



I like your Operative Rachel story background. I always think that no matter what is the limited origin choice to HEAT and VEAT, we can make them the way we want. Natural don't have to be an over training human, it can be the origin for beings from another planet and other race beings.

There is nothing better to have a counterpart for one of our most beloved characters.

Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
The only VEAT I've managed to sideswitch so far is Operative Rachel, who has gone Rogue. She's the evil counterpart of a Claws Scrapper in my SG on that server, so I'm not going to switch her, but I wanted to show her to the folks in my SG since she's a variation on the character they know.

The fun part about her is that she's not at all loyal to Arachnos, she's an AI from the 26th century, brought here by a hacker, who is my Bots/Traps MM. She's one of his robots. I wrote as her backstory that an Arachnos Widow stumbled onto this MM and was killed by him. Being a bit of a sadistic kind of villain, he implanted her dead body with mind control chips, and downloaded Rachel's AI into her. He then sent her back into Arachnos to sabotage it. She's totally loyal to her boss, and both will be staying as Rogues.

I have another Huntsman who is my vigilante hero gone undercover. I haven't gotten him to 20 yet (I rushed Rachel there so I could switch her the moment the game came out) but once I do I'm taking him to Hero, and then Vigilante. He will have a Longbow uniform he can use when going undercover in that organization, but he also has his own costume as well. He's really neither a hero nor a villain, he distrusts both.

That leaves Arachnophelia, who is my main VEAT, a Crab Spider. I'm working on going Rogue with her, but I will probably stop there. I have another lower level version of her on the same server as Rachel, though, so I may decide to go hero with her as a balance. I'll have Huntsman Raynard as the hero and Arachnophelia as the villain on one server, and Arachnophelia as the hero and Rachel as the villain on the other.



Operative 33 will never go full-on Hero. After all "Henchin' ain't easy, but it sure is fun!"

(just substitute the Crab-pack for the wings. )



My Fortunata Weaver of Sorrows has already gone Hero. Her backstory is that she was recruited as a girl for her psychic potential, her parents killed to get them out of the way, and brainwashed into a loyal minion. She earned her name because of the webs of despair and chaos she wove through the minds of the enemies of Arachnos. However, her constant contacts with the minds of others, especially psychics, eroded her brainwashing until she broke free and remembered her early life and what happened to her parents. She turned against Arachnos and set forth to be its diametric opposite, and to be someone her parents could have been proud of.

Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
As a matter of interest has any Widow / SoA stayed LOYAL to Arachnos?
Steel Spider my Crab/Bane did. She is a fanatic, ideologically committed to Arachnos and its extreme Social Darwinism. In fact, she forced herself into the Destined One program because she found the very idea of liberating supercriminals from prison and letting them loose on the Isles horrifying; if they were worthy, they'd have escaped on their own. She considered that a betrayal of the ideals of Arachnos, whether Recluse ordered it done or not. So she set out to prove that she was better than any of them.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



My fort, Fortune Dane to the public, Dane Keyes to f&f, will probably become a Rogue simply because that's where the money is. He joined Arachnos simply for the business opportunities anyway, and the wider your market, the more business opportunities there are.

My widow, Duchess Morgana, may one day realize that Arachnos recruited her simply for her legitimate, direct link to the throne of England. If and when she finds this out, she'll probably become a hero and be first in line to spit in Recluse's face at the next STF.

My crab, Butch Maguirk, is happy busting stuff up. Arachnos made him better at doing it, so he'll probably just keep busting stuff up for them.



I kinda pride myself on being an SoA who is well and happy working in Arachnos.

Operative Nobel was just generic Wolf Spider Huntsman who got attached to someone that eventually 'disappeared' hero-side. I took him rogue just so that he can RP in paragon as an undercover agent in Longbow while searching for what happened to them.



My Widow and Soldier are Praetorian police officers. They believe their own actions to be heroic (responsibility rather than power) and have come to the part of Primal Earth that needs them the most - the Rogue Isles.

So while in game terminology they're Villains and Soldiers of Arachnos (and accumulate villain merits), they are in fact heroic Praetorian law enforcers.

I thought about taking them blue-side, but have played the villain content less, so decided to keep them where they are.



My Soldier was sold out by Arachnos a long time ago, there was no love lost and he looked forward to his redemption.

My Widow Super-Spy is loyal to her own ideals and spies for many different groups. She's in Paragon now, working the hero thing for loot, but will eventually join the ranks of the Vigilantes.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Sylph is a wise woman which joined Arachnos as a Wolf Spider before Lord Recluse was the leader. She have battle against other criminal organizations, super power heroes, alien invaders, gangs, artificial beings, there is not a thing on this Earth that Sylph has not battle.

Sylph took the path of the Crab Spider, she always have love to intimidate her enemies with the use of the beautiful Technology that she loves. After a long time she started to question Lord Recluse and Arachnos extreme actions. She started to do something that Arachnos will dislike the most, Sylph payed Vigilantes from Paragon City to target organizations which included the ones who are allies of Arachnos.

After she was Caught, she decided to battle against them, almost in the border line of death, she was saved by an large group of Wyvern which was one of her hidden allies.
Now Sylph is one of the most hated and feared Vigilantes in both the Rogue Isles and Paragon City. She does all that it takes to bring true justice to Paragon City and now she is planning an operative to re-construct the Rogue Isles. This will be Syplh's greatest challenge of all time.



My fort remains a villain, although probably the nicest villain you'll ever meet She simply looks at Arachnos like any other good employer. And expounds on it's virtues whenever she can, she like, totally can't get why people are hatin' so much y'know?

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Once again i am so glad that this post still have life. It is good to see that some SoA are still in Arachnos side and with my Night Widow i will be doing the same so i can have a good balance.

So far i like all the character backgrounds that i have saw here.