How many Rogue/Hero/Vigilante Arachnos Soldiers?




I am undecided with my widow...maybe Vigilante but my Crab/Bane went Hero...Oh and my Pets love the Call to Justice.



I've seen some trickling over, but the most of the SoA I've seen are still Villain for one reason or another.

Helpful that there are plenty of active SoA groups to boot.



Originally Posted by Yunalesca View Post
I like your Operative Rachel story background. I always think that no matter what is the limited origin choice to HEAT and VEAT, we can make them the way we want. Natural don't have to be an over training human, it can be the origin for beings from another planet and other race beings.

There is nothing better to have a counterpart for one of our most beloved characters.
Thanks. What makes Rachel so fun is that her backstory is so tied to the "good" Rachel and her partner. Basically, my character's name is Alan Midnight, and he's a old school film noir type detective, but from the 26th century. So he's like Sam Spade meets Johnny Mnemonic. Rachel is like Mike Hammer's Velda or Hunter's Dee Dee McCall, crossed with Battle Angel Alita. The two are a duo, they're intended to always be together, and complement each other. (He's a Devices Blaster, she's a tanking Scrapper)

They came to the 21st century to find out what was apparently changing their past, only to find that THEY were. An alternate Alan from an alternate 26th century went back to the past to investigate changes, and is trying to make HIS history happen. So they're the same, only the "evil" Alan is a Bots/Traps Mastermind, and Rachel is just the strongest of his six robot henchmen.

What makes it fun is that the good Rachel would be horrified by using a corpse as some sort of puppet. She also has this very flirtatious, good natured personality. (A sharp contrast to her claws and aggresive fighting style) The evil Rachel tries to flirt, but she's so robotic that it comes off as really, really creepy. She says things like, "Do you not like my body, <villain name>? I am calling you by name in order to entice you." I play her with an SG, so the reactions to her chat macros are always funny.

Getting back on the original subject, I've finally gone Rogue with my main Arachnophelia character, on Virtue. I'm still working on the Pinnacle version, who hasn't hit 20 yet, but I've definately decided to take her to Hero. For one thing, it'll give me an excuse to stick with her Wolf Spider uniform, she wants the Crab legs, really bad, she has this spider fetish, and joined Arachnos just to get the legs. But she'll leave Arachnos right after that and thus won't get the uniform, just sticking with her old one. Then I'll take her hero so she can be with my SG.

Also, someone else in the thread mentioned Kheldians, and I have DEFINATELY shifted both my Warshades to Nictus. It's somehow more fun to play them that way. You can revel in sucking the souls out of the dead bodies of your victims. I intentionally changed the name, costume and backstory of my Warshades, who were originally two different characters, to prepare them to go Nictus when GR came out. In short, he's a Nictus who was trying the Warshade path, but accidently bonded with a Skulls gangster he thought he was a hero. Corrupted by his new host, he's decided that the idea of bonding with willing hosts is a good one, but the other beings of the universe are still scum, and he should keep looking out for number one.



Warshades are a God send on Redside esp. during bank mishes and mishes in Nerva. Also Red side seems more laid back with Khelds.



My Night Widow is already an Arachnos outsider, having been essentially chased out against her will by vengful operatives in a power play against her commanding Arbiter. As such, she has Arachnos loyalties, but is forced to pursue other paths to power (and safety).

Like most of my villains, I dovetailed this with most of the in-game canon as presented by contacts, and envisioned a kind of non-baby-eating villainy. I imagined this as leading to something of an amoral mercenary approach to gaining power and influence. Doing for-hire jobs for both non-hostile Arachnos and non-Arachnos employers is a way to gain contacts (favors), money and information, while keeping skills sharp and developing new capabilities (levels, slots and IOs).

To me, the way GR presented the Rogue "alignment" fit how I already envisioned nearly all of my villains anyway, including my one Widow, so she's now a Rogue. She seeks out jobs that let her get loot, gain influence/infamy (both in an RP and game mechanics sense) and have a good fight.

I have another new SoA, but currently very low level and still a villain. I predict taking that one rogue too, but the backstory is not yet fleshed out.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



My Soldier, Operative Tessa, has gone full circle. She is my badger so I went Rogue, then Hero, then Vigilante, back to Villain and finally back to Rogue. Along the way I picked up all of the instance door mission badges blue side via time travel (While I was a hero) and have joined all of the blue side Task Forces except the ones in the Shadow Shard. I also grabbed all the exploration and history badges. LOL she is running out of defeat badges to acquire after a good bit of hunting on both sides and PvP and holiday events aside has most of the available badges.

I plan to keep her a Rogue now so she can access both side in the future. :-D

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
Thanks. What makes Rachel so fun is that her backstory is so tied to the "good" Rachel and her partner. Basically, my character's name is Alan Midnight, and he's a old school film noir type detective, but from the 26th century. So he's like Sam Spade meets Johnny Mnemonic. Rachel is like Mike Hammer's Velda or Hunter's Dee Dee McCall, crossed with Battle Angel Alita. The two are a duo, they're intended to always be together, and complement each other. (He's a Devices Blaster, she's a tanking Scrapper)

They came to the 21st century to find out what was apparently changing their past, only to find that THEY were. An alternate Alan from an alternate 26th century went back to the past to investigate changes, and is trying to make HIS history happen. So they're the same, only the "evil" Alan is a Bots/Traps Mastermind, and Rachel is just the strongest of his six robot henchmen.

What makes it fun is that the good Rachel would be horrified by using a corpse as some sort of puppet. She also has this very flirtatious, good natured personality. (A sharp contrast to her claws and aggresive fighting style) The evil Rachel tries to flirt, but she's so robotic that it comes off as really, really creepy. She says things like, "Do you not like my body, <villain name>? I am calling you by name in order to entice you." I play her with an SG, so the reactions to her chat macros are always funny.

Getting back on the original subject, I've finally gone Rogue with my main Arachnophelia character, on Virtue. I'm still working on the Pinnacle version, who hasn't hit 20 yet, but I've definately decided to take her to Hero. For one thing, it'll give me an excuse to stick with her Wolf Spider uniform, she wants the Crab legs, really bad, she has this spider fetish, and joined Arachnos just to get the legs. But she'll leave Arachnos right after that and thus won't get the uniform, just sticking with her old one. Then I'll take her hero so she can be with my SG.

Also, someone else in the thread mentioned Kheldians, and I have DEFINATELY shifted both my Warshades to Nictus. It's somehow more fun to play them that way. You can revel in sucking the souls out of the dead bodies of your victims. I intentionally changed the name, costume and backstory of my Warshades, who were originally two different characters, to prepare them to go Nictus when GR came out. In short, he's a Nictus who was trying the Warshade path, but accidently bonded with a Skulls gangster he thought he was a hero. Corrupted by his new host, he's decided that the idea of bonding with willing hosts is a good one, but the other beings of the universe are still scum, and he should keep looking out for number one.
Wow thanks for the details about your two Rachel's and Alan's. Sam Spade and Johnny Mnemonic!!! Velda and Alita!!! sure i remember them!!. Wow you have a good combination and great inspirations for your character backgrounds. I love the Evil Rachel flirt *laughs* i wish we can team-up one day and have a lot of fun.
Now that you talk about your Warshades, i can't agree more with you in getting them into the Nictus path. I will start to construct their story since in my case it will be my Warshade and my Peacebringer.

Once again i am glad you have these characters that is very easy to see how you enjoy them. One of the best things that CoX have for us is giving us the opportunity to develop this stories and interact them in their game with other players. In that case, Virtue is the best server for this



I understand an appreciate that, but I don't really like the mace power pool set to begin with. I like the gun they have. Suits me just fine. I'll work on my build to make it strong as possible though.

Currently my toon is level 15 and as soon as I can she'll be a Rogue and then go full on hero with her gun and then stay there. This (after playing so long) will be my only toon too. So I have to pace myself and make the most of the game with this toon. I tried other aspects of the game but to no avail. Until I got into the soldiers (I don't really like the widows) I had no game direction what so ever. Highest level toon was a lvl 35 and I got bored with the brute so I scrapped her. Since then haven't gotten any further than lvl 30.

I'm hoping that if I pace myself with my 'soon to be hero' Arachnos Soldier will end up being my level 50 so I can enjoy end game content. Her name is Arbiter Praetoria!

Originally Posted by 9783_Dollar_Man View Post
One thing worth keeping in mind is that VEATs do not currently have access to APPs, meaning that if you do not do a patron arc as a level 40+ villain or rogue, you're SOL when it comes to getting a new power pool at 41+. My SoA is currently a rogue, and will probably stay there until he does a patron arc and gets his mace mastery. After that, he might go hero.




My Soldier is still loyal to Arachnos. He's really old though, and dates back to the first years Arachnos was still trying to gain power.

He was also one of the first soldiers to get their hands on a Nullifier mace and developed combat techniques for it to be taught to the newer soldiers.

The quote in his bio is, "Arachnos has a crappy retirement policy anyway."



My Crab is a Vigilante for two main reasons.
Reason 1: A vigilante can go to any side and join any SF or Tf that is hosted.
Reason 2: I have my own SG, and like the fact that my Crab is a great support toon, and since nobody minds a crab on the team, a vigilante would be perfect to still get the prestige and benefits from being in my SG.

Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
Weekly events on Guardian: W.A.V.E. & FNFN



I think the Epic Storyline on VEATs matches Rogue the best.



I love being a villain better than a hero. I love the gun better than the mace (tried the mace and didn't like it). I am using my second build with the gun and plan to make the first build simply match the second build. Over time they might be slightly different but not extremely different builds like they are now. I don't remember if you can buy respecs, but if we can I am going to do that.

It didn't take me long to be vigilante, but now that I have to work two more days (at 12 hours a piece) I'll have to wait to Saturday. I might be able to get one tip mission in tomorrow, but we will see.

The gun does major damage but kills my endurance. I guess I need to slot one more endurance in each of the gun powers. I already have stamina. Anyway, I can't wait until I'm back a full fledged villain. Did my first paper mission since level 11. Seems like forever but I know it hasn't been that long.

Before I end this long rant of a post I have one question:

Does anyone just have one toon? I mean could that work and be interesting or do you all think I need more than one toon for the game to keep its interest?