Fitness Inherent, good idea?




I know, I'm gonna get smoked for this one...

But I have read many complaints about the characters we play getting to be too powerful and to an extent unbalanced. Observing the performance of many of alts restricted to only Singles, which is the game baseline, to just using inventions, to using IO sets, to using Vet reward powers; I can tell you we can get ubber-awesome.

I remember 5 years ago, starting a level 2 alt, and going thru the streets of Atlas and how tough it was. Now I go thru them and I am looking for reds to mug! Ha ha ha! or perhaps its a muahahahah!

In the old days, I had a protective power and a single attack, it made fighting mobs a slow and risky proposition; yet it made me learn and master the game.

Later the complaints were so loud, that developers gave us bonus starting powers to complement our perceived weak ATs.

By now, when I come in at level 2, I have: 1 AT Primary Defense, 1 AT Secondary Attack, the AT free starter power, Black Wand, Nemesis Staff, Sands of Mu, and jump pack. Wow I am awesome and only level 2!

Now I am hearing I will get Hurdle, Swift, Health and Stamina up front as well. Aren't we making our characters a bit too powerful, up front and a bit too early?

And to make the situation more stressing, if we get these 3 powers free, that means we now can slot 3 more powers for our characters. Certainly we may have a power slotting limitaton, but there are lots of powers with a single enhancemet that are actually great to have.

But the issue I am bringing out is: Is it wise to make the characters in tis game even more powerful?

If that occurs, what will be the unintended consequences? Will we see more endurance zapping mobs? Will mobs start to hit harder? Will the balance of the game change, and would it change evenly across melee and support ATs?

Smokem if you got them



New players don't have the vet attacks.
Also, not having to pick the three fitness powers isn't gonna suddenly make everyone able to solo lvl 54 Hero class Statesman. It just means that 1-22 won't be a suck-trip that lacks endurance, so people can actaully get on and do what they should be doing; enjoying the game.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
New players don't have the vet attacks.
Also, not having to pick the three fitness powers isn't gonna suddenly make everyone able to solo lvl 54 Hero class Statesman. It just means that 1-22 won't be a suck-trip that lacks endurance, so people can actaully get on and do what they should be doing; enjoying the game.
^This basically.

In fact I'd go as far as to say that it was a design flaw for them not to offer this change with Going Rogue since that's when everyone and their dog was running 1-20 content.



I am in agreement with Techbot Alpha.

For me, this change is only going to affect my early playstyle (not resting as much and such). But the way my toons are built, it is going to be more of a pain for me to add three more powers that I won't be able to slot the way I want.

For example, I like having sprint as a one slot and lets me use slots that come after for other powers. Now, I would have to take something and won't have the slots to make it more practical or usuable for me. Powers that don't need a lot of slots like adding recall friend or such could be added, but they will be minor additions and not change my toons significantly: my dark/therm corr is not suddenly going to solo SFs; my MM's can solo +4/+8 missions and solo AVs so not much more to do for them.

Some players and some toons will get boosted, but I feel the impact will be not that great, but I guess we will see. Maybe the new End Game content will force us to think differently.




I like the idea of fitness going inherent, mostly because it frees-up an auxiliary power pool and thus it allows me to acquire powers that may be more team enhancing that I usually chose to disregard when trying to get my builds to achieve specific effects.

Thuis I can get teleport friend :<)




Are there really not enough threads on this subject in almost every forum?

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Smokefire View Post
But the issue I am bringing out is: Is it wise to make the characters in tis game even more powerful?

If that occurs, what will be the unintended consequences? Will we see more endurance zapping mobs? Will mobs start to hit harder? Will the balance of the game change, and would it change evenly across melee and support ATs?
As games like this age there's always a tendency for the Devs to allow a certain amount of "power creep" to accommodate their top-heavy playerbase. This happens because a growing majority of players become veterans and constantly demand more challenge and correspondingly more power. Years ago when people first started to suggest some kind of "Automatic Stamina/Fitness" I suspected that it would eventually happen in some form or fashion because that was an obvious way to boost everyone. I didn't strictly "predict" that Inherent Fitness would happen, but let's just say when I heard that it was coming I was not surprised in the least.

So is Inherent Fitness good thing? Time will tell of course. I do think the general difficulty of the game will need to be tweaked upward to accommodate it. With more power the game really needs to be made a bit harder across the board to match it. This game is relatively easy already and if the challenges aren't raised to meet it it's going to be even that much more simple with everyone having Inherent Fitness as a common denominator.

I'm one of those folks who didn't really think we NEEDED Inherent Fitness, but I understand why it happened and I realize most people will love it. Like most things in this game I'll adapt to it and move forward.

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Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
I am in agreement with Techbot Alpha.

For me, this change is only going to affect my early playstyle (not resting as much and such). But the way my toons are built, it is going to be more of a pain for me to add three more powers that I won't be able to slot the way I want.

For example, I like having sprint as a one slot and lets me use slots that come after for other powers. Now, I would have to take something and won't have the slots to make it more practical or usuable for me. Powers that don't need a lot of slots like adding recall friend or such could be added, but they will be minor additions and not change my toons significantly: my dark/therm corr is not suddenly going to solo SFs; my MM's can solo +4/+8 missions and solo AVs so not much more to do for them.

Some players and some toons will get boosted, but I feel the impact will be not that great, but I guess we will see. Maybe the new End Game content will force us to think differently.
Your characters can be exactly as you have them now . . . you just get three additional powers that can easily be "situational" powers that you otherwise would not take.

Personally, I find this whining about getting more powers but no more slots to be annoying. Sure, I'd love to have more slots. But with this change, I get to take several powers that I would have liked to take, but were hard to fit into a tight build. Including a lot of "situational" powers. In most cases, having the power unslotted is better than not having the power at all.

Now I should be able to fit Mutation in a lot of my */Rad controllers. I'm considering adding Fallout to a few characters -- even if I can't slot up the Damage, the Debuff on it is massive. I can take Assault and Tactics, and only run them when I need them. I can take Recall Friend! I can try out some odd powers that I have never tried, like Whirlwind -- might be fun on a Stormie.

I can add Confront to Scrappers and Brutes. I can add stealth to Blasters. Or I can have both Fly AND Super Speed.

And if you don't need those additional powers, pick something that can be a mule for an IO you want. But stop complaining, as there is no downside to this new option.

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Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
And if you don't need those additional powers, pick something that can be a mule for an IO you want. But stop complaining, as there is no downside to this new option.
Who's complaining?



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Are there really not enough threads on this subject in almost every forum?
Nope. We need at least two more in Screenshots and Fan Art, one here in a week, two out in the Champion server forum, one trying to fit it into RP, one complaint in Tech Issues and Bugs that inherent fitness isn't working right now, two in badges, and I swear there aren't any in Base Construction.

Get to it, people!



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Who's complaining?
I'll strenghten my previous comment and complain that they did it an issue too late if that helps?

Rabble, rabble, rabble. The Devs hate Praetorians and waited until they'd all moved on before making this change!!

(not serious though, I do think it was a small opportunity missed on their part though)



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
I'll strenghten my previous comment and complain that they did it an issue too late if that helps?

Rabble, rabble, rabble. The Devs hate Praetorians and waited until they'd all moved on before making this change!!

(not serious though, I do think it was a small opportunity missed on their part though)
Actually that is a good point. If there was an intent for new players and people coming back, this would have been perfect.



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Actually that is a good point. If there was an intent for new players and people coming back, this would have been perfect.
I suspect part of the change was to in some way combat people saying Praetoria is too hard or that is was too boring waiting / resting between fights in it. A few other small changes, like improving Sprint, seem to be aimed at this idea of keeping people moving more compared to older CoH, and perhaps also a nod to the fact that they want people to enjoy the content rather than getting frustrated and aiming to clear the teens as quickly as possible.



While giving us Inherent Fitness for Going Rogue/Praetorians would have made a certain amount of sense I actually suspect the main reason we are getting it when we are has more to do with the game-changing effects of the upcoming Incarnate system than new Praetorian players.

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Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Who's complaining?

But the way my toons are built, it is going to be more of a pain for me to add three more powers that I won't be able to slot the way I want.
What you wrote here can easily be seen as a complaint. At the very least, making a mountain out of a molehill.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
What you wrote here can easily be seen as a complaint. At the very least, making a mountain out of a molehill.
Oooookay, if you say so, it must be true.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
While giving us Inherent Fitness for Going Rogue/Praetorians would have made a certain amount of sense I actually suspect the main reason we are getting it when we are has more to do with the game-changing effects of the upcoming Incarnate system than new Praetorian players.
I agree completely. I'm 99% sure they're putting it in so that people who are doing high-end and 50+ have more room for situational powers, since very often that kind of content can be made much smoother by a couple more people with Recall, or a Rezz (self or other), or Leadership powers.

None of these things take a lot of slots, but can save a lot of time when most of your team has them.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Oooookay, if you say so, it must be true.
No need to be snarky about it, I'm just pointing out to you how what you wrote can be read in a way you may not have intended.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
No need to be snarky about it, I'm just pointing out to you how what you wrote can be read in a way you may not have intended.

I said I agreed with another poster and gave some more thoughts on the subject. But apparently some made a mountain out of a mole hill.



The best thing to make out of a molehill is Mole Soup.

Or maybe 'Mole au Vin' if you've a nice fruity red handy.



If I were complaining, I'd say it'd be because you're not really getting more choice. We're actually loosing a pool option. Choosing to make a less-than-fit character in exchange for having some randomish tools was an option (or alternatively, making a character who's main redeeming feature was being fit and not much else).

Having several characters like that, I can only really just pretend nothing ever happened and play like I did before with perhaps the exception of not getting as much mileage out or Recall because everyone and their mother will be taking it now (*checks if his TP prompt is up*).

Now if I could trade in the inherent fitness for, say, inherent Invoke Panic (the only power I couldn't fit into my non-fitness build) or if I could take fitness twice or build off of it to accentuate that trait (hmm, I guess he can take Calling the Wolf since that's the only Katana power he doesn't idea what else he'd take...Kick?) there'd be actual options across the board.



The Inherent fitness debate, If you could even call it that, is a joke.

We have been hearing for years suggestions for making fitness inherent, because just about EVERY toon ever made takes stamina. And now we are getting this "much asked for" change, and there are folks not happy about it. All I can say is WoW !

Just had to say that

Lets examine what this change really is doing for players.

Currently, if you are levelling a character to 22 and you want to fit in a good assortment of primary and secondary powers, plus travel AND fitness, you will be taking a minimum of 5 pool powers, leaving 8 powers from your primary/secondary choices.

By level 22 you will have opened up 7 primary and 6 secondary powers, but serious choices will have been made. Fitness becoming inherent means that of the 13 choices open by level 22, you will only have to sacrifice 2 picks to get a travel power.

More specifically, I always chose fitness, like so; Swift/Hurdle at 6th or 8th, health at 16th or 18th and Stamina at 20th.

Lets see, at 6th your fourth primary opens up, at 8th your 5th primary and at 10th your 4th secondary, and at 12th your 6th primary. Jeez, gonna have to really decide which powers you can wait on.

At level 14 I usually take my travel power, which means that I had to open TWO pool picks (Swift, Hover for example) between 6th and 12th. Thats 2 pool picks that displaced primary powers so far.

Then at 16th or 18th, you open your 5th secondary and your 7th primary picks. These are big time problems. Usually some very good powers open up here, but delaying Health will delay Stamina till 22nd level. hmmm,, decisions

Finally, if you made all the sacrifices to get stamina to open at 20th, now your 6th secondary power opens up at the SAME TIME as stamina. Again this pick is usually damn good, so instead of having this power slotted at 21, you are waiting till 23.

In the long-run, none of this matters, but everyone should plan on leveling a newbie character as soon as this goes live so they can experience the huge difference this change will have on a new character, instead of focusing on how this is going to make you "rework" existing toons.




I dont think inherent Fitness will make much of a difference to the level 1-10 experience.

I hardly ever run out of endurance then, due to having fewer ways to spend endurance. The crunch usually comes in during the teens, once Ive picked up some AoEs and toggles, and have a smoother attack chain.

Health wont make a difference to rest time between fights even, that's still limited by the recharge on Rest.

So you'll run a bit faster and jump a bit higher. It wont be game-changing in the way that 3 extra vet attacks are.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
If I were complaining, I'd say it'd be because you're not really getting more choice. We're actually loosing a pool option. Choosing to make a less-than-fit character in exchange for having some randomish tools was an option (or alternatively, making a character who's main redeeming feature was being fit and not much else).

Having several characters like that, I can only really just pretend nothing ever happened and play like I did before with perhaps the exception of not getting as much mileage out or Recall because everyone and their mother will be taking it now (*checks if his TP prompt is up*).

Now if I could trade in the inherent fitness for, say, inherent Invoke Panic (the only power I couldn't fit into my non-fitness build) or if I could take fitness twice or build off of it to accentuate that trait (hmm, I guess he can take Calling the Wolf since that's the only Katana power he doesn't idea what else he'd take...Kick?) there'd be actual options across the board.
The ability to select a single power pool set as an inherent? Why, Leo, I dare say you've become a might touched in the head with both madness and brilliance!

But seriously, I wouldn't push it myself. I'm really happy and pleasantly surprised we're getting fitness as an inherent.
REALLY surprised since I think the devs had once said that they would have sooner removed the endurance mechanic from the game altogether than make fitness pool inherent.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
I suspect part of the change was to in some way combat people saying Praetoria is too hard or that is was too boring waiting / resting between fights in it. A few other small changes, like improving Sprint, seem to be aimed at this idea of keeping people moving more compared to older CoH, and perhaps also a nod to the fact that they want people to enjoy the content rather than getting frustrated and aiming to clear the teens as quickly as possible.
I am a little more cynical in my view of the change.

To explain, let me ask you a question. If you knew that some changes that were planned were not going to go over so well, would you consider throwing a bone out there that everyone and their mother has wanted to "ease" the pain ?

:::well at least we got....::: <<--- insert Inherent Stamina here

I am not speaking from any knowledge of the upcoming I19, just thinking out loud.
You know, "hope for the best, expect the worst". Its a good plan IMO