Fitness Inherent, good idea?




I love it that fitness becomes inherent! For so many of my toons (But not all) fitness is required for just Stamina. This will certainly frees things up for more offensive or secondary powers at lower levels. No way that I can complain about that!



I don't know that Fitness as an inherent ability is a good idea, but I'd say it goes a small way towards counter-acting the bad idea of Endurance.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Smokefire View Post
Now I am hearing I will get Hurdle, Swift, Health and Stamina up front as well. Aren't we making our characters a bit too powerful, up front and a bit too early?
Unslotted Stamina and even three-slotted Stamina with trainers or DOs will not make characters overpowered. Stamina at the lower levels won't help all that much if you don't have any end reduction in your attacks.

At higher levels even characters with Quick Recovery (Regen and Willpower) often take Stamina as well because they can fire off attacks faster than Quick Recovery (which is better than Stamina) will recover it.

I'll predict right now that hundreds of players will think that Stamina was nerfed because they'll be running out of end once they get three or four attacks, at level 12 or so. They'll be used to playing with level 50 characters with Stamina, end recovery procs and IO sets with 30-40% end reduction in them, and will shocked when they find themselves running out of end half way through every fight -- in part because their attacks will be slotted with a measly 20-40% damage bonus and no end reduction.



So far all of my builds have become quite a bit more powerful thanks to not having to take the Fitness Pool. It's weird the difference three powers can make.

At the same time, I'm not sure how big a deal this is when people are already capable of soloing AV's, and even some GM's.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
New players don't have the vet attacks.
Also, not having to pick the three fitness powers isn't gonna suddenly make everyone able to solo lvl 54 Hero class Statesman. It just means that 1-22 won't be a suck-trip that lacks endurance, so people can actaully get on and do what they should be doing; enjoying the game.
Ayup! Techbot was always the loudest in the crowd about the 1-20 grind. Aside from being happy about the change, I'm also pretty happy for him.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I don't know that Fitness as an inherent ability is a good idea, but I'd say it goes a small way towards counter-acting the bad idea of Endurance.
Hehe (The above was quoted simply because I found it worth the emphasis)

I believe this change is going to be a very subtle and surprising improvement to your toons.
Think about all those "situational" powers that you could not squeeze into your build before now.

My Mind-Rad Controller, is looking very seriously at powers like Mutation, and Fallout.

My Emp-Elec is looking at taking Vengeance and his Nuke.

etc... etc...

Every build can look at squeezing 1-2 situational powers in that didn't make the cut before.
That is very interesting IMO. But it pales in comparison to how much more pleasant the pre-20s leveling is going to be. How much easier it will be to choose powers at those levels, and how your endurance concerns pre-SO will have the edge taken off considerably.

It will not make the pre-20 levels overpowered. If you start taking a whole bunch of AoE powers or too many toggles, you will be dissappointed. Pre-SO is still going to be Pre-SO, but it will be more enjoyable pacing.




Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
Ayup! Techbot was always the loudest in the crowd about the 1-20 grind. Aside from being happy about the change, I'm also pretty happy for him.
Weird, I actually really enjoy the 1-30 game and tend to get bored in the 35+ game. Never felt it was a painful grind at all.

But aside from that, do we even know we're getting all the fitness powers straight up at the early levels? Could be we don't get Fitness (or at least Stamina/Health) until lvl 15 or so.



All that's been said is that the fitness pool will be inherited at lvl 2, same as ninja run at lvl 4, mission TP at lvl 3, etc. No detail other than that.



Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
All that's been said is that the fitness pool will be inherited at lvl 2, same as ninja run at lvl 4, mission TP at lvl 3, etc. No detail other than that.
Maybe they'll put all the bonuses (jump/run/fly/regen/recover) into one "Fitness" power that you get at level 2.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
All that's been said is that the fitness pool will be inherited at lvl 2, same as ninja run at lvl 4, mission TP at lvl 3, etc. No detail other than that.
I'm getting tired of quoting this, so help spread the word and such. This is castle in response to the Fitness changes announced at the PAX convention.

Originally Posted by Castle
Yes, they are enhanceable and you can add up to 5 additional slots to them, just like the current versions. The powers are all available either at level 1 or 2 (I forget at the moment) -- no waiting 'til 20 for Stamina.
Aaaand, link to post: