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  1. I know, I'm gonna get smoked for this one...

    But I have read many complaints about the characters we play getting to be too powerful and to an extent unbalanced. Observing the performance of many of alts restricted to only Singles, which is the game baseline, to just using inventions, to using IO sets, to using Vet reward powers; I can tell you we can get ubber-awesome.

    I remember 5 years ago, starting a level 2 alt, and going thru the streets of Atlas and how tough it was. Now I go thru them and I am looking for reds to mug! Ha ha ha! or perhaps its a muahahahah!

    In the old days, I had a protective power and a single attack, it made fighting mobs a slow and risky proposition; yet it made me learn and master the game.

    Later the complaints were so loud, that developers gave us bonus starting powers to complement our perceived weak ATs.

    By now, when I come in at level 2, I have: 1 AT Primary Defense, 1 AT Secondary Attack, the AT free starter power, Black Wand, Nemesis Staff, Sands of Mu, and jump pack. Wow I am awesome and only level 2!

    Now I am hearing I will get Hurdle, Swift, Health and Stamina up front as well. Aren't we making our characters a bit too powerful, up front and a bit too early?

    And to make the situation more stressing, if we get these 3 powers free, that means we now can slot 3 more powers for our characters. Certainly we may have a power slotting limitaton, but there are lots of powers with a single enhancemet that are actually great to have.

    But the issue I am bringing out is: Is it wise to make the characters in tis game even more powerful?

    If that occurs, what will be the unintended consequences? Will we see more endurance zapping mobs? Will mobs start to hit harder? Will the balance of the game change, and would it change evenly across melee and support ATs?

    Smokem if you got them
  2. Smokefire

    Wild West zone

    I am definetely for thematic zones, kinda disappointed CoX had not pursued it more. They did an awesome job with the Roman theme, Cimerora was a real nice piece of development. A Cowboy setting, OK Corral and all could be really exciting and so cool, even have Wyatt Erp as an NPC there...

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    This is terrible advice. Dark Astoria is a dreadful place to hunt tips and it isn't fun at all hacking zombies up for them, honest guv. Especially since they drop worthless Magical Salvage which as we all know is completely useless and no-one wants it.

    (In other words my mid-20s Broadsword/Fire scrapper likes having the place to himself thank you Slicing Zombies up is indeed a great way to quickly garner tips and earn some non-trash Salvage in the process ).
    That is funny!

    I usually hunt IP, plenty of large cluster of groups to attack and easy to get to. Still there are times that I have gone decimating hundreds of victims, err mobs, and received no tips; of course there are days where I fart and get 2 tips... Like Stormy, where I hunt for tips and where I do the tips are usually different places, after she mentioned the map bit, I stopped killing and doing them in IP, and found the brainless travel to be much less in Atlas. So I would prefer to get my 5 tips, do them all in Atlas (were I can stop at the market an unload the goodies as I make them) and then return to IP to get my morality mission tip.

    Smokem if you got them
  4. Yeah, nothing makes me madder than having my WW, Mission or base transporter fail because somebody somewhere did something. I can't even tell how far they need to be to not affect me!

    I agree, that, interruptions of these portals should be strictly limited to one being hit by something such as damage, debuff or status effect.


    Smoke em if you gottem
  5. I think after having some time and doing these tips and re-aligning, why not have Vigilante or Rogue bases? Or bases that are simple neutral, its a building after all. I don't see the harm in a base or oro portal that can fully serve a Vigilante or Rogue, while still handling Hero or Villain needs.

    I don't see it as world breaking difficult, to have a base teleporter decide upon your alignment if it will operate for you or not. And in the case of Oro, why not have the portal be able to offer you go blue or red side after it had determined if you are a vigilante or rogue?

  6. The thinking fo rmy suggestion, be able to store all 10, goes more along the ability to gain and store tips as you actually do the tips. If you are doing a tip mission, and have 2 more on queue. At this time, you can not get more tips due to developer set limit of 3. I am asking to have such a limited expanded to 10. So maybe as I start my tip sequence, and doing the very first one, I may get so lucky from killing them all to get all other 9 tips! Frankly I would be happy to be able to collect up front all 5 tips of the day, in one pass.

  7. Why not be able to store all 10 tips? and do the 5 a day you can, knowing you got next day's 5 in line?

  8. I really wish, people would just mind their business... They all too often compare their own performance to others and when they loose, they easily conclude the other had to be cheating; there is no way the other player could be better! Then even worse, many of these players, truly believe they are the best thing since we discovered we could put butter on toast, and thus we all should play CoX as they do, or surely we are the scum of the Earth.

  9. I like the concept in part, because there are times I may only need a small percentage to bump my alt's ability to where I want it to be, and because of the current IO structure I may have to 6 slot a power and wind up with way more ability that I wanted. By having the ability to choose how many slots for a certain percent effect, I could Franken-Slot much better.

  10. I'm not sure such a review is really needed, I am not sure if the powers themselves are unbalanced at all with regards to abilities and recipe compatibility.

    On the other hand, in the process of trying to achieve certain capabilities such as recharge, hit points, endurance recovery, defense, resistance and what not; it would be helpful if the various powers had more IO recipe choices, normally the great majority of the powers can only accept two IO types (melee, ranged, confuse, etc), it would be great if the powers could be set to have about 4 IO recpe types; I understand that perhaps the powers themselves may have to be modified to make sense for the new IO recipe choices, but on the other hand it would make the power themselves more versatile and thus make the game more fun.

  11. The concept is just unique and it pwns!

    Cant wait to get it
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
    With the exceptions that none of the "currencies" here are in any way monetary.

    [color =#8090B0]Its more like asking that college degrees, military ranks and medals of honor should be exchangable.[/color]
    Perhaps we are taking the word "currency" to an extreme and you ar eplaying devil's advocate all too well, ha ha ha.

    But in my experience, currency is the definition of what it is used to trade for goods and services. In America nomally the Dollar is used as the official currency, But I will tell you I will take Budweiser as bonafide currency for helping you with your yard work. How many times you "barter", or trade something for something, at the end what all these processes are doing is simply the function we call "Curency"

    It sure feels like currency when I trade 60 tickets and I get a recipe; it sure feels like currency when I trade vanguard merits and I get a kick *** robot; it sure feels like currency when I trade merits for recipes; it sure feels like currency when I trade influence for a recipe at WW.

    So we can really get wrapped around the axle over semantics, but at the end of the day, influence, merits, tickets, and vanguard tickets are forms of currency. So why not define the exchange rates and give players some flexibility?
  13. Ha ha ha, that was funny!

    I agree withthe cool down, and perhaps an auto spam duel feature, say if a player challenges you more than 3 times in a minute, the challenge is automatically ignored. So you don't get the window spammed on you ove and over.
  14. I am new to these game, so I hope this post is not offensive to the experienced players. I did spend some time searching for this idea and could not find it, but the search engine is kinda weird with the results it provides.

    As I said, I am new and have spent many years playing other on-line games, such as DAOC, and WoW. Both of this games have a feature were two players can challenge each other into combat, any where, any time.

    I realize this game has something referred as an Arena, which could simulate such an ability to challenge, but that is kinda out of the way and not spontaneous.

    In both WoW and DAOC, a player could click on the other and like our trade window actually have a challenge window present itself. If the player says no, then no interaction can happen with the other. If the player says yes, the two players can now fight each other wherever they are, but are immune to effects and actions from other players; they are not immune to effects and actions from mobs.

    I would like to see this ability, as a quality of life or convenience kind of thing. So if another player is egging you, you could challenge them, if two players want to test each other they could do as well, with out the formality of an arena match (whose maps I frankly could care less for).
  15. Would be cool if you could trade among currencies, it kinda make sense to me, if one thinks of currencies such as Dollars, Yen, Pesos, Euros and what not; at the end of the day they are all currencies which you could go to a bank and exchange them for the currency that makes sense to you at the time, if you going to Japan it would make sense to have Yens to buy stuff there.

    Now it seems to me, that earning the various currencies have different levels of difficulty with some being rather tough and others rather easy. I can see getting Vanguard Merits all too easy during a Mothership Raid, and tickets are acquired much easier than Merits, so I can see premium charges for those excahanges or something that drives the exchange rates. I think Stormy has the right idea, but not the right exchange rates. Sadly I have not been playing the game long enough to have a good sense of what would be right, perhaps some of you experienced guys out there could come with recommendations for what these exchanges should be.
  16. I think the idea is workable, but it requires a bit of thinking to make it practical. In general I like any concept which would allow for new tactics in the game, that is always cool.

    Perhaps your idea, reminds me too much of the WoW Warlock's ability, of a delivery of 3 or 4 DoTs and your target is dead in a round or two; that is something I did enjoy very much as a Warlock in PvP, when I used to play WoW. Yeah I do remember my victims popping a heal potion, or getting healed, and thus ruining my fun; but the player did run away from battle which is almost as good as a victory.

    I would think, there has to be a way to simulate that form of combat in a meaningful manner, but I am not sufficiently experienced in this game to advice how.
  17. Sigium...

    Thanks for the unsolicited advice and humurous delivery of it, just for the record I do try very hard to line up my cones. But with lag and other game factors, the so called easy to line up your attack is less than the easy guarantee you insinuate it to be. Perhaps I have a less than premium computer, or my internet connection may not be super all the times, or what not. I feel being able to spread out the cone, would make the lining up more reliable.
  18. Well the idea of all ATS being as good, sounds good in paper, but in experience does not work as well, and would be really difficult to accomplish with the diversity of ATs, Sets and inventions to boot.

    If you want to solo and feel good, do a melee, you want to be challenged play a defender...
  19. Anything to help invigorate PvP in this game would be nice...
  20. I say, after you do one transaction with field agent, you get her number... Same after doing one mission for the detective, give his friggin doughnut and get his number.
  21. Who cares if it was done before or not, or is it difficult or not to do?

    I believe the general idea is a nice one, I am so tired of my melee cones only hitting one dastard most of the time...
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I haven't gotten Psychic Blast high enough to tell (only 20, I think), but I know Assault Rifle suffers from this BIG TIME. With only two real single-target attacks and a spawn, just about every boss, and every boss resistant to lethal in particular, is a PAIN. As well, the set excels at AoE damage of a magnitude that a solo Blaster isn't likely to survive the return fire from. Trust me, I've tried. On a team, it's fire and forget. I can fall asleep on my attack key and my team will love me because of the ludicrous damage output over AoE. Solo, though, that AoE doesn't get as much mileage, and the lack of serious killing speed REALLY hurts.

    That's as compared to, say, a Fire Blaster who can outright kill in the blink of an eye, or an Ice Blaster, who can both deal upfront damage AND leverage much stronger control. Assault Rifle just lags behind in solo potential, and that shows.

    I believe the idea was for this to be an "Everything Blast." I can't exactly disagree with the general premise, because a set which switches damage types on the fly can be interesting. I kind of question the ability to design one, because you'd have to pick one element to be the strongest to nuke with. More than that, the merit of having different damage types available to you, while interesting, isn't actually something that's terribly useful. Even with good, long-term knowledge of the game, few people would know what to do with their powers, what is weak to what, what is strong to what and so on. There is no good reference material for this. You can sort of draw from Red Tomax, but only if you know each faction's system name, and powers like Surveillance and the Power Analyser aren't very common.

    All in all, in a few instances, multiple damage types can be a boon. A lot of the time, though, people don't know when these instances are, and there's no good way to check, or indeed remember. And, what's more, a multiple-damage-type set would be a lot more interesting with the ability to switch damage types on all attacks, not just have one attack be one and the other another.
    You got a point there bro, but, if you pay attention to the orange numbers over the head of your victim, you may be able to see which damage type hurts them more...
  23. I think I see what you trying to do, somehow your post reminds me of the Warlock in World of Warcraft, where they DOT the hell out of you, and then they dash to their next victim as they leave you out to die...

    I think, something like that in CoX would be awesome and definetely a cool new tactic for the game, kinda of a Stalkerish-Blaster, you see your victim, you go DOT,DOT,DOT...fade away and laugh as your victim's life ebbs away before his very own eyes.

    Come on guys, give her a break, she is trying to help make the game more fun, you should be trying to help her make her ideas more practical, but no need to be cruel or disrepectful. I bet Stormy, despite many of her less than brilliant ideas, has likely many ideas she has submitted actually been adopted by the devs; I believe we should try to encourage her and others to keep submitting ideas, after all if she only has 1 good idea in 20, its worth it.
  24. Nice idea, I like

    Perhaps the prices of recipies should not be the same as merit rewards, for it seems getting PvP merits easier to get.

    Also perhaps there should be a timer, for how long an adventure could last, say 2 hours. If at the end of the 2 hours, no one has won, its a tie and they split the PvP merits.

    I would also suggest that players that are in the top 20 PvP ranks for each side, be highlighted with a blue and red aura respectively to give them credit for their accomplishment, and thus if anyone defeats them they get double PvP merits for defeating a known character.
