A new IO set architecture





While struggling with the changes done to Blessing of the Zephyr, it occurred to me why not have a different set of IO bonus architecture available. I am not saying dump the existing ones, just have another bonus architecture style available.

Let me explain the difference...

Today you can pick any IO set and any particular bonus within that set is achieved depending on how many slots were dedicated to that particular IO recipe. For example, Obliteration gives you 3.75 melee defense at six slots, but other bonuses are given to us at 2,3,4,and 5 slots. The benefit of this architecture is that many different benefits can be given through the use of slot filling. The weakness is that you have to have the right amount of slots filled with the particular recipe to get the effect.

What I am suggesting:

Add another new set of recipes, that have all the benefits available right up front, just at 2 slots, but you get a percent of the full benefit. For example you would have 20% of the bonus at 2 slots, 40% at 3 slots, 60% at 4 slots, 80% at 5 slots and 100% at 6 slots.

Most current recipes tend to give you about 6 to 8 or more bonuses through out the slot evolution of that recipe, thus the new architecture recipes would have 3 to 4 scaled abilities all available at two slots and so forth.

The benefit of such an architecture is versatility, and a way to address the rule of 5 in a more direct and pratical manner. Not that it is likely to happen, but as an extreme, you could slot 5 of the same recipes at 6 slots; thus reaching the 100% bonus benefit cap; but one could use the same recipe another 5 times at 5 slots and not impact the 6 slot cap, but do achieve a 5 slot benefit cap; the process could be reproduced at 4,3, and 2 but frankly I can't see this actually happening in practice. The drawback to this architecture, is that when you get these recipes is that you don't get as many different bonuses.

What do you all think?



Ps: Perhaps these new recipes could be introduced in say I18 or I19



I like the concept in part, because there are times I may only need a small percentage to bump my alt's ability to where I want it to be, and because of the current IO structure I may have to 6 slot a power and wind up with way more ability that I wanted. By having the ability to choose how many slots for a certain percent effect, I could Franken-Slot much better.
