Stalker and Scrapper /Glass Cannon set.
Giving a second look at things, the set is definitely... Unique. I can't say I like it, can't say I loathe it. It's a bit 'different' for my tastes, especially with the Self-rez as the second power in the set itself.
It's far too different from other sets for me to tell you it's a great idea, but different isn't always bad.

Actually, I was gonna respond with "Play Firey Aura", until the Self Destruct power caught my eye. Then I read the whole set. I think it sounds like an interesting idea!
BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.

Ok, so I'm not crazy. There's some other people who might think this is fun. Thanks!
And yes, it's not do or die so much as do and die. That is a much more accurate description. The idea with this would probably be "hurt as many things as you can before you go boom and finish them off."
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For a ninth power (for Scrappers, obviously; Stalkers get Hide) I think some sort of power like transference - a +end power. If you're going to go, a little thing like fatigue isn't going to hold you back.

i think playing around with numbers a little and getting a good balance to it would make it a decent set. maybe the power that would need to be added is a auto +15% resistance/+5% def. it would grant both and cap around 28-30% resist and 12-15% def? that way you can take a little damage and knock some foes down before going down yourself to.
I'd say it's an interesting set. Probably the only set where you'd want to carry around a bunch of awakes instead of purples. Can you imagine it? Run in, get killed and explode, use awake, they instantly kill you again and explode, get up *again* and put down and take everyone down with you.
I'd probably suggest rolling the debt protection in with another power. Maybe the quickness power?
Also, you think there could be a power that somehow buffed you by how much debt you had? Sure, you could game it and keep yourself debt capped OR you could just have fun being suicidal and get rewarded for it!
Oh, also! The self rez *has* to have a proc PBAoE fear in there! What's more scary than a kamikaze fighter that keeps getting back up?

I want this set.
It would make me giggle insanely. I would play it. I would die a lot.
I would enjoy this.
My enemies would not enjoy it.
My team mates would probably laugh their ***** off at me.
"Okay, lemme run in and take the alpha, then the tank can come up behind me."
*charge, die, kaboom...*
One possible suggestion..
T1: auto self destruct. Have it on like a 5 minute timer or something (to prevent the brokenness of die/wake/die/wake etc)
T2: Self rez, recharge of 2 minutes, 25% health and endurance.
*yadda yadda*
T9: Explosive self rez, ala Rise of the Phoenix, 15 minute timer, rez w/ full health/endurance. massive PBAoE damage, knock back and a 5 second placate effect. (basically the idea being giving yourself a moment to regroup before you hit them again.)
I think for debt protection, I would go the route of giving a small amount to most/every power in the set. 5% per power, w/ an extra 5% if you take all 9. (Thus at level 38 you could have 50% debt protection.)
Giving a second look at things, the set is definitely... Unique. I can't say I like it, can't say I loathe it. It's a bit 'different' for my tastes, especially with the Self-rez as the second power in the set itself.
It's far too different from other sets for me to tell you it's a great idea, but different isn't always bad. |
Again, that doesn't work for stalkers... So they'd have to have it as a second pick.
Thanks for all the feedback. Yes, this set would need some recovery added into it, and I really like the idea of rolling the debt protection into another power. Perhaps it could scale with level up to a maximum of 50%?
How does debt protection stack? In RWZ, you have 50%, so would this make you only get 25% or nothing?
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Given that I already use dying as a tactic for some of my Scrappers, I think I could get a lot of fun out of this.
((Well, I say it's a tactic. People I team with may have another word for it ))
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
This may sound crazy but...
I actually believe that set would be overpowered.
This may sound crazy but...
I actually believe that set would be overpowered. |
What about it seems overpowered? Is any aspect overly abuse-able?
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
No, it's not crazy. That's the reason I asked.
What about it seems overpowered? Is any aspect overly abuse-able? |
Scrappers are made to survive and kill...trying to balance both of those is the key.
With powers such as self-destruct and self-rez...your basically taking out the need to survive...making it to the point that you actually want to die while playing this set.
(Fiery Aura has self-destruct and self rez in one you still don't really want to die...but if you do happen to die, your self rez has some damage it can do.)
Taking away the apsect of not wanting to die while also giving it the most potential damage is why its overpowered.
Blasters don't want to die...they want to find away to unleash their massive damage and still survive. (They do get a self rez in their epics but no dept protection power)
The real downside in this game is not wanting to be defeated (which is changed because you have a power that makes you want to die), debt (which is covered with your debt protection power) and missing out on action (which is covered with your self rez)
When you no longer have to worry about dying and you deal the most damage...thats overpowered.
Well this set is brought up to be to most damaging set.
Scrappers are made to survive and kill...trying to balance both of those is the key. With powers such as self-destruct and self-rez...your basically taking out the need to survive...making it to the point that you actually want to die while playing this set. (Fiery Aura has self-destruct and self rez in one you still don't really want to die...but if you do happen to die, your self rez has some damage it can do.) Taking away the apsect of not wanting to die while also giving it the most potential damage is why its overpowered. Blasters don't want to die...they want to find away to unleash their massive damage and still survive. (They do get a self rez in their epics but no dept protection power) The real downside in this game is not wanting to be defeated (which is changed because you have a power that makes you want to die), debt (which is covered with your debt protection power) and missing out on action (which is covered with your self rez) When you no longer have to worry about dying and you deal the most damage...thats overpowered. |
Maybe the self destruct should be immune to buffs but still enhanceable or something like that. You'll deal more damage per unit time by staying alive, but I kind of made the set with the idea that you would want to die.
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Well, yeah. You still don't want to die all that often, because the self rez isn't a fast recharge power. I also didn't mean for the debt protection to be 100%. At most, it should be 50%.
Maybe the self destruct should be immune to buffs but still enhanceable or something like that. You'll deal more damage per unit time by staying alive, but I kind of made the set with the idea that you would want to die. |
That's actually underpowered.
I really think that this set would either be overpowered or underpowered...with the middle ground copying the blaster AT.
Oh wow, I would so play a set like this.. Right, let's grab the powers, jumble things around and put up a structured set based on the thread so far;
Self Destruct: Auto PBAoE Superior (untyped?) damage on death, does not occur if under the effect of a mez before death (to stop you from Awaken spamming it). Damage a little higher than, say, Fire Sword Circle? Just enough to maybe one-shot a Minion. Only slottable for damage and not accuracy, immune to +tohit.
Unnerving Presence: Toggle PBAoE -damage (10-25%) -tohit (5-15%), 20% chance per tick for mag 1 fear, average endurance drain (0.21/sec). Can be slotted for end and -tohit, takes -tohit IO sets.
Quickened Assault: Auto +recharge, +speed (like Quickness), +damage (10-20%), can be slotted for run speed, no IO sets.
Ignore Strikes: Auto debt protection (20-50%), resistance to all but psi (10-30%), +hp (5-20%), resistance and +hp slottable, takes the corrosponding IO sets.
Rampage: Toggle +damage (5-15%), mez protection (all but repel, teleport and knockback), +speed (like Swift), above average endurance drain (0.3-0.4/sec), only endurance is enhancable.
Shrug it Off: Self rez, 10 minute recharge, brings you to 25% health and 50% endurance, can be slotted for recharge and heal, accepts heal IO sets.
Relentless: Auto self +endurance (10-20), +recovery (5-10% per enemy within melee, like Rise to the Challenge, accept End Mod to increase the +recovery, +end is unenhancable, takes End Mod IO sets.
All for One: Toggle, single target enemy debuff, -resistance (10-20%), -tohit (5-10%), -speed (50-80%), enemy taunt (10-20 seconds unenhanced). If you die when the debuff is active, the target will receive Superior untyped damage. 5+ minute recharge, very high end drain (1+ endurance/sec). Can be slotted for Endred, -tohit and taunt. Accepts Taunt IO sets. A real power for "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me!"
Inspirational Defeat: Click self +defense (50+), +damage (30-50%), +tohit (10-20%) for 30 seconds. When the buff ends, you are instantly defeated and become untargettable and unable to use self ressurection abilities. All allies within range will be buffed with a Vengeance clone with the name changed to Inspired. 15 minute recharge
Never Surrender: Toggle, no endurance drain. Upon reaching 0hp you will continue to fight on untill you run out of endurance. Your damage (20-30%) and tohit (10-20%) will be buffed, but you will be unable to regain any endurance through any means (outside buffs, your own recovery ect). You will also be unable to regain your health by any means, putting you in a perpetual state of near death.
Not sure if some of the ideas behind a few of these powers would be possible, but we can dream eh?
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
With death so common, and dare I say intended, lol, might I suggest making sure the mez protection armor is a toggle? Nothing like dying right after a clickable one is activated, only to rez without it for 2 minutes...
That said, I would like to see the devs at least alpha test this concept and see if it can maintain a decent balance with the others... I worry that without any +HP or resistances it won't work against some bosses, EBs, or AVs, but I guess that's kinda the point. I'd say a -Damage AoE toggle like Shield Defense: AAO or Ice Armor: Chilling Embrace would be useful too. Far away enemies might get the better of you, but your survivability could come from being in their face... isn't "in your face" the whole idea of the suicidal maniac? LOL, it has a frighteningly Chaotic/Neutral allure to it that keeps drawing me in.
My brain keeps saying, "ooooo, that's different..." followed by "ow, that won't work" followed by "but then again, maybe it would..." followed by "ow, the pain!" followed by "$#@% it I'm goin' in!" LOL
I say they toy with it and at least see if it's worth while without overdoing it.
You could call the set "Berserking" or something along those lines. Sounds like a barrel full of fun!
Oh wow, I would so play a set like this.. Right, let's grab the powers, jumble things around and put up a structured set based on the thread so far;
Self Destruct: Auto PBAoE Superior (untyped?) damage on death, does not occur if under the effect of a mez before death (to stop you from Awaken spamming it). Damage a little higher than, say, Fire Sword Circle? Just enough to maybe one-shot a Minion. Only slottable for damage and not accuracy, immune to +tohit. |
Adjust it to be on a timer, like any other power. I would say 5 minutes would be a good base number, could be reduced pretty well through recharge redux.
Also, make sure it does not stack with the Self Destruct power from the Cyborg pack. (.. seriously, double kaboom?)
Unnerving Presence: Toggle PBAoE -damage (10-25%) -tohit (5-15%), 20% chance per tick for mag 1 fear, average endurance drain (0.21/sec). Can be slotted for end and -tohit, takes -tohit IO sets. |
Quickened Assault: Auto +recharge, +speed (like Quickness), +damage (10-20%), can be slotted for run speed, no IO sets. |
One thing that might be kind of cool on this is if was a passive which the values were based off of how low your HP are. Might also be overpowered..
Ignore Strikes: Auto debt protection (20-50%), resistance to all but psi (10-30%), +hp (5-20%), resistance and +hp slottable, takes the corrosponding IO sets. |
Rampage: Toggle +damage (5-15%), mez protection (all but repel, teleport and knockback), +speed (like Swift), above average endurance drain (0.3-0.4/sec), only endurance is enhancable. |
Shrug it Off: Self rez, 10 minute recharge, brings you to 25% health and 50% endurance, can be slotted for recharge and heal, accepts heal IO sets. |
Relentless: Auto self +endurance (10-20), +recovery (5-10% per enemy within melee, like Rise to the Challenge, accept End Mod to increase the +recovery, +end is unenhancable, takes End Mod IO sets. |
I would say a passive +X recovery, with an additional +Y/foe in melee range would be more fitting with the games current system, and honestly a little more useful.
All for One: Toggle, single target enemy debuff, -resistance (10-20%), -tohit (5-10%), -speed (50-80%), enemy taunt (10-20 seconds unenhanced). If you die when the debuff is active, the target will receive Superior untyped damage. 5+ minute recharge, very high end drain (1+ endurance/sec). Can be slotted for Endred, -tohit and taunt. Accepts Taunt IO sets. A real power for "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me!" |
I would skip this power, and have a feeling that alot of other people would, too.
Inspirational Defeat: Click self +defense (50+), +damage (30-50%), +tohit (10-20%) for 30 seconds. When the buff ends, you are instantly defeated and become untargettable and unable to use self ressurection abilities. All allies within range will be buffed with a Vengeance clone with the name changed to Inspired. 15 minute recharge |
My thought is make this a power like Elude or the like, with a crash that kills you (triggering your self destruct), and recycles your self-rez power, and grants a buff on nearby team mates.
The penalties you currently have linked to this power, FAR outweigh the benefits. Recycling the self-rez makes you pause before using this power solo (where the benefits would be the strongest), but wouldn't penalize your team for you using it (If they have a rezer, or someone can get you a wake, they don't have to be down a person while you hosp and run back.)
Alternatively Never Surrender: Toggle, no endurance drain. Upon reaching 0hp you will continue to fight on untill you run out of endurance. Your damage (20-30%) and tohit (10-20%) will be buffed, but you will be unable to regain any endurance through any means (outside buffs, your own recovery ect). You will also be unable to regain your health by any means, putting you in a perpetual state of near death. |
This is probably going to sound ridiculous... perhaps even ludicrous, but I had an idea for a scrapper/stalker secondary.
I think it could be very interesting to have a "defense" set that would sacrifice defense for more offense. I see it as a "do or die" kind of theme where the strategy is simply "I have to kill you before I die." I've got some ideas for powers, but I can't begin to put numbers to them or even decide what order they should come in. Regardless, here's what I've got:
Self Destruct - Auto power. The idea with this power is that any time you are defeated, you explode. PBAoE Superior damage. I think this should either be the mandatory first pick (which it can't be for stalkers), or the tier nine. This kind of sets the tone for the powerset though.
Self Rez - Obviously if you plan to die a lot, you'll need a way to get back up. No special bonuses, just stand up with most of your health/endurance and maybe a few seconds of "untouchable" in case you need to get away.
Mez Protection - Thematic in a "disregard for self" kind of way. "I'm going to get you, and no amount of immob/stun/hold/sleep is going to stop me!"
PBAoE Damage/ACC Debuff - Either a click or a toggle. Again, the idea with this is more of an "offensive defense." Your mitigation would be lowering enemies abilities to harm you rather than boosting your resistance/defense.
Damage Boost - I know we all have build up in the primary, but I'm thinking a longer lasting click or even a toggle +dam/+acc here. I think some sort of -HP like oppressive gloom would be appropriate if it were a toggle.
EDIT: Alternate/Additional Damage boost - Auto power. Proportional to how much health you're missing, you get a damage boost. 100-60% health = no boost. 5% health = 200% DMG bonus. It would be a lot like the old blaster inherent I guess. The idea here is, you want to die while you're at low health, not while you're at 60% or more. It would of course buff the Self Destruct boom.
Uncanny Luck - Maybe as the Tier 9 is something like elude or overload/powersurge. A short period of softcapped defense, followed by a PBAoE burst of damage/stun and major crash. Maybe the "crash" could even be certain death, which would trigger the self destruct power. "I'm going to last x seconds, and then I'm dead. But so help me, you'll be gone before I am."
Quickness - One way to become more offensive is to have inherent +recharge. Pretty much a clone of the reflex power.
Debt protection - Now, I don't think debt is a big deal, but maybe if you're going to be planning on dying a lot, a little bit of passive debt protection might be needed.
That's only eight powers. Like I said, I need some help figuring out what could be done here.
The main questions however are: Is this even viable? Is it potentially game breaking?
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.