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  1. Warkupo

    New Aura Preview

    I'm all for Global Costume Pieces as well. I don't mind unlocking it once, but only once. Otherwise I commonly run into a situation where a character in my head relies upon a costume piece I can't actually give to them and the entire thing just winds up not happening at all, or I play with a "gimp" place holder costume until I can actually make them look the way I had envisioned.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    That's brilliant, I never even noticed.
    Although, chocobos started going "kweh" after FFVIII I thought, (FFVII they "warked"). Do they still "wark" in XI?
    I honestly can't remember. I'm pretty sure they make the Kweh sound but it's been forever since I last played FFXI.

    Maybe I'll make a character named Opukweh to be the evil Praetorian version or something =P
  3. Warkupo

    AR Question...

    The AOE is plenty big. Upping the radius would require drastic reduction in the damage of Ignite for it to remain even kind of balanced.

    There is nothing wrong with Ignite, and I personally greatly enjoy having the ability to swap it's function as is situation appropriate, even if I do normally just torch things to an ashy pile.
  4. Hover offers game benefits that are not immediately obvious in it's description. Unlike Hover, Combat Jumping basically tells you everything it does; You actually need to play the game with Hover to realize that mitigation it can offer you:

    It offers Ranged Characters potent damage mitigation in the ability to avoid melee attacks to a higher degree.

    It allows a character to avoid many ground based attacks through the virtue of not being on the ground. Knives of Artemis and CoT Earth mages immediately jump to mind.

    It allows you to divide up a spawn by separating those that fly from those that can't.

    I consider these things worth the lack of Immobilization protection that Combat Jumping offers (especially since I can just TAKE CJ as well). I don't know why CJ gets to have such low endurance, and while I would LIKE Hover to be set to match CJ, it probably makes more sense that CJ's end/s be set to match hover.

    Hover+CJ is actually a pretty good Defense option as far as min/maxing goes. Neither require any prerequisites, can both be slotted with LoTG+Rech, offer about 4% Defense to everything when stacked together, offer benefits beyond just def, and don't need more than their base slot to be effective. You can safely toss either in at any point in your build and be better for it.
  5. Ranged Character
    +Ranged Defense
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Actually, you shouldn't be so sure. Some of us start from the standpoint of not really caring or even specifically disliking underwater environments, and looking for a convincing argument that would make us change our minds. Such has, to this day, not been given.

    What's more, games have historically made me hate underwater environments with all their restrictions and the awkward way people moved in them. I side with BABs here - should never happen.
    We all hated the Water Temple. We have group therapy every Saturday if you think you'd be interested~
  7. The amount of work that would be required for an underwater zone likely rivals that of what was done in Going Rogue. Even if you do just ignore the laws of physics and chemistry, as most games do when dealing with the "underwater zone", you still need new animations, new art, a new zone, new missions, new enemy groups... The amount of work involved in making an underwater zone would likely be greater than what went into making Going Rogue and City of Villains combined.

    I'm sure we'd all LIKE an underwater zone, but when you start considering all of the things that need to be shoved aside in order to create such a place its' priority drops off somewhere in "Happy Thoughts" land. Especially when you consider that it'd probably only have content available for like, 10 levels or so.

    As someone else mentioned, it'd probably be easier to do a "space" zone than it would be to make an underwater area. With a space zone they mostly just need to **** with the physics engine and art some **** up.
  8. If: End Cost of Combat Jumping = End Cost of Hover

    Then: Hover > Combat Jumping?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lll Phoenix lll View Post
    It's one of my favorite ****ing song in the world. I'm not sure how he knew, but clearly he is trying to console me~
  10. Warkupo

    Lay down emote

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    You missed out "-were it not for the fact that the character collision box area expressly stops this from happening."

    It's hard enough getting two characters to sit side by side without having them end up a meter or so apart. So, no, that old and rather lame excuse holds no water whatsoever.
    Techbot Alpha, I have no idea what you are talking about. I was merely stating that sleeping next to someone who was doing pushups would be very annoying. Imagine trying to sleep as you listen to them heaving and grunting, up and down, and up and down. Totally annoying.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Don't you mean XX + XY = XX/XY?
    Why does your family have three daddies and one mommy? =O

    Holy crap, are you dividing your children!?
  12. The button has like, a 1.5 second delay. I'm totally unsubbing if this goes live.
  13. Warkupo


    I guessing if it was possible to have done that, they would have implemented it in that fashion.

    So probably not, but I can't give you any specifics why.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    I thought that's where babies came from?
    No, that's X + Y = X * Y
  15. Warkupo

    Lay down emote

    /e sleepground + /e pushup = CATASTROPHIC ERROR.

    ...Also /signed.
  16. It works like this:
    The SELLER puts an item up for sale, but the BIDDER has no idea what the price of that item is.

    The BIDDER can then make a bid for an item. If he bids an amount over what the SELLER was asking for the item, that currency is transferred to the SELLER and the BIDDER obtains the item. If the BIDDER bids an amount under what the SELLER is asking for, then his bid simply sits in the system, waiting for a SELLER to place an item in the auction house that is an amount of currency that is less than or equal to the amount the BIDDER is willing to bid. When this happens the BIDDER automatically obtains the item (which waits in the Auction House for him) and the SELLER obtains his idle currency.

    The LEAST EXPENSIVE item on sale will always be given to the HIGHEST BID AMOUNT offered. If you see text stating something to the effect of "100 items, 20 bidders" that means that there are 20 individual bids for an item that are all UNDER the asking price for that particular item.

    The sales history merely gives you an idea of what the price range is for the item in question, but it is not telling you what the actual price of the item was; just how much the bidder paid for it. An Item that went for 200k might have only required a mere 10k to obtain.

    Alternatively, someone might put an item up for sale when there currently are none, and then quickly buy his own product back for a large sum so as to make the item APPEAR more valuable than it actually is for people who depend on the Sales History to determine the value of a product. At this point he then re-sells his item and waits for some sucker to spend way more currency than they should have.

    A truly wealthy person might be able to monopolize an item by buying every single one that goes on sale, and then sell it back for double or triple the original price. This only works for a limited amount of time, however, because once people realize that a particular item is rising in price they'll attempt to sell the crap out of that item, which leads to an over-inflation of the product and then drastic decrease in it's value as the masses attempt to out-compete each other by lowering their prices. Eventually the item becomes so cheap it is worthless, and everyone goes home. At this point the original monopolizer can resume business by hoarding the item until there is a demand for it again.

    In short, don't trust price history. It's full of ****.
  17. Warkupo

    Why scrappers?

    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    Depending on what kind target it is and what attack the scrapper is using.
    Everything above minion, which are the enemies a Scrapper is concerned about. Your average Scrapper is going to obliterate a minion so quickly that he won't have TIME to critical.

    Some of the higher Tier Scrapper/Stalker attacks have a higher chance of critical as well, such as Eagles Claw, Head-Splitter, or Eviscerate. That, however, would mostly need to be calculated in a case by case basis and is more concerned with DPS chains than it is average expected performance.
  18. Warkupo

    Why scrappers?

    Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
    So, a Brute needs 63% Fury to equal a Scrapper's damage output if they are using otherwise a completely identical build. In teams Scrappers often do better damage because they benefit a lot more from damage buffs and they don't need a steamrolling team to keep Fury up.
    Just to nitpick a little, I find that I actually have a harder time keeping up Fury on a Team that is steamrolling because I dont' have as much time to fight things to build Fury, and because enemies are dying to fast to hit me enough to give me fury. You can only be the first one to the spawn so often, after all.

    Unless by "Steamrolling" you meant "Not standing around after every spawn, recounting the days past adventures fondly.", in which case nevermind~

    Brutes tend to do better on... Not as good teams because they have time enough to build Fury so they can make up the difference on teams that are lagging behind.
  19. Most of my characters that fly are using Magic. One of them is a fairy who, despite having wings, still cannot fly fully without using magic. The "normal" fliers are a sort of "Eagle" character I made who sports wings, and my Peacebringer/Warshade.

    X-330, my AR/Dev (and sometimes Huntsmen) has prosthetic legs which are modified to sort of "glide" along the ground and thus he can move around very quickly.

    My Ill/Storm Controller is a water nymph whose body is composed of nearly 99% water, and because of her ability to manipulate hydrogen, she can actually evaporate her body when she jumps which enables her to move upwards very quickly. Fortunately moving vertically at such high velocities usually forces her to re-solidify and thus return to Earth, or she might accidentally fly off into space.

    Most of my characters have Super Jump because... They can just jump really well, and I wanted combat jumping.
  20. I've been having a love affair with Band of Skulls recently. They were featured in a Mustang commercial and one of the Twilight movies. They're relatively new, but they still kick-***.

    Light of the Morning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI6WbTwsu7k

    I Know What I Am: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKL2p...feature=artist

    If you like Metallica, and Classic Music, and enjoy rocking Classical Music, check out Apocalyptica. It'll blow your socks off~
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    I'm actually waiting to start quite a few characters until inherent stamina gets here. I'm not too fond of the <20 game due to endurance issues, so I'm waiting til I19 to start a few characters in the hopes that they'll be more fun then.
    That actually sparks an interesting thought. i19 is supposed to be focusing on endgame content, and yet, with the Fitness pool becoming inherent, we'll probably see a lot of new characters despite this.
  22. I don't know enough about how the Incarnate System is going to work in it's final form, so there's no good way for me to plan for it. Just sitting around and waiting isn't really my style either, and if it comes down to it I'll just slot over IO's like I normally do. Not having an optimized character just means I get to play it longer, so it's not really a big deal for me to do that.

    I've already made new builds for about 80% of my characters in anticipation for the Inherent Fitness changes. Most of them are still fairly similiar and shouldn't require much IO "replacement." They've all gained such awesome levels of POWER that I wouldn't want to leave them the same way anyway.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_South View Post

    I'll have to try follow though, that sounds like it'd work great. I'd been thinking there should be a way to turn your camera in battle without having to click and drag and then leave it there, having to snapback with reset to move and fight others so your camera isn't crazy and you end up running the wrong direction.
    Heh, yeah. I would have loved a Lock-On feature similiar to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or FFXI that would allow my camera to focus on an enemy with me able to strafe around it and such, but for the time being the Follow command works well enough.

    Hope it helps you~
  24. Beyond using first person, the best you can do is to move the camera back, and then tilt up. During combat I will use the "follow" command on my enemy a lot so that I can use my left-right movement keys to look around myself during combat, typically to reposition myself for a better view if something utterly obscuring gets in the way.

    Despite your best efforts though, there will be times when you are playing blind. Especially when you start getting characters that are flinging AOE's all over the place. Sometimes the mass of colorful explosions makes it a nightmare to figure out where you are in relationship to anything else. In these types of situations your best bet is to use the targeting receptacle, which highlights enemies in a big reddish-orange box, and then hit follow to send your character to them, rather than just trying to "look" for an enemy in all the craziness.

    Or maybe you'd just prefer playing a ranged character.
  25. Warkupo


    Originally Posted by Hollows View Post
    Well. Then maybe add in a chance of item (enh of course) drop or hero merits for saving say...50 Npc's, if you happen to catch an Npc doin one of these actions. Badges awarded as well. Vills would have to be awarded for preventing these actions. Same for Rogues and Vigilantes. Something I think should have been done years ago when and if you decided to save an Npc in Atlas for example. Now I realize that you would have peeps hawking the Npc's all day long for this, but would it be any different than actual street sweeping? It'd be a cool lil mini game I guess. And to prevent "farmers" lol...limit the amount of Npc's accosted or awards received during the day.
    I would love watching 12 or so Heroes adamantly stalking an NPC down the street waiting for them to get into their car or hail a taxi.