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  1. Warkupo

    No Headsplitter?

    I can generally hit at least two enemies with Head Splitter, more if the enemies have a preference for melee. Basically, when the enemies have fanned out in front of you, just quickly step to their side and then execute Head Splitter. It doesn't take more than half a second and the crunchy damage is very welcome.

    If you don't mind spending a little extra time, you can also strafe to the left of the enemies and keep going a short distance until they start to chase after you. They'll usually line up single file to chase you, so take advantage of this and knock them all down. You'll get more enemies in your super narrow cone this way and, once again, the damage is *really* satisfactory.

    It's also worth noting that you can slot Fury of Gladiator: Chance for Res Debuff in Headsplitter, which stacks with Achilles Heel and can make quite a difference in how quickly you can defeat most enemies.
  2. I think regen's fall from 'top dog' has jaded people's perception of the set. For the majority of the game, it functions very well; It is only when you start trying to do crazy things like solo AV's that it begins to lag behind the performance of other sets who have the advantage of possessing natural defense within their builds.

    My own Regen characters have gotten a significant buff with the Incarnate system in that Spiritual allows me to achieve perma-hasten with much greater ease. This allows me to ease off the purple sets and their global recharge, and instead slot most of my attacks with Kinetic Combat to add significant amounts of S/L defense. I'm perfectly capable of achieving around 35% defense to smashing, lethal, and melee defense.

    For the best regen experience I suggest rolling a Brute. The higher HP cap will really help you get the most out of your powers, Dull Pain specifically. You can also pick up Darkest Night to help reduce the damage of an AV to a point manageable by your click-heals, and reduce the accuracy of most normal enemies to the point where you are nigh-untouchable provided you've bothered to invest in personal defense.
  3. There was an Architect Mission I played a long while ago, and I wish I could remember the name so that people reading this could check it out, but it was fairly popular anyway so I imagine a good deal of you probably know exactly which one I'm talking about. Anyway, it was a very small room, and when you entered the mission dialogue pop-up box thingy had a riddle for you, and there were some glowies in the room you entered, each one named a possible answer to the riddle. Get the right one and, yay, mission completed... Get the WRONG one however and... well, you don't want to get the wrong one.

    I would greatly like more missions like THAT. Text and Story are great, beating things to an inch of their life is fun, but I really feel like this game needs some puzzle, or possibly stealth options every couple of missions.
  4. Warkupo

    You must die!

    Dude, future you is totally setting you up. Do you have any idea how often Tokyo gets attacked by giant... well, everything? Obviously he's trying to lead you off the path of that pope thing and get you squashed by Godzilla. I think you should book the first flight to Rome ASAP; Future you can't be trusted.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    I still think arcs should exemplar you if you are 'too high'.

    Not to mention it being stupid that 'Oh, you're too powerful for this'. Who's to say that a Hero wouldn't pause to help with any situation? Or that a Villain would kick back with a nice bit of easy bullying, extortion and general head-cracking?
    It's probably a press or marketing thing. Like, you don't want the world being saved to look TOO easy. If everyone knew that level 50 hero-dude could just swoop in and knock out all the Council members with his laser face then nobody would buy your Anti-Council Repellent Cream which is also safe for children and your dog. You couldn't run your campaign on the appeal to shut down Council activities to stop their imminent threat to global peace.

    But yeah, auto-exemplaring for missions you've 'outgrown' would probably work to solve the issue.
  6. Warkupo

    You must die!

    I kill him. Obviously if the world gets destroyed because of me, that means he can't kill me, so I win.
  7. I typically run with Willpower when I don't have a specific concept in mind which really cares as much about the secondary as it does the primary (or vice versa if you're a tank.). Willpower can be mostly turned off so that it's graphical effects won't get in the way with whatever melee concept you had.

    Willpower also synergies with pretty much everything due to it's endurance recovery options and the general 'jack-of-all-trades, and good at all of them' status. If you're powerset lowers resistance, it has plenty of resistance. If you like to-hit debuffs, it has defense. If you want to be in the thick of it, it has scaling regeneration to be in the thick of it.
  8. I dislike that I can't seem to find information on how much -res Reactive Core is supposed to give per proc. One thread states that the cumulative total is -10% which seems... Terrible. So terrible that I'm not sure I believe it actually sucks that bad.
  9. Checking Paragonwiki: It doesn't list damage debuffs as one of the things AV's are resistant too, so I think you've got a good reason to take Paralytic. They do resist defense debuffs however, which naturally makes Paralytic Radial the preferred choice.

    I think it would probably be good practice, then, that most people try to keep Reactive Radial, and Paralytic Radial with them as those *look* to be the most effective. Diagmagnetic and Graviwhatever would both be resisted to too great of a degree to likely be very useful.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post
    I saw a big list of effective DPS of lore pets, and I've seen discussion of some lore pets being easy to die, and the Longbow Cataphract has HUGE -regen but meh damage... So yeah, it seems pretty complex to me - there was like a 90 DPS spread (between 150 to 240 or so) on them.

    Do you mean Reactive is preferred over even Paralytic, even for tanks, or was that just 'radial reactive > core'?
    The big problem a lot of the interface options seem to keep running into is that an Arch Villain would resist most of their effects to the point of not really being worth the effort, and an Arch-Villain is where the additional bonus effects would be most appreciated. Reactive Radial keeps coming up as the preferred choice because an AV doesn't resist damage to the crazy degree that it resists debuffs.

    Something else to consider is that the Interface 'procs' stack based on the cumulative efforts of your team, rather than from a single caster. In a team scenario, the extra damage from Reactive Radial is going to be in great supply because the likelihood that your entire team has it is very high. If you are very focused on team play then you may not *need* to get Radial Reactive, and instead opt for something the rest of your team probably doesn't already have covered.

    For purely solo play, however, Reactive Radial seems to be the fan favorite.

    EDIT: Removed bad information I had so as not to infer faulty advice for anyone else reading this.
  11. You are getting mostly word of mouth info here, so take it with a grain of salt.

    General Consensus seems to place Reactive Radial as the preferred choice for more damage.

    The pets I'm more uncertain about. It seems as though they are more or less interchangeable, with the only real difference being between if you pick the 'core' version, which is supposed to do better damage, or the radial version, which has a pet who cannot fight or be damaged, and is basically supposed to act as a damage sponge.

    I would imagine that the pets themselves have various elemental attacks based on what that pet normally can do. Rikti probably have guns and swords. Phantoms probably do illusion type damage. etc.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    I'm sick of clicking a glowie, having a clue drop, and immediately a frikking ambush teleports in and kills me. Some of us want to take the game at our own pace, it's why we loved this game way back before the devs turned into 'reading is for squares' types who only seem to want to cater to the 'waargh moar xp pls!' crowd.
    See, I've noticed that they add MORE text and MORE story elements, in addition to more ambushes. I think, rather than trying to forsake reading, they are trying to make you read super fast. Kind of like if you had to recite hamlet while under mortar fire during WW2.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

    Personally, I want to at least have my weapon NOT fade away if I don't use it for 10 seconds. I like to keep my weapons on weapon characters out all the time at least when I'm standing around and moving between missions, but they keep timing out.
    Emphasis on this second part. I would like to keep my weapon out until a power forces me to put it away, or I hit the esc button and do it myself. As it is now, I have to keep hitting 'ablating strike' in order to look all cool with my swords out while using Ninja Run.
  14. Tough, and more importantly, WEAVE can be very useful on a Corrupter with which you are trying to soft-cap a defense value, typically smashing and lethal thanks to Scorpion Shield. Soft-Capping is getting your defense up to 45%, which is the minimum you need to 'cap' your defense against most targets. Most enemies have only a 50% chance to hit you, and every enemy will ALWAYS have a 5% chance to hit you no matter what. 100-55 = 45% defense to hit the 'soft-cap'.

    Generally though? No, tough and weave aren't terribly important for a Corruptor.
  15. Depends. I generally prefer a Corruptor. Higher damage cap, better damage scaler, and Scourge helps ensure that I am always doing damage, all the time. Besides that, I don't really have the defender 'mindset' to where I'm content with just shootin' magic healer goo all over my team. I like to make things die.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    So you think it's evil for schools to require children to be immunized so they are less likely to catch and spread diseases like Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Polio, Chickenpox, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, Haemophilus Influenzae, Streptococcus Pneumoniae, and Meningitis.

    Cuz kids never consent to getting shots. They get forced to do it by their parents.
    Parents are the Guardians of their children. As the Guardian, it is the parent's duty to provide protection for their child, and do what they feel is necessary to accomplish this goal. Are you suggesting that all children should be abandoned from the Guardian and subject to roam the world at the age when they are most vulnerable?

    Don't be absurd.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
    Because having a self debuff that doesn't accomplish its purpose is stupid.
    People joust less now, as far as I've witnessed.

    Although, people plain as hell PLAY less now, so maybe that estimate is skewed.
  18. I've adopted an ideology to deal with the issue of suspension of disbelief. Basically, when it is being challenged, I just pretend the media I am consuming is taking place in some sort of weird, parallel dimension where all my characters are insane people. Then I'm able to enjoy whatever I'm doing, and not complain about how it's not sticking to established lore.

    It works for me, at any rate.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Like I said; learn to communicate.
    Same to you, 'bud.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    It sounds like you don't like the idea of chasing people, and if you had to, then it would be less fun for you, which is why you want TS to stay in place. My point is that if they removed TS, all you would need to do is get a couple teammates together, and attack at the same time. It's pretty easy, and almost always results in a kill.

    If you were to do so, then you would be happy because you wouldn't need to chase people, and we would be happy because TS would be gone.

    In fact, the lack of TS would naturally make you a better player. Rather than running around solo throwing damage on targets that are low, you're working with teammates to lock on the same target. Chances are you'd get more kills this way as well, boosting your fun level even higher.
    What is it about PVP that people automatically assume everyone who doesn't like to play it the way they do is automatically an inferior player? I didn't say I *can't* chase people around with a travel power, or that I don't know how to use a temp power from a vendor (I'm not sure how using web grenade would be hard for anyone, really), I'm merely stating that I don't *like* to do these things. They are not enjoyable for me.

    I do appreciate you trying to meet me half-way, but I really want to know *why* it's so important that TS is removed if it doesn't, as is being claimed in this thread, change game-play in any reasonable fashion? If it's simply because you find it more fun, that'd be fine, we could just disagree on what is fun and that'd be the end of it. Unfortunately, I just can't buy that as the only reason people want TS removed, because that's not the emotion I am reading in this forum.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Once again you ignore what I write and just use me as a soap box to rant.

    Learn how to communicate. Please.
    I didn't ignore what you wrote, I called everything you wrote stupid.

    Totally not ignoring you at all, love~
  22. Really depends on the build, global recharge reduction, and activation time on the powers. To give a completely non-specific average I'd say about 3 Single target attacks and 2-3 AOE/Cone attacks, and then, of course, your nuke if you have one as well as any attacks that are more for mitigation than damage (parry, divine avalanche, most of the darkness melee pool, Air Superiority, etc.)

    It really, really, *really* depends on your build though. I can't emphasis that enough.
  23. I had been musing over the idea that incorporated a sort of 'dance dance revolution' style of game play. It would probably be a defender oriented buff/debuff/control set, but the general idea is that your powers all activate a sort of dance mode, complete with falling directional buttons and you pressing them in time to get a good 'score'. Depending on how well you do, and how long you decide to keep the dance going you get additional buffs/debuffs/controls.

    So, say the first song is called 'Group Heal' or something much cooler than that. Activating the power would begin the dance by healing all your team members. Completing the first 'level' of the dance might do something like buff their regeneration and heal them again. Second level could buff their endurance recovery and heal them again. The third and final level might give everyone recharge reduction and another heal.

    Then you could have offensive powers as well that worked in a similar fashion. Activating the power would do a slight pbaoe, then completing the first dance would do a stronger pbaoe while lower defense. Second level would do more damage and lower their resistance. Final level would do even moar damage, knock all the enemies down, and apply a mag 3 stun or something.

    You would have an inherit power that allowed you to just stop the song, and you could also activate other powers while you are dancing to seamlessly activate a different dance. The animations of the powerset would change based on what directional button you are pressing, and if the devs wanted to get really creative (and busy) you could do different dancing animations for different powers, or even whip out various instruments for different powers.

    Anyway, that's the general premise of the powerset. I think it would offer a very unique style of gameplay, although I imagine it would be kind of a nightmare to balance properly.
  24. Evolution demands outliers for the survival of a species, and history would demonstrate that human society has always been moved forward by people operating outside of what most would consider the normal parameters of the human species. By seeking to destroy things we don't consider normal, we ensure the stagnation of evolutionary development within our species, thereby forfeiting any technological, medicinal, or artistic wonders these creatively mutated minds might conceive, and provide an easy road for another species to eventually replace us. Such is the prediction of Darwin.

    So no, I would not approve of aborting someone just because they're a little mutated. I have no right to decide what is 'normal', or even what is best. I don't believe in 'best'.