Cant decide: I want to roll a StJ and Kinetic melee.Archetypes?Secondaries?




As every new character, I like to level them to 50 and even grind Incarnate if possible.
I cant wait to play StJ and been a while after Kinetic melee, so now I leveled to 50 my PB,WS and Elec/Nin stalker got some free time to new alts.
I think I want StJ/SD and Kin/Energy armor, but not sure if thats a good idea, I read all time that StJ is endurance heavy.
Also not sure if Kin/Energy armor is good choice. I know Kin is better for scrappers than brutes, but I bet Energy amor, as well as Fire and Elec, works better on brute.
My head is a mess, cant make up my mind.
Someone can enlight me?



I think Kinetic Melee is probably best on Stalkers, since it gets Build Up instead of Power Siphon and Burst has a 100% chance to crit from hide.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Kinetic Melee is best on a scrapper, and second best on a stalker, then prolly ok on a tanker, and worse on a brute (due to power siphon being mostly negated by fury)

Street Justice is best on a brute (due to fury feeding the combo system) Ok on a scrapper (your critting off combo 0, which means stacking combos don't mean higher crit values) decent on a tanker (intial strike is your bruising power, so you have to work with more recharge to get decent attack chains, but your BU powers gives you combo points atleast) and worse on a stalker (limited combo building until last 20s, Bu doesn't give combo points etc)

Good armor sets on a scrapper are shield, Good armor sets on a brute are elec armor, fire armor, willpower, and regen. Everything else is about even between those 2 ATs.

The best armor set on a stalker is /nin. really, thats about it. Its not that the others are that bad, is just that /nin is THAT good.

So from the above infomation, I'd go a kin/nin stalker, and a stj/wp brute, with kin/WP stalker, and stj/EA being a secondary choice.

Kin/nin is very nice due to stacking the -dmg from kinetic melee with the high +defence of nin, so when you do get hit, its not as hard, and the quick recharging heal keeps you alive. Plus the kin/ AS is pretty nice, and BU->AS->placate->CS->BU is a pretty nice attack chain you can pull off once you hit 32. It'll also feed burst, which is a VERY AoE on a stalker (due to the 100% crit rate, you can literally go placate->burst, and crit everything in bursts range)

If you don't want to do /nin again, I'd recommend willpower. You skip RttC, but you get recon, and with the added defense of willpower, plus some nice IOs, you can scrap pretty well for a stalker, and you won't suffer from redraw with kinetic melee. You also lose quick recovery, but kinetic melee isn't that much of an endurance hog, so some IOs, or liberal use of endurance reduction will help cover that up.

Stj/Wp will basically never stop. Once you get quick recovery and stamina slotted up, you'll never have to worry about endurance, and it'll be all about punching things in the face.

stj/EA would be a good mix as well, due to higher +defence numbers, a decent heal, and a means to get back endurance. Stj/EA scrapper or brute would be very nice (ea is slightly better on a brute due to Energize giving a higher heal, and more regen, but the rest of the set is pretty even between brutes and scrapper)



Thank you!
Really appreciate it the information.
I think I will go with KM/SD scrapper, because I only have a shield brute and I know its better on scrappers... I will add Spring attack too to get better AoEs.
And StJ/EA or WP or Regen brute.



Note, EA is huge with Kinetic Melee, and I recommend taking it, Shield Defense, Super Reflexes, or Fiery Aura with KM. KM/EA on a -brute- is capable of reaching around 200~ DPS in sustained melees, and it's worst on brutes. On a scrapper, the numbers are going to be big.



I typically run with Willpower when I don't have a specific concept in mind which really cares as much about the secondary as it does the primary (or vice versa if you're a tank.). Willpower can be mostly turned off so that it's graphical effects won't get in the way with whatever melee concept you had.

Willpower also synergies with pretty much everything due to it's endurance recovery options and the general 'jack-of-all-trades, and good at all of them' status. If you're powerset lowers resistance, it has plenty of resistance. If you like to-hit debuffs, it has defense. If you want to be in the thick of it, it has scaling regeneration to be in the thick of it.



I'm enjoying my SJ/EA brute a lot, though he's only 18. He burns end quickly, so I can't wait for Energy Drain. In the meantime, I have an end reducer in each attack and toggle, and Stamina is 3-slotted and it is bearable.

For more detail on why this combo burns end so fast, SJ by itself is a bit of a hog because the attacks are all so fast. Throw Entropic Aura's recharge bonus into the mix and you're throwing punches and groin shots left and right. Of course I'm also using one of the starter dam/rech/proc enhancers in each attack, so that adds to it. I plan on taking hasten eventually too, but that's going to wait until after I have Energy Drain. The knees/fist/feet will be flying in a flurry of raging blows!



I still havent made my mind...
Not sure what to choose... Stj/FA... StJ/Elec...
KM/EA or /Nin stalker or KM/SD scrapper...



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
I still havent made my mind...
Not sure what to choose... Stj/FA... StJ/Elec...
KM/EA or /Nin stalker or KM/SD scrapper...
I hear ya!
I want a KM character and am also trying to decide between a KM/Nin stalker since I don't have a stalker and a KM/EA scrapper.



I'm playing around with a 42 KM/EA/Body stalker and it's been real effective with the stuns in KM and the PBAoE stun with EA. THat being said, Toxic and Psi baddies are still an epic PITA. Energizes helps some but it still hurts.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Worst thing about KM that I've noticed is that the damage seems to be dealt at the end of the animations rather than during the animation like many other sets.

The issue with this is that during long animations you actually give mobs a pretty good openning to wail on you without neutralizing the target you were after to begin with. (At least until the damage is dealt)

The other thing about this that I haven't been liking is that on teams, since KM damage is dealt at the end of the animation, is that targets tend to be dead before I get my attacks off. Really annoying as a scrapper when my concentrated strike swings at a dead target....means I don't get a chance to crit and refresh my power siphon.

KM is fun and interesting as a set, but it feels slow and cumbersome in teams.



Originally Posted by Gospel_NA View Post
Worst thing about KM that I've noticed is that the damage seems to be dealt at the end of the animations rather than during the animation like many other sets.

The issue with this is that during long animations you actually give mobs a pretty good openning to wail on you without neutralizing the target you were after to begin with. (At least until the damage is dealt)

The other thing about this that I haven't been liking is that on teams, since KM damage is dealt at the end of the animation, is that targets tend to be dead before I get my attacks off. Really annoying as a scrapper when my concentrated strike swings at a dead target....means I don't get a chance to crit and refresh my power siphon.

KM is fun and interesting as a set, but it feels slow and cumbersome in teams.
Oddly enough, this is the exact same reason that most folks don't play /EM anymore. Sucks to hit a dead target.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



StJ/Fire Brute is a lot of fun.

Kin/Shield Scrappers are raunchy due to stacking +damage buffs on a Scrapper's already high base damage. I believe Kinetic Melee is the only primary other than Dark which can grant consistent +damage and also be paired with Shield Defense.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.