Weapon Toggle for Weapon Sets




Redraw is a constant thorn in the side of anyone who plays weapon sets, be they melee or ranged. It hurts dps and looks odd having to redraw your weapon every spawn or so (Though Dual Pistols isn't quite so bad IMO). So, I'm pitching an idea that might help alleviate this issue.

The Weapon Toggle; put simply a toggle added to each weapon set that when activated draws your weapon and keeps it out permanently, even through animations that would usually holster/sheath it again (Sands of Mu). Should you wish not to have your weapon out all the time then you simply detoggle and weapons behave as they do currently.

Now there are some animations which would clip badly, such as stabbing yourself through the head or some such, in which case the weapon could simply switch to its 'invisible' frame and then revert instantaneously once the animation is over.

A perfect solution? Probably not, but it gives players an option.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
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The First, the Last, the One.

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Originally Posted by OminousVoice View Post
Redraw is a constant thorn in the side of anyone who plays weapon sets, be they melee or ranged. It hurts dps and looks odd having to redraw your weapon every spawn or so (Though Dual Pistols isn't quite so bad IMO).
Unfortunately, it's that way on purpose. Supposedly the sets that do that are balanced around it. It's therefore not so much a repair you're proposing as a change to the design philosophy behind the whole mechanism, which is probably beyond the scope of the forum, as such...



Originally Posted by OminousVoice View Post
Redraw is a constant thorn in the side of anyone who plays weapon sets, be they melee or ranged.
It doesn't bother me in the least.

It's been said before by the devs(Most recently in the Street Justice discussion on Ustream with Synapse) that redraw is part of the weapon sets balance. Right now as part of that balance for weapon sets having redraw is that they get a better base accuracy than power sets that do not use weapons and therefore have no redraw.



Hmm, redraw as a part of the set balance was something I was unaware of. Y'learn something new everyday.

I was about to suggest that the acc bonus be suppressed when toggled, however I have a feeling there is more than just that when compensating for redraw.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



I rolled a Beam Rifle / Trick Arrow Corruptor the other week.

The funny thing is, redraw is so quick that it doesn't seem to affect anything. I can fire off Flash Arrow and almost immediately one of my attacks can fire if I have clicked it to queue up.

I notice redraw mostly on my Katana/SR Scrapper because when Practised Brawler fires it removes the weapon. However Katana's DPS is still high. I think what I'm saying is that, subjectively, I can't see why redraw is an issue.



We've gotten conflicting messages on the subject. BABs said he had nothing against just making our weapons simply appear in our hands in instances when we could use them immediately, but ran into technical difficulties. In a recent Ustream, however, Matt Miller said the bit about set balance, suggesting it's not just a matter of animation work.

Personally, I want to at least have my weapon NOT fade away if I don't use it for 10 seconds. I like to keep my weapons on weapon characters out all the time at least when I'm standing around and moving between missions, but they keep timing out.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
We've gotten conflicting messages on the subject. BABs said he had nothing against just making our weapons simply appear in our hands in instances when we could use them immediately, but ran into technical difficulties. In a recent Ustream, however, Matt Miller said the bit about set balance, suggesting it's not just a matter of animation work.

Personally, I want to at least have my weapon NOT fade away if I don't use it for 10 seconds. I like to keep my weapons on weapon characters out all the time at least when I'm standing around and moving between missions, but they keep timing out.
Well, there's one way to keep your weapon out consistently, but it's not a good option if you're mishing. Basically, all you have to do is draw the weapon, and then you close your power tray. It should stay out indefinitely until you bring it up. Again, not great for missions, but it might be useful knowledge if you're trying to take a screenshot or something.

Really, I hope they'll eventually let us display weapons as holstered/etc on our character at some point. The whole materializing out of thin air thing is kinda silly.. Especially since we'll be getting Titan Weapons soon(TM). I don't want to know where we'll be keeping those giant things. D:



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

Personally, I want to at least have my weapon NOT fade away if I don't use it for 10 seconds. I like to keep my weapons on weapon characters out all the time at least when I'm standing around and moving between missions, but they keep timing out.
Emphasis on this second part. I would like to keep my weapon out until a power forces me to put it away, or I hit the esc button and do it myself. As it is now, I have to keep hitting 'ablating strike' in order to look all cool with my swords out while using Ninja Run.



A slight end draining toggle (think Sprint) allowing for permanently drawn weapons, would along with a delay in the first attack (during the missing weapon draw animation), actually cover all the aforementioned suggestions above.

Being drawn all the time would cost a small amount of endurance.

Initial attack delay, the draw time of the weapon for the first strike, even though the weapon would be tagged as drawn for the attacks themselves.

As a toggle it could detoggle when having permanent weapons are not available, examples being AE studio B, Pocket D during Dev Power Suppression, being in disguise and using the Rocketboard.

Emotes could suppress this toggle allowing for all emote options.

Detoggling this could trigger an /em none which would actually put the weapons away.

Think this would cover it?

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Originally Posted by Coolio View Post
Think this would cover it?
It would for at least me.

I know that Shield Defense draws the shield when you turn on any one of its toggles, and you don't put away the shield until you've turned off every one of those toggles. It stands to reason to have a toggle like that for weapons, really... I like this idea.

I don't even think you'd need both an attack delay and an endurance cost. Since the accuracy buff was added to compensate for a redraw delay, losing that delay now in exchange for an endurance cost would essentially be using the endurance cost to "pay for" that accuracy buff. Much less re-balancing work to do. Make the end cost something worthy of that set's accuracy boost (noticeable but not insurmountable), and it just sort of works itself out.

I think it might even work better as an opt-in after the fact, rather than altering the powersets themselves. There could be an NPC (perhaps the Field Analysts / Fateweavers) that you'd visit who would first verify whether you actually have a weapon powerset, and if you do, grant you this as an inherent or temporary power.

One question I have though, is for characters using two different weapon powersets. Something like Trick Arrow / Dual Pistols. Would activating one weapon toggle de-toggle any others, suppress them temporarily, or what?



To keep your weapon out, just hit an attack button That will keep the weapon out the whole time.

As for the redraw being balanced with +ACC? Pffft. That is not a bonus. I get plenty of ACC on my non weapon using characters who don't have to go through redraw on using click powers over and over.

I'm thinking this will be even more evident with the new Titan Weapons powerset if it goes the way it's going. TW/Regen...clicking a power with over 1 second animation time within a 5 second window.

the bonus should be either reduced END costs or +DMG, then it would be balanced.

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