Incarnate Slots! Help me with them!




Playing a tanky brute with middling resistance and high defense, with moderate offense. (KM/EA) Looking for advice on my incarnate slots.

ALPHA: Spiritual, this is a no-brainer, don't need help on this one.
JUDGEMENT: Void Radial is definitely the way to go, though I'm wondering if I should spend the time to get Void Core for doing S/L and Energy farms?
INTERFACE: This is my first tough decision. Do I go with Reactive (and which type of Reactive if so?) or Paralytic for -Dmg to smooth out my spikes? I have no idea how much -Dmg is afforded by Paralytic at all. :\
DESTINY: Barrier, because I am an idiot.
LORE: I don't have a freaking clue what to choose here. I'm interested in Clockwork, IDF, Longbow Cataphract, Polar Lights, Robotic Drones, Warworks, and Storm Elementals, concept-wise. Any recommendations?



You are getting mostly word of mouth info here, so take it with a grain of salt.

General Consensus seems to place Reactive Radial as the preferred choice for more damage.

The pets I'm more uncertain about. It seems as though they are more or less interchangeable, with the only real difference being between if you pick the 'core' version, which is supposed to do better damage, or the radial version, which has a pet who cannot fight or be damaged, and is basically supposed to act as a damage sponge.

I would imagine that the pets themselves have various elemental attacks based on what that pet normally can do. Rikti probably have guns and swords. Phantoms probably do illusion type damage. etc.



I saw a big list of effective DPS of lore pets, and I've seen discussion of some lore pets being easy to die, and the Longbow Cataphract has HUGE -regen but meh damage... So yeah, it seems pretty complex to me - there was like a 90 DPS spread (between 150 to 240 or so) on them.

Do you mean Reactive is preferred over even Paralytic, even for tanks, or was that just 'radial reactive > core'?

Oh, wait, looks like the Wiki has the number. -5% damage, stacks up to 4 times. Looks like I want Paralytic Total Radial for my tanker ASAP. -20% damage is pretty huge for a defense tanker... There's no debuff resistance for damage penalties on AVs, right?



Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post
I saw a big list of effective DPS of lore pets, and I've seen discussion of some lore pets being easy to die, and the Longbow Cataphract has HUGE -regen but meh damage... So yeah, it seems pretty complex to me - there was like a 90 DPS spread (between 150 to 240 or so) on them.

Do you mean Reactive is preferred over even Paralytic, even for tanks, or was that just 'radial reactive > core'?
The big problem a lot of the interface options seem to keep running into is that an Arch Villain would resist most of their effects to the point of not really being worth the effort, and an Arch-Villain is where the additional bonus effects would be most appreciated. Reactive Radial keeps coming up as the preferred choice because an AV doesn't resist damage to the crazy degree that it resists debuffs.

Something else to consider is that the Interface 'procs' stack based on the cumulative efforts of your team, rather than from a single caster. In a team scenario, the extra damage from Reactive Radial is going to be in great supply because the likelihood that your entire team has it is very high. If you are very focused on team play then you may not *need* to get Radial Reactive, and instead opt for something the rest of your team probably doesn't already have covered.

For purely solo play, however, Reactive Radial seems to be the fan favorite.

EDIT: Removed bad information I had so as not to infer faulty advice for anyone else reading this.



Checking Paragonwiki: It doesn't list damage debuffs as one of the things AV's are resistant too, so I think you've got a good reason to take Paralytic. They do resist defense debuffs however, which naturally makes Paralytic Radial the preferred choice.

I think it would probably be good practice, then, that most people try to keep Reactive Radial, and Paralytic Radial with them as those *look* to be the most effective. Diagmagnetic and Graviwhatever would both be resisted to too great of a degree to likely be very useful.



There's no such thing as "damage debuff resistance" directly, but normal damage resistance resists damage debuffs. So if you put a -50% damage debuff on an AV with 50% lethal resistance, the debuff to its lethal damage will be cut in half by its resistance, to 25%. If the same AV had 0% energy resistance, any energy attacks it used would take the full 50% debuff.

Currently, Reactive Radial is the best Interface without question, because all the other ones are broken and do not function at all. But presumably that will be fixed soon.

You're right that the various Lore pets are good at different things, and some do more DPS than others. I've only personally used 3: IDF, Warworks, and Cimerorans. I was underwhelmed by the IDF compared to the other two: they have a mix of melee and ranged attacks, but they seem to go into 'melee mode' or 'ranged mode' and not use their other attacks, which means a lot of idle time. Warworks and Cimerorans are wrecking machines though.



I dislike that I can't seem to find information on how much -res Reactive Core is supposed to give per proc. One thread states that the cumulative total is -10% which seems... Terrible. So terrible that I'm not sure I believe it actually sucks that bad.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
There's no such thing as "damage debuff resistance" directly, but normal damage resistance resists damage debuffs. So if you put a -50% damage debuff on an AV with 50% lethal resistance, the debuff to its lethal damage will be cut in half by its resistance, to 25%. If the same AV had 0% energy resistance, any energy attacks it used would take the full 50% debuff.

Currently, Reactive Radial is the best Interface without question, because all the other ones are broken and do not function at all. But presumably that will be fixed soon.

Have the developers acknowledged that?! That's PRETTY HUGE.

Also, good to know on the debuff resistance. I'll be relying on Void Radial a lot, so that's... -really- good to know. Also explains why I feel like sometimes KM has less of an effect than I expected with its debuffs.

You're right that the various Lore pets are good at different things, and some do more DPS than others. I've only personally used 3: IDF, Warworks, and Cimerorans. I was underwhelmed by the IDF compared to the other two: they have a mix of melee and ranged attacks, but they seem to go into 'melee mode' or 'ranged mode' and not use their other attacks, which means a lot of idle time. Warworks and Cimerorans are wrecking machines though.
Has survivability been a concern at all? How are the healing versions?



That's correct, Reactive Core gives -2.5% res per application, and stacks 4 times.

Only Diamagnetic is currently on the list of known issues; I would hope that the people in charge have seen the numerous posts about the bug and are aware that it is affecting all of the Interfaces and not just Diamagnetic.

The pets surviving is usually not a problem, but I play mostly melee types, so my taunt auras keep them pretty safe. When they do get hit, I can often save them with Destiny (although I suppose you can't do that if you have Ageless).



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I dislike that I can't seem to find information on how much -res Reactive Core is supposed to give per proc. One thread states that the cumulative total is -10% which seems... Terrible. So terrible that I'm not sure I believe it actually sucks that bad.

Says 2.5%.

How much negative energy resist is common in iTrials?

Thanks for all the info.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Currently, Reactive Radial is the best Interface without question, because all the other ones are broken and do not function at all. But presumably that will be fixed soon.
Even Reactive is broken, only the DoT component is working. And I like Diamagnetic on some of my Def based toons because it does a -ToHit which is useful as pseudo-defence and the -Regen is always handy too even if it is a tiny amount.

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Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
Even Reactive is broken, only the DoT component is working.
That's why I said Radial.

As to the healing pets - when it was just the original 4 Lore pets, I was adamantly in favor of the Core path instead of the Radial path. After all, a Vicky that hits for 4 digits is going to do a lot more to turn the tide of a fight than a Seer giving me a watered-down Fortitude. The newer trees have some different buffs available on the support pets that might be more worthwhile, but overall I still say that Lore is best used as a big damage ability, and the Core path is just much better at that than the Radial path.



What's the recharge time on Destiny Slots?

Somehow I missed Barrier and Barrier suddenly looks like my new best friend - open with Barrier, use Void Judgment when it's getting low, stick with Interface slot.



Destiny recharge is 2 minutes, unmodifiable.



Speaking on pets:

Core path is a good choice for basically anyone. The pets will do a lot of damage, even if you take one of the lesser damage ones. If you actually want damage though, the top four are Cims, Warworks, Phantoms, and Rularuu.

For surviving, the bosses tend to do okay. They have over 2000 HP and the RES/DEF they get inherently will keep them around. Lieutenants can have issues just because they have less HP. If you can't support them in any way, I might suggest getting a ranged lieutenant over a melee one. Just so he stays out of trouble.

For support/buffing pets, the support isn't that great. Heals are very low. You'll be getting like 10-15% HP heals. They do try to prioritize healing you if you need it, but it's less than a green. Any pets that give +DEF are nice, but the value tends to be around 5%-7.5%. A couple pets have okay buffs/debuffs (Storm Elementals have Hurricane) but none that I really wanted to flock toward.

If all you care about is stats, the best damage pets are Cims assuming you can keep them alive. Warworks do a little less damage for a little better survivability. Rularuu are pretty surviveable and they still debuff and have two holds, for being in the top 4 in damage. If you're going for theme, all the pets are good additions.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Thanks for all the help Dispari (especially with that primer on incarnate stuff! It's me, @SolarDjinn ), Hopeling, and Warkubo. Since I've learned about Void Radial and Core Barrier Destiny I feel much more confident about my character's ability to tank long-term even with Paralytic broken. =) I'll take Reactive for now for farming and switch to Paralytic later.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
There's no such thing as "damage debuff resistance" directly, but normal damage resistance resists damage debuffs. So if you put a -50% damage debuff on an AV with 50% lethal resistance, the debuff to its lethal damage will be cut in half by its resistance, to 25%. If the same AV had 0% energy resistance, any energy attacks it used would take the full 50% debuff.
Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post

Have the developers acknowledged that?! That's PRETTY HUGE.
This is not as huge as you think - basically the way resistance debuffs work is that you always do the same percentage more damage to a mob than you did before the debuffs, so if you are doing a 50% resistance debuff and you did 100 damage to a mob before the debuff, you will do 150 damage after the debuff.

Some quick numbers - mob A has no resistance, mob B is 50% resistant to all damage, you debuff both of them by 50% and hit them with an attack that does 100 damage.

Mob A: Without the debuff would take 100 damage, now it has -50% resistance to your attack and takes 150 damage, which is 50% more than before.

Mob B: Without the debuff it would take 50 damage. It resistance halves the debuff (25%) and the remaining debuff reduces its resistance to 25%, it takes 75 damage - also 50% more than before. If B's damage resistance did not reduce the debuff this way your debuff would reduce it to 0%, effectively doubling your damage.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



for interface i refuse to take anything other than reactive radial because of the debuffs being resistable

all interface debuffs are resistable and can only stack up to 4x from all sources, the dmg can stack up to 8 times though and expires faster which drastically increases your dmg output



I'll just comment on two.

INTERFACE: Even when the others work, I've found that the DoT reactive is simply the best one. More damage seems to beat everything, since killing the mobs solves all problems. And the extra damage is very noticeable.

LORE: Of the ones you mentioned, I've tried warworks and storm. WW are right up there in damage. Storm is mostly about debuffs, at least the path I chose with the hurricane one. It looks very cool. Rularuu look pretty awesome too.



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
This is not as huge as you think....
I mean the fact that 7/8 of the final interface slot items are broken is pretty huge.

Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
for interface i refuse to take anything other than reactive radial because of the debuffs being resistable

all interface debuffs are resistable and can only stack up to 4x from all sources, the dmg can stack up to 8 times though and expires faster which drastically increases your dmg output
It's a pretty big deal to me as a defense based tank, as it increases the number of lucky shots needed to kill me. I'll see how I survive with reactive uncommon up - my higher priorities are to get Destiny up to Rare, Lore up to Rare, Destiny up to Very Rare in that order. Maybe Judgement up to Rare first too.



Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post
Maybe Judgement up to Rare first too.
If you're going Void Radial, you may as well hang out at Uncommon for a while. The only difference going up in levels is the radius and how many targets you hit. Damage, debuff amount, and duration are all the same. And it already hits lots of people. So other than minor boosts, focus on other stuff. My widow has t4 Void Radial, but only because she had so many extra components left over after getting t4 Reactive, Warworks, Barrier, and Rebirth (yes two Destinies).

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
If you're going Void Radial, you may as well hang out at Uncommon for a while. The only difference going up in levels is the radius and how many targets you hit. Damage, debuff amount, and duration are all the same. And it already hits lots of people. So other than minor boosts, focus on other stuff. My widow has t4 Void Radial, but only because she had so many extra components left over after getting t4 Reactive, Warworks, Barrier, and Rebirth (yes two Destinies).
Oh, I was considering bigger Void Radial for farming. 'cause I like to level friends up.