Drawing/Doodle/Papercraft Control Powerset




Has anyone thought of this as an interesting concept for powers? I think it would thematically work as a controller or a mastermind set, I'd be interesting to hear what kind of ideas the community can come up with.

Some ideas I had included:

Scribe mechanic- Let's you paint lines on the ground (like a path aura) effectively giving you a custom area of effect. Paint a line create a wall. Paint a circle, encompass groups. Jump and paint lines in the air for giant magical ink tentacle monsters,....etc.

Portrait- Paint a portrait of a foe capturing their exact image, this can be used to possibly copy powers or summon doppelgangers....such as...

Oragami- Contruct a magical copy of one of your portraits to fight for you until it rains and gets soggy.

Writer's Block- Turns mobs into a 2d piece of paper like a hold or something.

Draw friends- Let's you draw with your mouse and have them come to life. I dunno

Other kinds of mimicy/copycat/bluemage style ideas.

Of course this isn't even the beginning of a viable concept right now, but I imagine the ability to copy, draw, summon, do papery types of things could be leveraged in a creative way.

So now lay on me your guys' ideas! I really want to see if we can think of something cool.



I like this idea! I remember something like this (a cartoon) when I was little, where a little boy with a crayon could draw what we wanted and it would come to life (a door in a wall to eacape, a hole under his sister so she fell, an anvil overhead to crash onto someone's head). Lots of possibilities.

I hereby reserve the name Vincent van GoGo!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



I had been musing over the idea that incorporated a sort of 'dance dance revolution' style of game play. It would probably be a defender oriented buff/debuff/control set, but the general idea is that your powers all activate a sort of dance mode, complete with falling directional buttons and you pressing them in time to get a good 'score'. Depending on how well you do, and how long you decide to keep the dance going you get additional buffs/debuffs/controls.

So, say the first song is called 'Group Heal' or something much cooler than that. Activating the power would begin the dance by healing all your team members. Completing the first 'level' of the dance might do something like buff their regeneration and heal them again. Second level could buff their endurance recovery and heal them again. The third and final level might give everyone recharge reduction and another heal.

Then you could have offensive powers as well that worked in a similar fashion. Activating the power would do a slight pbaoe, then completing the first dance would do a stronger pbaoe while lower defense. Second level would do more damage and lower their resistance. Final level would do even moar damage, knock all the enemies down, and apply a mag 3 stun or something.

You would have an inherit power that allowed you to just stop the song, and you could also activate other powers while you are dancing to seamlessly activate a different dance. The animations of the powerset would change based on what directional button you are pressing, and if the devs wanted to get really creative (and busy) you could do different dancing animations for different powers, or even whip out various instruments for different powers.

Anyway, that's the general premise of the powerset. I think it would offer a very unique style of gameplay, although I imagine it would be kind of a nightmare to balance properly.



Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
I like this idea! I remember something like this (a cartoon) when I was little, where a little boy with a crayon could draw what we wanted and it would come to life (a door in a wall to eacape, a hole under his sister so she fell, an anvil overhead to crash onto someone's head). Lots of possibilities.

I hereby reserve the name Vincent van GoGo!
You know my name is Simon, and the things I draw come true....



I really don't see how we would "draw" in this game... it seems far too action oriented to force a player to have to draw specific designs, much less replicas of enemies... or run around them in a circle to activate an effect. And what of flying enemies when you character has Super Speed?

I see a LOT of issues with this coming to fruition.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post

Now I'm wishing for paper control, paper assault, and paper shields. Been a while since I've seen RoD.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I do...not...want...to deal with.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I really don't see how we would "draw" in this game... it seems far too action oriented to force a player to have to draw specific designs, much less replicas of enemies... or run around them in a circle to activate an effect. And what of flying enemies when you character has Super Speed?

I see a LOT of issues with this coming to fruition.
Well just like you don't actually have to plant seeds with your mouse one by one to get a Flytrap pet. I'm sure the drawing portion could be pre-animated. Lol.