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Quote:Yeah, everyone is pretty much reading the headline then skimming the article for the name of the state.Nobody is reporting this correctly, all he said is that the show's Springfield was based on Springfield, OR.
The Simpsons don't live in Oregon. It's a fictional city (with a common name) in a fictional state. We've known this for decades but for some reason people kept looking for clues anyway. -
Quote:What I'd like to see is "alternate powers"- at certain tiers you can choose between two powers, but can't take them both. One example would be letting Blasters choose between Build Up and a new defensive power.The problem with "tinkering" with sets like this is that you risk upsetting the people who actually like them the way they are now.
This way old sets could be freshened up without affecting players who like things as they are now. -
Remember the old adage about arguing with fools.
Quote:Same. I don't like fluctuating power levels and having to watch the tachometer.I have a lot more fun playing tankers than playing brutes. I've never managed to get a brute past level 28.
To go back to the actual thread topic (crazy, I know) that's also why I prefer Scrappers to Brutes. -
Genesis gives an Invisible Touch power. It takes control and slowly tears the target apart.
Step one to balancing the Melee ATs: lock out the Fighting Pool from them.
But that's not going to happen so... I guess raise everyone's caps so we all become overpowered equally? -
Hard to really comment until we know more about the +Absorb effect and can try it out. I like all the resistance bonuses, though (I know I may be in the minority there.)
I imagine they try to do mass updates on each system, like power selection, rather than going in and adding more every time a new set is about to launch. Some of these new powersets could still be on the drawing board, a long way from live, it just made sense to put their placemarks in now.
It would be cool if it actually encouraged hybrid abilities. The game generally rewards improving what you're already good at the most, so we'd end up with Melee ATs taking the Melee Hybrid, Controllers taking Control, etc. I hope it will create some variety.
I don't think we need a Cracked article to point out how inane internet arguments can be. God knows how many times I've seen someone bemoan Hollywood's lack of originality, then in another thread post how excited they are for Yet Another Batman Movie.
It's hard for me to see Drain Psyche as that overpowered when the fight still took 22 minutes.
Quote:I can't really comment too much on Blasters. I have one level 50 (Energy/Energy) who is cool but I don't play too often because he seems too fragile compared to other characters.All that needs to happen is other secondaries need to be buffed to be as good as /Mental.
But I have to say- when even the guy who starts a thread cheering Blasters and how awesome they can be believes that six out of seven need buffing... Yeah, it sounds like Blasters could use some help. -
It is true that you're going to find more discussion about min/maxed defenses than damage on the Tanker forum. That's just the nature of the Archetype.
I've played Super Strength most of my time in the game, so I can help you out, but I don't do any hard number crunching. I suspect that Jab on auto with three damage IOs and three damage procs would do the highest dps, but that doesn't seem like much fun. -
Quote:Keep in mind that Johnny's not arguing for a Tanker damage cap increase. He's just arguing. They can raise the damage cap tomorrow and he'll still be here playing the forums, creating drama for attention.It does matter when the game design is taken into consideration. Something which you seem to have no idea about.
Even if the damage cap were increased, it would do nothing for most Tanker powerset combinations for a majority of the game.
But as for the cap- you're right that it wouldn't make much difference. In iTrials, my Tank is often at the damage cap from all the buffs, so much that I don't need to use Rage. But I usually don't use Rage on a large team anyway, that extra 80% isn't going to make much difference compared to the damage output by the Blasters and other damage ATs. So if I don't care about 80%, it's hard to get excited about 100%.
The other side to the argument is that, since it's not a big deal, why not go ahead and raise it? The only downside I can see is other ATs also wanting their damage cap raised, and we get into power creep. But considering all the buffs and Incarnate powers the game keeps throwing at us, power creep doesn't seem like much of an issue anymore. My Tank has a better nuke than my Blaster, he might as well have the same damage cap. -
Tim Burton Presents: Johnny Depp in White Make-Up, Part 7 (or whatever they're at). Co-starring Helena Bonham Carter. Music by Danny Elfman.
I agree with moving Tough up to the first tier and adding another power.
As for Boxing and Kick, I think they should do (relatively) higher damage for non-Melee ATs than Melee ones. The Fighting Pool should be an attractive option for ranged ATs looking to add some melee options, rather than melee fighters looking for even more defense. -
Quote:Definitely, it's a big mistake to take the game too literally. Citizens and Tsoo Sorcerors aren't really in a tug-of-war all day and night, they're just there for when we want to play hero.All damage in this game is relative. Tankers DO hit incredibly hard. They can punch a truck and make it explode. Just because they do less damage than some archetypes has no bearing on whether they hit hard at all. It just means Fireballs are that big or Stalker blows are that precise.
One particularly noticeable, lacking realism element of this game is that attacks either completely hit or completely miss. If you assume some attacks don't do this, and damage delivered is based on the average of all hits (to the head, chest, legs, arms, etc) then current AT damage values make perfect sense. "Damage" does not have to literally mean the same thing as "direct force of impact blow to blow."
How powerful your hero is really comes down to your concept- a highly trained but normal human may fight a steel robot, but when you're playing a mighty demigod, the robot is super-advanced and armoured in Impervium.
As long as you feel powerful enough, what the guy next to you is doing is irrelevant. The game is what you make it. Have fun. -
I know a Melee/Debuff AT is a popular suggestion, but to make it more interesting I'd base them around the "power weapons" concept.
For example, if you chose Katana/Thermal, your Katana would do partial Fire damage, and (optionally) have a fiery look to it. Also, your weapon would be incorporated into your secondary's animations (no redraw). There would still be unarmed sets as well- you would instead have flaming/lightning/radioactive/etc. punches or kicks.
Most of this AT's defense would come from debuffing enemies, but it would probably get some help from its inherent as well. -
Definitely. Not everyone is interested in micromanaging a build-up bar or watching gimmick stacks build up. My main is an Inv/SS Tank but even having to pay attention to Rage kind of bugs me. I just want to smash stuff.
Quote:The reason is trying to pull this off would drive the devs insane.There's no reason you can't have balanced ATs and balanced inherent powers.
Quote:However, I don't really care whether the inherents are balanced against each other. I care whether the archetypes are. If an archetype is strong enough that even with a weak inherent it is on par with the other archetypes that have stronger inherents, than that is fine with me. -
Quote:Inherent powers are kludges to fix AT imbalances, starting with Scrappers getting Criticals to help their damage.It is now entirely fair for Scrapper players to ask for something since their entire inherent is substantially weaker than Stalkers.
You can have balanced ATs, or you can have balanced Inherent powers. You can't have both. -
It would actually be pretty funny if "Scrapperlock" occasionally showed up over an enemy. Maybe if you do a high amount of damage to a single target in a short timeframe.
That would be sweet. A Hulk-like double-fist smash to the ground, sending out a shockwave that hits enemies in a cone in front of you. They would be knocked down and possibly take damage or be stunned, depending on whether you go Core or Radial.