1491 -
I had an idea like that for an Inherent power in that "Blapper-like" new AT thread a while back.
Quote:Alright...this is my somewhat serious attempt at what a Ranged/Defense AT could look like.
HP Base: 1017.4
HP Max: 1606.4
Damage Scale: .700
Range Scale?: assuming blasters are 1.00...blappers would be .75 (meaning that if a blasters attack has a 100' range, the blappers attack would have a 75' range)
"defense" scale: .5 (Tankers are 1.00 and Scrappers are .75) (Regen and WP would have to be looked at more closely)
No knockback protection.
No Mez Protection Toggles.
(armor set toggles or clicks that currently have mez protection now grant a bonus to the Blappers Inherent ability)
Toggles will be dropped if mezzed. (not just surpressed...except for current mez protection toggles-see inherent ability)
Inherent Power: Blapping
All attacks executed on an enemy within the melee damage range of 7' or less adds .5 mez protection (hold, stun, sleep) that lasts for 5s. Stackable. 3 points of protection max. Each additional attack restarts the 5s timer.
Current armor toggles that offer mez protection offer the
Blapper a bonus to Blapping. All attacks executed with in the melee damage range of 7' or less now adds 1 mez protection that lasts for 5s. (so instead of taking 6 attacks to get to the 3 point max...it only takes 3. -
Quote:My point is that...for judgement...other +acc +tohit buffs outside of the alpha slot will help out Judgement acc...and of course +rec buffs outside of alpha +end red will help the end cost indirectly. Musculature Alpha is the only way to increase the damage of Judgement.The hold Alpha also has a damage component, the -end alphas reduce the cost of judgement and lore, the +acc alphas boost judgement and lore while the +res, +def and +healing alphas effect Barrier, Rebirth and other incarnate powers respectively
I can pop yellows to increase the acc of it...I can pop blues after or before I use it to help out with the end cost...I can't pop reds to increase the damage. -
Quote:That was my biggest problem with switching my alpha from Musculature to Agility.What about the incarnate benefits though? A judgement that deals 45% harder.
I really don't think your alpha should work with Judgement because Musculature is basically the "only" alpha that get's the benefit...which seems "unfair" to me.
However, I went with Agility for the +rec/+def...because I don't use Judgement enough to slot an alpha just for that ability...and I never use Lore outside of itrials. -
Yeah, I'm going with Agility.
At this point...the only reason I would want Musculature is for the Judgement damage boost...but I don't use Judgement enough to select an alpha for that sole reason. -
Quote:I can't understand why a super strength theme judgement was not added when they fisrt came out.I've been saying to my CoH friends for a while now that one obvious option that could be added to Judgement down the line is Marauder's Nova Fist.
I figured the main reasons it is not an option was to keep it unique to an NPC and that it was simply a more powerful version of the existing SS' Footstomp. But even though I do have some SS toons, I'd still give them Nova Fist if it was a judgement option in a heart beat!......
.....or at least until I got all the components anyway. :-p
I thinking have that as a judgement would be great.
You could select between the ground punch animation that Marauder currently uses or the footstomp animation. That way...people can have their Judgement power be different than their "Footstomp" power from SS if they wanted. -
Which, in your opinion, would be better for SS...Musculature for the flat damage boost...or Agility for the +rech?
My guess is that they are retconning it to be more in line with the movies.
I found Void with knockback to have the most "super strength" like concept.
It actually worked well too. Let all the enemies pile on to you...and then, as if saying, "enough" or "get off me"...you swing your arms back knocking all the enemies away from you.
Unfortunately...the neither of the tier 4 Void judgements come with knockback. -
Quote:Which would actually be a special resistance to bloodbending, no?That doesn't track. Aang showed no special resistance to bloodbending in the flashback. He only broke free by going into the Avatar State.
Again...it could also be the fact that he is a born energybender...making this the special trait for his resistance. -
Quote:Posted this in another thread. My theory on Amon.My vote is that Amon is a cyborg. It would give him plenty of motive if his limbs and parts of his body were ferociously mangled by benders to the point where they had to be amputated and reconstructed with clockwork. As for his ability to energybend, it may be more simple than bending. Chi blockers work by cutting off the flow of chi in the body through impact, which doesn't require bending of any sort to impart. This heals, of course, but if the ability to bend could be forcibly severed somehow, then this would allow someone to remove bending from an individual nearly permanently.
I suppose the great thing about the show is that any suggestion, from the simple to the more crazy ones I've seen here, can work.
Quote:Amon is Aangs son who was thought to be a non-bender...however, he is actually able to energybend...therefore, able to take away other peoples bending.
I would assume his relation to Avatar Aang is what makes his resistance to bloodbending possible...or simply that energy bending is the most powerful bending there is...allowing this resistance. -
Quote:Amon is Aangs son who was thought to be a non-bender...however, he is actually able to energybend...therefore, able to take away other peoples bending.Soo what about that Amon...Resistant to bloodbending...CRAy-ZeE!
I would assume his relation to Avatar Aang is what makes his resistance to bloodbending possible. -
Back before the changes...I spent a good time PvPing...mostly in the RV zone and and a few events.
The reason I don't PvP now...is because I can no longer PvE and PvP with the same build without it playing drastically different. -
Quote:I actually posted about taking down an AV with my WP/SS Tanker (now a Brute) back before Incarnate abilities.Yes, in fact I'd say it's quite common and ordinary now with Incarnates.
Just find an AV that isn't strong to your damage type and don't be a Tanker.
Granted...it was Chimera...but it was an AV nonetheless. I would assume that incarnate abilities would only make that task easier for Tankers now. -
What are the exact numbers on the Melee Hybrid taunt aura?
The duration and the mag... -
Quote:If that's the case...I almost wish they never let any Alpha work with Judgement.It would be too good. The devs said as much in almost those words. If you like having recharge be a feature of the alpha slot, you have to be willing to accept that it won't work on other incarnate powers.
I was just about to switch out of Musculature Alpha until I realized the damage boost to Judgement from it. -
What is the reason for not allowing Alpha's with +recharge work with Judgement?
Just when I thought this game was the more serious superhero MMO out there.
Quote:I run Haymaker-Jab-Punch-Jab repeat...with KoB used everytime it's up...and I would never complain about my ST damage.My one complaint I ever had about him was that it seemed st damage was lacking.
I have read that adding Gloom gives you the best attack chain with SS...but I would never say it's not good without Gloom. -
Quote:Good points for sure.If Confront were AoE, things like pulling the healing Nictus and ONLY the healing Nictus in ITFs would be impossible. (yes, I know it was altered, but it was a viable strategy before that happened)
I've also used it to pull AVs in the STF, and to pull Requiem and Romulus down from the platform in the 3rd mission of the ITF, without agroing the enemies right next to them.
A single target taunt power has a usefulness that cannot be replicated by an AoE taunt. The fact that very few people take advantage of that usefulness is not especially relevant here.
I can see a ranged attack doing the same type of pulling in the ITF situation you mentioned...but the fact that most scrappers lack any ranged attack makes that irrelevant.
I want to counter your single target taunt usefulness with the fact that you can get Challenge if you only wanted it for situations like that...but the same argument can be made for Provoke against players like me who want a aoe taunt. Either way...one player would have to use up a power pool to get what they want.
I won't lie...I always just assumed that the "few" people who did take Confront took it because it was a taunt in their primary. I figured it was a "better than no taunt at all" situation. However, if it has it's uses for people who take it...then it is what it is. -
Quote:This isn't something I'm forcing onto you...not sure why you responded as if I was.I'm not going to say that I couldn't deal with aoe confront, but why should I have to? I like it how it is. Is that any less valid than your desire for it to be aoe?
I posted this here just to get other peoples opinions on the topic to see if others agreed with my stance on said topic or not. -
Would you be opposed to this power becoming an aoe taunt, basically becoming a copy of the Brute versions?
The lack of taunt is one reason why I have stayed away from scrappers. I've tried provoke, and while it does "work"...it comes with an unfortunate accuracy check...not to mention the very short duration.
Scrapper attacks lack any taunt component when compared to Brutes and Tankers...so I don't see this as stepping on their toes.
Also...if you take Confront as it is now and use it...then I don't see the harm in allowing it to taunt more enemies.
It seems like a win/win situation for a power that gets skipped over "most of the time". -
I want to suggest adding a self rez component to Unstoppable.
This obviously stems from my preference for self rez powers...but I also believe this would fit thematically with the power.