What is your favorite toon?




So.. My only 50s that I play are a fire/ss , elec/shield , em/wp stalker, and fire/em blaster. All I ever do is PvP and farm.. And I've been really bored with it lately.. I'm trying to get out of AE and PvP and start doing more PvE. Like.. I want to get 50s without getting PL'd in AE.

My question is... in your opinion what is your favorite build? I want a build thats FUN to play.. It doesn't have to be overpowered like fire/ss but really fun to play. I've heard MMs are fun to play. Or like a katana/elec scrapper or something different. Just put your opinion



The trick is that fun to play is so highly subjective that's it's hard to really pin down. I can tell you what I have the most fun playing, but that's no guarantee that you'd have fun playing it - heck, you might actively hate it. I do recommend trying many different things, especially if you mostly just PL your chaacters rather than really play them, since there are probably whole ATs and playstyles you've never sampled. The only way to see if you'll like it is to try it.

For me, what makes a character fun is partly the powersets and partly the concept. I spend a lot of time on my names and costumes, because that helps me get into my characters and want to play them. So for me it's only partly about the game mechanics. I'd mentioning this because my list of favorites is colored by that preference. I couldn't pick just one, but I'm going to cover my top five and some reasons why I play them as much as I do. In no particular order, here goes:

1) Iscariot, my tri-form Warshade. I've always enjoyed Kheldians, though there are many people who are turned off by the complexity of the shapeshifting mechanics, the increased difficulty in making a good build and the loss of a unique look when in one of the other two shapeshifted forms (one Dark Nova looks just like another). I love my Warshade precisely because of how complex he is to play. If I'm on my toes, I can have a character who's a death-dealing AOE damage machine with instantly-restoring health and endurance coupled with capped resistances to all forms of damage. I'm a tankmage! If I mistime my powers, however, I go splat. I love walking that knife-edge. It's never boring and it's extremely rewarding to play, especially when I team with players who labor under the misconception that the AT is a joke. I take a certain pleasure in making those folks' jaws drop now and again.

2) Tetujin, my Rad/Rad Defender. A robot wielding the power of radiation, this is the character that started my romance with debuffers, and he's still my favorite. This character can and has single-handedly turned the tide of battle for a team and he really pulls his weight on an Incarnate league. Over the years I've refined his build to the point that he can lockdown large spawns and neuter anything that gets anywhere near him. Although many inexperienced players may think they need healers for serious play, it's my Rad that's often been the key to victory. I enjoy that.

3) Legerdemain, my KM/WP Brute. Carnival-themed and Praetorian, his powers are visually a lot of fun and I never get tired of running him. He packs quite a punch and he can hold his own in a fight, and he's only getting stronger as work towards the higher Incarnate tiers on him. The appeal for this character is his ability to play different melee roles - I can tank, I can scrap, and I nearly always lead the charge. It helps that he also has what I consider one of my best costumes.

4) Tin Mage Mk. V, my Dark Armour/Elec Tanker. This character is part of an entire stable of themed characters based on the in-game lore of a spellcasting robot called the Tin Mage. I really liked the idea and rolled up the character years ago, and now I lead a themed supergroup called the Tin Mage Corps. As with most of my Tankers, I built Tin Mage for survivability over all else. He has good AOE with Lightning Rod, but his damage output isn't a match for Legerdemain's above. Instead, I enjoy being one of the toughest Tankers around, able to main-tank in any situation. I prefer DA to Stone because with a high-end build I can be very nearly as survivable (more so against some things) with none of the drawbacks imposed by Granite. I enjoy being a reliable, sturdy and at the same time quick and maneuverable tank.

5) Shallow Graves, my Thugs/Dark Mastermind. The only villain on the list, rolled up before it was possible to have Masterminds heroside, he's a villain through and through, an undead Old West character who runs his gang just like he did his outlaw band a hundred years ago. As with the Warshade, I enjoy the complex challenge of managing my pets well - it's easy to just spawn the pets and set them on Aggressive and let them wreak havoc, but more difficulty to keep things under control. Masterminds are one of those things that's easy to do but hard to master (if you'll pardon the pun). Having an army-in-a-box also makes for very easy soloing.

I hope at least some of that was inspiring or helpful for you. It's my experience, take it for what it's worth. YMMV.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



As Justaris said it's most what you think is fun.

Since I'm here. Here what i find fun. Most of the following will be able to solo at least 0/2

1) Slayan: Demon/Poison Mastermind. My Favorite Concept Char. +2/3
Pros: Av Killer, Most if not all type of Debuffs.
Cons: Can't handle more then +2/3(4). Small AoE to Debuffs.

2) AnnihilationProtocol: Bots/Dark MasterMind. My go to Mastermind. +2/8
Pros: Mob Killer, Av Killer, GM Killer(Most), Def and Res, Debuffs(Mostly -Regen).
Cons: Medium Dmg, DoT Dmg, No Burst Dmg.

3) Omni-Nogard: Ice/Fire Tank. One of my older favorites. +1/8
Pro: Hard to kill
Con: Slow to kill (Tank Dmg )

4) OmniNogard: DB/WP Scrapper. Had this one since the day the sets came out. +1/8
Pros: Regen, Reco, Decent Dmg.
Cons: Combo System(at least to me).

5) Terrorize: Spines/Dark Scrapper. Love what i can do but was a pain to get to the point of fun. +2/8

Pro: AoE Madness and not needing to move. Proc the Auras and Bam. I only have 3 attacks in my Build. Spine Burst, Impale, Ripper.
Cons: High End Drain.

6) Skywave: TW/Ele Brute. My Anti Rikti Power Armor. +3/8 Rikti, +1/6 anything else.
Pros: Lots of AoEs, Able to fight mobs of +1(2 or 3)Rikti with barely any inps.
Cons: Spiders and Longbow.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



I don't have any "toons," but my favorite character is my Grav/FF Troller, Pointsphere.

While he isn't the most powerful character ever, he is litterally the first character I ever made for this game. He is my badging character and one of the few that I have IOed! I do every piece of new content with him and really enjoy how welll I have gotten to know his strengths and weaknesses on him.

I am in the process of bringing him heroside again to grab some of the newer Hero-only badges.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I don't have any "toons,"

And though I'd rather he were Street Justice/Willpower, I'm pretty fond of my namesake as a Katana/SR Scrapper.

... Also this.
Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
While he isn't the most powerful character ever, he is litterally the first character I ever made for this game. He is my badging character and one of the few that I have IOed! I do every piece of new content with him and really enjoy how welll I have gotten to know his strengths and weaknesses on him.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



There are a couple of toons that you should try.
At least, I think you should.

I am not avid with PvP - but, I don't mind it - and if mids' ever gets around to calculating the diminishing returns, I may do so more often.

I used to farm 3 or 4 times a week before converters came out - and it was generally relaxing - having a toon that can handle 4/8 with ease.

I do not know what possessed me, but one day I made a fire/mm blaster. Been playing this game for years -and there are still dozens of combos I've not tried! My main is an ice/ice blaster. I love blasters because they dish out damage you can see, damage you can feel.

Coming from a farming environment - you're used to AoEs for better efficiency. So, my gut tells me, you want something that could farm if you really wanted it to - but that would also be able to pvp if you made a second build for it, and lastly, be fun to play.

The Fire/MM, when built and played well can do all these things. Now, so can a lot of other toons -- but the tempo that a fire/mm blaster can be played at is fast - because of drain psyche, endurance is rarely an issue.

It's soloable and an excellent addition to any team.

You might also try an ice/ice- just because of Freeze Ray, and Bitter Ice blast. Most blasters have to be careful with bosses and lts - but with two holds, shiver, ice patch - so many tools- the ice blaster has very little to fear.

On a different vein, I'd recommend an ill/* controller - just for the controlled chaos. You get pets at 18 instead of 32, and if you build it right, it can be a blast to solo, team, pvp, whatever.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Broadsword/Willpower Brute....
....with my Fortunata second and Peacebringer right up near the Fortunata because of flexibility

My Gravity/Time Controller is up there in my favorites because of looks and concept. Nothing beats "controlling time and space".
If a Brute could have a gravity and/or time attack set then that would be my dream character.

Some people prefer easy play and power while others prefer dfficult play and power or the challenge of difficult play and weakness or just completely concept(like my gravity/time which isn't bad but is no Brute and I still like it quite a bit).

easy + power = Brute all the way, Scrapper, Tanker, Blaster not as easy, Widow, Peacebringer(since their buffs definitely)
difficult + power = Mastermind, Controller, Dominator, Peacebringer, Warshade
easy + weak = Mastermind, Controller, Dominator, Tanker(these 4 depend on enemy you are facing and power set choices), Defender, Corruptor
difficult + weak = see directly above, not Tankers

Those categorizations are almost definitely wrong as well.

I just know 3 things:
1) Melee archetypes have to be in melee so they have a lot of defense and are intended to survive while taking the enemy down. They are powerful most of the time.
2) Mez protection, which melee archetypes always get really good amounts of, is amazing at making things easier.
3) The enemies in this game tend to always run into melee range and usually have hard hitting melee attacks. this makes anything besides melee archetypes difficult with their reduced survivability.

Honestly, if this had first-person-shooter gameplay then I would bet on the ranged damage dealers and mezzers, but it is not so I bet on the melee archetypes.

PVP is a different animal that is more dependent on things not tied to any one specific archetype and hardly makes any sense, to me.



As for me, I have 4 favorites which are as follows:
my ar/dev blaster, Top Flight Security
I love having 3 nukes to use.

My invul/elec tank, Black Marvel
Game changer with damage

my human form peacebringer, Evolutionary Hunter
I dunno, I just enjoy playing him.

and last but not least, my ma/sr scrapper, Marginaly Insane.
Yes, he is fun and I must be slightly insane for the way I run him around.




I don't play Toontown.



I don't get my panties wound up over people calling characters "toons." Call them Frank if you want.

That said, most fun... yeah, very subjective. In no particular order:

1. My Plant/Thorn dom. Just a *lot* of fun. Plus, she was chewing through Scrapyard's mob (not the big guy himself, of course) at 25-26.

2. Thugs/Poison Mastermind. Perhaps a bit biased here, since before this I was trying a Bots/FF MM and ready to give up on the AT since I was bored stiff basically playing spectator. Recent changes have only made it better.

3. Peacebringer. I have two at 50, one human, one triform. I have others scattered throughout other levels. Only reason I don't play them more is... I have two at 50.

4. Stalkers. Just... as a whole. I can't pick a specific power set combo (though I'm somewhat claws heavy.) I enjoyed them before, but again - recent changes have only made them more fun (and less strange to see other stalkers staying around and scrapping like I do.)

5. /dark Corruptors. Fire/dark. Ice/dark. Just something with /dark and AOEs to scourgescourgescourge with. Just because seeing that much scourging brings a smile to my face.



What time is it?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
1. My Plant/Thorn dom. Just a *lot* of fun. Plus, she was chewing through Scrapyard's mob (not the big guy himself, of course) at 25-26.
I remember hover/blasting that mob with my Fortunata. That is my only character that could ever do that, and it was GLORIOUS!



My Plant/psi perma dom is my favorite character atm. He's the most well rounded and powerful character in my stable. He can, and does, lead a full team. Usually better than the tank. He is an absolute minion and LT killer and does ok against bosses.

He really doesn't have many weaknesses.



Well, as others have said, what's fun for me will not be necessarily fun for you. But since you ask, my favorite character for both solo and team play is my Ice/Dark corruptor. I love that she has so many tools at her disposal to keep a mob on the ropes while she cuts them down. And as Bill alluded to the scourge is glorious.

I love all my characters, so it's hard to limit myself to a short list, but I'll throw in an honorable mention for my Illusion/Storm controller. Also great on teams or solo, although on teams you'll need to try to control your chaos a little. Cons are his endurance drain, and the fact that he's pretty fragile if he does come under fire, but the fun he brings more than makes up for that.

What both these characters have in common is they have a lot of tricks up their sleeve, and they both require me to be a little bit on my toes. They allow me to play aggressively, so long as I'm making good use of positioning and picking the right targets. If you like that playstyle, you might give them a try.



My favorite toon is Gir. Duh. Although there is something to be said for the awesomeness that is Stimpy, but definitely Gir wins hands down.


My favorite character to play in the game is currently my Brawl only Brute, Brawling Humiliator, Pinnacle, 50 and goin' Incarnate already. Soloin' EBs Bashing faces. A singular accomplishment and I still cackle madly when he does something that he really has no business doing, like participating and completing and definitely NOT causing the fail of a Master of Miss Liberty Task Force.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Gir is pretty awesome...

Originally Posted by houtex View Post
My favorite toon is Gir. Duh. Although there is something to be said for the awesomeness that is Stimpy, but definitely Gir wins hands down.


My favorite character to play in the game is currently my Brawl only Brute, Brawling Humiliator, Pinnacle, 50 and goin' Incarnate already. Soloin' EBs Bashing faces. A singular accomplishment and I still cackle madly when he does something that he really has no business doing, like participating and completing and definitely NOT causing the fail of a Master of Miss Liberty Task Force.



After playing many years now, I have to say its one of my originals. Previous named "Blue Centurion" on liberty, and coming out of a long retirement there to re--emerge as "Snarky Robot" on Virtue. (You'd be Snarky too if warehoused for a few hundred years CoH time) It is a combination of factors for me. First, his powersets are SS/Invulnerability. And he is a Brute. And a Villain. And a Robot. I love all of these things, and together they just are magic. I also want to thank the i23 guys (and i mean gals as well when I say "guys") for the new Mecha skins, which catalyzed me to knock the cobwebs off the ol' bot. Yep, give me a big old smashy bot that is nigh unstoppable any day of the week.



Radmental Boy. Radiation/MM blaster.

He's done. IMO at lvl 27. No more XP gain needed. I've been playing him this way for over 2 years. I play him regularly still. Freaking fun to team with higher lvls. Or lower lvls. Or solo for hero merits. I built him as a concept toon, to be a sidekick, like Robin. Never the best, but definately not the weakest, either.

His Cosmic Burst is to die for!


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian



Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
2) AnnihilationProtocol: Bots/Dark MasterMind. My go to Mastermind. +2/8
Pros: Mob Killer, Av Killer, GM Killer(Most), Def and Res, Debuffs(Mostly -Regen).
Cons: Low Dmg, DoT Dmg, No Burst Dmg.

Emphasis added.

I'm no number cruncher, but the wisdom I always overhear is that Bots are just about the best MM primary for damage. I have a Bots/Dark as well and never found her to be "low damage"... you make yours sound like a defender or something! I was about to chime in here with "Bots/Dark MM" when I saw your post.

Care to elaborate on that? Oddball build or something maybe?



Vitality - SS/WP



Couple of my favorites are:

1) LittleBitofDebt: Demon/traps (petless) MasterMind

2) Embers Roar: Fire/Trick Arrow Controller

3) BackSlash: Claws/Will power Stalker

4) BubbleGuns: Force Field/Duel Pistols Defender

For me most of my favorites are all concept toons.

If your gonna play follow the leader just make sure the leader is taking you where you want to go.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post

Emphasis added.

I'm no number cruncher, but the wisdom I always overhear is that Bots are just about the best MM primary for damage. I have a Bots/Dark as well and never found her to be "low damage"... you make yours sound like a defender or something! I was about to chime in here with "Bots/Dark MM" when I saw your post.

Care to elaborate on that? Oddball build or something maybe?
Go Bots/FF and you'll notice how "low" there Dmg can be. It just takes a while longer then my Thugs/Dark to kill but It's my go to Mastermind that Bots/Dark.

Plus it's "Low Dmg" is is Higher then Tank Dmg but not as High as my Brutes/Scrappers is what i meant. Would go back and edit but i'll wait till im more wake.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I don't have any "toons," but....
Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
I don't play Toontown.
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I don't get my panties wound up over people calling characters "toons." Call them Frank if you want.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: saying "toon" (or "mish") is like wearing a Snuggie. If that's how you're comfortable, great. And you know what? I won't even give you any grief for it. But I won't be engaging in the practice myself, because to me, it makes you look like a friggin' doofus.

Anyway, my favorite character to play changes at least three or four times a day, but the ones I keep coming back to tend to be the ones that really feel powerful. Maybe not in terms of numbers, but watching what they do to enemies visually. So:
  • Krakatua, my titan/fire brute. He had some endurance and survivability problems early on, but now he's past that and I'm having a blast. Nothing like opening a fight with Spring Attack -> Burn -> Build Momentum -> Whirling Smash to make you feel like a total bada... um, bad mother. In about two seconds, the enemies go from calmly standing around like nothing's wrong to dying in an eruption of smoke and fire and severed limbs, and when it clears, there's nothing left standing but a couple of lieutenants and me, already halfway through the animation for Arc of Destruction. Plus, he looks awesome, and that's important. Boring costume = bored me.
  • Adamant Eve, my invuln/super strength tanker. Sure, it takes her a while to get through a group of enemies on her own, but most of them spend the whole fight on the ground from Foot Stomp, and even the ones that are fighting back aren't able to so much as scratch her shiny, chrome-plated finish. In non-incarnate-trial content, she simply can't be hurt, ever (as long as I take out the Sappers first).
  • Star-Spangled Banner, my energy/energy blaster. Because sending the bad guys flying is about the most fun thing you can do in this game, despite what some people want you to think. You can have my knockback when you pry it from my cold, dead, energy-pompom-having hands.
  • Mother of Invention, my robots/traps mastermind. Because I have an army of killer robots who follow my orders. Anything else is irrelevant. Except my Poison Trap, Acid Mortar, and the Interface with the confuse proc. It's just a chaotic haze of lasers and vomiting and people wandering around in a stupor... it's a Pink Floyd concert, is what it is.
  • Dominators, just in general. I recently rediscovered them, and I've fallen in love all over again. I've got incredible controls, plus ranged attacks, plus melee attacks, and that's not even counting Domination or pets or ancillary pools. No matter what situation I'm in, there's an app for that. (Currently I'm obsessing over my earth/earth, plant/thorn, and gravity/energy doms, and as soon as I can find a name I love that isn't already taken on Virtue, I'll be giving ice/ice a try.)
I fully intend on being able to add an MFing warshade and an illusion controller (secondary thus far undecided*) to this list very soon, too.

*EDIT: I did a little reading, and I'm 90% sure I'll be going Ill/Dark here. I'll give it a shot once the servers come back up after maintenance.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.