What is your favorite toon?




Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
Go Bots/FF and you'll notice how "low" there Dmg can be. It just takes a while longer then my Thugs/Dark to kill but It's my go to Mastermind that Bots/Dark.

Plus it's "Low Dmg" is is Higher then Tank Dmg but not as High as my Brutes/Scrappers is what i meant. Would go back and edit but i'll wait till im more wake.
Low single target, but high AoE for bots.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Low single target, but high AoE for bots.
That's why i went back to edit to be "Medium" for Avg Dmg.

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PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



I find Soldiers of Arachnos to be fun, although the first 20 levels before you get to pick between crab/wolf takes a bit of patience. Personally, I like the crab side of things, although the mandatory spiderleg backpack can be a bit.... limiting... costume-wise.

Once you get it up and running in the higher levels there's so much possibility! I've got an ALL AoE attack chain (two cones, three targeted), 30-40 resist to everything, another 30-ish defence, and a full complement of 6 nearly-perma spider-bot pets. But if you want something more single-target or melee, those are also options!

And best of all, get a couple soldiers/widows on the same team and the stacked leadership buffs can give everyone on the team nearly capped defenses, a decent damage buff, and increased tohit!

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Hands down, Player One, my Fire/Cold Corruptor.

I created an Ice/Cold to get a feel for Corruptors, leveled it to 50, and really enjoyed it. I decided to try Fire/Cold, as I was quite fond of the secondary, and actually did not have a single Fire-related character. It made me fall head over heels in love with Corruptors.

I play her far more than any other character, and I find her to be the most versatile. I am fairly aggressive and get right into the thick of melee with her, I've soloed GMs (first with, and then, without Lore). I find myself having more fun on this character than any other.

Second place would either go to my Elec/Shield Scrapper, Death of the Party or my StJ/Ice Stalker, Guilty

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
My digital double -an MA/Regen Scrapper - not that I can actully regen in RL, so it's not quite my double
Does that mean you can fly in RL, like in the comic?

My favorite toon..... yoiks. I have so many. Ironblade is broadsword/regen. He was my first, he's my badge hunter, he has... I think 8 Incarnate tier 4's. So, I still play him a lot.

Other toons I particularly like:
Tanks: shield/axe (50), ice/SS (50), stone/stone (50)
Defenders: time/rad (50), dark/archery (50)
Controllers: electric/storm (50), dark/dark (38)
Corrupter: fire/thermal (50), beam/traps (24)
Peacebringer (50)
Warshade (50)

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It's hard to pick just one that I have as a favorite. There are ones I like to play for various reasons, since they all have a different feel.

Kin/Elec Stalker: Closest one I have to an author avatar, so I always wanted to be good with him. I would tweak him and play him and refine him, and then one day the devs decided that stalkers should rock. Now he does rock, and can pull off some truly insane single target DPS. Should the situation call for it, he can also tank as well. Because I this I have developed the habit of putting Mother Youknowwhat in the middle of his name. By the way, there's a large hole in your chest.

Grav/Thorn Dom: People say that this combination isn't too good, but I really don't care. This toon is bundles of fun to play. Whether I am antagonizing enemies with caltrops or I am using Singularity as an impenetrable wall, I can't get enough of this toon. The damage is a little slow to start, but between the poison and the fields and the pets and the trops and the interface proc, the "ticks" just keep climbing. This set also has Wormhole, which has got to be the funnest power in the game. It is super useful, too, even though most of the time I just use it on outdoor maps to make it rain men from the sky.

Ice/Storm Troller: This guy is fun because I love to throw my enemies around. With Gale, Tornado, Ice Slick, Freezing Rain, Lighting Storm, AND Hurricane all on the same set, when this troller enters the field he just exudes power. Though his damage is a bit lighter, he playes like he could bring a whole city to his knees. Best part is, I can turn off all the KB if I use the AoE Immobilize, so the enemies only get thrown around when I want them to be. The immobilize also lets me rack up damage, since Tornado + multiple Lightning Storms + Jack Frost + Freezing rain can really lay down the damage on an AV. Pretty much any move in his set can save the team from certain peril, and after speccing him to have range defense he's very hard to kill.

I suppose those are my favorite 3 to play. I like playing a lot more, though, but I'll keep it brief.

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I really, really, really, really like Empathy (mostly defender for the bigger numbers). Like, really. I have at least one (sometimes 2-4!) on every server.

I also really, really, really like Kinetics (equal mix def/troller). I have one on almost every server.

I also really, really like brutes. I have 1-6 on every server. Power sets vary like crazy, but they're all fun.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.