Judgement and the Alpha slot?




What is the reason for not allowing Alpha's with +recharge work with Judgement?



It would be too good. The devs said as much in almost those words. If you like having recharge be a feature of the alpha slot, you have to be willing to accept that it won't work on other incarnate powers.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
It would be too good. The devs said as much in almost those words. If you like having recharge be a feature of the alpha slot, you have to be willing to accept that it won't work on other incarnate powers.
If that's the case...I almost wish they never let any Alpha work with Judgement.

I was just about to switch out of Musculature Alpha until I realized the damage boost to Judgement from it.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
If that's the case...I almost wish they never let any Alpha work with Judgement.
As pointed out, it's not just Judgement, ALL incarnate abilities are unaffected by +recharge.

But +recharge is so good that it's often worth taking anyway.

I really should do something about this signature.