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  1. Vitality

    CoX Riddles

    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    that's a silly assumption given that 1 mile != 5,280 feet
    Why is that "silly"?
  2. Vitality has been through several rerolls...mostly because it's the only character I really play so I like to go through the leveling process again while teaming with new people. Though I have also rerolled because of changes.

    Started as Invuln/SS for about two days before WP came out...then rerolled into WP/SS.

    Finally rerolled into a Brute since you could finally start as a hero.
  3. Vitality

    How is Regen?

    Question about the aura...

    With all planned builds being extra slot is extremely useful... adding a Taunt IO to Integration going to be a "significant" enough change to warrant the extra slot?

    (Will not be picking up Taunt)
  4. Vitality

    Savoring CoH

    Faultline story arc at around level 15.

    Revenant Hero Project story arc at around levels 32-35.
  5. Vitality

    SS and more aoes

    Originally Posted by BigBlackAfrica View Post
    I'm not trying to start a "flame-war" here. I just don't understand the seemingly needless hostility of the above post.


    Seeing as how you're the one opposed to the idea of a hovering tank/ definition...means you're the one being hostile here.

    Anyways...I was not trying to offend I just did not comprehend you not understanding why someone would want a hovering tank/brute.

    I realize now that you were talking purely mechanical...while I was talking conceptual.

    You also bring up a good point when you say:

    Originally Posted by BigBlackAfrica View Post
    Super Strength OTOH has 2 powers which will not work if the character is not on the ground. Considering that the powers are 'ripping up a chunk of earth to toss at someone' and 'stomping your foot/punching the ground and creating a shockwave' I'd say it makes sense.
    Now...while that absolutely makes highlights the fact that in order to be "mechanically" viable in this game with super have to throw certain concepts out the window.

    Let's face it...a high-level SS character without Footstomp is basically absurd when it comes to this games mechanics. Which almost reinforces the point that was originally trying to be made in the OP of Super Strength having more AoE damage powers.

    Another good mechanically-speaking point you brought up:

    Originally Posted by BigBlackAfrica View Post
    I think I only have one melee character with Hover (DB/WP Scrapper) and he has it for concept reasons because he's a bird-man with wings. It's not a problem because DB doesn't require him to be on the ground, but incidentally he ALSO has CJ.
    This points to the fact that a Super Strength character "needs" to give up defense in order to have an AoE damaging said character can NEVER have the defenses of both CJ and Hover while also using Footstomp.

    Therefore...arguably helping the original point brought up by the OP of Super Strength having more AoE damage powers.
  6. Vitality

    SS and more aoes

    Originally Posted by BigBlackAfrica View Post
    I have a SS Brute with Fly, but I took Combat Jumping for the exact reason mentioned above. I honestly can't understand why someone would want to make a "hover-tank/brute" in the first place.
    Right...because the flying bricks in comics never hover while fighting...

    What exactly is so hard to understand?
  7. Vitality

    What of Relcuse?

    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Immortal means you don't die from old age, it does not always mean you are 100% indestructible. Vampires tend to go up in smoke from sun exposure (not sparkle), or fire, or decapitation or a stake in the heart. Werewolves are also immortal yet cuts from silver weapons can kill them and so can silver bullets in the heart (or other vital organs).

    Statesman was immortal and nearly indestructible but his kryptonite as it were was the same power that destroyed Imperious and Romulus as we see in SSA #5. So generally speaking Statesman was 99.9% indestructible, it's just that Darrin was ready and thus was that 0.1% chance to kill Statesman.
    Statesman was not and Recluse is not immortal. Read "The Web of Arachnos" for their backstory.

    Anyways...I believe that Recluse should go after Darrin. Not because he wants to avenge Marcus' death...but because in Recluse's eyes...him and Marcus were the most powerful...and if someone was capable of killing Marcus...they would also be capable of killing him.
  8. I guess I'm the only one who always felt that my character was the one who would be THE hero to city/world.

    I always assumed the fact that you single handedly save Statesman at least twice was proof that WE are the true heroes. The ones who truly stepped up to save the city/world when it came crashing down around the signature heroes.
  9. Allow us to receive buffs from teammates without the added FX.
  10. Vitality


    Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    C) modern super-hero tights (w/ ribbing, surface texture(s), subdivided surfaces) a la Ultimates 1 or Marvel movies.
    Some say that the Defense and Olympian Guard base textures cover this style fairly well. Do you agree?
    I would personally like to see more of this.

    The Defense base texture is my absolute favorite.

    I have always looked at CoH as a more modern super-hero type of game. A game that almost looks as if it's based off a live action modern super-hero movie...if you will.
  11. Vitality

    SS and more aoes

    Originally Posted by ChaosAngelGeno View Post
    Its pretty much the reason I built my farming Brute as a Claws/Fire instead of SS was fear of a nerf to Foot Stomp and Rage.
    Honestly...if they nerfed SS after it being how it is for so long...I would probably quit the game.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    Name sold 2 bilion, thanks for the input.
    If this is true...that's messed up.

    You're the worst kind of person for making someone pay for a name you were never going to use.
  13. I want to suggest adding the option to receive buffs from players without the added fx.
  14. I look at the words "Gods" and "Superheroes" as one and the same.

    In Hancock Charlize Theron's characters says "they use to call us gods, now they call us superheroes".
  15. He is neither a Tanker nor a Brute.

    He's's his own archetype.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    It helps newer tankers to learn stuff from people who're more experienced. It provides missions where you don't have to worry about "squishies" and can crank up the difficulty a bit without worrying that 3/4ths of the team are going to go *SPLAT* upon entering the mission door.
    Isn't that an oxymoron?

    How does not having to worry about squishies help a new tanker?
  17. Why do you have to be so greedy?

    Just free the name up for someone who would put good use to it.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
    Depending on the character's background, I prefer Brutes to Scrappers simply for the Fury mechanic. If I'm on a Scrapper I sometimes get lazy solo and wander around the missions sight-seeing. If I'm on a Brute the decreasing Fury drives me to the next mob faster. I sometimes RP and I'm always thinking in terms of theme. Captain America with his stoic ways and steady manner would be a Scrapper. The Hulk, the rampaging engine of destruction, would be a brute.

    Your mileage may vary.
    However, one can also look at Brutes Fury mechanic as a superhero holding back at first.

    That's how I interpret it for my character.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    The resistance levels that WP can have during SOW are permanently available on invuln and it is also capable of capping all non-psi resistance with better uptime than SOW, amusingly. Invuln has much better defense numbers than WP and softcapping the main four types with one target in range is a relative cakewalk. Dull pain's hit point boost is very significant but having a gigantor heal on demand is something WP just can't compete with. Invince is an awesome taunt aura and RTTC pretty much just gets the job done.

    WP does catch up specifically in places such as trials in that fear and confuse protection can be worth their weight in gold. That doesn't change the fact that for each breakfree that the invuln would have to eat to equalize its performance, the WP is going to have to eat a luck and an orange at the minimum. Invuln is simply tougher than WP against everything but psi.
    How do you factor WP's regen into this?

    Admittedly...I've only played WP up to level I'm really only going by the paper statistics of Invuln to compare the two.
  20. I've been wanting to try out Invulnerability with my main...but I still have a hard time figuring just how Invuln outshines WP.

    I keep coming back to Dull Pain as being the only Pro for Invuln over WP...but then it's long recharge really hurts that advantage.

    Is a 50% defense debuff really that much better than 25% if you're softcapped?

    The very marginal extra resistance does not seem to mean much WP's perceived weakness (alpha strike) is really a non-issue once you have Footstomp.

    Add in:

    Invuln's Psi hole.

    WP's Quick Recovery

    WP's better mez protection

    WP's no "crash" Tier 9

    I honestly fail to see how Invuln can match WP.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
    This is how I do it for Kumi, my super strong hero. Their involuntary reactions are the same strength as a regular humans, but the potential for stronger things is there. She didn't even KNOW she had superstrength until events conspired to give her the chance to actually try that hard.
    That is exactly how I look at with Vitality.

    Never knew he had that kind of strength because he never had to push beyond the "normal limits".

    This is also why "willpower" fits his concept so perfectly.
  22. Vitality

    Taunt Aura...?

    Originally Posted by BigBlackAfrica View Post
    It IS a shame. I would love to be able to use the proc from Triumphant Insult to turn any taunt aura into a low rent version of Oppressive Gloom.
    For me...I don't care for the procs...I care for the set bonuses I'm missing out on.
  23. Vitality

    Taunt Aura...?

    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    They used to, but a number of porcs them. For instance, some would damage or stun the user of the power in addition to the targets.
    That's a shame to lose out on build options because the procs were bugged.
  24. Vitality

    Taunt Aura...?

    Why is it that taunt aura's do not accept Taunt sets?