2357 -
The auction house in this game is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
And then there's the down side. -
Quote:Anyone genuinely working outside the law in Paragon City won't have access to Medicom, meaning their career is likely, to turn a phrase, to be nasty, brutish and short.
Although Manticore probably doesn't have a secret ID now, it's very likely that other vigilantes would use them, as they're already working outside the law, so not only would they find it useful to hide who they were from the criminals, bit also from the authorities - like if you blow up a whole city block to get rid of a gang leader, then as well as the gang going after you, the PPD might also like to speak to you. -
Thus why I said it requires level 21 to ACTIVATE.
Quote:The "Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member" badge has been around since the introduction of badges, though it requires level 21 to activate (due to a history plaque in Dark Astoria...which may change if we don't get an Echo).
It only applies to the Phalanx. And notably, this tidbit also says that you can basically be a level one guy and say "Im a member of the Freedom Phalanx!" and technically be accurate. I'd really like to see where this came from. (I suspect its from the second CoH novel, but I havent read that one.)
Quote:But I also think it's debatable that you could request your identity not be "public". I don't see the FBSA gaining mass "Costumed" acceptance without that caveat. -
Quote:[citation needed]
your very out of the loop then about this little bit of cox lore called the secret identity act which protects ones rights to remain secret even if registering.
Quote:also one needs to keep in mind this isnt marvel for example here any meta is rather loved by the general masses as a potential good guy in the making until they screw up. -
A build that can't solo a Boss is beneath contempt. If I had such I would improve it or delete it.
Quote:Of the three powersets mentioned, you managed to buy the worst. The other two are far, far better. Though I do prefer the Current Opposition's implementation of Weapons of Unusual Size.)
I bought one powerset, beam rifle, but haven't been tempted by the new ones. More punching powers? Don't need that. A weapon set with hideously slow animation and huge end/acc slotting requirements? I *really* don't need that. Plus, Beam Rifle just hasn't been that exciting. -
In a setting like this, with telepaths, clairvoyants, precogs, Star Trek type sensor arrays and working ouija boards, you would be lucky if your "secret identity" outlasts milk.
Your real name probably isn't on the tip of every tongue (quick, without looking it up, what's Lady Gaga's real name?) but you have to assume that anyone who cares to can find out who you really are.
Quote:But cops, judges, prosecutors, activist politicians, crusading reporters, etc. just have to take their chances, right? I wouldn't expect going after the family (etc.) to be any more popular of a tactic than it is in the real world, for the same reason: it makes enemies of the type that just won't quit and convinces your friends to stop taking your calls.Not all of my characters keep their identities secret, but comic books are full of stories about the consequences that some super heroes have faced after going public--including stories about everyone in their family ending up dead in a matter of days (or hours). -
Quote:No, 5,000 registered supers in the Paragon City area, according to the Blue King comics.
Not suppossed to be more than 5000 supers world wide either. -
Quote:The effect is rather the opposite of what you probably expect. According to the official Trolls background file, once they pass the Trollkin stage Trolls are genderless. This, of course, probably explains why they're so angry.
Did you speculate on whether high levels of dyne usage might have similar effects to heavy usage of anabolic steroids on, um, the anatomical accuracy? -
The Blue King comics claimed there are about 5,000 registered supers in Paragon City. That's just heroes, not counting Outcasts, villains, etc. Whether that's considered canon or not I couldn't say.
Quote:They appear, for no clear reason, in a villain tip mission (30-39 bracket, IIRC.)
I'd like to see the Red Caps show up in the game after the Croatoa level range - so 35 and over - even if it's just a cameo or a single mission. -
Whole thread is another demonstration (as if we need one) of Poe's Law.
I'll throw "Cole in Your Stocking" in again, #474611. I had hoped for a last-minute reprieve for "The Christmas We Get" but, alas, not to be.
I wouldn't take anything Lucas has said about the development of the Star Wars mythos too seriously.
I had Vader pegged as Luke's father too. My younger sister, who isn't nearly as genre saavy, caught it as well. And when she mentioned it to my father, he said something like "no kidding, that's the oldest gag in B-movie westerns". -
Quote:Don't blame me, man, I didn't do it!
What does that say about you the player character paying an agency that pays villains to be more active?
This is just more of the sadistic GMing that's been endemic in the game since the beginning. It's right up there with using pieces of Hamidon to enhance you powers (what could possibly go wrong?), taking part in an obvious Nemesis plot for convenient time travel, voluntarily letting yourself get disintegrated by a machine built by Crey and Dr. Aeon to play video games and sticking your head in a sentient malevolent energy source because it will make some big blue guy think you're cool. -
Quote:Urm, actually, it was heavily suggested that HeroCorps was also responsible for paying villains to cause trouble in cities it operates in...and that this is why when you want to "take on harder missions" (i.e. increase difficulty) you pay a HeroCorps rep to make it happen.
Hero Cops is one of the more interesting NPC factions in the game because it manages to walk the fine balance between morality and greed, yet still remain on the right side of the divide. -
Of course, this just makes it an even bigger Wall Banger as Hardcase's missions make it perfectly clear he despises "demon callers". But that particular shark was jumped with the Tip missions.
Quote:There is no such rule. Good writers do this all the time. A respondent in the official thread already mentioned J. Michael Stracynzski doing it in Babylon 5. It was most obvious with Londo Mollari's death premonition (related in the first episode, actually seen in the middle of the second season, and then the actual event took place in a time-travel story in the middle of the third and it wasn't what it looked like originally) but fairly often he telegraphed a move and then delivered it in a surprising way. (Arguably he overused the trick to the point of becoming predictable, in fact.) There are many, many other examples -- just off the top of my head Sunset Boulevard, Citizen Kane, American Beauty and Road to Perdition all "begin at the end". Of course, Paragon Studios doesn't have Sam Mendes, Orson Wells or even JMS working for them so this is probably going to suck, but that's another rant.
I already mentioned in the discussion about the announcement that I felt it broke a cardinal rule in writing, and I hold to that. You can't create any suspense or even hold it if you announce what most people think the story is actually about, true or not.
Quote:If people told you the outcome, however percieved, your interest in the story and its outcome decreases accordingly.
Quote:But what's wrong with him?
Quote:Noone I know who has played the story arc of an older hero written by Troy Hickman has failed to be moved by both the actions of that hero and Statesman's reaction to his passing.
Quote:If the passing of Statesman hadn't been so painfully overstated, I may've gone into it feeling something for a character that I personally respect and like. Instead, I feel like I'm being told how I should feel and react instead of coming into it naturally. -
Quote:No, it isn't, but if you need to have that explained to you again there's no point in trying.
After all, the motto of the fora is, "If it's on tvtropes.com, it's cliched and bad and a Suit ploy -
Just off the top of my head: in "A Titan Called Joe" my main would have disabled the Zeus without damaging the "brain pod" life support system, then cloned a new body for the guy and transplanted the brain into it.
Quote:It's Well lore. It's constitutionally required to be stupid.
We won't do it because it makes no sense....all dimensions share one puddle but different races have their own? So why do squids have to get their powers from the crazy human one, why not get powers from the maybe less crazy squid one? And, you know, what about non-human characters? Is there a robot well? A catgirl well? Do the Rikti still count as [SPOILER] or do they get their own well? It's stupid. -
Quote:"People who care about diversity" don't even know this game exists. Moot point now, but there's less than zero chance of some media firestorm being provoked by BAB getting greased.
Well, I'm sure the African American part of the fanbase and just about everyone who gives a care about diversity would have chance of caring... -
Quote:It's only five pages for me, and I only just found the thread.
Am I right in thinking that even after 9 pages following the news of a major plot development revolving around Statesman that we haven't yet heard from either Venture or Troy Hickman?
I don't understand why people are getting their panties in a wad over spoilers (again). Aside from the fact that you'd have to be an idiot to not realize the thread contained one, none of these characters were the slightest bit interesting when they were alive, so who really cares if they're going to die? There was no suspense in the arc either; you can make a case for any of the "surviving 8" to be the Designated Receiver so there's no point in getting invested in the story. It was practically a Random Events Plot anyway.
The only real question is whether or not he will stay dead. It would be nice to think that he will, but given how often the devs have expressed pride at embracing "comic book reality" and given the absurd tweests like (e.g.) Calvin Scott's imaginary marriage, I'm not optimistic about how this will play out. -
Quote:What makes you think anyone will care, or even notice, what happens in this game?
Perhaps... but there's generally a lack of ethnic diversity in comics - and if Paragon killed off the most significant African-American signature hero, there would a justification for asking why they felt that was necessary.