Shouldn't Manticore's identity be ruined?




Ok this is what I am getting at, since Sister Pschye does not wear a mask and doesn't hide the fact that Shalice Tilman is Sister Pscyhe, and since people know that Justine and Shalice are married and that Shalice is Sister Pscyhe and SP is married to Manticore shouldn't Manticore's secret identity be outed? As far as I know the general public know that Sister Pscyche is Shalice Tilman and that SP and Manticore are married also that Shalice Tilman and Justin Tilman are married, unless there is something I am missing and the general public does not know, although that would be really really stupid on the general public part to not put 2 and 2 together, yeah she is a mind controller but do you know how hard that would be to constintaly montior people's thoughts about her relationship and what not.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



I was under the impression that none of the Freedom Phalanx had a secret identity, and that a lot of the Vindicators lacked one as well.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



This is Wibbly Wobbly Superhero Stuff. You know, the way that Superman looks like A Completely Different Person when puts on a pair of glasses or the buildings in Faultline can tilt at a 45 degree angle without breaking apart. It's all In There and It Works.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Don't think he has one. I mean, Twinshot's all 'JUSTIN SINCLAIR? OH ****, SON, THAT'S MANTICORE' and I'm all 'I get to punch his mindgaming face in, right?'

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



The in-game marriage between the two was a specific, Dev-run live event that happened in Ouroboros (granted, a special version that lacked the usual Mender contacts) and in which Manticore still wore his costume (complete with mask) under his Wedding Pack tux (along with Citadel, Positron, and other signature characters). The only one out of costume was Sister Psyche, but she was in the wedding dress from the pack.

They never actually referred to the character's real names during the ceremony, only calling them Manticore and Sister Psyche, and beyond that the only attendees allowed in were super-powered individuals (50 heroes and 50 villains). Well, and Lord Recluse and his toadies when he crashed the party and it turned into a big PvP event, but he's still super-powered, so I figure it still counts.

So, legally only Manticore and Sister Psyche are married, and although it hasn't publicly come up in-game yet (all the references to them being married are done out of the civilians view, afaik) the only thing the public might know are that two known supers are married. Manti's secret identity is still secret (at least to the general public. Most heroes end up knowing who he is through various arcs or his TF).

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Actually I was there and I just watched it on youtube to refresh my memory, yeah they go by Manticore and Sister Psyche until SP says her vows and opens with , "My darling Justin". oops. Also when Shalice moved in with Justin some red flags would have gone off and made people think. So yeah his identity should be ruined.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Pretty sure Manticore's ID is public: Twinshot bloody well broadcasts it to her team when you're in you single-digit security levels, and you include Flambeaux in that group. Manty wears a mask more to protect his face from his lifestyle (exploding Nemesis Warhulks). The mouth is left uncovered because he designed the outfit when he was single, living the life of, as Mister Stark puts it, a "billionaire genius playboy philanthropist".



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
I have gone back in time and retroactively up'd your rep.



Given that superheroes in Paragon are all licensed and registered with the city, nobody, as I understand it, has a secret identity, at least according to the game lore.



Yeah, I figured it worked just like it does in Paragons: your "superhero" identity is a full, separate legal identity from you. It is taxed like a wholly different person, has its own record, and has its own Social Security number. If you are wearing that outfit or prominently displaying your association with the mediporter, you are in your hero identity. If Mike NormalGuy shoplifts, they can't arrest HeroGuy, they have to arrest Mike NormalGuy. Mike NormalGuy can't testify against the gangers that HeroGuy arrested, he has to go in as HeroGuy. That appears to be how it worked in the official comics, anyway.

Has anyone ever really thought about how they'd go about keeping a secret identity in a world where literally everyone and every street corner has a camera, and anyone who really wants to know who you are under that mask can call a psychic or a wizard or something in addition to a private eye?



Per the Paragon Wiki's page on the Freedom Phalanx:

Despite any public or political pressure, the Freedom Phalanx continues to battle any threat to humankind and remains "the world’s premiere independent hero organization. They still make it a firm policy to have no official ties to any government or law enforcement institution. They are one of the most open organizations in existence, allowing any would-be hero to volunteer for service with the esteemed group. Unlike other groups, the Freedom Phalanx is entirely open about everything, from its membership to its funding and current activities. This frankness carries through on down to the lowest levels, where even beginning heroes must reveal their true identities and pasts to the organization and the world. Statesman takes great pride in these 'sunshine' policies', saying they go a long way towards inspiring confidence in the Freedom Phalanx’s personnel and motives.
(Trying to find the original source material for this, btw - if you know where this is from, let me know.)

So ostensibly, yeah - at least as far as the current roster of seven goes, everyone knows who they are.


As far as the whole 'secret ID' thing goes, only a small number of my characters really worry about that (one, for example, because she's displaced in time by twenty years into her past and doesn't want to distort the timeline).


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Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)




Some if not most do keep a secret ID or at the very least don't go "I'm So & So"
Faultline would be the proof of that.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Given that superheroes in Paragon are all licensed and registered with the city, nobody, as I understand it, has a secret identity, at least according to the game lore.
Thank the stars for Rogues.

And no, Arachnos doesn't have an accurate file on me!



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
So ostensibly, yeah - at least as far as the current roster of seven goes, everyone knows who they are.

"You want to be
Where everybody knows your name..."


"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Given that superheroes in Paragon are all licensed and registered with the city, nobody, as I understand it, has a secret identity, at least according to the game lore.
There do seem to be exceptions to this. Dark Watcher and Lady Grey (for example) both have origins that are either entirely unknown or just rumors.




Given they operate outside of the U.S. superhero program, and that they are both engaged as members of an earth-is-screwed-shut-up-and-take-our-mandate crisis paramilitary unit under the UN Security Council's Ch. VII powers, it'd be more surprising if they WERE registered.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Given that superheroes in Paragon are all licensed and registered with the city, nobody, as I understand it, has a secret identity, at least according to the game lore.
Technically, only a government agency knows.... oh, you're right. Everyone knows.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Per the Paragon Wiki's page on the Freedom Phalanx:

(Trying to find the original source material for this, btw - if you know where this is from, let me know.)

So ostensibly, yeah - at least as far as the current roster of seven goes, everyone knows who they are.


As far as the whole 'secret ID' thing goes, only a small number of my characters really worry about that (one, for example, because she's displaced in time by twenty years into her past and doesn't want to distort the timeline).

Hmmm...I didnt know of this! I find it sad! I must continue to just ignore this for my main. Where only certain heroes know her secret ID.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Given that superheroes in Paragon are all licensed and registered with the city, nobody, as I understand it, has a secret identity, at least according to the game lore.
Is there any chance in Hades of getting a red name's feedback on this? This being a comic book super hero MMORPG, I've got to say that if this is true, it's got to be my first big disappointment in the game. This game is supposed to be all about freedom of choice, so what lore writer decided it would be a great idea for none of our comic book inspired super heroes to have secret identities? And why did no one at the studio stop them and say, "Hey, that's not a great idea you've got there"?

Not all of my characters keep their identities secret, but comic books are full of stories about the consequences that some super heroes have faced after going public--including stories about everyone in their family ending up dead in a matter of days (or hours). Most importantly, there's the less-fictitious matter of thousands of subscribers not being able to enjoy tradition, that is if they want to adhere to the studio's lore.

Ever since I subscribed, I have made the effort to nestle my characters firmly into the game's lore, I can't do it this time.

(Edit/P.S. If you're saying that our characters must register with the FBSA but that other government branches and/or the public aren't privy to that information, then silly me. That is not an unheard-of situation in comic book universes, and I'm not worried about the FBSA backstabbing any of my characters. Tony Stark caught a lot of flack for his superhuman registration thing, but if "going public" wasn't so "public", and if such a system had been set up over 70 years ago, I guess we'd all be used to it by now.)

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In a setting like this, with telepaths, clairvoyants, precogs, Star Trek type sensor arrays and working ouija boards, you would be lucky if your "secret identity" outlasts milk.

Your real name probably isn't on the tip of every tongue (quick, without looking it up, what's Lady Gaga's real name?) but you have to assume that anyone who cares to can find out who you really are.

Not all of my characters keep their identities secret, but comic books are full of stories about the consequences that some super heroes have faced after going public--including stories about everyone in their family ending up dead in a matter of days (or hours).
But cops, judges, prosecutors, activist politicians, crusading reporters, etc. just have to take their chances, right? I wouldn't expect going after the family (etc.) to be any more popular of a tactic than it is in the real world, for the same reason: it makes enemies of the type that just won't quit and convinces your friends to stop taking your calls.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Just because a hero has to have his legal name publicly connected to his superhero name doesn't mean he can't have a secret identity anyway.

There are always ways around things like that. The alter-ego just probably wouldn't be under his legal name.

I had a story plotted out in which my hero did just that. He conveniently ran into a full-bearded fellow about his size who wanted to get out of town, so he helped him go and assumed that identity.

I'm sure there are many other ways to create a secret identity. And the hero in civvies could just flat out deny being the hero: "Oh no -- that's not me. We just happen to have the same name. I mean, Mark Johnson is hardly an unusual name, is it?" Heroes can have masks, after all.

It's not like law enforcement in Paragon City has time on its hands to investigate heroes for suspicion of secret identity. They might even prefer that they have secret identities -- it makes fewer people (heroes' families, friends etc.) obvious targets who have to be watched.

Proud member of Heroes Inc.
I'm not like other moms.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Is there any chance in Hades of getting a red name's feedback on this? This being a comic book super hero MMORPG, I've got to say that if this is true, it's got to be my first big disappointment in the game. This game is supposed to be all about freedom of choice, so what lore writer decided it would be a great idea for none of our comic book inspired super heroes to have secret identities? And why did no one at the studio stop them and say, "Hey, that's not a great idea you've got there"?

Not all of my characters keep their identities secret, but comic books are full of stories about the consequences that some super heroes have faced after going public--including stories about everyone in their family ending up dead in a matter of days (or hours). Most importantly, there's the less-fictitious matter of thousands of subscribers not being able to enjoy tradition, that is if they want to adhere to the studio's lore.

Ever since I subscribed, I have made the effort to nestle my characters firmly into the game's lore, I can't do it this time.

(Edit/P.S. If you're saying that our characters must register with the FBSA but that other government branches and/or the public aren't privy to that information, then silly me. That is not an unheard-of situation in comic book universes, and I'm not worried about the FBSA backstabbing any of my characters. Tony Stark caught a lot of flack for his superhuman registration thing, but if "going public" wasn't so "public", and if such a system had been set up over 70 years ago, I guess we'd all be used to it by now.)
I was always under the impression they just needed a hero name for you to go by, or your real name if you chose to use that (as some people just use the real name).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
In a setting like this, with telepaths, clairvoyants, precogs, Star Trek type sensor arrays and working ouija boards, you would be lucky if your "secret identity" outlasts milk.

Your real name probably isn't on the tip of every tongue (quick, without looking it up, what's Lady Gaga's real name?)...
Stefani Germanotta
And I know this because of this video, which someone sent me a while back.
Note: She actually IS talented, and I bet if you don't like Gaga's music, you might like this song.

but to be more on topic, the concept of a secret identity is ludicrous to begin with, always has been, and it's always been a pretty sad excuse for characters like Batman to keep some sense of mystique about them. I for one don't lament their loss in this game.

In DCUO, however, it was pretty lame that they were ommitted. Especially since they're so important.
(there's a REALLY HILARIOUS developer commentary video from back when it was in beta where they were talking about secret identities and how they were "kinda important" very snarky like, and that they'd have to be in the game at launch or it really wouldn't be a dc game. I just can't find the video at the moment.)

So I'm being a bit of a hypocrite in that I don't mind secret identity stuff not being in this game (after all you get 10 costume slots WOOO) but you don't get it in DCUO and that bugs me because it's DC.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3