"Who Will Die?" Story Arc; Who Else? (Spoiler?)
Assuming you're just funnin' with us, I imagine the Archnos organization would be taken over by Ghost Widow, who would keep things very similar to the way Lord Recluse did, just because ghosts cannot change who they were, according to her lore.
Why Ghost Widow? Because everyone else in the Isles is a potential automaton under the control of Nemesis. She alone remains above such suspicions...
... setting everyone up for the real bombshell; Ghost Widow has been Lord Nemesis all along, masquerading his astral form as a spectre ever since his real body died decades ago.
It's only a "spoiler" in the sense that I guessed Darth Vader was Luke's father after my first viewing of "Star Wars" back in 1977; I have always had a pretty good track record on this sort of thing, my latest being guessing the reveal on this seas of "Dexter" in the opening scene of the first episode.
So, with my credentials out of the way, and just in case I'm right this time too, I want folks to be warned. Anyway, here we go: It's starting to look pretty obvious that the target of the "Who Will Die?" arc is going to be Lord Recluse. |

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Assuming you're just funnin' with us, I imagine the Archnos organization would be taken over by Ghost Widow, who would keep things very similar to the way Lord Recluse did, just because ghosts cannot change who they were, according to her lore.
Why Ghost Widow? Because everyone else in the Isles is a potential automaton under the control of Nemesis. She alone remains above such suspicions... ... setting everyone up for the real bombshell; Ghost Widow has been Lord Nemesis all along, masquerading his astral form as a spectre ever since his real body died decades ago. |
She doesn't necessarily have to agree with Lord Recluse's decisions, but as she is bound to Arachnos, and he is the head of Arachnos, she obeys. It was never said (and would be highly unrealistic to think) that she had the exact same views on the goals, objectives and future well-being of the organization as Lord Recluse did when she was alive, and as you mentioned, the dead cannot change, so she would still have those differing views now.
*Though that's highly unlikely given the amount of work that would be required to overhaul THE major 1-50 faction for the villain game. Just sayin.

Edit: It could make for a decent bit of content too. You could have a power struggle after Recluse dies, with the Patrons fighting among themselves (Moreso than they do currently) to claim ultimate leadership. With various outside groups doing their best to manipulate the situation for their own gain.
Scirocco would probably just throw in with GW if she batted her vacant little eyes at him. Which could ultimately be the deciding factor leading to her winning power. He would, of course try to manipulate her into moving the organization towards the "good" cause he's all anti-villain/tragic villain/Emo or whatever, but of course he'd fail.

Recluse dying seems relatively likely to me as well. For one, it causes both sides to be affected more equally. For another, his Strike Force is already going to need some major remodeling after all this, just likes Statesman's will need to be co-opted somehow. Plus, the States/Recluse rivalry has been pushed waaaaayyyyy to the back of pretty much everything, and can't really work right anyway without one of them. I also suspect they'll both get offed.
I could actually see her (potentially) changing Arachnos considerably.* She is bound to and serves Arachnos and if she felt that a certain change would benefit the organization, she'd essentially be obligated to make it.
She doesn't necessarily have to agree with Lord Recluse's decisions, but as she is bound to Arachnos, and he is the head of Arachnos, she obeys. It was never said (and would be highly unrealistic to think) that she had the exact same views on the goals, objectives and future well-being of the organization as Lord Recluse did when she was alive, and as you mentioned, the dead cannot change, so she would still have those differing views now. *Though that's highly unlikely given the amount of work that would be required to overhaul THE major 1-50 faction for the villain game. Just sayin. ![]() Edit: It could make for a decent bit of content too. You could have a power struggle after Recluse dies, with the Patrons fighting among themselves (Moreso than they do currently) to claim ultimate leadership. With various outside groups doing their best to manipulate the situation for their own gain. Scirocco would probably just throw in with GW if she batted her vacant little eyes at him. Which could ultimately be the deciding factor leading to her winning power. He would, of course try to manipulate her into moving the organization towards the "good" cause he's all anti-villain/tragic villain/Emo or whatever, but of course he'd fail. |
And Scirocco would probably not even need batted eyelashes, he doesn't strike me as too happy with how Mako and Black Scorpion are. At most he might take this as a chance to just leave Arachnos.
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I wouldn't take anything Lucas has said about the development of the Star Wars mythos too seriously.
I had Vader pegged as Luke's father too. My younger sister, who isn't nearly as genre saavy, caught it as well. And when she mentioned it to my father, he said something like "no kidding, that's the oldest gag in B-movie westerns".
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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
I wouldn't take anything Lucas has said about the development of the Star Wars mythos too seriously.

Another interesting example of the way he makes his movies is that even when filming had started on A New Hope, Obi-Wan wasn't meant to die - his death was only written in later because Lucas wanted to add more drama to the rescue, and to avoid having Obi-Wan end up with nothing to do during the final fight in the same way that Leia's role is less important after the rescue - but the death was shot in a way that could also allow for a backtrack in any sequels - so I guess we could have ened up with Force teleporting instead of Force ghosts

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
He also left the revelation vague enough so that he could backtrack in RotJ if he decided that the sister/brother romance problem was too weird.
Another interesting example of the way he makes his movies is that even when filming had started on A New Hope, Obi-Wan wasn't meant to die - his death was only written in later because Lucas wanted to add more drama to the rescue, and to avoid having Obi-Wan end up with nothing to do during the final fight in the same way that Leia's role is less important after the rescue - but the death was shot in a way that could also allow for a backtrack in any sequels - so I guess we could have ened up with Force teleporting instead of Force ghosts ![]() |
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There are two main possibilities for the future of Arachnos and the Rogue Isles if (and I don't think it's something happening in the near future) Recluse dies.
1) Someone succeeds in making a relatively bloodless takeover. Arbiter Daos seems to be in the best position for a smooth take over. Ghost Widow would probably go along since a stable Arachnos is important for her own existence. Scirocco would probably also support a smooth transition given his unusual (for a villain in the rogue isles) sense of honor.
2) Arachnos splinters or becomes involved in a civil war. Mako and Black Scorpion probably don't have what it takes to really run things, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't be able to work up enough support to try for it. A fallout among the the big bads in Grandeville would probably also give others a chance to grab their own small domains such as Dr. Aeon in CaD and Kirk Cage in Sharkhead. They (along with the Family in certain areas) are already acting more or less independly but only at the discrection of LR. Aeon would probably take a chance and get rid of Marshall Brass and Amanda Vines. St. Martial would probably dissolve into total anarachy with the Wailers finally breaking the Giza barriers among the chaos. After that the whole island would become a battleground between the Carnies, the Freaks, and the Family.
If Lord Recluse ever dies, it should be the PC villains taking his place, leaving Daos, Kalinda and the patrons to handle daily affairs. It wouldn't be that hard to code really, aside from a few side missions to establish control, all they have to do is phase out Recluse after he kicks the bucket and give one of your minions a slightly revamped version of LRSF (I'm thinking Nocturne or Sands, since they have no avatar outside of instanced missions).
Would be even cooler if the big screen in Grandville showed your toon instead of Recluse
If Lord Recluse ever dies, it should be the PC villains taking his place, leaving Daos, Kalinda and the patrons to handle daily affairs. It wouldn't be that hard to code really, aside from a few side missions to establish control, all they have to do is phase out Recluse after he kicks the bucket and give one of your minions a slightly revamped version of LRSF (I'm thinking Nocturne or Sands, since they have no avatar outside of instanced missions).
Would be even cooler if the big screen in Grandville showed your toon instead of Recluse ![]() |

Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
It's only a "spoiler" in the sense that I guessed Darth Vader was Luke's father after my first viewing of "Star Wars" back in 1977; I have always had a pretty good track record on this sort of thing, my latest being guessing the reveal on this seas of "Dexter" in the opening scene of the first episode.
So, with my credentials out of the way, and just in case I'm right this time too, I want folks to be warned.
Anyway, here we go:
It's starting to look pretty obvious that the target of the "Who Will Die?" arc is going to be Lord Recluse. Whether he's actually "killed" or not - in comics, no one ver dies, but CoX isn;t really "comics" in any meaningful sense fo the word, is it? I mean, if it were true to comics, we'd have long since had stretching powers and travel powers wouldn't be the bad joke they've become since issue 4.
That said, what do folks think will happen to the spider-themed Rogue Isles? It'd be cool to see them dramatically altered over the next few years, but who knows?
If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
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