A Longbow lore question
So, um, why are so many of these folks green? Too much copper in their diet? Too many bases on the north side of trees? Just had really awful cafeteria food?
I'm just curious if there's an actual in game reason why I see so many green-skinned Longbow agents, or if it's just one of those things. |

Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
It could be that in order to keep up with their squad some members have begun taking Dyne.
I've always seen any, green, orange, etc... skin colored Longbow Agents as Mutants.
However, the Superadine explanation sort of fits too, and conveniently, the other color we often see is orange, which is the color people start to turn from the Praetorian equivalent, Fixadine. Clearly during those 1-20 days, Longbow was dipping into Jack Hammer's stash. But honestly, the idea of using such things feels very natural for Longbow to me.
Longbow Wardens get their powers from various types of super serums, there are a few missions that make reference to this, plus I think the description text on a couple of variants does too. I'm reasonably sure there is no mutation involved, but I guess a side effect of some of the serums is unnatural skin tones?
A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations
- Jonathan Coulton
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Longbow Wardens get their powers from various types of super serums, there are a few missions that make reference to this, plus I think the description text on a couple of variants does too. I'm reasonably sure there is no mutation involved, but I guess a side effect of some of the serums is unnatural skin tones?
Ah ha, thanks! Much better than imagining all those guys with Orion slave drag queen cosplay fetishes.
Ah ha, thanks! Much better than imagining all those guys with Orion slave drag queen cosplay fetishes.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
I kind of would like to see Lt. tier wardens with some super powers and maybe some of the basic minions to pick up the beamrifle or the robotics pulse rifle.
I know a lot of people, myself included to some degree, have wanted to see a more super villain/hero generic group and I can't help but think Longbow might make a good shoe-in, they've already got the tights and the attitude.
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The Blue King comics claimed there are about 5,000 registered supers in Paragon City. That's just heroes, not counting Outcasts, villains, etc. Whether that's considered canon or not I couldn't say.
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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
So, um, why are so many of these folks green? Too much copper in their diet? Too many bases on the north side of trees? Just had really awful cafeteria food?
I'm just curious if there's an actual in game reason why I see so many green-skinned Longbow agents, or if it's just one of those things.