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  1. Instead of Tactics have you considered taking Darkest Night? That power combined with Regeneration is quite powerful! Tactics doesn't do much for you

    Just cram either a Endo-redux or a -tohit 50 IO into it and you're golden. With it up (Without -tohit IO), it NEARLY softcaps your smash/lethal defenses essentially and gives you free damage reduction.
  2. I expect this thread to have a lot of DOOM! involved...

    But yes, they game has experienced major powercreep over the years. While every MMO is plagued by it to some extent. CoH has seen short bursts of powercreep. From IOs to inheritent Fitness to Incarnate stuff.. including levelshifts to flat boosts to certain set. This game has definitely seen it's fair share of creep.

    This game is slowly dying and anyone who disagrees is in denial and the best way to keep it around for even just alittle while longer is to some how halt powercreep. We haven't even gotten to the Omega incarnate and people are already 50+3, able to solo most content with little issue... heck some can even do it at 50, showing such a huge flux in power for certain sets. I understand our development team is only here to milk as much money as they can from us until CoH2 comes out or until upkeep is larger than income but I'd someday like to see old content revisited instead of selling us new crap that just says 'grow moar powerful for only XXX points or moneyz!!!'
  3. This is why I'm so picky with control sets. Many sets get shut down nearly 100% by some groups/enemies. Ice Control is still king to me. Followed by Earth Control easily.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
    It's on our list of powersets to look at. That list is pretty long, though. But yes, we have a plan for something cool to do with Time Bomb to make it more useful in the future. No timeframe given for this, though!
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
    That list is pretty long, though. But yes, we have a plan for something cool to do with Time Bomb to make it more useful in the future.
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
    But yes, we have a plan for something cool to do with Time Bomb.
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
    something cool to do with Time Bomb.
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
    cool Time Bomb.
    ...wat? O.O
  5. Vel_Overload


    Defender/Defender with APP being Defender. Best support combo in the game right there.
  6. So rocket jumping?

    Quake style or Team Fortress 2 style?
  7. Rename it to 'smart ***' and I'll sign.

    But seriously, I'm digging the abilities. Numbers can be tweaked so I usually ignore them. As for the level shift, it's a cool idea as we have no sets that utilize this new(er) function. As for the gimmick attached to the set, eh. Could take it or leave it.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zul_Vakirol View Post
    So nice to know the changes that are meant to help Blasters are helping ATs that don't need any help at all.
    Because a snipe coming off of 0.6 (or was it 0.65) modifier completely shatters the feel of the Defender...

    And you're not complaining we get nukes? We should call them expanding marshmellows.. because thats how threatening a defender nuke is... (without kinetics of course)
  9. Mind Control LOVES absolutely LOVES domination. Should it be perma? To be honest, I still cannot understand the point in getting permadom unless you are soloing 100% of the time. On Teams, mez protection is easy to obtain and mezzes are easier to avoid. Stronger controls are great and all but many many sets don't need it. Mind LOVES it, yes, but you already have Terrify and can stack confuse/dominate (the power) for single targets. Free blue bar is forgettable. Eat a blue, be happy.

    Build Recharge for faster spamming of Confuse/Dominate, not for perma-dom, you'll get faster doms, which is just as good. so it takes 15 seconds for dom to recharge after it falls off, not too shabby I say. Use those extra sets for extra defense/regen.
  10. Ice Control for doms is really only good for Arctic Air and Ice Slick. I enjoy it though as Arctic Air is quite impressive.

    Anyway, Earth control is a very control heavy set. It doesn't do great damage but then again I still don't see the point of saying that... Who plays a control set for damage besides Fire? Thats like saying 'well, fire blast doesn't have the holds of ice blast' they play entirely differently. Besides, your assault powerset will do 90% of your damage. Earthquake is the bestest control power of all time. OF ALL TIME. So powerful. Quicksand, Volcanic Gasses etc. Animated Stone is really underestimated. Compared to other pets it's very beefy and actually can tank. Singularity is nigh indestructable but it never draws aggro unlike Poo-man (who I promptly recolor to look like diamonds).
  11. Fire is great and all but many power sets have additional effects that stack very, very well will the corruptor secondaries.

    Elec/Dark for example gets double holds for a mag 6 hold. That is actually quite powerful even against AVs

    Ice's slow and holds are very nice as well

    Dark's Immob is it's signature power that is actually very, very useful

    Damage isn't everything in this game. Some say that at 50 it is and that is possibly true but thats only after incarnate.. and eve nthen Sonic is possibly better than fire in that catagory due to -res stacking.

    The simple fact is that the extra damage from fire is as neglible as the secondary effect from most other powersets... it comes in the form of a DoT anyway, which is usually not left to kill off the foe, someone will come in and kill the enemy before the DoT finishes making that extra damage overkill.

    Fire's real power comes from the super fast animation of Blaze. Serious single target damage with average AoE damage. Fireball carries fire's AoE weight as Firebreath really slows down the set and Rain of Fire is a DoT so it rarely does it's full damage anyway due to enemies moving out of it, getting killed too fast etc.

    Scourge sounds nice with fire but honestly, I have found scourge on fire to be no more effective than any other set.

    The real 'firepower' set is Sonic at the end. Radiation, with Achille's Heel proc can also hit some nice numbers. Archery's Ultimate make it an amazing contender for burst damage. People underestimate Rain of Arrows so much. There are other examples. Don't let Fire's slightly over exaggerated numbers trick you. It's not as powerful as it seems to be.
  12. A lot of people forget that the whole game doesn't revovle around incarnate content.

    Even still, Tankers need to be looked at. Right now Brutes, Scrappers and even Crab Spiders reach Tanker level efficiency. A committed 'tank' isn't really what this game needs anymore. Even at lower levels where incarnates cannot foul up balance, I have trouble justifying bringing my tanker to Positron 1/2 when my Brute can do essentially the same thing and then some assuming a quasi-intelligent team.

    Tankers really only need 1 or 2 changes. Perhaps turn the tanker into a meatshielding support class as the Brute has taken the role of 'take damage, deal damage' away essentially. Tankers already have their tier 1 attack reducing resistance. Maybe it's time to consider similar effects on their other attacks?

    TLR Shift tanker from pure meatshield (which is obsolete now-a-days) into melee-support role.
  13. .This has nothing to do with Defenders because defenders are perfect.... but..

    ...This gives me a reason to play my Robot/Storm mastermind now.
  14. When the set was first announced I was very excited to see the most controlly-support set finally make it's way into the control sets.

    The set itself is alright I guess. It's alittle wonky to me but sure..

    Umbral Beast needs to SHUT. THE. ****. UP. The howling is terrible and the pet itself is underwhelming in terms of design. I know the devs were having fun with their new animal wireframes and wanted them on more than 1 power set but come on guys, this wolf is entirely out of place.

    Edit also, darkness doesn't have to mean 'demonic' it could mean enigmatic or mysterious. I think it would be very unique to have a pet that has a different form every time it's summoned. It's a shapeless creature.
  15. Defenders and Corruptors really love this change. It's easier for them to boost tohit and like having -res on most sets + high power attack

    Fire Blast: Doesn't really care. Already high damage set so this is sorta redundant

    Ice Blast: Once considered great for not having a snipe wasting a slot. Whose to say now?

    Radiation Blast: Not sure if Rad even cares

    Dark Blast: Since Dark Blast's single target damage is iffy at lower levels, Moonbeam being boosted makes it a great choice at lower levels (They get it at level 2!)

    Electric Blast: This new snipe change is a god-send for Electric Blast. They fimally get some way of getting a third single target attack, just gotta find a way to get lots of tohit. Hopefully this will make electric blast more popular.

    Energy Blast: Eh. Doesn't really care

    Psychic Blast: See Dark. Low level snipes are now cool and hip.

    Sonic Blast: Probably wishes it had a snipe right now.

    Dual Pistols: Doesn't care really.

    LAZ0RB3@MZ: No experience with the set. I have no idea.

    Assault Rifle: Better Single target damage now. Also gets boosted by Devices? Awww yeah!

    Archery: Snipe is really a crappy effect in Archery due to how fast the rest of the powers animate (The single Target ones anyway) making Snipe even with these changes redundant.
  16. Either the MF Warshade or that other Mastermind that isn't really anything special but is called GD Mastermind for no particular reason.

    Energy/Energy/Power Blaster. Knockback is fun once you realize it keeps you from dying and makes you feel powerful.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    That's not what I am saying. I can read your line 4 different ways and its still a myth.

    Defenders can't keep a team alive single handedly. There is no singlehandliness in a team.
    Not sure if serious. Ever play a Sonic or FF Defender that knew what they were doing? How about a Dark Defender? I'm sure Cold is just as amazing.

    There is plenty of 'singlehandliness' in teams due to power creep in the inability for NCSoft to balance a checkbook let alone powersets but that last one is understandable but honestly: SS/Fire/Soul brutes carry teams all the time. So do Ill/Rad/lol Controllers. How about Bots/Dark Masterminds? Etc.

    Not sure if you're even playing the game anymore at this point
  18. For Corruptors, Rad has a single target Chain in Neutrino Bolt + LAZ0RBEEMZ really. The very small down time between them can be useful for popping a heal and what not.

    Oh and Procs > Damage IOs in Neutrino.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beauregard View Post

    Now you're just throwing out spurious objections in the hope that something will stick. Instead of checking whether it made any sense, you just present it despite the fact that all of those 'rotations' work just fine with relatively standard levels of +recharge on high level characters.

    Indeed, the actual effect is the reverse of what you're imagining. As you pile on more recharge and include the effect of intertwining powers from the secondary (you need to refresh those debuffs), Sonic starts to look worse and worse. If you're Sonic/Cold, you need to spend almost 1/6th of your time refreshing debuffs. Each time you use one of those powers, you're losing a -resistance debuff from your nukes for the next nuke (more than that if you're using the 'Electric Fence' method you suggest).

    The other sets don't suffer this drawback. Indeed, their damage efficiency actually rises due to the fact that they're replacing the lowest damage elements of their rotation with debuffs. Sonic doesn't benefit from this effect since pretty much all of the elements of its rotation are 'low damage'.

    Sonic, like Radiation, is only good in a team setting. If you're solo, it will drastically underperform other sets not just from a standpoint of damage but also utility. You may not want to hear this, but that's how the game works.
    Uhh actually he's right, once you start stacking recharge and actually make a chain, dps will increase. It's still lower than fire by a long shot but the theorycrafted dps you put up is almost guaranteed false as you didn't even attempt a rotation, +recharge or consider DPA. Few expert Sonic users actually use Shout due to it's horrid DPA

    Fire is still king, but few fire users even use Flares anymore now that they can stack so much +Recharge that Fire Blast + Blaze + Fireball is generally better than even including Flare. Any down time between those three (or just two, minus fireball) is normally for summons pets, healing etc just as filler.
  20. please leave the roleplay in Virtue. It's not cute.

    Stalkers are getting buffed* soon(tm).

  21. Vel_Overload

    PB WS Disparity

    i think, that with equal amount of money invested.. Warshades still come out ahead. They have so much utility it's crazy. Deck's MF Warshade proved it.
  22. DP is fine actually in terms of damage. If you're comparing to Fire than yes, it's lower (but everything is lower than fire). DP is like Dark Blast: Has good utility combined with moderate damage. Toxic ammo is one of the very few sources of consistent -damage.
  23. Fire/Dark is always nice. Rad/Storm is always fun and flashy.
  24. Not even considering IOs:

    Fire/Ice/Soul. Ice Patch + Darkest Night are amazing and can mitigate most damage on their own. This is even truer with your lovely Healing Flames kicking in to mitigate the chip damage that goes through.

    With IOs: x5 Kinetic Combat goes a LOOOOONG way buddy.

    Oh, your Fire/Stone/Energy.

    Ruin my day will ya! Reroll /Ice! It needs love!