739 -
Let's see here...
Jackie Chan was in Cannonball Run II actually. As was the guy who played Jaws in the Bond Films (They were partners).
And Bill Muny wasn't the olny B5er to experience Sci-Fi before then. Bruce Boxleitner (of course) and Peter Jurasik were both in the Original Tron, even though they never shared screen time together in that film.
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CN Co-Financed the Second Season of The Big-O. IIRC, while the show wasn't a big hit in Japan, there was more than enough interest here for CN to pony up money to get the second season made.
I'm still a bit skeptical about a revamped Toonami line up. I wouldn't be surprised to see elements of the current Saturday Night Anime Block remain in the Toonami revamp.
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Finally got a chance to see it. Had to go the route Kyasubaru did. (My net connection/browsers hate IO9 & it's related sites as well, but I finally saw and ripped it...)
it'll be interesting to see how Uprising ties in from the Coup Flashback to Legacy's start.
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Quote:Good, Here I thought I was having issues myself. Must be something in the encoding...
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Quote:It's funny, the GF & I kinda had a similar chat while waiting for a friend to meet us to see the Film last Saturday.Quote:On a slightly side note, because I'm still fairly new to CoX: If the Avengers were CoX characters, what would their archtype/skill sets be? I'm sure this will cause a giant can of worms to be unleashed, but I'm just curious.
Thor - Inv/War Mace Tank
Hulk - SS/Inv Brute (or Inv/SS Tank)
Black Widow - Dual Pistol/Devices Blaster
Hawkeye - Trick Arrow/Archery Defender
Captain America - Street Justice/Shield Defense Scrapper
Shell head is dead on.
With Thor, yes you could try and work a electrical type in, but for general use, I'd go Inv/WM as well.
Hulk is dead on for a Brute as well. The GF wondered why not a Tank. I mentioned that the Brute suits the Hulk's nature better.
Black Widow could go a couple of ways: DP/Dev Blaster, MA/Nin Stalker, MA/SR Scrapper. Personally, I'd go Stalker and pick up Pistol Temps.
Hawkeye would go Arch/TA Corr, personally.
I'd say Cap is dead on as well.
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Quote:If this is the animation bug I think it is (Player receiving a Fortune and doing the Dragon Tail Animation), I've noticed it randomly on Characters of varying Powersets and ATs. I've been seeing this on the Live Servers for a good month or more, I believe. It's annoying, but not game-breaking.Lucky666 -
When you say "Dragon's Tail" are you referring to the leg sweep animation?
It appears when you have your "Staff out"? Meaning you have the Staff Fighting powerset, and it only happens when you have recently clicked a power and the staff still appears in your character's hands? And then Mystic Fortune is cast on you by another player?
If so - PM me would you? And let me know where you saw this - on a Live server, or Beta...
I would appreciate it!
Arbiter Warrant
EDIT: Almost forgot... First After a Red Name...
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Also depending on your Level range can also make a difference.
For Level 10-13/14, rooftops in the area of the Mutant Store. Also Rooftops around the Natural Store.
For Level 13/14-16/17, areas North of the Police Station and in the canyon low-level buildings N/NW of the Police Station as well.
For Level 16/17-20, the rooftops of the buildings just South & East of the North Tram.
Hope that helps.
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Just back from seeing the 2D version w/the GF.
This is a wonderful film, start to finish.
Just can not get enough if this! And yes, nearly everyone in the theater we saw it at laughed and clapped in the aftermath of this sequence.
After seeing Huk stop the first Assault ship, I was thinking "Damn all that build up and it get's stopped that quickly...". And then the rest come... Damn... But I like Tony's way for stopping one of them. Serious indigestion indeed.
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I can understand the feeling. I only have about 80 Characters, but thinking about how much time over the course of the month it's gonna be to do this...
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For me, it would either be using Champs 3rd ed (I have a fair amount of the books from that period) or a variant of Tri-Stat/BESM 3rd ed (with cranking to d10s instead of d6s).
Champions/Hero System is flexible enough, so long as the GM can keep things under control.
Tri-Stat/BESM is simple enough, yet has enough depth and fudging, that can allow all sorts of City-like fun.
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The Chianmail & Leather Armor are "VIP Free" sets for I23, So I'd imagine they might want to make sure they are 100% good-to-go for I23.
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It would come every month, just like if you paid the monthly sub.
I use the 60-day Time cards myself. I see my PPs towards the end of the month.
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Seems there has been some changes w/the WST listings. This one is of interest:
Quote:Now we know, from Beta discussions/leaks, that Ms. L was gonna be taking over State's TF. Can anyone honestly think of a better way to reintroduce that TF than have it as the Blue-side WST the week I23 would be realeased?May 29th to June 4th - The Ms. Liberty Task Force (from Ms. Liberty in Independence Port)/ The Lord Recluse Strike Force (from Lord Recluse in Grandville)
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Quote:GL isn't a bad movie, per say. It's the way Hal is done in the majority of the film, I think. It just doesn't come off just right. It's worth a rental to see it once or if you catch it on one of the cable movie channels. I'd compare it to the first Ghost Rider or the second Fantastic Four films: Good, but 'something' was lacking...As for Green Lantern, I never saw it. From the trailer I got the impression it was a silly slap-stick comedy, which is not really something I care for. Especially not in a superhero movie.
A bit on topic...
The GF & I can't wait to go see this film.
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Quote:Although I think they should stick to their guns about staying with an advancement in time-line, to be honest, I fully expect to see a "rewind" of some sort before the Invasion arc is over with.
I wouldn't be surprised if a rewind took place as well. I also wouldn't be surprised that the YJ production staff was forced to speed up the story pacing by CN. But again, I'm more than cynical about how CN does w/their programming anyways...
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And they pulled a 5 year Time Skip. WTF? I actually liked where the overall plot was heading.
As to the episode itself? Interesting. Only caught bits of it though, so I'm gonna need to rewatch it. Yesh, the YJ's roster is nearly as big as their elders now. Not sure that's a good thing.
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Simply put: The Big-O!
It is one of my favorite Anime shows, period.
I'd put Gundam Wing in that list as well.
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Let's see...
Paragonwiki is your friend! No if's, and's or but's...
Run the Tutorial, new Atlas Content, then a DfB or two before heading to Kings or Hollows.
Spend $15 (you'll get two Reward Tokens) and get Cape & Aura Unlocks, Pocket D Port Power, and Ninja Run Power.
All I can think right now...
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Sam, keep in mind that the Enhancement Tray Upgrade is a global unlock. It affects all current and future characters. Most other MMOs sell that kind of service per Character.
I just took a look at the MXT Store of one other MMO I play. I'd be spending about $24 to upgrade the inventory space on 7 characters one time each. Even though I think I bought the Enhancement slot upgrades when they went on sale after Christmas, if you look at the overall value per Character, the overall investment becomes better as you roll each new Character.
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My usual play (Blue, now) is:
- Finish new Atlas Arcs
- Head to kings for Radio/Safeguard (Usually gets me to 8 and I lock XP)
- Do at least one mission from each 1st tier contact.
- Turn XP back on and head to Hollows and run Wincott & Flux (Gets me to 10-12 group depending).
- Run 2nd Tier Contacts (all at least once, then Storyarcs)(A lot of abandon missions are made) with Invention tutorial at 12 (usually) and locking XP at 14 until I start Midnighters at 14 with another lock at 15.
- Finish Midnighters and run Temblor and maybe Yin Arc in Fault before running 3rd Tier Contatcs.
When it comes to the 20's & 30's, I try to Run Dc Deliah & Striga/Croatoa along with the Storyline stuff, though I don't always do the newer content stuff.
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If you're talking about the thread Zombie_Man did, it got moved to Player Guides before the GR Forum was closed. Link to the thread here.
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I'd have to say No to the OP's post and No to any modification to when the T9VIP stuff is accessible in the Rewards Program.
I am a nearly 6-year vet and have had money issues through most of the time I've been subbed. I had to wait through a couple of years to get stuff unlocked through the old Vet Rewards system. I was T7 at Freedom start, and through time and cash, I am now T9 with both sets filled and one Booster bought through the T9 repeatable (which will be T9VIP w/I23).
The way the Paragon Rewards System is set up is fine. It allows faster access to the previous Vet Rewards and still has incentives for those who have been long term subbers or those who have more recently subbed, but have also spent a good amount of money for Paragon Points. And as mentioned up thread, Z has mentioned that the rotated out sets will be available in some other method at a later point.
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Umm, Dezi, ZM...
In the first link, it mentions that Frid and several other DS cast members actually did cameos in the Burton film. So he was aware of Depp's take.
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