855 -
Quote:I reject your historical accuracy and substitute my own.Can we also have a temporary power that will kill any Native American foes, and those it doesn't kill are forced to assimilate into a vastly different culture riddled with racism and a loss of their own privileges as human beings?
Just trying for some historical accuracy here.
Around the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US, I'd like to see a for-fun temp power:
Rain of Turkeys
A rain of turkeys falls from the sky, doing damage to all opponents in the area.
If you have fire-based powers, the turkeys are roasted, and don't do as much damage.
If you have ice-based powers, they're frozen, and do extra damage.
"As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!"
(Just a bit of silliness to brighten the day a little.) -
Did you buy your Good vs. Evil Edition new or used? If you bought it new, and it doesn't have the VIP pass card with the code, you are missing a part.
If you bought it secondhand, but it was represented as having a valid serial code, contact the seller. They owe you a valid serial code.
If you bought it secondhand, with no representation that it had a valid code, you may have to buy another copy that DOES have a valid code, and chalk this one up to experience.
As others have mentioned, when you do get a valid code, be sure you apply it to your existing account as an UPGRADE. Creating a new account with the code would force you to start over with new characters.
Good luck, and welcome to the game! -
Quote:As a Trek fan, I forgive you. :PI take it you've never seen an episode of Star Trek or the X-Files then?
*ducks and heads for cover*
I know the trekkies will want my blood after that comment.
Actually, except for it being the first Star Trek since the Original Series went off the air, and a very nice redesign of the ships, ST:TMP was rather long and slow, and seriously lacking in originality. The rest of the movies are all over the map, just like the various series.
But the episode of Twilight Zone was slow and boring, even as an episode of the series. I don't see how they can get an hour and a half out of a concept that doesn't work for even 20 minutes. -
Quote:Seconded! Most of it's not that hard to simulate, either:Since GR looks to be all Praetoria all the time (which I am totally cool with, even though it oddly stops at level 20, apparently), I'm hoping that I17 will have two major new zones: the space station and moon. Along with attendant powers, like ray guns, as well as costumes, like spacesuits, both modern and retro.
And I want to actually *be* on the moon, as in outdoors, with 1/6th gravity (non-Suppression Super Jump all the time!). It would also be cool to have a moonbase, of course, but having *just* a moonbase would be lame, because then it'd be like being inside any generic tech map in Paragon. That would be dullsville, Daddy-O. So we definitely need both moonbase and outdoors on the moon's surface.
1/6th gravity = 600% jump bonus to all characters. Falling speed and damage reduced to 12% of normal. (If we're lucky, there's a "gravity" value in the game mechanics that could be altered for just the Moon zone.)
Vacuum = continuous damage to characters that quickly kills "unprotected" ones. Of course, if your character is tough enough, can heal fast enough, or just has the right power(s), they can walk around in vacuum without protection. But even Superman wears a spacesuit nowadays.
While full vacuum suits would be cool, it'd be simpler to just do a "protective belt" like the the Terra Volta reactor. Unlimited supply next to each airlock, useless anywhere else.
The Moon has a 28 day day/night cycle. THAT could be hard to do. I don't know if the game engine could handle running the day/night cycle at 28x slower for a single zone.
The Earth is essentially fixed in the sky from the Moon. It moves through a small area over the course of a lunar cycle, about twice the apparent diameter of the Earth, but a static, motionless Earth would be tolerable. It also goes through phases exactly the opposite of the Moon, but the in-game Moon doesn't go through phases easier. While it'd be cool to be able to see the Earth, it'd be simpler to just put the base on the Farside. -
I take it no one else here saw the Twilight Zone episode it's a ripoff, er, uh, remake of?
In that one, the conditions were "push the button, you get $1,000,000 [obviously upgraded for the movie], but someone you don't know will die."
Of course, they push the button, they get the money, and the guy says, "now I'm going to give it to someone you don't know." [emphasis mine in both places]
I always interpreted it as the last person who pushed the button is the next one that dies.
What gets me is how can they take a story that was boring as a half-hour TV episode, and make a full movie out of it? -
Someone you don't know.
And then the box goes to someone else for the same choice. Someone you don't know . . . . -
Quote:It may not be the purpose, but the scanners can be used that way blueside. If you have no contacts in the zone, run scanners until the detective offers the safeguard. After that, he'll offer you a contact for the zone.The purpose for scanner missions and in lesser degree newspaper missions is to level up. Fast, no fuss, no messing around with irritating contacts who make you do hunts, talk to others or zone all over the map before giving you a mission your team is waiting for.
The purpose blue side is NOT to get new contacts. Red side it is true, but not blue side.
I like to make normal contacts a bit more convenient.
And /signed to ALL the suggestions for newsies. I've also clicked hoping to get more info on something the newsie just mentioned. -
Quote:I can see that. You take a way the tech, they have nothing left. Batman, however, still has his training and his intellectual capabilities.See, I'd have Buzz Lightyear and the Rocketeer down as Tech origin, since their ability to fly/do other things isn't as a result of what they are/training, but the technology they have strapped to them.
But they already did Tech, so this is our best shot at Jet Pack Costume items.
Unless, of course, they just GAVE them to us, like they did Rocket Boots, et al. -
Jet Packs as Costume Items.
Flight Belt Costume Items.
Space Armor and Helmets
More "gadget" animations: more of the "punch buttons on your wrist/belt" animations.
More "gadget" costume bits: things that look more like flight harnesses, data displays, arm and leg pouches, etc.
Ninjas are "Natural", but so are Batman, The Rocketeer, Buck Rogers, and Buzz Lightyear. -
To further elaborate on my argument:
I have a couple of 50s after 2 years. I've never had (or wanted) a purple, and I've never worried about maxing out my characters. I do IOs on all my characters from about level 10 on, mostly because they don't expire. I'll upgrade them to level 20 or 25 as time and money permit, but I'm not concerned about it at all.
I use build planners, but pretty much only to plan where to put my slots. I almost never bother actually putting the enhancements in on the planner.
I've never PvP'ed, and don't expect to. Ever.
I couldn't care less if my character is doing the max possible damage per second. I only care if he/she wins the majority of the battles, and doesn't die very often. That makes them fun to play, for me.
I market, I craft, I occasionally farm. I've learned how to assemble sets and how to frankenslot, but I do all of that only to enhance my character as much as is convenient, not to get the maximum possible out of them.
I've never had even 20 million influence on a character, and I rarely have more then ten.
Is there anyone who would call that anything but a casual player?
Yet, until a couple of months ago, I frequently played 10-20 hours per week, and I've never seen a time-based definition that doesn't call that hardcore.
It's all about attitude.
Even if you only play 2 hours a week, if you're concentrating on maximizing your character, on getting the best possible performance out of them you can, so you can "win" every situation you enter (or at least as many as possible), if you have to have the best, the most powerful, the shiniest, you're hardcore.
Even if you play 40 hours a week, if your goal is just to play, to do whatever strikes your fancy, and you don't care if your character is the best $archetype he/she/it can possibly be, if you don't care if you have the "latest and greatest" as long as they're "good enough" to play, you're casual.
It's not about how much time you spend on it. It's about your approach.
Casual plays to play. Hardcore plays to win. -
Put me on the backup list, too, please. Not sure who'll I'll actually have, but probably a blaster.
I don't think it has anything to do with how much time you spend on the game, but totally depends on your approach to/attitude about the game.
As a forumite named Rigel Kent put it:
"Hardcore plays to win. Casual plays to play." -
Email sent to kill my underscore.
Thank you so much for allowing this! -
Quote:Mmmm, isn't it non-lovely?
Color me skeptical. I need a lot more than a newspaper article to believe it. Like, video of him painting one, start to finish. (It can be time-lapse.) Or testimony of a witness that I can trust. Or seeing it with my own eyes.
IF he's really painting those, then yeah, WOW! -
Quote:Give the 50 the star.hmmm, i really liked the fact that getting to lvl 35 was an accomplishment to EARN to get to co-op zones this just throws it out the window.
also, sometimes you get an annoying mish youre tryin to finish real quick and grab a lvl 50 to finish it for you. it sounds like this new super sk feature gets rid of that. any luck on more auto complete mishs to make up for it? theres times when you just need to finish a mish fast, like when its the midnighters arch and u have one mish to go and just want to blow through it with a lvl 50 so u can do the ITF (happened to alot of friends with alts that are rushin to finish up to get access to chimera).
unsure if this new system allows u early passage to chimera too without having to complete the midnighters arch.
Edit: Strike that. The 50 will have quit the team but stay in the mission, because it's "to the mission owner" when you're in a mission. -
Six-slotting Flurry and wondering why it still didn't work as well as it did for everyone else. ("Sands of Mu"? What's that?)
Trying to land on the blimp after I got my very first flying power.
Seeing this awesome looking ship dropping some kind of flashy thing, and flying up to get a closer look. (ZZOTTT!!!)
Seeing an "A Bomb" and running away as fast as I could. -
Getting a one-word tell "Team?" immediately followed by the invite window. And actually thinking that fulfilled my "Please send tell, it depends on how long I'll be on" search comment.
It only gets worse when they catch me in a good mood, so I send back "Doing what?" and get "missions".
That's it. Just "missions". Y'know, I am intelligent enough to understand the basic operation of a computer and the game, I think I could figure out that much myself, m'kay? -
Heh. Well, your response shows FAR more knowledge than I have. I guess it's time for a pm.