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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NewScrapper View Post
    Sneaky devils!!!

    But seriously, why should the devs care about my play style so long as I'm playing? I prefer to stick with one character for as long as possible...mainly because once I switch over to a new character, I tend to give up on the old character. To this day I don't have a level 50 -- level 45 is the highest I've ever made it.
    Obviously I don't know the actual motivations or reasons. But in general, the reason for that would be to avoid burnout. In many MMO's, the goal is to play to the level cap as fast as possible and then join the "real game". If you try that here, most people will hit lvl 50, get bored, and quit. So the goal is to encourage people to stop and roll more alts while their first are still leveling, rather than playing one at a time to 50. IE, they want to you switch frequently. And it is just that, an encouragement, rather than a hard rule. Something like "You can't level past 40 unless you have two other alts between 10 and 20" would be a hard-set rule and would be rather unpopular.
    Up until I19, they generally *did* want you to give up on your old characters once you hit 50. The next couple issues are changing all of that, so much of this advice will likely fly out the window shortly.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NewScrapper View Post

    Which is part of the reason I dislike Patrol XP so much. It actually encourages players not to play their characters.

    Not quite. The goal is to encourage players to play *multiple* characters. This game encourages as many alternate characters as possible. So when one runs out of Patrol Exp, it's time to log it off and switch to another. If you insist on playing the same character all the time, then the game will let you. But there's an XP penalty.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
    Thug--ok finally makes sense. I just wasn't getting. I thought they were indicators of progress so I didn't want to lose them. Just thinking of them as timers makes total sense.
    The in-game language about those things is confusing. In reality, the reason for the cooldown timer is because the dev's didn't want people to side-switch quickly or accumulate Alignment Merits too fast. It was rather difficult coming up with an in-story roleplay justification for that.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
    Thanks Swell Guy. When they disappear does a character lose any progress toward the goal (like switching alignments, affirming their alliance, etc). Or they simply are indicators of how many tips I can get atm?
    The filled-in shields are not meant as indicators of progress. They are actually cooldown timers; their purpose is to prevent you from running too many tips per day.

    The little red bar is the progress indicator.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NewScrapper View Post
    I don't want my character to level up faster than normal due to Patrol XP. Is there an option to shut it off? I see the "Disable Earning XP" option, but that's not what I want -- I want to earn XP at the normal rate, not stop earning it altogether.
    Patrol Exp is a 50% Exp bonus. So if you turned off Exp during every third mission, that would roughly approximate the "normal" rate. I've got a keybind to flip it on/off at whim.
  6. Query: The web page says "Unlike Enhancements, crafted Incarnate abilities can be replaced or removed without destroying the ability."

    So- if you remove an Incarnate Enhancement to slot something else... where do you put it? Are we going to get an Incarnate Tray to keep them in?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    It does seem crazy overpowered, which brings up the next question: what the heck will we be facing that needs nearly unlimited Damage and Endurance?
    Overpowered? Nah. I recall Babs once mused about the proposed "Reformat Server" as overpowered......
  8. Yes, you can. There is a "slider" control on the page that defaults to your own level, but you can set it to a lower level. Unfortunately, I can't run the game at the moment to check. But I recall it is at the top of the recipie-purchase screen, and can be easy to miss if you don't know about it.
    And it only applies when purchasing a recipie directly. If you random-roll, you have to roll at your character's level. Some people will turn of Exp to "park" a character at specific levels to roll the profiable recipies.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Hm, so I guess the removal of the spiders means that the AE has been......debugged?
    Of course. That's why it was posted on a Web site, after all.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post

    A pacifist would be able to complete only missions that don't involve defeating enemies, of which there are very few. Thus, a true pacifist character would probably stay level 1 forever. You might be able to play the mark
    I suppose you could RP a little way around that. Something like "I was a vicious, violent fighter but have seen the light and will no longer harm others". That would give you a RP excuse to level the character up to the point where you have useful mezzes/pets/whatever, and *then* become a pacifist. Possibly respec out of your attacks, too.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Antoinette View Post

    Tarot Cards - Has potential... I hate the smoke, should put a no smoke option. The fist option is good, especially when you have a character who's using paper as your power. Too fast. Should put an option where the cards glow...
    Hurm. I've got a mage with cheese-based powers. I wonder if the cards can be tinted to look like slices of processed cheese food....
  12. ThugOne

    Tier 4 insp?

    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

    Among one of the new Unique Tier 4 inspirations is the Level Shift known as Ultimate, granting a temporary 1 level advancement bonus to the player. What was unknown, and unable to be tested, was whether or not the Tier 4 Level Shift would stack with the known Incarnate Level Shift power, giving a player an effective two level advancement.
    Other questions- Do these "Ultimates" stack with themselves? If you pop them in a PvP zone, are you above the level of that zone? What happens if you pop one while Exemplared?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The next booster pack will be a lawn defense system
    You heard it here, folks! The big secret for I20 is the Suburban Zone, where everybody gets a free mini-base in the form of a 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath house with a front lawn! Also introducing the "Holiday Sales Event at the Mall" Task Force for Heroes, and the "Take Out the Noisy Neighbors" Strike Force for Villians.
  14. ThugOne


    From a few years ago: I was waiting at a red light to turn right. Then, for lack of a better term, a *discontinuity* occurred. There I was, wondering why my seat was reclined ALL the way back such that I was staring into the car's ceiling, and was no longer wearing my glasses. I didn't realize until much later that I had been lucky to have kept my foot on the brake the whole time, as the car was idling and pointed downhill. Took a minute or two to find my glasses, put it in park, and get out of the car. Wandered around to the back and found the rear driver-side bumper had been pushed in. I was the only car on the road. I remember standing there and turning back and forth between my bumper and the empty road behind me, pondering "The car was hit. But there's nothing here. But the car was hit....."
    Fortunately that wore off after another minute or two, about the time the police arrived. It turns out I had been rear-ended by a stolen pickup truck; a witness said it hadn't particularly slowed down before, during, or after the impact. It was found about a mile away in the middle of a grass field with the front smashed in and the door hanging open. The thief was never caught. My car only had 2950 miles on it; was scheduled for its first oil change the next morning.
    And to add a CoH element to this thread: While I've often said that I wanted to "Stop Crime", this was not quite the intended technique.

    And a lesson learned from this: If you need glasses, be sure to keep a spare set in your car in some secure location like the glove box. Mine flew off my face, and I'm nearly blind without them. Searching the interior of a car by feel *after* every lose object has been thrown into the footwells along with them can be quite a bother.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    Welcome back.

    To the 'Superhero' thing, I usually think that the CoH/CoV characters are far more akin to daredevil or batman than Superman.
    Throwing in a different view here: An example of something that would really be "super"- I've love it if Lusca were ripping up the dockyards in IP rather than just waggling tentacles in the air. When attacked by a team, I'd like the critter to start chucking freighters at us. And the SS Tank should be able to catch a ship and throw it back.

    Is this remotely likely? No. Is it even possible? I can hear the dev's tearing out chunks of hair even thinking about the coding required to do that. I'd love it if all of that were possible, but am not going to mind if it never shows up.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Meta_Genesis View Post
    I was looking for something to put in my fly power slot since it seems that speed is maxed out now. So I guess it is between Stealth and Winter's Gift. However I do not know how effective these IOs would be. I would prefer to go with the WG since I hate being slowed and since I am a brute, but I can think of several uses for stealth ?
    Have been pondering a theory: After I19 and inherent Fitness, everybody will have some extra power picks and will be short on slots. So trading in a Stealth IO for single-slotted Stealth power-pick could make sense.
  17. ThugOne

    I19 Changes

    Originally Posted by Mindlab View Post
    So, after the interview questions regarding I19, I haven't noticed any new buzz. I was curious about a few things and wanted to know if someone has information I haven't found. Specifically...

    1. When the fitness set becomes innate, how will this be handled? A mandatory respec for all characters with it?
    Characters that already took Fitness won't change. The next time you respec that character, you will find that it has all four Fitness powers when you start, just like Brawl. You can slot them however you like, just like Brawl.
    There won't be any more Fitness pool to pick from, so there's no getting things twice.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
    Helicopter pilots can totally eject! I saw it in GoldenEye, so it must be true!
    There are real ejection systems on real choppers. The first was a Russian system that involved explosive bolts to blow the rotors off. There's been others where the seat launches downwards, through the floor of the aircraft. That way is more reliable, but a bit twitchy if you eject at low altitude.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
    On the whole subject of color codes though, why don't they have a *key* to what the colors mean on the search window? I didn't have a clue what the color coding meant beyond the old green/blue/gray colors.
    I'm guessing the color codes were the easiest to impliment. No new UI elements to add and test, no new buttons that could go haywire.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
    You missed an opportunity to throw a geeky quote in there as you were being defeated.

    You can't win, $target. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
    An even better quote would have been after the rez:


    Particularly if you had a sword.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sionwyn View Post
    One new powerset is Donkey Kick....
    Hey, I specifically asked War Witch about the "Canadian Mounty Powerset" at PAX. :-)