Viewing Costumes outside of the game.
Not to my knowledge, sorry.
Afraid not. Your best bet is screen shots. The nicest costume screen shots come from the costume screen itself (use Print Screen and paste into a graphics program). You can check out the Screenshot & Fan Creation forum for more help or details.
i know you can save costumes and they save in the program file as a .costume file but is there a way to open this or view costumes outside of running the game, as im trying to introduce a freind and i wanted to show him some of my costumes.
There are some tricky legal issues involved and NcSoft was actually involved in some lawsuits over it. Bottomline in order to control costumes the Devs have made things so the only way you can edit/view costumes is by being logged into the game. Short of screenshots anything "offline" will probably never happen at this point.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
At the '08 Herocon I asked Ross from marketing about this. More specifically about an offline costume creator. He told me there was no chance of an offline one, but he seemed willing to at least consider one with an online connection going. Obviously this was over 2 years ago, so it never ended up happening.
It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.
Wow. THERE'S a name I haven't heard in a loooooooong time.
I wonder if evil Ross from Marketing still works there...
Maybe he's Black Pebble? O_O

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

People have been wanting some kind of offline costume viewer/editor for years but the Devs will likely never provide one (at least not one that's a legal, non-Korean version at any rate - you old timers might remember what I'm talking about).
There are some tricky legal issues involved and NcSoft was actually involved in some lawsuits over it. Bottomline in order to control costumes the Devs have made things so the only way you can edit/view costumes is by being logged into the game. Short of screenshots anything "offline" will probably never happen at this point. |
I think we eventually got from the EU side of NCSoft that the problem was they have sketchy legal ground on people being able to create characters for offline use. Specifically it boiled down to part of the legal settlement they'd had with a certain comic company including their policing player characters to avoid copyright infringement, the ability for players to take moderation out of the picture is what got their backs up, so the download was only ever available on the Korean site.
It is actually floating about still along with the language fix and costume patch if your Google-fu is strong, I won't go and outright post where or how but there's enough information here for people to do a little digging on their own, should they wish to find it.
What would be really nice is if those screenshot and pose functions made it back in to the game now that we have the ability to save out costume files. I'd still love to see an offline/no account needed character creator as it's a great way to promote the game; but I doubt it's high on the priority list and there would have to be that whole online checking part to bypass legal issues.

So, with all that said - I think your best bet (aside from inviting the friend over, if that's even a possibility) is to take many a screenshot, upload them to some site (photobucket), and send the friend the link.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
i know you can save costumes and they save in the program file as a .costume file but is there a way to open this or view costumes outside of running the game, as im trying to introduce a freind and i wanted to show him some of my costumes.