247 -
"server downtime"?
"a Tuesday patch"?
"issue 7"? -
Quote:They blew up two planets. Yes, both were under attack at the time. And the Lucian Alliance is *likely* to attack if they find out about a functioning connection to Destiny. Which does not inspire confidence.The planet blew up because of an attack though didnt it? It wasnt a failure of the gate wasnt it a sabotage to the connection process?
Also not covered in the series: We don't know what passes for a Milky Way Galaxy News Network, but word would tend to spread when whole planets start exploding. The spin on these stories is not likely to be favorable to Stargate Command. -
Also: Doesn't the TARDIS have *any* medical facilities of it's own?
Quote:As is typical in such things, the decision about renewal for Season 5 was not made until well after Season 4 was filmed and finished. As a result, the last episode of Season 4 was written to be the last episode of the series, and to make no references to events of Season 5. That way, if S5 were canceled, they'd show that ep at the end of S4. And when S5 was approved, they put that episode aside and didn't air it until after the complete run of Season 5. Which worked, but left the last episode as rather disjointed.Thus season 4 ends up being really rushed with the wrap up of the war. Then they were given a reprieve and season 5 was given the go ahead. This mean that the story line planned for that year had already been crammed into season 4. As such you end up with some mix of filler and prologue for that season.
I recall River was shooting at the back of the suit. It is reasonable that the back and chest area are more heavily-armored than the helmet faceplate, particularly if the armor was built with 1960's tech.
Quote:A lot of this can be put down to Hollywood's dislike of hiding the actor's faces.We don't know if it polarizes in high intensity situations or has some sort of advanced filtering tech. I'd have to go back and rewatch the series to see if there's any depictions of it thus.
Now, if Destiny had been equipped with five spacesuits, each in a different primary color and a unique weapon on the belt, *those* would have full face shields. And Destiny would turn into a giant mecha. :-) -
A bit of a problem here:
A race that has inherent latent mind-controlling abilities, when talking to one of its slaves, would never, *ever*, use a phrase like "Kill us on sight."; lest the slave he's talking too promptly do so. -
My Good vs Evil Jump Pack and my "rental" 30-day Jetpack do not work inside Incarnate Trials anymore. And I specifically bought that jetpack to use during Lambda on a non-flying, non-jumping character. It used to work just fine in there. They both used to work just fine; they stopped working after the last patch.
Quote:I too can report that Ninja Run and the previously-available Jump Pack have ceased to work in Incarnate trials.I was also about to report that not only was my Raptor Pack not available when I started a trial, my previously-available Jump Pack was off. I also saw them change status back and forth a couple of times during that trial.
And what really annoys me: I can report that my Mini-Booster 30-day rental rocket pack did not work at all in a trial, and it used to. I specifically paid for that thing for the sole purpose of reaching the turrets in the Lambda trials with a non-flying character. It used to work just fine for that purpose. -
Quote:Electric lighting is pretty much always useful for survival; its got major advantages over flame-based methods. Communications also ramps up in usefulness rapidly once the village gets larger than a few hundred people.Electricity is only useful if you have things that require it. They didn't come on to the planet with tvs and iPods needing to be recharged. They had more of a need to, you know, survive first. That means getting an agricultural base, along with housing and taming the surface, before worrying about keeping food cold when there are other preservative methods.
At work, we've had problems with the latest video drivers on the XP CAD workstations; the fix is to re-install old ones. The working theory is that the drivers weren't tested on XP properly before release, but I'm out of the loop on that one.
Quote:That part is consistent with previous behavior. The "Confuse the drone" trick worked like this:Also, why didn't they try sending their drone out to confuse the other drones again?
* Control Ship A had been destroyed, leaving it's drones dead in space.
* Control Ship B appeared and launched more drones.
* Destiny's crew opened up one of the dead drones leftover from Control Ship A, and used it to re-program A's drones to defend Destiny. They were vastly outnumbered by the drones from B, but lasted long enough to cover Destiny's escape.
So to make this trick work, you must first destroy a control ship, and then capture one of it's drones. Then you can re-program the drones to fight for you, but *only* the drones launched from that specific control ship.
I suppose they could have sent out their one "A" drone to fight. But just one wouldn't have made much difference. -
I'm trying to figure out how they're still exploring the ship after gaining full control of the bridge and computer system. Eli should not have to open a door with no clue of what's on the other side; he should be carrying a printout of the ship's blueprints with a nice label for "Stasis Chamber Room". Or whatever the Ancients used as an output device.
Quote:It says "Team-wide buffs", so I would assume it is referring to buffs that normally apply only to one's team, such as Grant Invisibility, and is explicitly stating that these buffs won't apply to the whole League.[/LIST]If I'm reading this correctly then buffs like Accelerate Metabolism, Recovery Aura, Regeneration Aura, etc. will not affect anyone outside your team while you're in League mode?
With another warning that most ways to spend A-merits are time-gated to once every 20 hours. So if you have 4 Hero Merits, you'll need about 4 days to spend them on 20 random rolls, or 2 days days buying a pair of specific recipes.
Quote:Every other science fiction show that has had shuttles has had them dock inside some bay which is a waste of perfectly good space. Space which would be at a premium in a spaceship.
I'd have to disagree about not needing a hangar. Vehicles require maintenance, and it's really hard to change the oil/dilithium/protoculture/whatnot while wearing a bulky Destiny-era spacesuit.
If a ship is on a short-term voyage where it can stop at existing facilities with maintenance yards, then sure, mount the small craft on the outside. But a giant ship on open-ended exploration voyage into the unknown with only two small craft? They were *really* confident that nothing would go wrong.
For the first couple of episodes, the situation was believable; we could assume that the two craft on the outside were the "ready shuttles", and the rest were in some depressurized part of Destiny that the Earthlings had not found yet. But they have run of the whole ship now, and nobody's found it yet.
I suppose it's possible that the Ancient plan was to bring replacement shuttles through the Stargate in pieces and re-assemble them aboard Destiny, since a whole shuttle won't fit. Which would imply a room big enough to do that in, with an exterior door large enough to get it outside, which is.... oh, nevermind. :-) -
Quote:As I recall, it worked out this way:Wasn't one of the two shuttles the tomb of useless girls dad the long dead senator? If so how does she feel about abandoning daddy's corpse in some nameless solar system?
And how were they able to abandon him since they couldn't kick the shuttle out in the first place from inside the ship? Remember daddy sacrificed himself by sealing himself into the shuttle with the hull breach.
Shuttle #1: Was found in old, but flyable condition.
Shuttle #2: Was found broken, not flyable, with a hole in the windshield.
The Dad sealed himself up in Shuttle #2 because they didn't have spacesuits at the time.
A few episodes later, they found some suits. With these, they could remove the body and partly fix up #2.
A few eps later, they found a planet that several people wanted to stay at. They were given Shuttle #2. It could enter an atmosphere (once) and fly around a but, but was in too bad a shape to reach space again.
A few eps later, Shuttle #1 crashed; leaving Destiny with no shuttles.
A few eps later, something that looked like #2 materialized in deep space right next to Destiny with the "remain behind" folks aboard it. They all died before the end of the episode. The shuttle was in brand-new, factory-perfect condition. The assumption is that some godlike aliens had built a copy of the shuttle and some short-lived copies of the people for mysterious reasons. Call this Shuttle #3.
This last ep: Rush went through a time-loop. They now have an identical copy of Shuttle #3 that's 12 hours older than the original, and slightly crispy. Call this Shuttle #4.
Did I get that all straight...?
And does anybody else think that they went for this whole "Dock the shuttles on the exterior of the ship" business because the production crew didn't have the budget to build a set for a hangar bay? -
Quote:If each new Incarnate ability requires yet another new type of loot, we're going to end up neck-deep in Incarnate Shards, Incarnate Threads, Incarnate Chains, Incarnate Bits, Incarnate Cheese Wedges, Incarnate Subatomic Particles.....It costs 20 threads for a common component and 60 threads for an uncommon component, you need all 4 uncommons to make a rare component. You need 4 rares to make a Very rare component.
.... I suddenly feel a Steelclaw list approaching...... -
This is the "Player Questions" section; it's where players ask questions of other players. While the Devs do read it from time to time, this is not the best place to get their attention.
I typically want to switch between "All" and "Invention" most of the time, but those tabs are rather far apart in the current UI. So yeah, some sort of improvement would be nice.