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  1. One thing I did to change my Glowie sound for the better was to just chop off most of the silence at the beginning and end of the sound so it "pulses" more often.

    If the original sound goes like this...

    ____ooOOoo________ooOOoo________ooOOoo________ooOO oo____

    my modified one goes like this:


    The extra active sound alone makes it much easier to find the glowie when you don't have to spend half your time just waiting for the sound to kick off again.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
    I sat there for another 20 minutes casting the Enforcers and finally it triggered on Me after casting the Enforcers, so yeah, my previous post is correct. It doesn't work for the Enforcers, only the caster.
    You should bug that, it seems like that's not how it should be working and there were other procs that didn't work correctly that have been fixed over the years once the subject was brought up to the right people.
  3. One important thing to remember about slotting Dark Servant is his variety of powers and how IO Sets interact with them.

    If you slot an IO Set, then the bonuses will apply to ONLY those of its powers that can accept that kind of Set. Slotting Cloud Senses, for example, is a good choice since it will enhance the attributes of Dark Servant's Fearsome Stare, Darkest Night and Tenebrous Tentacles since they can all accept ToHit Debuff Sets but the Accuracy, Endurance and Proc bonuses of it will have NO effect on his Twilight Grasp or his Petrifying Gaze.

    TOs, DOs, SOs, Hamidon-type Enhancements and regular single-stat non-set IO Enhancements will affect any powers that have those attributes.

    I'm still at a loss on my Robot/DM MasterMind on how to slot Fluffy. I kind of like the Cloud Senses idea though. Maybe only with 4 slots for the Recharge since I don't really find Defense set bonuses all that useful anymore outside of the ones I get from slotting for other bonuses.
  4. TheUnnamedOne

    Odd sound effect

    I've never heard anything like that on my Fire Brute. Have you gone back to an older character and checked if it does it to them too?
  5. TheUnnamedOne

    lvl 50+

    Okay, thanks. I thought I was hallucinating again cause I could swear I had seen the Alpha slot listed in the Personal Info before but it wasn't there when I checked last night.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    *Sits down and waits for the inevitable argument about the unfairness that some characters get protection while others don't*

    Popcorn anyone?
    Sure, everything was fine until YOU brought it up....

    You know, I REALLY hate the way that Melees get all that Protection and my squishies don't!!!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    I feel bad for What's-His-Name. He owes somebody a Gumball, but Bob has 154! lol
    Bob has 154 Gum balls and he's only level 5?!? Twink!
  8. TheUnnamedOne

    Storage in SGs

    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    I believe you also lose the crafting fee, but you get the placement fee back.
    I haven't made base items in a LONG time. For clarification, is the Crafting fee paid for with Prestige?
  9. They should be somewhere. Are the emotes themselves available in the current QuickChat menu? I didn't see them there when I looked.

    Also, any idea which issue they were added or what other badges were added at the same time? There's got to be some kind of hidden "Accepted_GhoulFlex" badge but it's not obvious what the exact text is so it'll take a bit of looking.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nubzcrymore View Post
    Has anyone created one for an emp? using the select member then bring up heals and buffs?
    As a matter of fact, I have!

    This is what I use for my Emp:
    // Empathy Buffs by TheUnnamedOne
    // version 0.1
    Menu "EmpathyBuffs"
        Title "Empathy Buffs"
        Title "Healing"
        Option "Heal Other (&1)" "PowExecName Heal Other"
        Option "Absorb Pain (&2)" "PowExecName Absorb Pain"
        Option "Resurrect (&3)" "PowExecName Resurrect"
        Title "Single Target Buffs"
        Option "Clear Mind (&4)" "PowExecName Clear Mind"
        Option "Fortitude (&5)" "PowExecName Fortitude"
        Option "Adrenalin Boost (&6)" "PowExecName Adrenalin Boost"
        Title "Area Effect Buffs"
        Option "Recovery Aura (&7)" "PowExecName Recovery Aura"
        Option "Regeneration Aura (&8)" "PowExecName 
    And for the player targeting, this is my keybind file to use the Numberpad numbers for Team targeting:
    NUMPAD1 "TeamSelect 1$$PopMenu EmpathyBuffs"
    NUMPAD2 "TeamSelect 2$$PopMenu EmpathyBuffs"
    NUMPAD3 "TeamSelect 3$$PopMenu EmpathyBuffs"
    NUMPAD4 "TeamSelect 4$$PopMenu EmpathyBuffs"
    NUMPAD5 "TeamSelect 5$$PopMenu EmpathyBuffs"
    NUMPAD6 "TeamSelect 6$$PopMenu EmpathyBuffs"
    NUMPAD7 "TeamSelect 7$$PopMenu EmpathyBuffs"
    NUMPAD8 "TeamSelect 8$$PopMenu EmpathyBuffs"
    So to Absorb Pain on my teammate in the 4th team slot, I hit the Numberpad 4 key, then the 2 key on the top bar or click the menu item.
  11. TheUnnamedOne

    Farming Question

    Okay, I ran my 50(+1) Fire3 Brute through a Demon mission at -1 x6 and then at +3 x6 (wanted to keep the numbers the same) and got the approximate times and it really surprised me:
    Running -1 x6 took a little under 12 minutes. Inf Rewards were 1676 for Minions, 4337 for LTs and 13306 for Bosses.

    Running +3 x6 took a bit over 21 minutes. Inf Rewards were 5592 for Minions, 14473 for LTs and 44406 for Bosses.
    So for 3.33333 times the Inf Reward amounts, it only took 1.8 times as long. I was thinking it would have much been closer to even than this. I tried to just run through each as fast and completely as possible. There's always the random factor in how many total bosses there were in each group, but of course, there's always going to be differences you can't compensate for in such a small sample.

    Overall you would need to factor in downtime. What are you going to do with all the extra salvage and recipes you get? Delete any non-Purple recipes? Delete any non-Orange salvage? Running higher level enemies reduces downtime in between missions if you're selling the excess because you don't get as many drops. Simply vendoring Regular IO recipes alone can get you 500K - 1M Inf per mission so if you're going for Inf, you're going to want to sell the excess (non-Temp Power) recipes if you can.
  12. I just ran into one of those the other day on a Patron Unlock arc. I'm pretty sure it was in Scirocco's Patron Arc where you fight Barracuda:
    The mission description even says that Barracuda is "wiping out a Longbow spy vessel" when you are sent to defeat her.
  13. TheUnnamedOne

    Farming Question

    Originally Posted by DefenderOfFlames View Post
    I have a demon farm from "Harvey Maylor" and I was wondering what would be the best way to run this mission to have the highest chance at getting purple IO sets. I've heard that it's either best to run it on +2/x6 or +1/x8. Is this true? Also, do all of the purples drop from demons in this mission or just certain ones (I am trying to make money to complete my build).
    As with with any other random chance, the only way to increase your rewards over time is to increase the number of chances you have to gain that reward.

    If there is a 1 in 3000 chance for something to drop (which I've heard before in reference to purple drop rates), the only feasible long-term way to increase how many you get it to defeat those 3000 enemies quicker.

    Running a farm on -1, x8 will definitely get you the most number of chances in the least amount of time. Most likely, LTs and Bosses provide a higher chance of a purple recipe than minions but I haven't seen anynone post hard numbers to prove it. Odds are they'd have to have data from many tens of thousands of combats to really get a good dataset.

    On the other side, if you're looking for money, +3 minions give you a lot more INF than a -1 minion does and depending on your build and other factors, might take relatively less time to gain the same amount of rewards after you factor in the multiplicative increase in rewards. In other words, if it takes you 1.5 times as long to kill a +2 as it does to kill a -1 but it gets you 2 times as much reward, you're better off in the long run with the +2. Unless you really want to maximize the number of non-Inf reward drops.

    I'll try to get hard numbers tonight and see what it really turns out to be.
  14. TheUnnamedOne

    lvl 50+

    Does it show up in Personal Info like all of your Set IO bonuses? I thought there was a spot at the bottom of the list for the Alpha Slot boost.
  15. TheUnnamedOne

    Storage in SGs

    Originally Posted by AF_Bill View Post
    ... Is it best to wait until I have enough for the higher level rooms? I see I can get a larger one for 230K.
    All base items, rooms and plots can be "sold back" for a 1:1 prestige cost when deleted. You never "spend" Prestige in base items, you just kind of tie it to the room/item/plot that you place. If you delete it, you get back the same amount as you "spent" on it.

    The only real way Prestige truly goes away is from upkeep costs and that is now minimal.

    Put in whatever you can afford now, you can always upgrade it later by adding the new larger room, moving all your storage items to it and delete the old small room.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AllYourBase View Post
    I'm going to try uninstalling the NcLauncher tomorrow and see if that makes a difference. Otherwise, has anyone else seen this? Should I be concerned?
    Odds are you're looking at outdated PIGG files. The game is referencing data contained in the PIGG files (proprietary archive file format for COH) in a manner that doesn't correspond with the data that is in there so it is showing the wrong objects.

    A full verification from the NCSoft launcher might fix it or else you could try deleting all PIGG files and running the updater again.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
    By the way, you should write down what you have stored in your emails. The email server had hiccuped several times in the past and emails got wiped out. If you get wiped, you can get your stuff back by petitioning, but the GMs will want you to tell them what you've lost. I guess as a cross check so they're not just handing out free stuff on your say-so.
    Both times I've had my email "reset" and lost items, I didn't have to give them a list. I just asked them to fix it and they pulled the logs and gave me my stuff back. As an added bonus, they didn't even ask what I did with the stuff I had already previously used that magically re-appeared in my mailbox when it "reset".
  18. TheUnnamedOne

    Larger doorways?

    The worst thing about that bug being removed is it was probably done because of pathing issues. Now that pathing is a moot point, I wish they'd give us the ability to put as many adjacent doorways as we want using the "Doorway" object.

    I'd LOVE to be able to connect almost all of my base rooms together to be able to have a more open appearance.
  19. There are no actual cage items. You can do some interesting things like Capa did using existing items that are tall and bar-like. There's a few that work in the arcane items and a few in the tech items so you can achieve different styles.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    It's a really lousy ratio.
    What's the current ratio for a level 50 in SG mode for defeating minions? 200:1? I'll have to check.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Equality_NA View Post
    So seven is the limit on open arcs that make more sense to me know. I will try completing a couple and go back to him and try again.
    The number of ARCs doesn't matter at all, you can have as many active contacts/arcs as you want.

    You can only have seven active MISSIONS at any one time. Just complete one of your active missions but do NOT start the next mission from the contact and you'll be able to start Ramiel's arc.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Demacian View Post
    Is there a way to expedite the process of deciding which set to build and then acquiring all the necessary recipes and components? Halp?
    For the most part, there's not too many sets that are huge sellers. One quick way is to look at the Set Bonuses. Does the set give 5% or more Recharge Rate enhancement? Does it give 2.5% or more Defense (either typed or positional)? If they do, and it's from a Heal, Hold, Melee, AOE, or Defense set then it will probably sell well. Generally any recipe that gives 4 Enhancement types (Acc,Dam,End,Rech,etc.) will be worth selling as well.

    Most of the Mez sets (Sleep, Confuse, Stun, Hold) are fairly low-value at auction, except for the Basilisk's Gaze Hold set since it has 7.5% recharge for 4 parts of the set.

    Of course there's other ones that don't fit this mold but there's always exceptions. Both Miracle and Numina's Heal recipes sell well since it's often desirable to have at least 5 of the 6 recipes of the set. Same with Luck of the Gambler recipes that match up with the LOTG +7.5% Global Recharge recipe. Also the travel power recipes with the +Stealth procs.

    Crafting before selling is situational. Many times you get a much larger return by crafting it (especially the recipes that only need White and Yellow salvage) before selling it. There's people out there that are willing to pay double or triple costs or sometimes even more if they don't have to scrounge and collect salvage then craft it themselves. If you have to spend 3M Inf on a rare salvage though, that may negate the returns you may receive.
  23. For the people downplaying the value of selling EVERYTHING at the Auction House:

    You get a +1 Auction Inventory Size increase bonus at the 250, 1000, 3000, 5000, and 7000 "Items Sold" Badge levels for a total of five extra Auction Inventory slots.

    7000 Items Sold isn't really that hard either. When you log in fill your Auction Inventory with bids for stacks of 10 of the most abundant White salvage available (Kinetic Weapon, Mathematic Theory, Temporal Analyzer, etc.) at a price of 500-1000 Inf. By the time you're done playing you'll probably have them filled and have upwards of 100-150 or so of them for sale. Post them all for sale at 1 Inf each and log out. When you log in, odds are you'll have sold them all. Collect your earnings and repeat.

    Interestingly, I have always (3 characters so far) made good money doing this as people often pay 5000+ Inf for even the crappiest, most abundant salvage. Also, having the lowest posted sale prices means the highest current bids will be yours, so sometimes that crazy uber-rich player who drops 100K on a stack of 10 Silver just paid you one million Inf for trash. You won't get rich by doing this but you'll probably make plenty enough to finance yourself through the 7000 Items Sold badge. I've personally sold a single stack of crap white salvage for 10M Inf.
  24. Not directly, but you can go to the SuperGroup registrar and convert INF to Prestige whenever you want at a 500:1 ratio.
  25. I always use the 'Q' key when looking for specific things and remap it as necessary:
    /bind Q "UnSelect$$TargetCustomNear Maelstrom"
    or if you want either of them to be targeted:
    /bind Q "UnSelect$$TargetCustomNear Maelstrom$$TargetCustomNear Commandant"
    then I just tap 'Q' with my ring finger while moving forward with the 'W' key through the map.

    Truthfully though, I haven't had much problem with this mission, even after the change. Doesn't the Commandant have things to say when you get near him? Just use him as the indicator instead of Maelstrom.