Farming Question




I have a demon farm from "Harvey Maylor" and I was wondering what would be the best way to run this mission to have the highest chance at getting purple IO sets. I've heard that it's either best to run it on +2/x6 or +1/x8. Is this true? Also, do all of the purples drop from demons in this mission or just certain ones (I am trying to make money to complete my build).

Thanks in advance!

Flameanator (50+1 Fire/Fire Tanker - Justice)
Mr.Defendo (50 FF/Arch Defender - Justice)
Willing Havoc (45 Elec/WP Brute - Freedom)
Paragon Lad (32 Claws/SR Scrapper - Justice)
Global: @Mr.Defendo



The best for purples? -1/x8. Anything that can drop a level 50 enhancement can drop a purple, so really, lvl 47 enemies would be best for that. If you're after money, I'd recommend +0/x8 or higher long as you can absolutely steamroll them.

No enemy has higher odds of dropping a purple than any other, so just slaughter all that come before you. Also, you might look into running tip missions (if you have GR) for the A-Merits... 2 A-Merits will net you a LotG+Recharge which'll sell for ~150 million inf. There's lots of other ways to make inf as well, such as playing the market.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
The best for purples? -1/x8. Anything that can drop a level 50 enhancement can drop a purple, so really, lvl 47 enemies would be best for that. If you're after money, I'd recommend +0/x8 or higher long as you can absolutely steamroll them.

No enemy has higher odds of dropping a purple than any other, so just slaughter all that come before you. Also, you might look into running tip missions (if you have GR) for the A-Merits... 2 A-Merits will net you a LotG+Recharge which'll sell for ~150 million inf. There's lots of other ways to make inf as well, such as playing the market.
Thanks for the information about the farming. I've been slaughtering monsters for 3 days in a row now and still haven't gotten a single purple (I've done the ITF 8 times in the past two days and also got none from the Random Recipie Merit Reward Scrolls).

As for Going Rogue, I'm planning on getting that soon. Hopefully in a week or so, then I will start doing tip missions for influence.

Last but not least...I've played the market before but I found that I'm quite impatient. I have to get back into the market though because I hear that it's one of the best ways to get influence.

Flameanator (50+1 Fire/Fire Tanker - Justice)
Mr.Defendo (50 FF/Arch Defender - Justice)
Willing Havoc (45 Elec/WP Brute - Freedom)
Paragon Lad (32 Claws/SR Scrapper - Justice)
Global: @Mr.Defendo



Originally Posted by DefenderOfFlames View Post
Thanks for the information about the farming. I've been slaughtering monsters for 3 days in a row now and still haven't gotten a single purple (I've done the ITF 8 times in the past two days and also got none from the Random Recipie Merit Reward Scrolls).
I've spent a lot of time on 50s, doing lots of lvl 50 TFs, lots of farming... I think I've gotten ~3 purples. Mind you, other people have gotten a lot more than me, but I'm not sure if their drop rate is actually any better than me and they just spend a lot more time farming. Purples, while worth a lot, aren't really incredibly profitable. I'd really just try to focus on farming at +0/x8, as that level will give you the most salvage/minute, recipes/minute, and shards/minute- which'll easily outweigh the amount of increased inf you'd get from individual enemies at higher difficulties.

As for Going Rogue, I'm planning on getting that soon. Hopefully in a week or so, then I will start doing tip missions for influence.
Praetoria has some hilarious missions (now go get me my tea, damnit! ).

Last but not least...I've played the market before but I found that I'm quite impatient. I have to get back into the market though because I hear that it's one of the best ways to get influence.
It's probably the best way, and doesn't take a lot of time investment... And yet, I'm still too lazy to invest the time I do spend on the market in making really any money!

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Praetoria has some hilarious missions (now go get me my tea, damnit! ).
Looking forward to this!

Flameanator (50+1 Fire/Fire Tanker - Justice)
Mr.Defendo (50 FF/Arch Defender - Justice)
Willing Havoc (45 Elec/WP Brute - Freedom)
Paragon Lad (32 Claws/SR Scrapper - Justice)
Global: @Mr.Defendo



Originally Posted by DefenderOfFlames View Post
haven't gotten a single purple ... from the Random Recipie Merit Reward Scrolls).
And you never will. The ONLY way to get a purple it to get it from an enemy defeat, purchase it directly with A-Merits (at a horrible rate), or buy it off the market. Purples do not exist in ANY random roll pool.




I'm not agricultural, so I'm going to speak to the other ways of making money. Task Forces (or ouro missions) to reward merits to A-merits to cash is probably best suited for your playstyle. Check the prices on minimum-level LoTG: Recharge, minimum-level travel Stealths and Miracle:recoveries, and maximum-level Kinetic Combats. Make sure to check crafted prices; they're usually 10-50 million higher than recipe prices.

For straight marketeering, which may not be to your taste, I buy/craft/sell "semi-rare" stuff at max level. Something like, and this may not be a good specific example, Numina's: Heal/Recharge at level 50. Why that? It's not the unique, but if people have the unique and are looking to pick up set bonuses, they'll go with either the Heal or Heal/Recharge first, then start filling in with the others. Max level on any recipe gets you more buying and selling than the other 14 levels combined- and often better profit margins because people can Buy It Nao.

Oh, and list just above the next lowest "obvious" price. If the last 5 are selling for 30 million, you will probably get 30 million if you list at 26,000,000 .And you'll probably be below all the other people hoping to get 30 million. If you set the price really high, you better have either an IO which is in very low supply [level 28 LoTG] or a lot of patience or both.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by DefenderOfFlames View Post
Thanks for the information about the farming. I've been slaughtering monsters for 3 days in a row now and still haven't gotten a single purple (I've done the ITF 8 times in the past two days
Firstly, random is random. From the introduction of the Weekly Strike Targets, up until a week ago, I got ZERO purples. In the past week, I got THREE: Fortunata Hypnosis, Armageddon and Ragnarok. I also got a respec recipe in the same ITF I got the Ragnarok.

and also got none from the Random Recipie Merit Reward Scrolls).
And you won't. You can't get purples from random rolls. Ever.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by DefenderOfFlames View Post
I have a demon farm from "Harvey Maylor" and I was wondering what would be the best way to run this mission to have the highest chance at getting purple IO sets. I've heard that it's either best to run it on +2/x6 or +1/x8. Is this true? Also, do all of the purples drop from demons in this mission or just certain ones (I am trying to make money to complete my build).
As with with any other random chance, the only way to increase your rewards over time is to increase the number of chances you have to gain that reward.

If there is a 1 in 3000 chance for something to drop (which I've heard before in reference to purple drop rates), the only feasible long-term way to increase how many you get it to defeat those 3000 enemies quicker.

Running a farm on -1, x8 will definitely get you the most number of chances in the least amount of time. Most likely, LTs and Bosses provide a higher chance of a purple recipe than minions but I haven't seen anynone post hard numbers to prove it. Odds are they'd have to have data from many tens of thousands of combats to really get a good dataset.

On the other side, if you're looking for money, +3 minions give you a lot more INF than a -1 minion does and depending on your build and other factors, might take relatively less time to gain the same amount of rewards after you factor in the multiplicative increase in rewards. In other words, if it takes you 1.5 times as long to kill a +2 as it does to kill a -1 but it gets you 2 times as much reward, you're better off in the long run with the +2. Unless you really want to maximize the number of non-Inf reward drops.

I'll try to get hard numbers tonight and see what it really turns out to be.



Okay, I ran my 50(+1) Fire3 Brute through a Demon mission at -1 x6 and then at +3 x6 (wanted to keep the numbers the same) and got the approximate times and it really surprised me:

Running -1 x6 took a little under 12 minutes. Inf Rewards were 1676 for Minions, 4337 for LTs and 13306 for Bosses.

Running +3 x6 took a bit over 21 minutes. Inf Rewards were 5592 for Minions, 14473 for LTs and 44406 for Bosses.
So for 3.33333 times the Inf Reward amounts, it only took 1.8 times as long. I was thinking it would have much been closer to even than this. I tried to just run through each as fast and completely as possible. There's always the random factor in how many total bosses there were in each group, but of course, there's always going to be differences you can't compensate for in such a small sample.

Overall you would need to factor in downtime. What are you going to do with all the extra salvage and recipes you get? Delete any non-Purple recipes? Delete any non-Orange salvage? Running higher level enemies reduces downtime in between missions if you're selling the excess because you don't get as many drops. Simply vendoring Regular IO recipes alone can get you 500K - 1M Inf per mission so if you're going for Inf, you're going to want to sell the excess (non-Temp Power) recipes if you can.



Mind you, different characters will have a much different time at doing different difficulty settings (and you're +1, so -1 difficulty is closer to -2 for standard 50s). My Fire/Kin Troller (not +1 yet) can handle +0/x8/no bosses quite well, and I can plow through the BM map very quickly (and it never gets tedious, like it was back in the day when I had to deal with bosses).

I should probably do a few BM runs, recording my inf at the start and end to get the total inf reward from the missions, and average it over the missions I did... then compare it to my drops, and how much they went for.

Based on just eyeballing it, I'd probably only get a couple million inf from enemies, while guestimating, I get ~15+ million from a poorer run in drops (I usually get at least one decent 10-ish million recipe, and a couple rares)... A 75% reduction in kill rate (mind you, I fight at +0, not -1, so that 75% is just wrong for a whole host of reasons) would correspond to a 75% reduction in in drops/minute, which'd gut at least my primary source of income from farming.

For maximum purples/minute: -1/x8
For maximum inf (any source/minute): it depends

I'd say run it on a few different settings and see what works best for you- and don't forget to factor fun into it! You'll be able to get far more inf if you don't burn yourself out!

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



As several others have mentioned -1/x8 will get you purples the quickest. +0/x8 is generally better though, since any other valuable recipes you get will be level 50 instead of level 49 and worth quite a bit more. Another important factor is whether or not you include bosses or not. And that kind of depends on the toon you're farming with. Bosses have a higher chance to drop things, but they're harder to kill. So if you can kill them quickly without slowing you down much, then add them, but if you can't, then leave them out. For example, my fire/kin farmer does not include bosses in the BM farm. She can kill an entire spawn of minions and LTs in the time it takes to kill the 2 bosses in the spawn, so the bosses aren't worth it and slow her down too much. My ss/shield brute on the other hand does include bosses, since they go down pretty quick with knockout blow.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
Bosses have a higher chance to drop things, but they're harder to kill. So if you can kill them quickly without slowing you down much, then add them, but if you can't, then leave them out. For example, my fire/kin farmer does not include bosses in the BM farm. She can kill an entire spawn of minions and LTs in the time it takes to kill the 2 bosses in the spawn, so the bosses aren't worth it and slow her down too much. My ss/shield brute on the other hand does include bosses, since they go down pretty quick with knockout blow.
The key factor is bosses are (very roughly) 10:1 over minions in drops, and about 3:1 over lieuts. So if you can kill a whole pack of minions and lieutenants faster than the boss, turn 'em off. Most AoE can easily accomplish killing 3 lieutenants or 10 minions faster than 1 boss.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by DefenderOfFlames View Post
Thanks for the information about the farming. I've been slaughtering monsters for 3 days in a row now and still haven't gotten a single purple (I've done the ITF 8 times in the past two days and also got none from the Random Recipie Merit Reward Scrolls).

As for Going Rogue, I'm planning on getting that soon. Hopefully in a week or so, then I will start doing tip missions for influence.

Last but not least...I've played the market before but I found that I'm quite impatient. I have to get back into the market though because I hear that it's one of the best ways to get influence.
Turning in regular merits earned from doing TF's will not earn you a purple drop ever.

As was mentioned farming for A-merits is easy to do and produces a steady return that only grows the more toons you have that can earn them for you.

Could you define 3 days of play time please? I know random is random but if your talking about 16-24 hours of straight farming time without a purple drop that is one hell of streak of bad luck.

I hit about one purple drop a day on the demon map running a SS/FA for about 60min at a time. Ive had as many as 7 drop in one day and a drought as long as 4 days so you have your highs and your lows.

Global: @Kelig



I rarely have bosses in my farms and get just as many purples as i can handle. (3 in 1 run last week) The only time i have bosses in my runs is when im pling my other account.

I can also see a difference in my drops by changing the 0 to +1,2,3 etc. I can run at 0x8 and fill up enh, recipes (mostly commons), and salvage. Then bump the diff up to +2 and get less than 1/2 on each run. I've documented it several times to back up my experiences. So, i just leave mine at 0x8.