Storage in SGs




So I just started my own SG on one of my toons for the purpose of storage, but I can’t find where to buy containers and a workbench. Also, what should I look to purchase? I only care about the storage atm.




You need workshops for enhancement tables, salvage racks and inspiration collectors.

Larger medical rooms will let you put in an inspiration collector too but that's just as an aside.

Although you can get nine items in both the 2x2 and the 3x4 room, I tend to use the larger room if I have funds because it means the room is less cramped.

The overall limit is 18 items and remember the vault (if you have one) takes one slot.

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You need workshops for enhancement tables, salvage racks and inspiration collectors.
Workshops help in terms of capacity, but many of the rooms support having 1 storage unit in them. I commonly would place an Inspire bin in the medical bay, for example. Unless of course the limits have changed since I last played around in a base since, it has been awhile.



Ok, so I need to transform the room I have now into a workshop. I see I can purchase an upgrade for 50K, which I have. Is it best to wait until I have enough for the higher level rooms? I see I can get a larger one for 230K.

Again, thank you



Is your SG just a solo SG for right now? How much prestige do you have? What do you have in it for right now? (Remember, you get a 20,000 Prestige bonus for each of the first 15 members, and IIRC a 100,000 Prestige bonus when a Praetorian joins (to make up for the fact they can't be in an SG from 1-20.)

First page to look at: Wiki section on base items. How to get, salvage, etc. for each, broken into sections.

As far as "Best to wait" or not... that's up to you. If you wait, you can have a rather... empty looking base for a while, but there's less moving and readjusting of things. You *can* start with the Oversight center, but don't expect to be able to power too much (and if you do start this way, I suggest starting control or workshops so you have somewhere to move storage items when you outgrow this.)

What you may want to do is grab (or make) some graph paper or a spreadsheet (just to use the gridlines) and start plotting out the base ahead of time.



thank you.

My base is going to be just for storage. I have a SG on my main, but I need room for enhancements and salvage. I will get a few low level guys to join up, just so I have some extra getting into the SG.

Right now I have maybe 100K prestige points.




oh wow... I never even saw that forum...




Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Is your SG just a solo SG for right now? How much prestige do you have? What do you have in it for right now? (Remember, you get a 20,000 Prestige bonus for each of the first 15 members, and IIRC a 100,000 Prestige bonus when a Praetorian joins (to make up for the fact they can't be in an SG from 1-20.)
Bill could you provide some clarification about those Praetorians for me? Is that 100k for each Praetorian and is it for the first 15 members?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Bill could you provide some clarification about those Praetorians for me? Is that 100k for each Praetorian and is it for the first 15 members?
Per the wiki, there doesn't seem to be any particular limitation as far as the Praetorian bonus goes.

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Wow. That puts a different perspective on things for me and my solo SG's. I may be recreating some lower level characters as Praets instead of sideswitching them. Get a nice group together and use them as SG fillers for each new base I start.

Thanks for the information.



Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
Per the wiki, there doesn't seem to be any particular limitation as far as the Praetorian bonus goes.

It's a "make-up bonus" for the Praetorians not being able to join an SG until level 20.



So 15 Praetorians would be worth 20k each if they are the 1st 15 members for 300k total and an additional 100k each for not being able to join an SG until lvl 20 for 1.5 million k which brings us to a grand total of 1.8 million prestige.




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Wow. That puts a different perspective on things for me and my solo SG's. I may be recreating some lower level characters as Praets instead of sideswitching them. Get a nice group together and use them as SG fillers for each new base I start.
bzzt! Exploit attempt!
Sorry, it doesn't work that way. The prestige bonus goes to the FIRST SG they join after leaving Praetoria.
The first supergroup that a Praetorian-origin character joins gains a bonus of 100,000 prestige. This is in order to make up for the prestige the character would have earned in the level 1-20 range while they were unable to join a supergroup before leaving Praetoria.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
bzzt! Exploit attempt!
Sorry, it doesn't work that way. The prestige bonus goes to the FIRST SG they join after leaving Praetoria.
Sorry Iron if I was trying to exploit something I wouldn't be asking how this works in a public forum. I would have taken my questions to PM's.

I also wouldn't have been basing my numbers on just 15 characters if I was considering taking advantage of an exploit. I would have used the total number of slots I can cobble together between both of my accounts on my preferred server.



Back on the topic, I believe the Oversight Center will let you place one storage item. If you want to make use of teleporters and other "powered" items then you will need the Oversight Center. IIRC, though, just storage and nothing else should not require any power. So you can just make your base of nothing but Workshops. (Which will let you place multiple storage items)

Storage Items are Inspiration Collectors, Enhancement Tables, and Salvage Racks. If you wish to store all three types, you will need all three. Also, a Vault will in essense double each of your characters' Salvage storage space. (It doesn't actually add space, but it lets you access something that normally you'd have to go to a Vault in a zone to get)

Note that there is no place to store Recipes in a base. You must craft them to store them. (Or put them in storage at the Market, but that's limited space) Also, all storage costs an amount of Prestige per month in rent.



Folks have covered the basics here, but you may also want to take a gander at Bonker's Guide for Building a Small SG He offers a few different room/cost configurations.

Also, there is at least one "storage" item that requires power/control; the vault. Though, in a way, it's more of an "access" item for you to easily access the items in your personal bank/vault storage.


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Just In Case You Didn't Know...

Some items you make for your base using salvage. Some of the higher end computers and power generators. More importantly, the teleporters.

They go into the 'Personal Base Item' placement for the character who made them.

Now if you only have one hero in your base who is doing anything you may or may not even notice it. But I've made duplicate items before because I created items on one character but happened to be on an Alt for 'decorating' the base up and actually placing things. Forgot I had already made the upgraded power generator on the first character. So I made it twice.

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Originally Posted by Roughtrade View Post
Forgot I had already made the upgraded power generator on the first character. So I made it twice.
Suggestion: take that character to someone else's SG that wants the upgraded generator and trade it for something (inf, salvage, recipes, spanky time, whatever floats your boat)

This is only a valid suggestion if you don't care about prestige accumulation in your member list, since leaving the SG wipes your prestige total, and it doesn't restore when re-joining. (I don't care, so I've done this before when I've accidentally made duplicates.)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Suggestion: take that character to someone else's SG that wants the upgraded generator and trade it for something (inf, salvage, recipes, spanky time, whatever floats your boat)

This is only a valid suggestion if you don't care about prestige accumulation in your member list, since leaving the SG wipes your prestige total, and it doesn't restore when re-joining. (I don't care, so I've done this before when I've accidentally made duplicates.)
I don't think you can do that. I'm pretty sure I tried it once and it didn't work. The stuff I wanted to use in another base was lost when the character quit the SG.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I don't think you can do that. I'm pretty sure I tried it once and it didn't work. The stuff I wanted to use in another base was lost when the character quit the SG.
Then I have no idea how I did it twice with teleporters I'd created as a member of SG-A, quit, joined SG-B, dropped porters, quit, and rejoined SG-A. Perhaps a hiccup?

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Then I have no idea how I did it twice with teleporters I'd created as a member of SG-A, quit, joined SG-B, dropped porters, quit, and rejoined SG-A. Perhaps a hiccup?
Now that's very possible. A badge hiccup is how I got those Arachnos pop up missle launchers in my Hero base, as well as a few other items I hadn't unlocked yet. In fact remembering those items, They were the things I lost when I tried switching bases. Maybe there'a a connection.



Originally Posted by AF_Bill View Post
... Is it best to wait until I have enough for the higher level rooms? I see I can get a larger one for 230K.
All base items, rooms and plots can be "sold back" for a 1:1 prestige cost when deleted. You never "spend" Prestige in base items, you just kind of tie it to the room/item/plot that you place. If you delete it, you get back the same amount as you "spent" on it.

The only real way Prestige truly goes away is from upkeep costs and that is now minimal.

Put in whatever you can afford now, you can always upgrade it later by adding the new larger room, moving all your storage items to it and delete the old small room.



Do you do lose the Prestige if you sell a crafted Base item, ie something you'd make via a Work Table like a Telepad. I know that you do lose the salvage.

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Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
Do you do lose the Prestige if you sell a crafted Base item, ie something you'd make via a Work Table like a Telepad. I know that you do lose the salvage.
Not the Prestige, just the salvage that was used to create the item you're selling back.

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