Selling Crafted Enhancements




Where can I sell these besides WW and the BM. My queue is full on all of my characters now. I have to get ride of this excess.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
Where can I sell these besides WW and the BM. My queue is full on all of my characters now. I have to get ride of this excess.
You can do a respec and sell all the ones you didn't slot.

And if the stuff you have on the market isn't moving fast enough you could always lower your asking price.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
You can do a respec and sell all the ones you didn't slot.

And if the stuff you have on the market isn't moving fast enough you could always lower your asking price.
There are no vendors, or quartermasters, or someone that buys crafted enhancements? My slots are filled too so I can't "Pull" my stuff to lower the price. My email is full too. I'm probably going to have to delete the extra.



Can the SG enhancements table/whatever hold the extras?



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
There are no vendors, or quartermasters, or someone that buys crafted enhancements? My slots are filled too so I can't "Pull" my stuff to lower the price. My email is full too. I'm probably going to have to delete the extra.
Nope. However, when you respec, and "sell back" your excess IOs, you get back the cost of the recipe plus the cost of the salvage (vendor costs, not market value).

As another option, you could always make characters on other servers, email the IOs to them and have them sell it at WW too.

And then email yourself back the profits.

Just a thought...

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SG enhancement tables can store enhancements, yes.

Were you working on crafting badges or something? I'm curious how you got so deeply into this bind.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
Where can I sell these besides WW and the BM. My queue is full on all of my characters now. I have to get ride of this excess.
If you're working on crafting badges you're going to produce far more enhancements than you'll ever be able to sell at a profit, especially the mez ones (hold, confuse, etc.).

When you have a choice, always make the ones that are in demand. For example, either accuracy or to-hit buff can be crafted for that line of badges. Almost no one uses to-hit buff, so you will never sell them for what it costs to craft them. Craft accuracy instead.

Take your time getting the badges. If you're crafting stuff people buy, and you're producing more than you can sell, you're probably also paying a lot for salvage. Make lower bids on salvage, which will slow your production down, costing you less up front, and giving you more time to sell your production.

Realize that people who memorized the recipes can undercut your prices. Find the crafting costs for the memorized versions and set your sell price accordingly. If you're lucky you'll sell to someone who's overbidding and make a profit. If you're unlucky you'll take a small loss. But on average you'll probably break even, and if you're going for the badge that's the best you can hope for.

I tried saving IOs in our base, but it's really just a waste of space for anything but the most useful ones: accuracy, damage, recharge, end reduction, etc. You can always get mez and slow enhancements on the market for peanuts, so there's no point in keeping them. You will almost always sell them at a loss, so if you don't have the slots just bite the bullet and delete them. The lost inf and salvage are the cost of getting the badge.



Be aware that, if you roll up any market stoolies on other servers, that they'll have to be leveled up a bit to mail your lucre back to you.

For a small cut (after posting fees), I'll sell them for you in my extra inventory spaces. Say, 15 or 20%?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I have many alts, send me a PM with what you got. If there is something that is there I may need, we can working something out.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Be aware that, if you roll up any market stoolies on other servers, that they'll have to be leveled up a bit to mail your lucre back to you.
Why would that be?

I know there's restrictions on trial accounts, but there's no restrictions on alts on my regular account is there?

I'd just create more alts on other accounts and claim stuff from e-mail anyway, or invest in SG storage.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Why would that be?

I know there's restrictions on trial accounts, but there's no restrictions on alts on my regular account is there?

I'd just create more alts on other accounts and claim stuff from e-mail anyway, or invest in SG storage.
You have to be level 10 to send an email.



Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
Nope. However, when you respec, and "sell back" your excess IOs, you get back the cost of the recipe plus the cost of the salvage (vendor costs, not market value).
High level, second build, throw something together that will take a bunch of extras, fill it up, do a sloppy respec and slot nothing so that everything gets sold.




Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
High level, second build, throw something together that will take a bunch of extras, fill it up, do a sloppy respec and slot nothing so that everything gets sold.

In my experience, there's only a few things that won't sell for greater than their crafting cost. Taunt, slow, sleep, etc.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Email them to yourself, so that you can grab a couple out of the market and put them in at lower prices.

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
In my experience, there's only a few things that won't sell for greater than their crafting cost. Taunt, slow, sleep, etc.
My experience differs then. For me, these 18 can only be sold at a loss:
Confuse, Hold, Defense Debuff, Immobilization, Sleep, Slow, ToHit Buff, Stun, Range, Fear, Intangibility, Interrupt, KnockBack, Taunt, ToHit DeBuffs, Run, Fly, Jump

but you can usually (except in the case of mezz and travel) choose one of these 8 to craft instead:
Accuracy, Damage, Heal, Damage Resistance, Defense, Endurance Reduce, Recharge, Endurance Modification

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Originally Posted by Bohmfalk View Post
Email them to yourself, so that you can grab a couple out of the market and put them in at lower prices.
Except that he mentioned his e-mail slots are all full too.

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StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
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Originally Posted by Nubzcrymore View Post
You have to be level 10 to send an email.
Shows how often I play a character below level 10 I guess...

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



1) Start a new character, optionally on another server. Drop the least -loved thing you have in global email on them.
2) Try and figure out why you have so much stuff; are you afraid that you'll sell something and need to buy it back? Did you just get crazy on crafting? Are you listing things that you think SHOULD sell and then they don't? If you figure out how you got there, we can maybe help you get back, but we need clues.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
My experience differs then. For me, these 18 can only be sold at a loss:
Confuse, Hold, Defense Debuff, Immobilization, Sleep, Slow, ToHit Buff, Stun, Range, Fear, Intangibility, Interrupt, KnockBack, Taunt, ToHit DeBuffs, Run, Fly, Jump

but you can usually (except in the case of mezz and travel) choose one of these 8 to craft instead:
Accuracy, Damage, Heal, Damage Resistance, Defense, Endurance Reduce, Recharge, Endurance Modification
The Common Run IO sells at a pretty good mark up. It's the one I craft and sell to memorize the travel IO recipes. They have always sold well for me and nowadays every character with Inherent Fitness just added to the demand.

The only problem are the level 45 and 50 Common IOs of any type. The recent Incarnate inspired teaming has created a glut of the cheap salvage to create these high level Common IOs. Unless you've already memorized the recipes, you'll be eating significant losses before you can even try to break even on them.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
In my experience, there's only a few things that won't sell for greater than their crafting cost. Taunt, slow, sleep, etc.
Also, any level 50 generics are not worth trying to sell crafted. Those almost always go for far far less than the crafting cost.

25-40 seems to be the best level range for selling generics lately.

The only problem are the level 45 and 50 Common IOs of any type. The recent Incarnate inspired teaming has created a glut of the cheap salvage to create these high level Common IOs. Unless you've already memorized the recipes, you'll be eating significant losses before you can even try to break even on them.
45s and 50s have always been that way, since long before the incarnate stuff. I think the reason for that is because except for single slot powers (or powers taken after 46), there is no real need to upgrade 35s and 40s.

And on that note, time to see how Krispy Kremator and Bow Chicka Bow Wow did with the gens I sent them last night.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
SG enhancement tables can store enhancements, yes.

Were you working on crafting badges or something? I'm curious how you got so deeply into this bind.

I play in lumps. I'll do weekend at a time once a month and they stack up. I thought I could sell them in month but their not moving. I have 20 Apocalyses now...I'm not giving those away for nothing.



Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
My experience differs then. For me, these 18 can only be sold at a loss:
Confuse, Hold, Defense Debuff, Immobilization, Sleep, Slow, ToHit Buff, Stun, Range, Fear, Intangibility, Interrupt, KnockBack, Taunt, ToHit DeBuffs, Run, Fly, Jump
I obviously blanked on all the other ones. Still, I tend to do well on ToHit (at times, depends if the supply is too high) and the travel ones are all around break-even. Yes, you're right, and I'm dumb.

Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
Also, any level 50 generics are not worth trying to sell crafted. Those almost always go for far far less than the crafting cost.
Absolutely disagree. Since the market merged, all the other level 50s have been selling at 300K-500K apiece. If you are patient, as perhaps the lumpiness of the OP suggests, you might be able to ask 500K for them all the time. If you're just buying the recipes from a crafting bench (OUCH!) that's no good, but if you've got them memorized as well as the day job you can make (accounting for market fees) x2.5 profit on each one.

The question is: are you happy with increments of ~250K at a go, discounting salvage fees?

Personally speaking, inventory that is just sitting around in your base is wasting space, time, and money. You want your inf. to earn inf., and your lewt to earn lewt.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I just want to add these points.

I'm getting 500-1,000,000 when they sell. 30% go for more. I'm posting prices based on salvage at the time.

Next, I have fill out all of my builds too. I just have too much. I'm clearing my queues before I play and I getting rewarded for my diligence but this stuff is now starting to eat in my gaming time. Maybe I should just delete these and move on. I never thought I would just throw things away but my time is just so valuable now. I'm sick of dealing with the maintenance stuff. I subscribe to "Play" CoH not bean count.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
I play in lumps. I'll do weekend at a time once a month and they stack up. I thought I could sell them in month but their not moving. I have 20 Apocalyses now...I'm not giving those away for nothing.
At first you come across as asking about selling to a vendor, but now the story has changed and you are talking about high end crafted items - which you do not have 20 of unless you are already playing the market.

In other words, you are a troll.