lvl 50+

Chaos Creator



how can i see if my character is lvl 50+? i can see others when i target them, but where do i see it on my own stats? thanks.



Originally Posted by jehovahawk View Post
how can i see if my character is lvl 50+? i can see others when i target them, but where do i see it on my own stats? thanks.
You don't.

Got a Tier 3 alpha boost? Got it slotted? Not Exemplared? You're 50(+1).
Don't? You're not.



If you want to be sure, go find a level 50 minion in Peregrine Island or Grandville, and see if it is white or blue con to you.



I had this question this past weekend. Since I have two accounts, I was able to verify by checking one character out using a character on my other account. But I couldn't figure out a way to do it otherwise (didn't have a handy level 50 minion to look at, heh).

It's important to note that you both have to *craft* a tier 3 alpha boost and then *slot* it. I had a tier 3 crafted on my scrapper (and several tier 1's and a tier 2 on other toons) and did not realize until this weekend that I hadn't even slotted any of them. And you can't slot it until you've been out of combat for 5 minutes -- so I figured this out on an ITF, and had to wait until the ITF was over to do anything about it (5 minutes being an eternity on the kind of ITFs I'm normally on, heh).

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
I had this question this past weekend. Since I have two accounts, I was able to verify by checking one character out using a character on my other account. But I couldn't figure out a way to do it otherwise (didn't have a handy level 50 minion to look at, heh).

It's important to note that you both have to *craft* a tier 3 alpha boost and then *slot* it. I had a tier 3 crafted on my scrapper (and several tier 1's and a tier 2 on other toons) and did not realize until this weekend that I hadn't even slotted any of them. And you can't slot it until you've been out of combat for 5 minutes -- so I figured this out on an ITF, and had to wait until the ITF was over to do anything about it (5 minutes being an eternity on the kind of ITFs I'm normally on, heh).
Exit mission, Slot, reenter

Timers reset when you change maps.



Originally Posted by Scientist View Post
If you want to be sure, go find a level 50 minion in Peregrine Island or Grandville, and see if it is white or blue con to you.
If you have pets, you can also target them.



Does it show up in Personal Info like all of your Set IO bonuses? I thought there was a spot at the bottom of the list for the Alpha Slot boost.



Originally Posted by TheUnnamedOne View Post
Does it show up in Personal Info like all of your Set IO bonuses? I thought there was a spot at the bottom of the list for the Alpha Slot boost.
No, it never has (although I believe that may be a planned enhancement for a later time).

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



At one point, the Alpha boost was showing up in the Info window, but that was the same time all the IO set bonuses were not showing. When the bonuses came back, the Alpha slot left again.

Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid



Okay, thanks. I thought I was hallucinating again cause I could swear I had seen the Alpha slot listed in the Personal Info before but it wasn't there when I checked last night.