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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    I thought the main purposes of clothes were keeping warm, and allowing me to not have to put up with seeing things I'd rather not have to see.
    That's probably why Golden Girl said 'one of'.

    And since I'm sysadmin for the head office of a 40 store chain that exclusively sells women's clothing, I (and my cost of living) am QUITE glad that her words are true.

    edit: On the original topic, I, too, think her costume looks like something Domino would wear from X-Force. I judge that as neither good nor bad, but I do find it noticeable.
  2. TheBruteSquad

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Mr_Kingkillaha View Post
    When was the last time that you controlled aggro for your team on a stalker? Scrapper?
    I built a scrapper for tanking just to see if I could do it, and slotted the taunt aura and confront with taunt. I was able to tank nightstar for keep em seperated, but keeping minion aggro even on scanner missions is a challenge.
    There's no need to. That's why my position is that they're obsolete. Safety through superior firepower - a dead spawn needs no tanking. A fire/shield scrapper under build up will eradicate a x8 spawn, save the bosses, in 3 clicks. The team will have those half dead bosses crushed before they can even think of peeling aggro from the scrapper bomb that just went off in the middle of them.

    AoE party buffing, funnily enough, was a large nail in the coffin. Before many players would just shield the tank, maybe the defender, maybe a blaster if they were still finding a way to die. 7 to 21 clicks every two minutes? A hassle. 3 clicks? You're being negligent to not. Now that the entire team is riding high on the bonuses does it really, truly matter who's got the aggro? From what I've seen in everything from DFB through to trials the answer is 'no'.

    Sustained tanking has never been really 'needed' in City - the lack of a needed trinity is one of the biggest draws for the game, in my opinion.

    This has never been truer than it is now, especially at the higher levels. Before it was useful to have someone take the alpha. With invention set bonuses and incarnate abilities ANYONE can take said alpha.

    Everything has come together over the years to make the least needed job role in city of heroes, tank, even less needed. Everything. From debt reduction to inventions to inspiration drop rates through to aoe buffing to incarnate abilities.
  3. TheBruteSquad

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Why do people making these threads always seem to ignore that in the current game Scrappers and Stalkers are better than both ATs?

    Why all the rage over jockeying for last place?

    If you're measuring damage output vs survival capacity, the scrapper and stalker forums are filled with DPS that will make your head spin with enough survival packed into most of these super DPS builds to weather not just a pylon but often solo at x8 or crush crates in Lambda. If you can solo x8 you can tank for x8.

    Both tanks and brutes are obsolete. Brute less so, sure, because it's a newer AT - all the newer ATs are better designed than their pre-I6 companions. But still obsolete.

    Change Confront to Taunt (nobody takes it anyways unless they want to tank) and let this end. Scrapper caps are more than sufficient to tank for a team since any situation where a brute is buffed past scrappers 75% by outside sources* means the team is buffed to near unkillable levels anyways.

    * Fire damage, energy damage, smash lethal damage can be exceeded interally, of course, in three armor sets. It only matters on farm maps. In general play I've never really noticed a difference when battling with my /elec brute vs my /elec scrapper, even against Mu. I know the difference is there, but with the speed said Mu die to either I've never seen it be a factor.
  4. Anything with a +damage buff in either primary or secondary is better on a scrapper, for the reasons Android listed.

    Anything with a damage aura is better on a brute (damage auras, with the exception of Quills, can't crit).
  5. TheBruteSquad

    This looks epic

    Some of the action shots were nice and the backgrounds were excellent, but ... zero interest.

    Especially with such an unfortunate title. The word epic is so cliched currently that it's no different than calling your movie 'Cool' or 'Radical' or 'Gnarly' in previous decades. If you're going to go for a one word title, like 'Brave' or 'Legend', you have to pick a word that's not at the forefront of pop culture, used to describe everything from ants fighting a spider to traffic cops dancing on duty to forest fires that span half a state.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snarkhunter View Post
    I can't say for certain that is related, but just the other day on Virtue server, I was flying around in northern Peregrine Island when I saw a line of Arachnos Fliers headed in towards the coast by Portal Court. There were at least 6 (I didn't go along the line to count how many for certain), they were able to be targeted & destroyed, and they did not fight back.

    That makes me wonder if it was a bad coding that slipped in ahead of time, or just the Devs checking to see if anyone was paying attention. But as a possible "source of invasion troops" I think this is a good sign.

    However I have to the 3 hours on Virtue simply when to expect Mako himself, or is the entire invasion confined to just those 3 hours? I sure hope not!
    If you attack those fliers and let them live their scripting kicks in and they start to move around the map. They do fight back, but not until they reach portal corps courtyard (start beaming in troops like the regular flier does), and not always. From the courtyard they spread out and move south.
  7. I transferred a toon TO the server. It's where I send characters that I love the bios and costumes for but need to move to free up room on Virtue. In effect, my retirement home.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    9. ??? Dont understand how switching abilities in a trial has anything to do with creating a higher tier ability outside of mission.
    Side effect of the timer thing. As coded the game only cares that the attempt was made to unslot the ability. I doubt it can even tell 'why' it was unslotted.

    In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the game registers the user unslotting it as the first step to creating the higher tier while using a slotted ability. I'd be even less surprised if the reason it works this way is because someone in alpha or beta complained that you had to unslot the ability before being able to upgrade it.

    Agree with the league forming stuff, though. It's a mess.
  9. Like some others here I have yet to bother unlocking Hybrid on any character, and probably won't unless unlocking it becomes a requirement of another trial.

    The only incarnate powers I actively aim to unlock are Alpha and Judgement. The rest if they happen happen. So, no, to answer the original question I guess I don't.
  10. 1 - Server synchronization issues. If too many people try to 'teleport' (which is what using the door is) to the same point at once someone inevitably ends up falling to respawn and falls through the map (even solo if the server hiccups you can do this. Happens fairly frequently in the Founders Fall safeguard leaving the bank).

    2 - Agreed

    3 - Synchronization.

    4 - Synchronization

    5 - Players in non pvp zones, sure, but it would be dumb to be able to walk through mobs. Also exploitable to an extent - you could stand inside the mob and it wouldn't be able to target you because of the way the game works (enemies target from the borders of their hit box - so do players).

    6 - Don't use travel powers in combat? Three out of four methods have non-suppressing alternatives (combat jumping, hover, and sprint). Hell, sprint's even given to you for free.

    7 - Design decision. Annoying, but understandable. Still, I'd love to see tankers get a special 'unresistable' resistance added to their inherent. Even 25% would be appreciated.

    8 - Been requested a million times. They'd have to redesign the way the game handles sounds and then design a way to interface with that. Not impossible, but not likely.

    9 - They thought of doing that, but people (justifiably) wanted to be able to switch abilities in trials and mission maps. Hence, global timer instead of map specific limitations.

    10 - Grabbing their crotch always works (its the center of their hit box). Paragon City's hiring policies could do with a review... (but agreed)

    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    Just a few QOL items I wish they would address:

    1. Clicking Doors - clicking doors is problematic during trials, someone beats you to the punch, you can't click. You have to wait several seconds. Someone else outclicks you again. You wait again. Just let me click the door - period. Why should there be a timeout period?

    2. Clicking Vendors/NPCS - some require you to have the hand icon, some dont. Make it consistent please. I'd rather not have to position the cursor to get the hand icon.

    3. Remove the limit on the number of sold items when you click "Get All Influence" at WWs.

    4. There is always a several second pause after entering or exiting a mission, where I cant move. Would be very nice to be able to move immediately. Especially when you have people zoning in next to you and shoving you into a corner.

    5. Remove collision detection with npcs and MM pets.

    6. Remove travel suppression in PVE. Might have its use in PVP, but it's gotten me killed plenty of times in iTrials.

    7. Stop with all the unresistable attacks in iTrials. I'd like my tank to actually function as a Tank. Yes, Marauder should be able to hit for a lot of points with his special attack - but not for 99% of my hitpoints as a tank - and not 1 shot kills with my other toons.

    8. Provide the ability to turn off specific sounds in settings. You can start off with - Demon Pets, Wolf Pets, and Psychic Shockwave to name a few.

    9. Remove the incarnate component build timeout. You just exited a mission and FINALLY got that rare component to upgrade to T3. Sorry, that component was used recently - you have to wait for it to recharge. I can understand not wanting people to flip abillities INSIDE the trial, but outside?
    There's no point to it. Let me upgrade immediately if i want to.

    10. Trial zones require you to click on the guard to enter the zone. Just let me walk into the zone, it's hard finding that "sweet spot" on their shield to click.
  11. Agreed. Charisma's one of his dump stats, but he knows his stuff: He just needs a voice trainer and perhaps a public speaking workshop. Every once in a while I'll watch one of his reviews to learn something interesting. An hour of his voice and mannerisms is pushing it, though, curious as I am about his thoughts on the subject matter.
  12. Stone Melee/Willpower brute.

    Fault at 8 to combine with Rise to the Challenge at 18 - it's practically all over for solo content at that point.
  13. I'd say Brute because I prefer the tanker/brute epic/patron powers. For example: While Shadowmeld (scrapper soul) and Darkest Night (brute soul) both do the same thing - make you practically unkillable for a bit - DN taunts and protects your team-mates.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    You can be sure there are players that love the power as is, animation and all. I need no evidence to prove this.
    *raises hand* Evidence. ET is my favorite animation in the game. Favorite. I was prepared to hate it on principle because of the animation time change and what it did to my tanker's burst damage but instead I was enthralled by it. I use it EVERY time it's up. Whether the minion has 1% health left and will be dead before animation ends or not.

    I both like and don't like the DoT during the frontload part of the animation suggestion. I like that seeing orange numbers sooner will make the attack feel less 'wasted'. I don't like reducing the satisfying smash orange number at the end. I love DoT and I don't underestimate them, mechanically (fire melee is my second favorite melee set, after stone melee), but I tend to discard them as background noise visually. Incinerate *feels* like it does less damage to me than it actually does for that reason - all of fire melee does (despite my love for it).

    I could get over it, though, if they threw in the 'nuke' animation that they easter egged into the overwhelming force proc, though.

    You know, like this
  15. Fair enough. I'll grant that there should be some sort of target=alive check of some sort to stop the health loss. Better yet drop the health loss entirely.

    The actual advice, though, to not use the long animation attacks on short lived targets, I'll stand by (for any AT, not just melee ones).

    Thunderstrike from electric melee falls into the same trap, and shadow maul, vengeful slice, and one thousand cuts do as well. Animations above 3 seconds aren't common but they're not reserved to EM alone (and that's only total focus. Energy transfer's animation time is actually comparable to KO blow, and I don't hear SS players complaining that they're always KO blowing a corpse).

    One of my main characters is Energy Melee and another is an /energy blaster who I love to blap with and I really haven't noticed this problem.

    (Not saying EM couldn't use a little something else - kinetic melee is very much energy melee II leaving the original looking dated - but not for this)
  16. What does it matter as long as they're dead?

    Save the slow heavy hitters for the EBs and AVs of the world.

    Or play Katana, which has the distinction of having every single attack animate in less than two seconds.
  17. Back when they changed energy transfer's animation time, I believe.

    No, they didn't change Barrage's animation time - that's why they increased the damage.
  18. They're looking in the wrong direction. In the current game:

    Tanking is discouraged - most trials will annihilate the tanker through one gimmick or another. And one penalizes the entire team for someone doing too good a job tanking.

    Continuous uninterrupted attacking is discouraged - most trials will annihilate someone who is more focused on mashing buttons than reading pop up text.

    Burst damage is meaningless - most trial bosses, like all AVs, don't care that you unleashed hell for 10 seconds. They're still standing. Sustained DPS is king... when you can bring it to bear through the gimmick d'jour.

    What AT doesn't care if it has aggro or not but has the option of gathering it, is always at full strength no matter how many blue patches or lightning bolts it has to dodge, and puts out of the highest sustained non-pet or debuff fueled damage in the game?

    The Scrapper.

    It doesn't really matter what kind of parity is reached between brutes and tankers. Even leveling in parties: as individual resilience increases the very concept of aggro control has become obsolete in City.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
    Seems OTT to me as it doesn't take into account the difference in base values.
    He does, but it's a little more insidious than that.

    It's easier for a tanker to hit 300% damage bonus than for a brute to hit whatever it is these days, teamed or not, and at the same damage bonus a Tanker will outdamage a Brute due to the difference in base value.

    Johnny already has tankers that hit their cap solo, and therefore has Tankers that outdamage every Brute who can't pass 300% natively (so, anyone not superstrength or with an infinite supply of red inspirations).
  20. I'd rather see Tankers buffed than Brutes nerfed for the simple fact that already there is so very little reason to play a Brute over a Scrapper.

    For all of Johnny's reasons. The extra survival of a Brute (like a Tanker) isn't needed for most of the game, so why NOT take the AT that never sees its damaged diminished by play style factors, buffs for damage better - self or party, and hits hardest out of the box. Once they get Superstrength any other melee AT will be a hard sell.

    Then again, there are those saying that there's little reason to play a Scrapper with the new Stalker changes - high damage, on demand crits, similar durability.

    So delete Tankers - Brutes are better. Delete Brutes - Scrappers are better. Delete Scrappers - Stalkers are better.

    Stalkers have inherited the earth? How did we end up in Bizzaro-CoX?
  21. TheBruteSquad


    Love the design and the ad.
  22. I think Tankers should just get the new Vigilance added to Gauntlet, where they get a damage bonus while unteamed. "Without needing to be concerned about defending his allies, a Tanker is free to unleash his full power."

    As with Defenders it addresses solo play speed issue (I've never really found Tankers slow, and I pretty much play Brutes and Tankers exclusively, but whatever).

    It's even faithful to the comic books - the Tankers are always stronger alone.

    (I'd also like to see them immune to -def, -regen, and -resist to truly seperate them from the masses of other melee characters in the game at the moment, but that's a little far fetched. Sadly.)
  23. Well, I like country. It's not bad. Not great, by any stretch, but she has a decent country voice.

    It's about as generic 'new country' as it comes, but it's just a method of getting the atypical lyrics across, and it does so.
  24. I found part one a little lackluster compared to most of their work on the series, to be honest, but part 2 more than made up for it. It was incredible. Everything clicked.
  25. TheBruteSquad

    So RoboCop....

    This is one remake I'm on the fence about.

    I love RoboCop. It's one of my favorite movies, and the character designs and mannerisms leak into all kinds of characters I've played in any tabletop rpg or even MMO for as long as I can remember.

    RoboCop is a great example of a simple story with a classic (and silly) premise played straight panning out. There are no Academy award winning performances in there, and some of the plot holes can safely handle a 747 flying through, but it looks and feels like it was taken seriously.

    No attempt since has managed to recapture what made it what it was. I liked 2, but it wasn't good. I didn't like 3, and it was bad. I actually really liked the series, more than the two movie sequels, but wasn't the same. Perhaps because of the sliding rating - he was too marketable a figure to keep 'R', but part of the first movies feel was the R.

    After so many attempts to recapture lightning in a bottle I can't see how this one will. I'll see it, of course, but I won't be excited in any way waiting. Which could be a while, despite the fact it's finally apparently out of development hell and has a release date and everything: They've been trying to do this for 7 years.