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  1. Tanzier

    The return

    Zomg .. Dinah, Marut and Myrmydon are in my thread! Talk about kickin' it old skewl! I'm kinda flattered you guys even remember me...
  2. Tanzier

    The return

    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    Going Rogue is still a separate purchase atm, but will become free for VIP members that never bought it once Freedom launches. If you look at the online NCSoft store, you'll notice that it specifically states that Going Rogue will no longer be available after August 29, 2011.
    Ok good. Is that the anticipated release date?
  3. Tanzier

    The return

    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    Welcome back, Tanzier. Longtime no see.
    Indeed. I was in BOSS, for a brief time before I left if memory serves? Is it still around? I recall checking the website a while back and finding it pretty quiet ..
  4. Tanzier

    The return

    Thanks.. I'll check those out tonight. I used to be a master at character builds but IOs really make it much more complicated.

    Are you sure about Going Rogue? The description of the VIP benefits in this link seem to indicate it's included (if you're subscribed).

  5. Tanzier

    The return

    It's been some 4 years. I was looking for something to do while waiting for SWTOR, so .. here I am.

    I have many questions. I think when I left it was around ...I9? Statesman TF and Mothership was brand new.

    Lets start with:

    All my global channels seem to be gone. Where do the cool kids hang these days?
    WTF is an alpha slot, and how do I get one? (I have not bought Going Rogue, nor do I plan to since .. you know .. it's going to be free soon).
    Anyone around willing to help with character builds? If the hero-builder is any indication this is not the same game I left..

    Also to anyone old school that actually remembers me ... Hi!
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    O Street Fighting
    O Electric Hammer
    O Energy Blade
    O Psionic Weaponry
    O Dual Blades

    [/ QUOTE ]

    With the possible exception of Street Fighting, these all sound beyond cool. Street Fighting COULD be cool .. but I think it would wind up just being a rehashed Super Strength.

    [ QUOTE ]

    O Density Control
    O Force Field
    O Willpower
    O Vibration
    O Growth *
    O Shield Defense *

    [/ QUOTE ]

    These all sound incredibly .. lame. But .. they COULD be cool if done with some originality. The unfortunate part is that we very seldom see originality when it comes to new power sets. Usually just rehashed animations with different colors.
  7. In all of my questions I answer like the attacker or defender is always the hero. So in #1, if I have default to Hit and he has no defence, I expect to hit more than I miss. If he has default to hit and I have no defence value, I expect him to hit no better than 50%.

    1) I want to hit more than I miss, but I would expect them to be about 50/50. After all I'm a hero and he's a common street thug ..

    2) I expect to hit pretty much all the time. As the defender I would expect to be hit most of the time. (80%ish)

    3) With NO accuracy sloted? I would expect to be able to hit maybe 1 in 10. As the defender I would expect to be missed about the same or a bit less .. maybe 1 in 8.

    4) I would say the same answer as 1.

    Sound like I want easy mode? Maybe. My outlook is pretty much explained in #1. I'm a hero with massive super powers and/or extensive training .. he's a common street thug with a baseball bat. I should have a higher natural ability to hit him. The fun of this game has always been that 1 players can take on multiple enemies. And by multiple I don't mean 3 white minions.
  8. Tanzier

    "Moral Combat"

    The claim that TV and video games causes violence in children and teenagers is complete BS. Parents look for anything but themselves to blame for their child's poor behavior.

    A kid (or any person for that matter) that commits a crime because of video game violence has issues that have nothing to do with the video game. If it wasn't the game, it would have been something else.
  9. I can't really pick off that list, although if I had to, I'd have to say costumes.

    What I really love COH/COV for is the multitude of ATs and power sets. Playing new and unique characters is what keeps me here by a mile.
  10. Last night I landed on a team with Showe .. or rather Showe landed on my team .. Recently I've also teamed with Titano and Ruby for the first time.

    Good times were had by all!
  11. Wow .. I never came back to look at the comments posted on the guide. Reading it now I do see it's a bit down on the combo.

    I have played this character quite a bit since hitting 50 and have yet to respec, despite badly needing to. I stand by most of my comments really. It's a fun character to play, and a GREAT solo toon, and very good in PVP, but it's difficult to play, and very different from a more traditional controller. It's not for everyone - especially in teams. I just wanted to give people an honest opinion of what to expect. I have a couple characters in the 30s which I stopped playing after figuring out a few lousy things that I *wish* the guides I had read on them had been more forthcoming about. That's a lot of wasted time.

    The only thing I would really change is my comments on Snow Storm. I have played with a bunch of builds on the test server, and snow storm is an extremely valuable power for an ill/storm. I would consider it a must-have.

    The only thing I would especially NOT change is my description of Tornado. I know a lot of people love this power, and I have tried SO hard to agree with them .. but I just can't. I hate it ... probably more than any other power in the game. The only use for it at all that I have found is against AVs, because it does pretty good damage and doesn't knock them around. I can't bring myself to keep a power used that infrequently.

    Spec wounds - I still find it very lackluster 40+. It's ok, but I like Power Blast a lot better. Like I said it's good for finishing off mobs that your pets have already damaged quite a bit. It's a 'keep it if you have room for it' thing for me. I don't mind having it, but if I didn't, I wouldn't really miss it.
  12. If it's $30 .. I'll probably get it. You basically pay $5 for a map and an updated DVD, and all the misc crap. Or maybe it's time for that second account ... so I get 1 online code AND 1 box .. :P
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Not my own, but...

    You'll like it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Every time I watch that video I want to jump out of my chair and scream [censored] YEAH!

  14. In a bit of an effort to create some more up-to-date (I6/ED Compliant) guides, I present:
    Tanzier's Guide to an I6 Illusion/Storm Controller
  15. I made this guide a while ago and posted it on my SG forums, however recently some of us on Champion decided to get together and try and put out some more current information (ie post I6/ED).

    So, after 300 hours and 50 levels as an Illusion Control/Storm Summoning controller, I thought I'd post my thoughts.

    First, My Build:
    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://home.comcast.net/~SherkSilver/index.html)
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Controller
    Primary: Illusion Control
    Secondary: Storm Summoning
    01) --> Spectral Wounds==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(5) EndRdx(5) Rechg(7)
    01) --> Gale==> Acc(1)
    02) --> Blind==> Acc(2) Hold(7) Hold(9) Hold(9) Rechg(11) Rechg(11)
    04) --> Deceive==> Acc(4) ConfDur(13) Rechg(13) Rechg(50)
    06) --> Flash==> Acc(6) Acc(15) Hold(15) Hold(17) Rechg(17) Rechg(19)
    08) --> Hover==> DefBuf(8)
    10) --> Swift==> Run(10)
    12) --> Group Invisibility==> Rechg(12) Rechg(19) Rechg(21)
    14) --> Fly==> Fly(14)
    16) --> Health==> Heal(16)
    18) --> Phantom Army==> Acc(18) Dmg(21) Dmg(23) Dmg(23) Rechg(25) Rechg(25)
    20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(27) EndMod(27)
    22) --> Hasten==> Rechg(22) Rechg(29) Rechg(29)
    24) --> Freezing Rain==> Rechg(24) Rechg(31) Rechg(31) DefDeBuf(31) DefDeBuf(33) DefDeBuf(33)
    26) --> Spectral Terror==> Acc(26) Fear(33) Fear(34) Fear(34)
    28) --> Steamy Mist==> EndRdx(28) EndRdx(34) DmgRes(36) DmgRes(36) DmgRes(36)
    30) --> Thunder Clap==> Acc(30) Acc(37) DisDur(37) DisDur(37) Rechg(39) Rechg(39)
    32) --> Phantasm==> Acc(32) Acc(39) Dmg(40) Dmg(40) Dmg(40)
    35) --> Hurricane==> EndRdx(35) TH_DeBuf(42) TH_DeBuf(42) TH_DeBuf(42)
    38) --> Lightning Storm==> Rechg(38) Rechg(43) Rechg(43) Dmg(43) Dmg(45) Dmg(45)
    41) --> Power Blast==> Acc(41) Dmg(45) Dmg(46) Dmg(46) EndRdx(46) Rechg(48)
    44) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(44) Rechg(48) Rechg(48)
    47) --> Power Boost==> Rechg(47) Rechg(50) Rechg(50)
    49) --> Super Speed==> Run(49)
    01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Containment==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)

    Illusion Control

    What I took: Everything except Superior Invisibility. To me, it is simply a choice between Group and Superior. I don’t like toggles and I’m a team oriented player so I went with the group buff.

    Spectral Wounds:
    Rating - 3/5
    Available at: 1
    Type: Single target, ranged Psychic attack. A percentage of the base damage will heal back after a few seconds.
    I think this is a really good power until the 30s, a 'meh' power from 30-40 and very ineffective from 40-50. If you are looking for a good, solid attack, you are far better off getting something from an epic pool. I kept this power all the way through, but will drop it in a respec. The damage is very, very weak in the late game. Mostly good for finishing off mobs your pets decided to ignore.
    Slotting - 1acc/3dam/1end/1rech

    Rating - 5/5
    Available at: 1
    Type - Single target hold, minor psy damage, VERY small AOE sleep.
    Absolutely essential. The 'sleep' component may as well not even be there so don't depend on it.
    Slotting - 1acc/3hold/2rech or 1acc/2hold/3rech. The second way will get bosses held quicker and is what I usually run. An Acc/Mez HO would be ideal here.

    Rating - 5/5
    Available at: 2
    Type - Single Target Confuse
    I love this power. It's extremely handy - especially when soloing. The best feature is that you can 'hold' a boss without aggroing anything, and he'll even fight for you to boot. It is not a 'use every fight' power, but it has high utility. Take out a nasty boss before the fight starts, deceive shield generators and DE eminators to have them effect you instead, deceive pets to attack their owners. It also makes a great emergency hold and can turn the tide of battle when you're overwhelmed. This is a must have power. The supposed XP loss is not even noticeable. The mob will sap 25% of a percentage of the mobs xp based on how much damage it did. So, a deceived mob could do 1000 damage to a mob, and you could do 1, and you'd still get 75% of the XP. If you each do half, the confused mob will get 25% of half, and you will get the rest of the XP. All in all, it speeds up fighting - especially solo, so the net is probably a gain in XP flow.

    Slotting - 1acc/1confuse/2rech. The duration is pretty good to begin with. 2 recharge will let you get bosses quickly.

    Rating - 3/5
    Available at: 6
    Type - PBAOE Hold
    Flash took a nasty hit in I5. ED didn't really affect it. The recharge is very long, and the duration is moderate. While I only gave it 3/5, I still consider it an essential power. Hasten helps dramatically with the recharge. It could be regailed to 'panic button', but I still use it basically whenever it's up. Having Thunderclap from Storm really helped me offset the nastiness of the long recharge of Flash. It has an accuracy penalty so it needs a double shot of acc.
    Slotting - 2acc/2hold/2rech or 2acc/3hold/1rech. I generally prefer the second. Hasten helps quite a bit, and I'd rather have it last a bit longer than have it up more. Again, an Acc/Mez HO would help quite a lot here.

    Superior Invisibility:
    Rating - 4/5
    Available at: 8
    Type - Toggle, Self Invis
    I have honestly not ever tried this power. There are 2 invisibilities in the set. I'm a team player, so I took Group Invis You could take both, but I didn't see the point.
    Slotting - No idea. The end cost is high, so probably 2end. It's base defence is 6.25%, which isn't bad. Might be worth slotting for defence if you had some other defence powers to stack with it. The defence supresses when you attack though, so it probably isn't worth it.

    Group Invisibility:
    Rating - 4/5
    Available at: 12
    Type - Click, Self + PBAOE Team Invis
    Lasts 2 minutes, recharges in 3. Most people love invis, except tanks. Can be permanent with 3rech. Defence is negligeable and supresses when you attack.
    Slotting - 3 recharge

    Phantom Army
    Rating - 5/5
    Available at: 18
    Type - Summon Pet - Tank
    Summons 3 humanoid Phantoms to fight with you. They are totally invincible, and have a taunt aura. Portable tanks with ranged and melee Ice, Fire, Electric and Super Strength attacks.. They last 60 seconds, and do very decent damage, even though some of it heals back. They are as much for control/tanking as for damage. Must have power, and should always be taken asap. Fills a bit of a control gap for Illusion. Have PA out on top of Phantasm will help your damage significantly.
    Slotting - 1acc/2dam/3rech or 1acc/3dam/2rech. I go back and forth depending on team makeup (ie if there's no tank, more recharge). Hasten helps alot with recharge as well.

    Spectral Terror
    Rating - 5/5
    Available at: 26
    Type - Summon Pet - Fear.
    Summons an invincible ghastly looking ghost that casts a cone or AOE fear. Seems to also have a small fear aura. Great control power, very effective and quick recharging. It lasts about 45 seconds and is easily up every fight and will recharge before it wears off. It's as good an AOE control as any, but as a warning you MAY wind up taking an alpha strike from it. Good news is after the alpha, they'll all be cowering. Important to note that feared mobs do NOT give you the double-damage containment bonus.
    Slotting - 1acc, 3 fear. Sometimes I feel like this could use a second Acc. I don't know the accuracy is on it, but it seems to miss alot once you're up against +2s/3s.

    Rating - 5/5
    Available at: 32
    Type - Summon Pet - Assault!
    Summons a humanoid blaster to fight with you. The pet is permanent until you zone or it is killed. Looks like a fairly large 'Normal' male toon with invisibility cast on it. It flies, and uses Power Bolt (single) and Energy Torrent (AOE) from Energy Blast. It does decent damage and is fairly resilient. His attacks cause alot of knockback which can be kind annoying for both you and your teammates. My only complaint is that his attacks cycle kind of slow, which makes soloing a bit painful when Phantom Army is down.
    Slotting - 2acc/3Dam. I ran 1acc/3dam for a long time but once up against +2s/3s in 40s on a regular basis, I felt an extra Acc helped.

    What I think: This is a fun set to play but it’s different from the other controllers. It’s really soft control. You can’t lock down mobs like you can with, say, a fire controller. You can keep them busy with PA or fear them, but it’s not as solid. The tradeoff is more damage and some pretty cool visuals. While the set is fun with all the cool pets and knockback, if you want pure control, look elsewhere. Damage is not remotely what it once was. Soloing is possible but definitely not speedy – probably about the same speed as a tanker. If you want to solo, you will definitely need spec wounds and an epic or other pool attack. Personally, I’m after more control, and I would not play this set again.

    Storm Summoning

    Rating - 3/5
    Available at: 1
    Type - Click, AOE Foe knockback
    Gale is probably not something I'd take if I had a choice, but it does come in handy - especially at lower levels. If things get a bit hairy and nothing else is up, it can give your team a couple seconds to take a quick breath and recharge. There is also NO end to the fun of Galeing lower level mobs off of tall buildings as you're flying by .. =)

    O2 Boost
    Rating - 2/5
    Available at: 2
    Type - Heal Ally, Resist Sleep, Stun
    I find this power very underwhelming. It's a weak heal that protects against Sleep and Stun. If it protected against holds or immob too, it might be worth it. If you want a heal, get it. I never took it, never had room for it, and never missed it.
    Slotting - Unsure, but probably 1endred/3heal

    Snow Storm:
    Rating 4/5
    Available at: 4
    Type - Anchored Toggle - Mob -Speed -Recharge
    This power is tricky. It's VERY handy at lower levels, not quite as much later on. I kept it until the late 20s or so and then respecced out of it. I'll be getting it back next time I respec. It would make a great combo with freezing rain to keep the mobs in the rain patch, plus the -recharge is a good damage mitigator.
    Slotting - 1endred/2-3slow

    Steamy Mist:
    Rating - 4/5
    Available at: 10
    Type - Toggle, team stealth, Resist Fire, Cold, Energy (20%), Defense Melee, Ranged (2.8%).
    Good power but one that should be delayed until some time in your 20s. The end cost is a bit high, and it's not very valuable until then. The resistance is definately noticeable. Slotted up you'll have more elemental and energy resistance than an Inv tank. Tanks will love you for this power. The defence is miniscule and not worth slotting for.
    Slotting: 1-2 endred/3resist

    Freezing Rain:
    Rating - 3/5
    Available at: 16
    Type - Targetted AOE, Foe -recharge, -speed, -Defense, -Damage Resist, Chance of Knockdown.
    I have a love/hate relationship with this power. It's an essential power and a VERY solid debuff. Slotted up you'll be able to hit +4s and +5s reliably. I give it a lower rating because it scatters mobs like crazy, and that really pisses people off. Snow Storm would help a bit here. It's not bad against +0s and +1s because it knocks them down pretty reliably. +2s is iffy, and +3s and up will not fall down and will scatter. Ironically, this makes the power the biggest pain in the butt when it's the most useful. This makes the tank's job a nightmare, have scrappers running all over ther place, and blasters wasting their AOEs. With 3 recharges it is up for every fight, and several times during long ones.
    Slotting: 3rech/3DefDebuff, maybe 2rech/1slow/3DefDebuff

    Rating - 3/5
    Available at: 20
    Type - Toggle, Foe Knockback, Repel, -acc and -range
    This is also a very solid debuff, but it's a bit tricky to learn to use effecitvely, and I admittedly have not figured out the trick. With out the repel, it would be much better and easier. However, the -acc is pretty effective. I can herd a small room if I'm careful with line-of-sight etc. I'd say this is probably essential, but a bit situational. Very cool graphics too.

    Rating - 3/5
    Available at: 28
    Type: PBAOE disorient (mag 1)
    This is a mag 1 disorient, which means it will only disorient minions. The ODD time it will catch a lieutenant, but not often. It does stack with other disorients, if someone else on the team has one. It has an accuracy penalty so it needs a double acc. Disoriented mobs will give you the double-damage containment bonus. I also have to say that between the graphic and the crashing sound, this is one of the most satisfying powers I've ever used. Even after hitting and and still being left with a bunch of lieutenants and bosses after me, I still feel like I've really given the mobs a good walloping... =)
    Slotting: 2acc/2-3disorient/1-2recharge

    Rating 0/5
    Available at: 35
    Type: Summon Chaos ....
    Summons a tornado at the targetted location. Does moderate damage and throws mobs everywhere. It has a mind of it's own and will chase mobs down, toss them, then chase them down again. This power is terrible. I had it for a while and dropped it like a dirty shirt. If you solo a LOT, I could maybe see a use for it. It does do decent damage, but the knock back is just too much. All it ever did was piss me and my team off and I eventually just stopped using it. I would never get this power again.
    Slotting: Recharge and duration are the same (so it's perma), so I guess 3 damage. God help you if you slot it for knockback.

    Lightning Storm
    Rating - 5/5
    Available at: 38
    Type: Summon Lightning Storm, zaps mobs causing damage and knockback.
    Summons a little lightning storm above your head and fires lightning bolts off randomly at mobs. This is an awesome power. It gives your damage output a good boost, plus keeps mobs on their butts. The bolt has a small AOE and it's common to get 2 or 3 mobs in one shot. The knock back isn't too extreme, so that's nice. I love this power. It is also one of the coolest visual effects in the game IMO. It's end cost is pretty high though. With some recharges and hasten you can usually keep one out all the time, or at least ready for every fight.
    Slotting: 3dam/2rech/1endred

    What I think: I give Storm Summoning a solid ‘meh’, when paired with Illusion.. It’s very hard to play effectively and it’s not very team friendly in the extreme. Rain, although a fantastic debuff, scatters anything +2 or higher like crazy, because it can’t knock them down (snow storm would help immensely with this). Thunder Clap is good (filling a bit of a control hole in Illusion), but makes them wander everywhere without at an AOE immob to go with it. Hurricane is a good debuff, but pushes mobs all over the place, making it hard to use well. Lightning Storm sends mobs flying all over the place – usually right out of the freezing rain patch. By the time I got to my 40s I started feeling really sorry for my teams, and had been asked more than a few times to not use some of my powers. So all that said, it is still fun. It has arguably some of the coolest looking powers in the game, and lots of utility. I still get immense satisfaction everytime that loud crack from thunderclap goes off. It debuffs mobs, adds some control and good damage to any control set. With some immobilization abilities, this set would be awesome. I would play this set again with Grav, Fire or Ice only.


    Fitness - Swift, Health/Hurdle, Stamina
    Stamina is very much a requirement for this build. Illusion isn't bad, but the Storm powers are nasty. Health is nice because you don't have a self-heal, so if you get pounded and run out of repites, your downtime is a bit less. I'd even think about slotting it. With 3 slotted Stamina, you will not have many end problems. Since we no longer have to summon a pet for 25 end every 2 minutes .. end use has gotten considerably better for controllers.

    Even though it's not perma anymore, Hasten drastically helps this build. Flash, Group Invis, Phantom Army, Spec Terror, Freezing Rain and Lightning Storm all benefit significantly from Hasten almost all of the time. I also personally think Fly+Super Speed is an awesome travel power combo. Hasten - 3 recharges. SS is fine with it's default.

    Flight: (Insert travel power of choice here)
    As noted above, I love Fly+SS. With that combo you don't need to slot Fly, since it's only really used for vertical.

    I never bothered with any other pools. Could grab recall friend if you want some more team friendly powers, tp Foe if you're into PVP. Stealth is a waste with Invis/Steamy Mist. Presence doesn't help you out any. Medicine might be nice, but not necessary. With all the knockback and repel powers, mobs (or other players) don't get near you very often. Most of the time if I got into trouble, no amount of healing or shields would have saved me. Leadership would be a good fit, but I did that on my other controller and didn't want to go that route. They would cause some more end problems.

    Epic Pools:
    I went with Primal Forces. It fit thematically with this toon and it has such great utility. I took Power Blast, Conserve Power and Power Boost. You could take TI instead of Power Blast if you don’t care about damage. I strongly recommend having ONE attack though, and this is WAY better than Spectral Wounds. Conserve Power is not essential but it does help in long fights. Power Boost just rules for controllers. I avoided Temporary Invuln, mostly because I dont like toggles, and as I've said before, most of the time if I got into enough trouble to die, a 20% base shield was not going to help me ..

    Power Blast - 1acc/3dam/1endred/1rech
    Conserve Power - 3rech
    Power Boost - 3rech
    Temporary Invulnerability - 1endred/3resist

    If you're into PVP, Psionics is probably the way to go for the shield and mez protection.

    Illusion/Storm as a combo.

    Strategies in teams: Alternate Flash, Thunderclap and Spec Terror for control, throwing PA when it’s available. I usually toss Spec Terror every fight it’s available. The fear is good for when Flash or TC wears off and it recharges pretty quick on it’s own. Drop rain as available, hopefully not pissing the tank off too much. Damage is vastly increased with PA out. The times when you can get a Flash+Rain without scattering mobs will be very effective on a team – especially when you’re up against higher level mobs than some of your teammates are having trouble hitting. If you can get on a team with a controller that has an AOE immob, it will be sickly effective. Mobs will never attack and will just start dying when the team runs around the corner.

    Solo Strategy: Soloing is mind-numbingly boring. It's not quick, but it's just way to easy with this build. You never get spawns of more than 3-4. Once you're up into your 30s, you don't even pay attention to minions. I'll just hit Freezing Rain, blind the Lt or Boss, then start blinding the minions just to get the containment damage bonus. It's easy to keep 3-4 mobs held at once. If you want to be really lazy, just hit thunderclap or flash and let your pets go to work. Having PA out will significantly boost your damage. If you really wanted to you could easily just walk from group to group in a mission, hit spec terror and let your pets whittle away. The holds are really only for Containment.

    Overall, what do I think? I would never play this combo again, nor would I ever recommend it to someone. These sets just do not go together very well. Illusion’s lack of an AOE immobilize is a real weak point in the set, and only emphasizes the knockback and scattering effect of Phantasm and the Storm powers, creating a wake of chaos wherever you go. This is fun for a while, but it gets old quick. Illusion would be best paired with Radiation, Kinetics or Empathy. Storm would be best with Ice, Fire, Stone or Gravity, because they have group immob powers. Without that, it’s just too difficult to use the abilities of Storm to it’s full potential. Playing Silver was great fun, but the last few levels were out of sheer determination, not enjoyment. I don’t see her ever getting much play time. If I needed a 50 for anything I would be FAR more likely to pull out my Fire/Empathy controller, whom I still enjoy playing immensely.
  16. Landed on a team last night with Dinah, Hexer and Target along with a couple other Pillars. Damn caltrops.

    Also participated in a little bit of villainy with Detective2416 a few days ago.

    Either the first, or maybe second time for each .. great fun was had by all!
  17. Tanzier

    Your Opinion

    [ QUOTE ]
    People tend to ask me "Have you beaten it yet?" and get very confused when I give them the answer of "you don't beat it, you just keep playing."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is one I get a lot too. I was trying to explain it to a lady friend on the phone a few days ago who doesn't know anything about computers or video games.

    Her: Ok .. so it's a chat room?
    Me: Well no it's a game, but thousands of people play it at once. I guess it's kind of like 90% game 10% chat room (for me anyways).
    Her: And so you play and talk to people. But you keep playing it .. and pay for it every month. Do you ever .. win?
    Me: Well no you just sort of keep playing .. it never ends.
    Her: So .. then whats the point of playing?
    Me: ... because it's ... fun .. the game is a blast and you get to chat with some interesting people.
    Her: Alrighty then.

    I find it's easier to just show people who don't understand. As far as justifying it, I don't feel I need to justify it to anyone but if someone asks why I play and pay every month, well I just tell them it's one of my hobbies. I have alot of fun, and it's by far the cheapest hobby I've got. Even some of my gamer friends don't get it.. yet they spend as much time as I do playing all sorts of other games (some of which they buy, some of which they .. don't). In the end though, they're spending alot more over a year on games than I am.
  18. This is too awesome .. Ice tank here I come.
  19. Of consequence:

    Global @Mistress Burn

    Mistress Burn, 50 Fire Control/Empathy Controller
    Shadow Silver, 38 Illusion Control/Storm Summoning Controller
    Apoc O'Lyptic, 35 Katana/Regeneration Scrapper
    Ethereal Shadow, 35 Fiery Aura/Fiery Melee Tanker
    Miss Moonbeam, 26 Dark Miasma/Dark Blast Defender

    Soul Reaver, 26 Dark Melee/Fiery Aura Brute

    The rest of my slots are filled with either nameholders or toons I don't really like.

    My brute has been my main focus for the last few weeks, but COV is kind of starting to lose its lustre. Mostly you'll find me as him, Silver or Apoc.
  20. You know it's odd. I did have a girlfriend for a while that I played COH and WOW for a while. Honestly .. I didn't like it. I always thought it would be cool to have a SO that would game with me, but when it actually happened, I didn't like it at all. It was like .. the games are my personal thing .. my personal space .. and having her in there kind of took that away.

    Bizzare thinking maybe but .. I'm *glad* I dont have a girl that games with me anymore.
  21. Nice work! a 2003 1000DS it is. Only year they made it in the Senna. Pretty much my dream bike. Bought it new 2 years ago. I love the bike, but I'm not so much into riding anymore and am actually putting it up for sale and going bikeless for a while. There's some story behind that but I'm not going to get into it here.
  22. Beer .. lots and lots of beer that night ..
  23. Another canuck to add to the list here .. heh.

    I'm 29, live in Calgary, AB, Canada (born & raised). I'm an IT specialist at a software company.

    What else can I say? Not married. Hobbies .. Non Geek - My Bike, camping, beer (see pic 2). Geek - computing, COH, collecting comics. Also like to play alot of board games .. mostly strategy type stuff.

    I can't believe I'm including this but ..
    Pic 1
    Pic 2
  24. Omega Flight was listed previously but I'd like to keep us in the recent posts ..

    We're an active, mature, team oriented SG. We're always looking for decent members, so if you're interested, drop by our website or contact us in game! (globals @Mistress Burn or @China White)
  25. Omega Flight is actively recruiting again! We're an old SG, around since release. Our numbers have dwindled recently but our active players are starting to return for issue 3 and we're looking for new members. We're mature and team oriented, great fun to play with! Check out our website for alist of leaders or officers.
