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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    There is a Victor in the building... and my dogs name is Frank Black but no cigars for females yet!

    Please channel harder or use the internets to help you figure it out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Internets? Huh?

    Round 3. And then I give up.

    Champion Cory
    Freedom Fester ( *snap* *snap* )
    Guardian Gabriel
    Infinity Igor (yes, master )
    Justice James
    Liberty Luke ( Cool Hand )
    Protector Perry
    Triumph Travis
    Victory Val

    Running out of Is and Vs. If I'm not right I'm going to need a better hint.
  2. Hey the book lady replied to me.

    Round 2.

    Champion Calvin
    Freedom Frank
    Guardian Greg
    Infinity Isaiah
    Justice Jeremy
    Liberty Lionel
    Protector Paul
    Triumph Theodore (like the chipmunk )
    Victory Victor
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    *Hint* There is a server that shares the first letter of _Castle's_ real name.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which, for those interested, leaves the letters: C, F, G, I, J, L, P, T, V.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Champion Charlie
    Freedom Fred
    Guardian George
    Infinity Ian
    Justice Joe
    Liberty Louie
    Protector Pete
    Triumph Tom
    Victory Vincent

    Am I right?

    Yes I included Fred and George in case Castle is secretly a red-headed Weasley step child.
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    Don't drink. You will make bad decisions.

    If you are stumped how to play a hand, ask the dealer how the house would play it. The house will ALWAYS play a hand the mathematically best way to play it, since they want to keep their edge. The dealers will always tell you how the house would play that hand, as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    See... the tip after don't drink actually shows you how you are able to drink and play well. Get as smashed as you want. The dealer will still set your hand for you.

    Pai Gow is one of the few table games I will play. You can sit there for hours some nights. And you might not win much but you won't lose much either. Try sitting down at Caribbean Stud some night where you have to double your bet to stay in and catch a few hands of dealer good luck or personal bad luck and watch a hundred bucks vanish.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Don't give me that invasion tripe, I know what's going on. The staff is busy doing MEAN things to poor Mr. Bubbles and making little girls cry!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah. Those Scoopers are out there harvesting Little Sisters.
  6. Pretty good article.

    I really love Platinum Thunder's screenshot at the very end.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    We are in talks with another, extremely prominent, CoH site, but since it's just talks i'll leave it at that for now

    [/ QUOTE ]

  8. Thanks Lighthouse. Looking forward to trying that Network Info Tool tonight. I get great connection from my apartment, but from my fiance's apartment, it's laggy as can be. Going to try to track that down.
  9. Nice work. Loved the quote about Fusionette and Faultline.
  10. To me, 15 or below sounds fair. I know lots of people who push to level 14 to get a travel power and then they might take a break from that toon for a bit.

    If the devs say 5 and below will help, I guess that's ok. But if they decide to raise it to 15ish I don't think they're really going to be taking things too far at all. I probably wouldn't go much higher than 22-25. Once people start buying SOs they might be a little serious about the toon, and I'd hate to see them lose that work on a name they liked if they come back.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I did not see a thread title about this so I'll add it here. If you, the team leader, are in the TWZ and try to invite someone to your team who is not in the RWZ, you will get a "<Name> has quit the team" message when they try to join. You are able to invite them once they are in the zone.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Does that happen with an all-hero or all-villain team or only on a mixed team?

    We had some issues inviting others to our team last night, but I assumed it was just because we picked up a stalker as one of our starting trio.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    A month has passed... there is no soon!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Soon" is a quantum state, much like Schrodinger's Cat. All updates both exist on the web site and do not exist until I say they are live.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well that made me go Huh?! So if anyone else is confused, here's the explanation.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    (...) there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    My coworkers are wondering why I've become hysterical with laughter...

    Not that everyone else at Cryptic isn't cool, but Jay is my new hero.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I expect this to pop up in a few sigs very soon...
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Advertising 101.
    If you really want people to hear about your product. Shell out the dough for a Television Commercial.
    Aim small, miss small.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, thats a bit contrary to what one would learn in Advertising 101, but I can see what you meant. The reality is, however, that telivision advertising is a VERY harsh, expensive, and rather elitist sector. What channel do you use? What timeslot? How do you know if you're reaching your target demographic?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heroes? A show about heroes advertising a game about heroes? Or yeah, pick a superhero movie. FX was reshowing the heck out of Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 all around the release of part 3. Same with X-Men and X-Men 2 last year. Target audience for a superhero game might be people who watch superhero movies.
  15. Well, the 4 choices at the top are all great features of i9. And the only reason the issue gets a 4-star rating instead of 5-star is that there wasn't any other new missions or TF/SFs besides Statesman. I'm all for evening things out, giving heroes a way to get SHOEs from a TF. But the villains still need things even on having some SFs for every 5-level range.

    I know inventions theoretically adds content to EVERY mission in the game. But some fresh missions are still important to the players.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    As mention before I have to go with Bo Staff or a polearm type. Lots of spinning and flair.

    Please see link for ideas.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh hell yes! That staff spin about 30 seconds in where he twirls on both sides... that's what I'm envisioning for a tier 9 AOE. Please devs!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I always thought a Staff would be a cool melee set. Could be used for stun attacks and have a cool AoE attack too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Again this makes so much sense. Donatello, Gambit, and many others...

    With swords and hammers already, a staff just seems like the next weapon to implement. A nice staff spin aoe/cone attack could look so freakin cool. And a staff sweep for knockDOWN effect. Come on man, start the write-in votes for staffs!
  18. Man I really need some better descriptions before I vote.

    Is street fighting just a mix of kicks/punches/martial arts? Or is it brass knuckles, bats, chains, switchblades and broken bottles? Cuz the former is just a variation on MA/DM and the latter would rule.

    Will energy blade and electric hammer be different enough from Katana/Broadsword and Stone Mallet to be worth it? If electric hammer is Thor's hammer, calling down lightning strikes, that might be pretty cool.

    So right now I'm leaning towards Psy and Dual Blades. Since I want this stuff done for I11. But more specifics on street fighting might change my mind.

    Density control? I'm so dense that bullets can't penetrate me? Or does it go both ways? Some kind of (actually useful) phase shift power, as well as a density resist/defense.

    Force Field is understood. But will it be resist or defense?

    Not sure about willpower or vibration. Maybe if they could throw us a possible armor or two, just some idea of what the starting powers might be like?

    I definitely want shields. But I'm hesitant to choose it if it doesn't make it into I11. Heck at this point I11 might not make 2007, and that's a long time to not have a new powerset.

    Waiting a couple days to vote in hopes of some clarification...
  19. 300 eh? Seems like decent enough odds...
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Hayden gets "Punk'd":

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Haha. Didn't know that show was still on. One of the few remaining good things about MTV. Of course it's just a rip of Dick Clark's Bloopers & Practical Jokes, but it's still funny.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Gotta say, I look forward to I9, and I10 , but the comment about probably no new ATs makes me sad.

    I really truly want my villain side Khelds.
    and server transfers.
    and new power sets for tankers (and I guess scrappers).
    and for doms...
    and any/more missions for the SG/VG mission computers.
    and more/revamped enemy groups.
    and more mission map tilesets. That university map would be a nice start.
    and more outdoor instanced maps.
    and more options for costume piece texture/reflectivity.
    Oh the list goes on and on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes please.
    Yes. (and CoP working)
    Yes. (and revamping some old arcs with newer tilesets)

    And yeah, it's gotta be 35+ content. Whether that's 35-45 or 35-50 I guess we will see. I just hope they make it for both sides. CoV is really hurting from 37-40 once your contacts are all dry and there aren't as many options for TF/Trial as hero-side.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Heh...not Buffy...Fire Fly...I am such a geek...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually he also ran with the shiny bit in Angel, season 4. Episode 18 was called "Shiny Happy People." Of course that was 4 months after Firefly's TV run ended, and was one of the eps where Gina Torres guest-starrred on Angel. So yeah it started in Firefly, but had a bit of crossover with the Buffyverse.
  23. <QR>

    Looking forward to testing.

    But like others, I think 75 should be the zone limit to match the sg limit.

    Hopefully they're intending it to be doable with 30-35 really good and focused players. Because with the 50 limit and no instancing there still will be people that show up and just want their free stuff.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Or maybe just issue stealthed characters a leash - and let NPCs follow them whether stealthed or not.

    Perosnally I've always gottena little tired of having to turn my hide off in order to drag kidnap victims around, when I personally always envisioned myself as being skillful enough to lurk in the shadows and occasionally whisper "Psst - go to the end of the hall and get in the elevators or you die." Without breaking stealth.

    I guess I'm just less super than I thought.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah it's not like letting NPCs follow you in stealth would break any immersion anyways. Especially since any and all ambushes can find you stealthed or not. Or the ambushes that skip your pets and go straight for you as a MM. Hell if the enemies are smart enough let's let the NPCs be smart enough too.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    All i have to say is the 1 and only thing that EQ has over COH/V is they added the shared bank slot - this game really needs the same thing

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yep. It was all well and good when they called it influence and you use "lose" influence to change your costume because it is harder to recognize you and so on. But they're pissing away any semblance of story by putting in the auction house now. Inf is currency so give us a freakin' bank.