
Caption Champ - 12/21/11
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  1. I thought the only difference between Knockback and Knockdown was the magnitude of the power being cast.

    IE Knockdown was KB Mag .67 or less, while Knockback was 1.0 or higher.

    (I could be 1000% wrong on this but this is what I'm remembering)

    If what I'm remember is true, how would slotting Knockback IOs into a power in addition to the KB->KD proc work? I thought they Knockback IOs increase the Magnitude of the KB (thus increasing the range of the target being flung).

    So if that's the case, then slotting the KB IOs would be pointless if you're slotting the KB->KD IO.

    If anyone could clarify, I'd greatly appreciate it as I'm genuinely curious.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post

    Put it on a 20 hour timer though...

    Otherwise you will simply have people farming AE for threads etc.

    Say a max of 4 threads per day
    I think 4 shards or 20 threads per day would be more fair.

    That's 1 uncommon component.

    Maybe 5,000 tickets for 2 shards or 10 threads and you can claim each reward twice per day.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    Zwillinger was playing around with streaming Google+ hangouts this morning and found that he can add accessories using his camera. Caption this photo!

    "Greetings players! I mustache you a question!"
  4. SolarSentai

    Freebie Friday

    For me, anything free is a good thing.

    Was it the most amazingly super awesome thing they could have given? No, of course it wasn't. You don't start a pilot program with your best item.

    Think of it more as a test of concept than what we're actually getting.

    I generally spend my points on unlockables rather than consumables so I see this as a win for me if consumables is what they will mostly be handing out.

    The only consumables that I've bought were the Super Packs and that's because there were costume pieces tied into it. Personally, I can't see myself spending points on team inspirations, XP boosters, and the lot. I'd rather save the points up for Power Sets, costume bundles, etc.

    Look at it this way. It's Week 1 and they set the bar pretty low on what they're offering. That means any subsequent offerings will be equal or better. You don't start with your best product and work your way down. Had they had started with a Costume Pack bundle, Magic for argument's sake, and then next week offered the XP Booster, the outcry on the forums would be infinitely worse than they are now.

    With that, thank you Paragon Studios for free stuff. Free is appreciated.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaia View Post

    generally spawning him is easy enough but spotting where he has spawned is the problem. The main problem with finding him is that he spawns in the air and frequently outside of perception range so hunting him out in 3d space is far from easy.
    This. And he tends to wander from where he's supposed to spawn.

    Someone needs to put some Scooby Snacks (or Nachos) below his spawn point so he stays down!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    There was an intriguing article in Massively Wednesday. It contains a lot of conjuncture about the Going Rogue expansion and the motivation for Freedom and I'm curious what other players think about it.

    Also I wonder if it's accidental or intentional that the article isn't tagged as a CoH article even though it's their weekly CoH column. Tin foil hats anyone?
    I don't think the article really touches on anything that we haven't already speculated on ourselves here on the forums.

    But for what it's worth, I think that Going Rogue needed to happen to get us where we are today. It's one of those things where you have to have something bad (or just not good) happen in order to build upon it and make it better. A foundation is a foundation whether it's good or bad.

    Going Rogue did have some good things going for it - the seamless zone transitions, the world zone mission specific glowies (new tech), Ultra Mode, and the alignment system, to name a few.

    As far as the Paragon Market goes, I have a love-hate relationship for it. I'm happy that it brings in an influx of cash for the game but I still feel that it needs some work. Being able to purchase enhancements in the store still doesn't sit well with me. I understand the "why" of it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it

    Either way, I hope CoH stays strong for another 8 years and then some. It's ~$15/mo well spent in my eyes. On demand entertainment for $0.50/day? You can't beat that.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    There is no "system" really. We pick an item to offer up as a Freebie Friday item and we set its cost to zero for the day. If you already own it, then we encourage you to come back next week when we'll have a new item available to you.
    "Wheel of Freebie Friday turn turn turn tell us the item that we should lear-- err-- give."
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
    I look forward to the first MMO made for those. Maybe a Pokemon style game?
    LOL! I don't know whether to be excited about that or pity anyone who plays it.

    Imagine walking down the street and on your HUD you get a little prompt saying "Wild Pokemon appears" and a little avatar pops on the screen. Then you engage in a battle, but you get really into it and turn your cap backward and throw your imaginary Pokeball all the while people are staring at you wondering what in the hell you were smoking and where they can get some. Too priceless!

    Originally Posted by synthozoic View Post
    Personally I'd rather robots drive our cars than we do. One day they will be more reliable than us. Because they optimized for the process, they won't get bored, sleepy, angry, drunk or just careless. Our roads will be much safer. People won't have to just accept 30 to 40 thousand deaths on the road every year anymore.

    Can't get here soon enough I say.
    Until Skynet becomes self aware and decides that humans are a virus that needs to be exterminated. It could happen! I mean, couldn't it? Bueller? Bueller? ;-;

    But just because we're not dealing with the problems you mentioned doesn't mean we wouldn't be dealing with completely different problems resulting in the same outcome.

    In the interim, I'm perfectly happy with the NY Public Transportation System.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Or maybe I should do KO blow since that is available at 8? Hmm, I didn't realize this proc scales with recharge.

    So a 25 second recharge proc like KO blow = guaranteed to go off ?
    Yea, when you start talking recharge and proc chance numbers that goes way beyond my knowledge

    Hopefully someone else can chime in on that regard.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    And I also have my fury of the glad proc in Blazing Aura... hmm should I move that too?
    Knowledgeable folks have suggested to me that you get more mileage out of the -Res proc in Burn. So I trust their judgement.

    As far as the Fury proc, it was my understanding that it worked best in a quick recharging power. I spam Burn like crazy so I figured it was my best bet.

    For what it's worth, I love my build and this is (at the moment) my most fun toon to play.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    How about Burn? How does it work in that? Is that a good idea ?
    On my TW/Fire brute I have burn 3-slotted with Brute ATO (including the +Fury one) and 3 slotted with Fury of the Gladiator (including the -Res proc) and I absolutely love it.

    My fury bar is always maxed out and when it drops, it shoots back up very quickly.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Velvet Elvis View Post
    I was at a nem invasion, and after a time, the dom bar filled, and I popped it - and then, it dropped - but dom wasn't ready yet. My global recharge is over 150%, and my understanding is 123% is perma-dom
    One word: Lag

    Go onto a mission map and test it.

    Open world zone events tend to cause lag and/or disconnect between the server (even if you don't fully experience it).

    Maybe I'm not using the correct technical reason for why it happens, but for argument's sake, try out the Perma-Dom on an instanced mission map and see how that goes. If it works fine, then you were having some type of lag during the zone event. If you still have the issue where it's not perma, then that's something that needs to be explored further.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    Everyone presumably trains powers and adds enhancements
    surprisingly many people never bother with inspirations
    what else do you use?
    I try to get at least the Atlas Medallion on the characters that I play regularly.

    Depending on what I'm doing, or if I'm exemping, I also use SG Buff Stations - especially the +Recharge, +Recovery and +Knockback Protection. Those come in handy big time for TFs - and they last 45 minutes, which is very nice.

    Since I bought a lot of the Super Packs, I have Team Inspirations in my mailbox. I tend to use those on TFs for an extra edge. I used a few on an ITF last night. Were they needed? Probably not. But it's nice to have a Team t2 Breakfree on everyone. They last 5 minutes. At the final battle with Romulus, you don't have to run out every time a Nictus resurrects him.

    The Envenomed Dagger is a nice debuff to have also. It's one of the few temp powers that I use often. It's very nice on the Cathedral of Pain trial too.

    I'm also a big fan of Secondary Mutation and Mystic Fortune. Even the "bad" buffs are good buffs!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
    I took a few months off, so my current knowledge isn't the best, and my SearchFu stinks.

    What is the general impression of Titan Weapons? Best for a Brute? Any particular secondaries to pair with it?

    (My opinions are based on level 50+ content and builds with IOs and Incarnate slots unlocked. If you're looking for a level-up opinion, just skip this)

    I have two Titan Weapons brutes and I love them both very much.

    I have a TW/Elec and a TW/Fire. If I had to say which has more survivability, I would go with the TW/Elec. Not to say that my TW/Fire dies a lot, because it doesn't, I just think that the TW/Elec dies less. (In reference to 50+ content)

    TW/Fire is a monster at AOE damage. Extra recharge from Luck of the Gambler 7.5%s definitely help with Build Momentum coming up quickly.

    Oh, TW itself is very endurance heavy so you will need ways to mitigate that. Elec's +end power (I forget the name) has a decent base recharge and gets better with slotting. You also get an endurance discount every time you use Energize. Fire has Consume, which is on a higher recharge time. For my TW/Fire, I opted to go with the Cardiac Alpha for the global endurance reduction. That, plus Consume, basically made my endurance problems vanish.

    tl;dr version

    TW/Elec = more robust build/durable, less damage (compared to Fire)
    TW/Fire = awesome AoE damage (Burn ftw), a little squishier than Elec

    Both of my brutes are rocking around 50% Smashing/Lethal defense, in addition to their respective capped resistances (fire, elec).
  15. I would just promote another one of your characters within the SG to super leader prior to side switching, do what you have to do, switch back and re-promote yourself.

    It's probably the simplest solution.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    I see this more as "one free inspiration," "one free temp power," etc. People are really thinking big here, and it surprises me. The release explicitly says "only once per offer," so it's very unlikely to be anything else.
    That's why I'm asking.

    Once per offer could also be interpreted as once that particular day it's being offered.

    As in, you can only claim your goodie once for that day (no double dipping).

    Ah well, can't wait for more info on the promotion
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    The item could be almost anything currently available in the Paragon Market and will change every week!
    I hope we get more information about this.

    I'm curious to see what's not included in the pool of freebie items, more specifically, if it's an account unlock, and you're VIP, how that affects you.

    I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth, just genuinely curious as to what we can expect.

    So with that, Thank You Paragon Studios for this nice little perk!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Autonomous cars.....

    Autonomous automobiles......

    Autonomous automobile robots.......

    That means that the airlines are actually Decepticons!?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zybron1 View Post
    It's designed to avoid obstacles (like people or other cars in the road) so it should stop or avoid a deer in the road or an accident, as well.

    Admittedly, it's taken some time to get to that point, and you can find some funny videos of it doing some really weird things at times in test scenarios. I recall watching one video of it accelerating around a sudden obstacle instead of slowing down. However, it did avoid the obstacle.

    And honestly, once we get to a point where the technology is integrated into all vehicles, we'll have exactly what the airline industry has right now - much safer travel. Vehicles that drive themselves will be far safer than vehicles driven by humans.
    Let's just hope that the cars aren't accessed by your Google Account.

    I can Google having an App for remote ignition and driving for that matter.

    "Don't want to take that pie to Mrs. Smith's house down the block? Load the pie into your GoogleCar and from the convenience of your Smart Phone have your car take it there!"

    Annnnd before you know it, your account gets hacked and your car is missing.

    I also hope that the cars have a "manual override" built in that disconnects it from whatever AI is controlling it.
  20. Back in the day, I used to enjoy Green Lantern and Flash from DC and Guardians of the Galaxy from Marvel. I still enjoyed the popular series like X-Men, Avengers, Superman, Batman, etc but those are the ones that stick out in my mind.

    One of the main reasons I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy was because it was a futuristic look on the Marvel Universe. I've always had this desired of "seeing beyond your years" and it was interesting to me what was going on in the future - how the concept of being a hero evolved, what happened to the modern day characters, how their legacies lived on - things like that.

    I used to love collecting comics. I probably did from like 1988 - 2001, give or take.

    Comics are so bloody expensive these days. Between $2.99 - $4.99 an issue? And then they have all of these multi-book events going on. It's like you need a second job to be a comic fan. Trade Paper Backs have made things a little better, but in my opinion takes away from things that made comic collecting fun - going back to the story every week to see what's new, the anticipation of what's going to happen next, speculating with other fans about what will happen.

    Okay, so I digressed a little...


    Green Lantern
    The Flash
    Guardians of the Galaxy

    They were always my favorites.
  21. SolarSentai

    Cross server LFG

    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    Since he's talking about the LFG, he doesn't have to join a team on another server. The LFG mechanism would toss you and everyone else queued across all servers into a league as it currently does for people independently queued for trials, and you would have to sort out teams once you're in the instance for the trial.

    That instance would be created on another server. That would mean transferring character data (which can be a lot, considering all the salvage, recipes, bazillions of temp and permanent powers) to that server. <snip>
    You can now queue for Task Forces and Trials in addition to Incarnate Trials via the LFG System.

    So, you're not dealing with just instanced events anymore. Task Forces and Trials require you to travel through different zones and sometimes require interaction with street mobs.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post

    I am now hearing the Knight Rider theme in my head......

    This is a nice technological jump.
    While I can definitely see the benefits of this type of technology, it also scares the pancakes out of me.

    If we get to the point where everything we do is automated, we will forget how to do anything the "old fashioned way."

    I mean, how many people still memorize phone numbers? Cell phones have pretty much made that unnecessary with the built in phone book and internet access. Don't know a number? Just look it up. And then when you lose your cell phone, or breaks, you're suddenly posting on Facebook asking people to text you their numbers because you lost it.

    But I digress

    I love technology just as much as the next person but it still scares me the direction things are going in.

    Google's HUD
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha_XBS View Post

    Because I know regular in-game mail expires, I don't think Character/Account items do.

    Not 100% sure there, I'm sure someone else will chime in.
    Character/Account items never expire. They're claimed through the email system but aren't actually emails - you can't forward them for example.

    I agree with Alpha in that I think your best option (if you've already claimed the items then re-emailed them) would be to just claim them and put them in the enhancement tray of one of your characters.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Whelp after rolling nothing but brutes and a stalker for the past five or six months, I haven't looked back. It's starting to get dull but I love my melee characters too much. Any reccomendations on a...Well, non-melee archetype/powerset? I played a blaster as my main in the past and really liked troller.

    Never could make a good corr.
    If you're looking for a "leveling up" suggestion, I can't help.

    But at level 50, with some slotting, Fire/Kinetic Controllers are pretty smashy.

    I play mine the same way I play my Brutes/Scrappers ^.^ Charge in head first, get aggro, and smash!

    If you're looking for more of a support role than a smashy/damage roll, you could always try an Earth/Cold Controller (lots of control, nice buffs/debuffs) or some flavor of Dominator.